» Fiction » The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗

Book online «The lost daughter and other short stories, Angela Werner [good romance books to read txt] 📗». Author Angela Werner

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the police.”
I felt very uncomfortable. “Mum, I’m sure they will come back to roost if I reveal their names.” But she assured me that this girls have to punished. I could not see any pity in the eyes of the police man. He even asked me why the others were so angry against me. My mother said these are rowdies but he answered fights between young people from the country are quite normal. At least he shoot an ad and advised to complain at the head of education.

My mother wrote a letter to the head of education and the three girls got a verbal warning which had no further consequences. But they haven’t done anything to me anymore. Some girls said I deserved a pounding but this was a bit too hard.

My wounds healed and I changed. I learned like the others to smoke and to curse but most of all I learned to pay attention what the others say and to be interested in the others. I also learned that some persons are not right always only because they are more than 30 years old. I even found friendship und I learned how important it is sometimes to hold together.

I was taken a little bit like the princess in the fairy tale of King Thrushbeard. It needed hard things to break my arrogance and my ignorance against the others.

The lost daughter

Even as a child Julia was different than me. I still hear our mother how she said: How can it be that you are so different? While I as a child preferred to lie on a meadow and to read a book or watch insects in the grass my sister Julia preferred to stand in front of the mirror, test new hairstyles on her long sand-colored hair again and again and change clothes three times a day. She knew exactly to say which necklace fits perfect to which neckline, which earrings definitely not go, how long the pant legs have to be (and how wide respectively tight) and all such things I don’t cared for. I loved nature, my favorite subject at school was biology and from begin on I wanted to follow the footsteps of my parents.

In the 70s my parents began to complete the market garden of my father. Because of their neat and diligent economic activities (I remember that in my childhood we have been only once at holidays – in the Black Forest) they could successful expand the business. Meanwhile the “Gardening and fruits Löffler” includes two shops in the city centre, a vineyard and two large fruit-meadows.

My parents had only both of us – Julia and me, we are binocular twins, means Julia was the older one, born 30 minutes before me. My mother had always insisted don’t know why. Anyhow we were very different like I said. When we came into puberty I also began to be interested in boys. Of course Julia already talked about her first kiss a half year before. But I was very shy and the only one boy who seemed to be interesting for me, well, he only seemed to be interested in his books. Julia soon had a really boy-friend who took her with his moped and they went together to disco Saturday night. I was not that interested in particularly the whole preparation procedure before such a disco bugged me. Julia once tried to take me with and to style me before. She knew that. “Black eyelid line is very important, Claudia!” she said. She fiddled me with a kind of pencil around my eyes and I only could blink. “Now some glitter on the cheekbones … well … now the pink lipstick … tell me you don’t really want to wear these shoes do you?” It was terrible and it took almost two hours till be both were finished.

Julia loved, like mentioned, fashion and such stuff. Everything what was “in” at the moment. Of course this included smoking with 14 and drinking beer and once she admitted that she smoked marihuana with Steffen und Susanne. Of course I didn’t tell our parents, that’s not me.

Surely my parents worried a bit of her but they always were so busy with their business that there was not much time for other things. Besides they had me. They proudly noticed that I was more and more interested in the garden business. After school I started in the family business as an apprentice. I made an additional training in viticulture that was especially interesting for me. Julia finished school with worse marks then me but she had an apprenticeship as a hairdresser in prospect. My parents bewailed it but they appreciated that Julia was not interested in garden and agriculture and they left it up to her decision about their future. But Julia didn’t even think to take this apprenticeship as hairdresser. She wanted to go abroad to become a fashion designer and at most she wanted to New York. After discussions and fights for days with our parents she had gotten them to pay her the inheritance. She absolute wanted to go to New York to find her luck there. Already since years she had a pen friend there where she could stay for the first time and then she wanted to look for a job in the fashion business. My parents let her go and I didn’t care. We had inwardly away more and more from each other. But I was a little bit envious of that much money what she had now without doing anything for it.

In the following time we’ve got post from Julia from time to time, sometimes she phoned but only talked with my parents. I noticed that things were not looking up with Julia. Anytime there were no news anymore from her.

