» Fiction » The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗». Author Angela Werner

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that time. But what should she see in him … because of his compulsive gambling he lost almost everything. This dilapidated house of his grand-parents and some benefit payment was all he had.

Matthias opened the garden gate and let her enter. “Claudia”, he said amazed, “how nice to see you! How are you?” Claudia of Eberstein seemed very unsure what normally was not her way. Her smile was somehow attached. “Can we maybe talk?” she asked and showed in direction of the house. “I know we haven’t met for a long time and I often seemed denying to you. I was married and I don’t wanted you to raise any hopes. But you've still always looked so nice to Kevin. He always had so much fun with your falconry shows.” She looked quickly to the side so Matthias did not notice how her eyes were filled with tears.

Matthias opened the house door and was ashamed of his poverty and disorder immediately. She was certainly much better than usual. In the small living room there was a black leather-couch which he once took from bulky waste. The leather was already cracked on a few positions and it was pretty sat through but he had lay a colorful rug over it and so created some cosines. In front of the couch there was an oblong wooden table, on the wall a Billy –shelf with his reference books about falconry and wild birds, also a few books of adventure stories which he kept from his childhood. On his small commode which was submitted by his grand-parents there stood a CD-player. Matthias quickly took the full ashtray from the table but then he thought differently and asked Claudia “Would you maybe like to smoke?” “No, thanks. I don’t smoke anymore.” He nodded, said “One moment please”, and carried the ashtray together with a pullover and two empty bottles of beer away to the small kitchen. “I have something to offer her …” he thought and suddenly felt completely helpless. “That’s my chance to please her. She finally came to talk with me. With ME!” He quickly opened the door of the fridge. Three bottles of beer, one bottle of mineral water, some bacon, an opened jar herring fillets in tomato sauce, a few eggs … that was all. Despondent, he opened the kitchen cupboard. He saw a pack of noodles with tomato sauce, a few potatoes, cornflakes and a jar with dried mushrooms of whose existence he had known nothing anymore. With trembling hands he stroked his head, took the bottle of mineral water and a bottle of beer and went back to Claudia in the living room. She meantime sat on the outermost edge of the couch and hid her hands between her knees like a little school girl who is sitting in front of the headmaster for the first time.

“Would you like to drink something?” asked Matthias. “I get the same two more glasses. Moment.” When they had both taken a drink Matthias asked about her son Kevin. He knew that he was suffering from an incurable metabolic disease and he had not seen him for a while. Claudia told haltingly that meanwhile Kevin felt very bad and that the doctors told her to expect the worst.

“He is at home now. My mother is with him.” Claudia said and got tears in her eyes. “He really loves you. He often talks about you.” Matthias had to swallow. He very liked this child and not only because he liked his mother. He remembered how often she had treated him arrogant in the past but anyway he picked up all his courage and took her hand. She doesn’t withdraw him but she avoided his gaze. “I feel so sorry”, Matthias said quiet. “You know, I would do everything for you … I …” She withdrew her hand again gently and sat upright. “Could we maybe anywhere … I still haven’t eat anything today …” She smiled somewhat embarrassed. Matthias jumped up. “Oh sorry, yes of course … Please let me cook something for you!” She made a move to get up also but Matthias stopped her. “I’m a bit ashamed of my kitchen, please stay here. I haven’t got a TV but you maybe can turn on music, okay?” On the door he turned again and looked happy to Claudia. “I’m very pleased that you came to me!” He felt that he, despite his over 40 years of life experience something blushed.

In the kitchen mild panic fell on him. He enjoyed cooking in the past and he cooked well but that was all before his financial ruin. So what? One woman like Claudia of Eberstein you could not serve up eggs with bacon! He also wanted to please her. She even maybe should develop romantic feelings for him … Thanks to his garden, there were at least a few herbs. On the window sill he had basil, tarragon, sage and thyme. When he looked thoughtfully to the herbs on the window sill his eyes fell out onto the large aviary where his falcon was sitting on an antler and preened his plumage. “Can you eat hawks anyway?” he thought. He had some years ago roasted partridges, must be similar. He went outside and opened the aviary. He thought briefly that this falcon was because of the shows his only one source of income at the moment but then he did the thoughts aside, took the bird and turned him abruptly the neck over. Cutting off the head and the legs and plucking he directly did outside in the garden. Then he carried him inside, turned on the oven, laid out a baking pan with bacon slices, filled the falcon with dried mushrooms which he had found in his kitchen cupboard and added a few herbs from the window sill. “With this I make slightly fried potatoes”, he thought and soon a delicious fragrance blew through the house. Matthias looked for a white bed sheet, he got one and spread it on the coffee table. It hung pretty down on the sides, but it would work. Luckily he still had got some tea candles which he lighted and spread them everywhere in the living room. Then he applied the food. Claudia watched him fascinated. She felt a bit relaxed and had browse his CD-collection. She finally decided of Elton John and because of the music and the fragrance of the food she felt a wave of relaxation and gratefulness flowing through her. Now she surely could ask him …

