» Fiction » Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗

Book online «Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗». Author Rebecca Estel

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When Amzock was ready, Isaac unbolted the door. Instantly Amzock felt the heat rush past him. They walked into the room. Three massive deep fireplaces stood near the walls. A gargantuan anvil sat in the middle of the room. On the left wall hung about two dozen different blacksmithing tools. Issac looked at Amzock

“My striker is home sick, so I suppose you can do that” he said. Amzock replied with a stubble nod. Soon they started working. Isaac would hold the metal with the tongs and Amzock would strike it with a hammer. They continued on like this for two or three hours until Isaac had to make a delivery. After a few minutes Amzock became bored, so he heated up a piece of steel and began hammering. A few hours later when Isaac returned, he found Amzock admiring a beautiful double edged sword with a dragon poised on top.

“Did you make that” Isaac questioned confused.

“Ya” Amzock replied. They both stood silently and admired the sword. Soon after Isaac returned it was closing time. The two said goodbye and Amzock left to go find Elaine. After hours of searching. Amzock had still not found her, so he returned to his father. Elaine sat under the tree tears streaming down her cheek as she stared her fathers ring tied around her neck. She remembered the day, five years ago. Elaine saw son something in the distance. Twelve people in black cloaks approached her town.

“Elaine get inside” her father Fabian screamed as he pulled out a dagger. Elaine's mother Belle grabbed her arm and pulled Elaine into the house. She locked the door and shut the curtains. Elaine pushed aside the curtain and looked outside. Fabian was standing face to face with one of the people in cloaks. Suddenly Fabian fell to the ground. For what seemed like minutes Elaine's gaze was locked with the man in the black cloaks piercing green eyes. She would never forget that face the right of him was a woman in a black cloak. A look of fear spread across her face. Quickly she motioned for the people in the cloaks to leave. A shiver spread across Elaine what could scare such a ruthless creature. They were gone Elaine raced out the door, the town was destroyed people lay everywhere. Elaine walked over to her father and nudged his shoulder.

“Daddy you can get up now there all gone” she said.

“Daddy” she said a little more worried, she nudged him again.

“Daddy” she couldn't understand why he wouldn't wake up. Belle walked over to Elaine.

“ I’m sorry daddy wont be waking up” her mother chocked out tears running down her cheeks.

“Elaine” A voice called out. Suddenly Elaine was yanked from her flashback, back into reality. Amzock was standing in front of her.

“Ya I'm fine" she replied.

“Are you sure cause I'm sure crying means you are not" he responded.

"It's just something that happened a long time ago, I rather not talk about it. She replied.

"Oh" Amzock sighed. Somthing told him not to push her.

"I've got to get going" Elaine said as she got up and started up the hill. Amzock got up and trudged after her. The next morning Elaine woke up to find Amzock loading up a horse for what looked like a long journey. She raced out the door up to him. Elaine came up behind Amzock

"What are you doing." Amzock nearly jumped 6 feet high

"What are you doing here!"Elaine stepped back

"Wondering what you are doing!" Irritated Amzock turned back to his horse

" I'm going somewhere."Elaine giggled

"No, duh. I want to know where you are going"Amzock turned and looked back at her "To find someone"Elaine's eyes widened

"Who" Amzock looked back over his shoulder

"None of your business"

"Can I come with you" She asked?

"None of your business means none of your business, of course you can't come" He yelled! Elaine went back into the house and watched Amzock ride off into the Forrest. Elaine sat there and thought. Maybe she could fallow him, but then again it was dangerous.
The end?

It seemed like he'd had been traveling for hours. Maybe he was lost, every tree looked the same. Amzock stopped his horse. He heard something. Again he heard it, foot steps. Amzock de-mounted his horse and lead it behind the brush. Amzock his behind a tree quietly waiting for the intruder to near. The step got closer and closer. Amzock waited a couple seconds the jumped put and tackled the person. The struggle went on for only a matter of seconds, for Amzock was quite stronger that the person. Amzock looked down a look of surprise spread across his face, beneath his was Elaine. Quickly Amzock jumped up

" What are you doing" Amzock yelled. Elaine sat up
" I decided I wanted to come" she responded. Amzock glared at her
" I said you couldn't." Elaine stood up and brushed of her dress
"Your not in charge of me!" Amzock tired to his horse and muttered
"Technically I am!" Elaine smirked
"Well your stuck with me now."Amzock spun around
" You are not coming with me, you are going home." Elaine glanced at her feet
" I don't know the way back I would get lost." Amzock grumbled and mounted his horse

"Are you coming” Elaine softly mounted and rode off behind him. They had been traveling for hours, With no idea of where they were going

“So where exactly are we going” Elaine asked. Amzock turned to look at her.
“Well. I'm not quite sure” he responded.
“What do you mean you are not-” she was interrupted by Amzock
“Shhhhh” he hissed.
“Don’t Sh-” Amzock ended her sentence again.
“Shut Up” he whispered. Then Elaine heard it. Voices, there were voices coming from behind them. Amzock pulled Elaine off her horse and shoved her into the brush. Taking the horses reins he also went into the brush. Not a moment too soon had the disappeared than two darth lords came down the path.