We not often talked about Julia because it was so much work. Besides my mother each time started crying if we talked about her.

Business was excellent. Beside my education in viniculture and fruit I also finished my exams for accounting because of my knowledge we could increase sales. Last year at the wine-fair our Riesling Meunier got a prize. However, my personal life was quite on track. I always said to myself you still have enough time to find a man but the years gone and I stayed alone and lived at a small annex of my parents property.

One evening I just arrived from the orchard where I helped to cut the cherry trees. I parked my Opel Corsa at the court and got off. I immediately felt a change. From my parents house came loud music and laughing. I saw Inge, who keeps our premises clean, coming out of the door.
“Inge” I called her. “What’s going on here? Is something to celebrate?”
“Oh Claudia!” She shined over her whole face. “Imagine, your sister is back!”
“What?” I scared stiff.
„Yes, she came this morning. I don’t know much but your parents asked me to call the party service and to align a welcome party. But I have to go now. Your uncle and your aunt arrived and still a few more people.” She went to her car.

The mind was racing in my head and I felt jealousy. When did my parents ever give a party for me? I was always on their side, I worked and I studied and I dispensed on any private life. I always wanted to make everything right for them, I fight for their love and recognition. And my sister? She leaves you alone – with the money of my parents – she enforces egoistic her interests and does not answer for years!

A door banged. I saw my mother who just came down the stairs.
“Claudia! There you are. Imagine, Julia is back again!”
She came to me and hugged me. Then she noticed my repellent expression.
“What’s the matter with you? Are you not happy?”
I felt tears in my eyes.
“Mum, that’s so inequitable! I work the whole time for you, do everything and you never gave such a party for me. With party service! Why she came home now? Why she did not answer?”

My mother pulled me down to the step, sat beside me and took my hand.
“Julia goofed much up, Claudia. There is also nothing left of the money. She bought a small shop and planned to sell second-hand-clothes and self made clothes. But all this was not that easy she imagined. She took more and more drugs, became ill … it must have been a bad time for her. She was ashamed to get in touch with us. A friend helped her and even gave money to her for a flight to Germany. Julia wanted home and wants to work here with us. She is ashamed so much.”
My mother now also had tears in her eyes.
“And you, Claudia – everything here is yours. We owe so much to you. But now you should think more of yourself. We only want to see you happy.”
She stood up. “Come now and welcome your sister.”

I nodded and we went in together. It was a real party atmosphere. Even old friends from school came. I nodded to a few people and then I saw Julia. She came to me and hugged me. She became thin and looked palish and was not dressed that stylish anymore.
“How nice that you are back again.” I said and I mined it honestly.
My mother lifted up her glass of champagne and called around:
“Our daughter was dead and is alive again! She was lost and is found!”

I will not let someone hurt me anymore

She thought of last night while she was hanging laundry in the bath room. Frank had spanned a cord cross through the small room. She swallowed her tears while she fixed the little blue bib with a clip on the cord.

Last night it has been particularly bad as it was actually particularly bad during the last few months since Frank was unemployed. She even asked him to look after the vacuum cleaner which makes strange noises already since a few days. They could not afford a new one at the moment. She meek added that he now has time for such things, would be more meaningful then to walk through the park the whole afternoon. Then he went ballistic. He screamed and then he had slapped her. She should have known. He was so easily upset.

Gently, she ran a finger across her cheek. It still hurt a bit. Her little son came in and snatched her out of ideas. “Mummy, I need to go.” That children always had to announce it before … She took a step to the side that he could use the toilet. “What is Susi doing?” “Cooking!” “What?” She run scared to the kitchen. The 4-years-old Susi had taken a stool for better reaching the stovetop. She had put a pot on the stove and just poured a bit from the big vinegar bottle in the pot. Katrin immediately noticed with relief that the stove was not on. She took her daughter from the stool. “What is this? Go playing!” Her voice was louder than she wanted and Susi started crying. Little Stefan called from the toilet: “Mummy!! Wipe butt!” Katrin pushed her daughter out of the kitchen and run to the bathroom to help Stefan. She remembered that there came a load of coal this morning which had been brought to the basement. Where the hell remained Frank? He just wanted to the employment center and then home but probably

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