They sat on the table and eat and Claudia asserted that since long she had not eaten so well. Matthias repeatedly sought her view and he felt very excited. These brown eyes, these filmy hands … Then he noticed that he still doesn’t know why she came to him today. Claudia noticed his views and put her cutlery down. She turned to him and looked in his eyes. “Matthias, you maybe wonder why I came to you today. I know I was not very nice to you the most time. I’d like to thank you that you spent so much time with Kevin. I should have thank you before.” She briefly had to swallow then she went on talking. “And now I came to you because I want to ask you for a favor. Surely it's rude of me to ask you this … I know about your financial situation. But I am a mother and I have got a critically ill son who still has one big wish in his heart.”

Matthias took her hand again and pet her tenderly. “Claudia, I’d like to do everything for you what I’m able to. I love both of you so much.”

“I know”, Claudia whispered. “Kevin always had so much fun with your shows. I know it is surely impossible for you because you earn your money with him and your heart is in it … maybe I can buy him from you … Kevin only has this big wish. He would love to have your falcon.”

She exhaled in relief and then felt scared how Matthias released her hand and grew stiff.

Late Christmas-luck for lottery-gamer

She looked so forward to this evening. Today was the second of February and this year it means her 47. birthday. Frank promised to go out with her tonight. He ordered a table by “Josepha” and she has even been to the hairdresser today. It did cost 58 Euro and she was very annoyed about it. Frank had called her earlier and said that he felt very sorry but had to resume the tour of a colleague who had an accident. Frank worked for the German Railway and now during winter there were some colleagues ill anyway so nothing doing. “I arrive home around 3 a.m. and then I will kiss you, you will surely sleep already” he said.

She really should have needed such a night out with her husband in a great restaurant. She felt quite burnet out. First this whole Christmas stress – all was planned so well. They wanted to stay home in peace with the children, not to visit her ill father in the 500-kilometres-away Aschersleben this year; it was her brothers turn this time. Frank’s parents had planned a Christmas-holiday in Allgäu anyway, so nothing against a quiet family celebration. Than everything changed. Frank’s mother called a few days before Christmas. Frank was not at home so she took the phone. His mother cried and was totally hysterical. She told that Frank’s father had a mistress. She surprised him while he said on the mobile phone “I love you”. As she took him to task he said that he has got a girl-friend, already since a few weeks, an old calf love he met again at a class reunion, she was widow since a few years and they felled in love again and now he wants to divorce. After 43 years of marriage, a house, two adult children … Frank’s mother was totally shocked and she felt the same. Then all the plans were changed. Frank went to Berlin and took his mother to spend Christmas with them together. So according to this the Christmas celebration run chaotically inclusive a crying mother-in-law under the Christmas tree.

She felt sorry for the mother-in-law but she also felt sorry for the lost relaxed days. In the new year she had to work soon again. She worked as a secretary in an audit firm, had a choleric boss and some ill colleagues and had to do their work also. Besides there was the worry about her father diseased with Alzheimer’s, who lived so far away. Her son Manuel wanted to spend one school year in the USA. They had very supported him in this decision but it cost much money. And her 12-years-old daughter would love to spend her next holidays at a horse-farm.

She sighed and went for a plate and cutlery in the kitchen. Then she sat to Manuel and Anna for dinner.
“However I’m going to eat with you now” she said. “Dad can’t come. He has to do a tour for a diseased colleague.” The two looked at her apologetically. They knew how much their mother looked forward going out again. Since Manuel decided to spend one school year before the school leaving examination in the USA they always saved money and dispensed with restaurants and even with the recent holiday.
Oh mum don’t be sad!” said Anna. “Let’s have a nice evening. What about a round of Activity?”
She smiled. “But we are only three.”
Manuel stood up. “Well mum, don’t be angry but I have to do on the computer.”
He gave a briefly kiss

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