» Fiction » The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗». Author Angela Werner

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he useless walked through the park again like he did almost every day. She felt her anger grow again.

„Kids, come on! You have to help mummy!” With four small buckets they went down in front of the house door. The goal consignment was canted directly in front of the door like always and had to carried five steps down in the basement. Katrin shoveled a few goals in the buckets of the children. “Watch at the steps!” Then she carried her own full goal buckets down in the basement. It was an arduous and dirty job. Katrin cursed inwardly her husband who would have to help her. She just thought to leave the coal pile for him. But then she remembered the old Karusseit from the third floor who had always something to claim about. The recent time she had also complained that the street was not swept thoroughly after the coals had been in the basement. And when she left the coals for Frank he would be surely angry again.

Meanwhile it was half past five. The children had lost interest and threw in the basement with cinder. Katrin poured out the last bucket in the basement and rubbed her aching back. She took a coarse broom and returned the black dust from the footpath to the road. On the opposite side of the street she saw a woman who already often catch her eye. She didn’t know her name only had nodded her briefly to salute. The woman wore a gray knee-length dress and had her blonde hair in an elaborate knot. Under her arm she carried a briefcase and on her feet high white shoes. Katrin thought she might directly come from work. The woman seemed to be in the same age like Katrin; however, she had never seen a child with her. Katrin stopped and brushed with her dirty fingers a strand of hair out of her face. She longed painful also to be dressed like this woman one day and to come from work where somebody had pad her on the back and said how indispensable she was for the business. Whether this woman was happy there?

The cries of the children ripped her from her thoughts. Stefan had stumbled on the wooden shelf and she saw it would become another bruise. Besides both children were over with pulverized coal. She got angry again. “Come up with me and immediately take off and in the bathtub! I still have to prepare dinner! How am I supposed to make it all the time?” Her voice had taken on a whiny tone.
As she opened the apartment door she saw that there has spread a large puddle on the floor. “Oh no!” The children right rushed past her. Stefan slipped on the wet floor and now was also wet. Wet and dirty. Katrin run in the bath room. She had supposed right. Her son should have forgotten to turn off the faucet. The sink had overflowed and the floor in the bath room was already flooded. Now she really started to cry. For a short moment she felt paralyzed, then she turned off the faucet, took the children and simply put them – wet and dirty how they were – in the bathtub. “You stay there till I’m coming! Is that clear!” she shouted and hastily took one of the coal buckets to draw the water from the floor. Her heart raced with fear. “Oh God, surely it dropped in the lower apartment … how we shell pay all this? Frank is unemployed!” Stefan started crying. “Mummy it’s cold!” “Shut up!” Katrin shouted and clapped a wiping cloth on the floor. “Look, what you have done! Holy shit!!”

Finally the water was wiped up and the children were cleaned, fed and in bed. From the lower apartment had still nobody reported. Frank still had not arrived home. Katrin sat on the table with the rests of the dinner and gazed to the box with the slices of sausage. She thought of the water damage, of the debt of the account, of the coals in the basement, of the woman from the opposite street, of Frank and the smack … Suddenly she felt a complete emptiness in herself. Without a second thought she took the kitchen-knife and cut deep in her forearm. As she saw the much blood she fainted.

Frank walked the whole afternoon through the park like he mostly had done the recent days. At the employment center they told him today that there will be a free job at Wageck & Co from next month and he would have quite good chances. First he wanted to run straight home to tell Katrin the good news. But then he said to himself prefer to wait till it’s sure with the job. He already was many times disappointed the recent months. Katrin mostly tried to embolden him, said to him soon it works, you will see. But that only made him angrier. What kind of family father he was? Simply a laughingstock! From the nice and bright three-rooms-apartment they had to move in this desolate area! And he was simply unable to help at home to make it easier for Katrin. The children simply bugged him. They romp through the apartment, leave mess everywhere and if he bawled at them they started loud crying. Katrin always assisted them and reproached him. He simply felt useless at home. He should go to work in the morning and earn money to make it nice for his family – exactly what would be his job.
Frank kicked angry against a stone which was on the way in front of him. He should finally go home now.