“Did you take care of the boy” one asked the other.
“No, I ran into a small problem” the second responded.
“Risn! She is not going to be happy!”
“I know Taym.”
“What happened?”
“His mother, she tried to stop me. I killed her, but by then I was sure he had heard me. There was no way I could have finished him off.”

Elaine glanced through the brush at the darth lords walking by. There capes hanging down there backs. She looked the second one in the eye’s. His piercing green eyes looked right through her. Piercing green eyes, eyes that she had seen before. Suddenly she remembered, it was him. The one who killed her father. The blood in her veins boiled. She took a step forward. Two arms wrapped around her waist, and a hand covered her mouth.

“Elaine” Amzock whispered into her ear.
“Snap out of it” he exclaimed. Elaine came back to reality.
“Let me go.”
“Not until you agree to stay put.”
“Fine I won't move, but we have to fallow them.”
“Ya.” The two patiently waited for the darth lords to be far enough away. They fallowed the darth lords for hours until they finally saw it. The darth lord camp.
“Stop” Elaine said as she placed her arm in front of Amzock.
“We can’t just waltz in” she continued.
“Ya. I know, we need a plan” Amzock responded. They set up camp for the night and began on a plan.
“Surprise is our best element. So we are going to need disguises” Amzock commented.
“What is our goal” Elaine asked.
“To get in, kill Risn, and get out.”
“Who’s Risn?”
“The darth lord. Remember”
“Oh ya.” They finished the plan and fell asleep. The next morning Elaine woke up with fear in her heart. She knew what the darth lords could do, she had seen it before.
“Amzock” she said as she shook him awake. Amzock grumbled and rolled over. She tried harder to wake him. Eventually, he did get up. They got ready and put their plan into action. Amzock, being male, was able to walk in without problems. Elaine, on the other hand, had to climb over the high walls surrounding the camp. As soon as Amzock stepped in he saw him. Risn, there standing in front of him. Elaine saw Amzock, she immeaditly recognized the look in his eye’s. It was vengence, ther ewas no way she could stop him. Amzock lunged for Risn, and chaos followed. Darth lords rushed for wepons as the two confronted.
“So you caught me” Risn taunted.
“You killed my mother, you rotten no good pig” Amzock screamed.
“So what are you going to do about it little boy.” Amzock drew his sword.
“Oh thats cute, but I hope you relize you have bigger problems than me. She wants you dead” with thoes words Risn dissapered.
“Shit” Amzock yelled when he saw ten darth lords coming after him. Suddenly his world went black.

Elaine rushed out the exit. She turned around to see amzock consumed by darth lords. She was going to have to go back and find some way to rescue him.
Amzock woke up in a dark room. His head pounded , and his body ached. His stomach growled as he wondered how long he had been out, and when was the last time he had eaten. He felt around, it was cold and damp. Amzock assumed he was in an underground cell. He heard steps, and then a bright light streamed down through an overhead door. A couple pieces of stale bread and dry jerky fell through the opening. Amzock scrambled to the food and stuffed his face. Voices echoed down through the cell.
“What did she say” A female voice asked.
“She was angry. She said keep him, and she will come down and take care of him herself” a male voice responded
“When will she be her?”
“Three to four days.”
Elaine continued her search for help. It had been two days since he had been captured. She knew, she could not get him back on her own. Elaine kept walking, then she fell into a large hole. When she hit the botom she blacked out.
Elaine opened her eyes, everything was blurry. As soon as her eye cleared, she saw a little man. He was about five foot tall.
“Ah! your awake” the man said in a british acsent.
“Um? Who are you” Elaine asked.
“My name is Erlick.”
“Um okay, awsome. Do you want to tell me why I’m here?”
“Well you fell into one of our traps.”
“Wait there is more than one of you?”
“Ya, we are dwarves, your in turin.”
“How long have I been out?”
“About a day.”
“Crap! Amzock!”
“Who’s Amzock?”
“My friend, he was captured by darth lords. I was trying to find help to save him.”
“I’ll help you,

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