He turned into the Mozart street. In front of the house door he even not noticed that the coals were away. As he opened the apartment door he suddenly felt strange. Something happened! He hung up his jacket and went to the living room. Katrin was lying with her head on the table in between the dishes, blood dropped from the tablecloth. Frank reacted very quickly. He tear off the dishcloth from the hook and kinked it upstream the wound around her arm. He briefly felt her pulse on the neck and then run to the telephone. He only told the PSAP that his wife is going to bleed to death. Then he went back to the table and took Katrin in his arms. She recovered consciousness and started trembling. “What have you done?” he lamented. “What have you done?” He tried to think clearly. She had tried to kill herself! But why? How could she do that to him? What should he do now? As he heard the diaphones of the ambulance he got a idea. He took a big glass-vase and battered it. A big jagged shard he besmeared with some blood. Now he could tell the ambulance men it has been an accident.

As the ambulance with Katrin was away Frank briefly called his mother and asked her to stay with the children. He just told her that Katrin had a bad laceration and his mother doesn’t ask for more. Then he bagged his bicycle and drove to the hospital.

He could directly to her. Katrin felt a bit better. One arm was bandaged, in the other stacked a hollow needle which was combined with a drip. Katrin only faced him. She was very pale. Frank sat carefully to the edge of the bed. “What have you done?” he whispered. There were still two other women in the sickroom who looked curious in their direction. Katrin just kept silent and faced him. Frank carefully took her intact hand. “Katrin, I love you. Everything will be fine. I’m going to apply at Wageck’s there is a free job for an engineer. This time it will work for sure!”

Katrin silent nodded. “He doesn’t ask”, she thought. She turned her head and looked past him out the window. Inside of her she took a decision. She did not want to die really. But from now on she would change her life. Everything would become different. First the children. “I really need kindergarten places”, she thought. “Then I’m going to look for a job. Maybe I will go to a school again. I will not let hurt me anymore.”
She looked now in the eyes of her husband and finally started smiling.

The prevented men’s night

„It’s gotten cold“, Thomas thinks while he’s opening the car-door and getting out. Up here is always a strong wind. Thomas closes the zip of his black anorak uppermost and presses his chin under the warming fabric. He walks to the kindergarten and as he opens the door he already hears the sound of joyous shouts of children; between the warning voice of the kindergarten teacher. It’s warm here and his glasses heat tinting so that he has to take off his glasses first to clean them that he can even see anything. Nicolas detected him. “Daddy!” Thomas fields the little Blondie in his arms and thinks like every day: “My God, you became so thin.” He pets his hair and touches like every day the bulging cicatrice on his head. He looks quizzically at Susanne, the teacher of Nicolas’ group. She nods smiling which means “all right, no special events”. Thomas always feels assuaged with her smile. Maybe he should ask Susanne if she would like to have dinner with him occasionally. He remembers that he even don’t know if Susanne is married.

It was not always so uncomplicated to pick up Nicolas. He remembers days when Susanne called him in the office because Nicolas had to be sick although as per the children’s doctor everything was well with his stomach. Or he cried the whole time or became abrasive and hit other children. Thomas never concealed the occasional bruises at his son in contrast to Ramona. It has been difficult to assure the Youth Welfare Office and the court that it was not him who abused his little son. For a long time he was treated with hostility and distrust from other parents and the kindergarten teachers but since Ramona’s public outburst of fury in June last year this was fortunately over. Nobody thought it’s possible that a mother could do something to her three-years-old son. But because there were many witnesses who saw how Thomas saved his son the distrust against him decreased and he got deep sympathy. Three strong men were needed to hold Ramona until the two ambulances came – one for Nikolas and one for Ramona.

Nikolas is fidgeting with joy while getting in the car. He belts on by himself and it always makes him proud when he hears the locking snapping. “When do we go?” he asks exited. “Soon, little mouse. Grandma has already packed everything and as soon as we will be home we’re going.” Nikolas very looks forward to the weekend with grandma and grandpa. They take him to the Europe-Park included an overnight stay in a fairytale-castle – that was his birthday-present and Nikolas can’t wait. Thomas feels happy for Nikolas but he also looks forward to a quiet weekend, alone in his parent’s house where he is living with Nikolas since the bad events of last summer. He even borrowed a video “Transporter – the mission” and invited his fellow Max for this evening. He looks forward to a men’s night with beer and pizza and much action on the TV-monitor. Tomorrow he will sleep in and following go for a run maybe or, if the weather will be too bad, maybe a repair-hour in the basement. A vacuum cleaner, a CD-player, three or four cars of Nikolas and a twenty-cm high Tyrannosaurus Rex, who can’t roar anymore,

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