» Fiction » Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗

Book online «Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗». Author Rebecca Estel

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The Meeting

laine sat in the long soft green grass under her favorite willow tree. The breeze blew brushing gently across her skin. It carried the sound of birds chirping away. She looked up at the valley that surrounded her. It was magnificent. A swift stream lined with aspen trees flowed throughout the center, of the valley. She took a deep breath and listened to the blissful lapping and pounding of the water. She could almost taste the honey in the air, from the nearby hive. It was mid spring, so the flowers were just blooming in beautiful reds, yellows, purples and pinks. The air smelt heavy of lilacs, violets and sweet peas. Her eyes wandered toward the top of the hill where a small figure was tumbling down it. Suddenly, she was knocked over and rolled down the remainder of the slope, stopping just before the stream. She looked straight into the culprit’s eyes, her little brother Adrian. Elaine got up brushing off her dress and broke into a full sprint

"I'm going to murder you” she yelled. Adrian sped up and ran for his life.

"Only if you can catch Me" he yelled back. A sweet irritated but calm voice drifted down the hill.

"Elaine" it called. Elaine stopped dead in her tracks and slightly glanced up the hill. Sure enough her mother’s beautiful figure was silhouetted against the sun set.

"You were supposed to be in an hour ago" Her mother Belle said in a stern


"I would like you to help me with dinner" she finished. Elaine began to trudge up the hill with hindrance. By the time, she reached her cottage the sun had set. She and her mom walked in and began to cook.Belle swiftly stirred the stew, smells of beef, and fresh vegetables filled the small cottage.

"Elaine could you go out and tell your brothers and sister it’s time to eat"she asked. Elaine opened the door

"Adrian, Jason, Elizabeth dinner time" she yelled.

Seventeen was too young to have to deal with matters of war. Amzock paced back and forth throughout the great hall.

“How could his father lose this war” he thought. His father the king would soon be overthrown by the neighboring country if he didn't do something about them. A shriek filled with pure terror came from his mother’s sleeping quarters. He sprinted toward her room and tore the curtain off the door frame. Inside his mother lay on the floor in a pool of blood. The thick red liquid was still gushing from the deep gash in her throat. She was horrifying white, her eyes wide open with fear her mouth frozen mid-scream. With his fists clenched he kneeled down beside her trying to hold back the tears. He couldn't risk losing both parents! He and his father had to leave quickly. Someone wanted them dead, but who? He could not sleep that night because every time he closed his eyes he saw his mother lying there lifeless and cold.

Elaine heard a commotion coming from outside, so she got dressed and went out to investigate. A carriage stood outside, which was surrounded by a large group of people. The carriage was plain brown, and the horses were tri colored, Elaine couldn’t understand what all the excitement was about. Then the carriage door swung open and out stepped a short semi chubby man with brown hair and a beard. Elaine recognized him immediately, it was the King. Elaine expected to see the Queen following, but instead a boy stepped out. He was a teenager not much older that her self. He looked about six foot tall and was as skinny as a stick. His hair was black and side swept, it slightly hung over his ears and into his eyes. His eyes seemed to tell a story of fear and depression. They were botomless amd mysterious. They consumed everything they saw. They were like the ocean, deep and green. He looked seriouse as if he never smiled. His lips were thin and drawn tight. His nose was perfectly sized to fit his face. It had a rounded tip and stuck straight out. His face in entirity was not chizled, and still had a sort of boyish charm. He was wearing black pants and a white long sleeve shirt. Around his waist was a gold belt, and he wore gold shoulder pads.

“Could someone lead me to my room” demanded the King.

As Amzock stepped out of the carriage, he spotted a young girl about 15. She was about three inches shorter than him. Her skin was extremely tan from being in the sun. She was fairly small waisted and had a large boosom. She had thick black hair that fell to her elbows. It was parted tp the right and occasionlly hung in her eyes. Her eyes were large with full curly black eyelashes. They were surrounded with a black charcole like substance. In her ice blue eyes, he saw pain, sarrow, and the need for revenge. She had big full lips that framed her beautiful smile. Her nose was small and flat with a rounded tip. Her face was round, her skin flawless. She had a hundred or so freckles covering her nose and cheeks. She was wearing a common brown and white dress with a laced bodice. The sleeves were tight to her elbows and lose the rest of the way down. She was barefoot. After his father demanded his room Amzock obediently followed. It had been a long journey, and he needed some rest. The next morning Amzock woke up to a knock on the door. He lethargicly rose.

“Coming” he yelled. He walked to the door and oppend it. Elaine stood outside fidgeting with her dress.

“Hi my name is Elaine; I thought I should show you around” Elaine meekly said. Amzock responded.

“Okay, but I’m going to need a moment to get dressed” With that Elaine waited outside. She had no idea what to do she had never met royalty before. As Elaine was pondering what to do, Amzock emerged from his cottage. His black hair hung in his eyes. He was wearing a white puffy shirt and pants tied up at the calf. Amzock leaned on the wall

“Are you ready” Elaine steadied herself on the other wall

“Y-” she tried to say, but she couldn’t speak, so she vigorously shook her head.they began walking toward the village. Elaine led him into the village, and they began the tour. They wenr by the blacksmith, the baker and many other store. Elaine greeted each person on the street with a smile. Hours later they were finished. She just wanted to show him one more place. She grabbed an old piece of cloth and tied it around his eyes Amzock tripped over a rock

“Where are you taking me” he asked.

“You’ll see” Elaine returned playfully She led him down a steep slope and into her valley. She untied Amzock’s blind fold. Amzock gazed around

“This is stunning” he said with awe.

“Come on put your feet in” Elaine stepped in the cold stream.

Amzock slipped off his shoes and stepped in. He scooped up a handful of water and splashed her. Elaine screamed and splashed him back. A little while later they were drenched. They raced to Elaine's favorite tree in hopes of drying off a little. Both plopped down out of breath. Elaine pushed Amzock“I beat you.”Amzock Returned the shove
“You did not” he said

“Yes, I-” Before she could finish Amzock leaned into kiss her. Suddenly Elaine hear a small voice from behind ask.

“What are you doing” Elaine jumped back standing behind her was her little seven year old sister Elizabeth.

“Um” Elaine stuttered.

“Lizzie why don’t you go home and play with your dolls” She finished.

Lizzie stood up straight a smirk spreading across her face

“I have a better idea, why don’t I go find mommy and tell her what you have been up to” she gigled.

“What do you want” Elaine glared at lizzie. Elizabeths eyes lit up.

“I want a pony” she demanded. Elaine stared at the little girl.

“How about this, I’ll teach you how to ride horses. Deal” Elaine Lizzie pondered the deal

“OK” she smiled. Elizabeth skipped off, Elaine stood up

“Why would you do that I don't even know you”she yelled in an huff.She stumbled up the hill

“I have to go.” Running into her cottage she swung the door open and collapsed onto her bed. Amzock got up and headed up the hill feeling like crap. There was somthing diffrent about her and he had just blown it. The next morning Elaine’s head was still spinning, maybe she had just dreamed the whole entire kiss, maybe it had never happened. She got dressed and headed outside. When she was leaving she ran into Amzock, it was not a dream.

“Good morning.” Elaine said in her fake cheerful voice. She walked past him towards the village. Amzock leaned on the door

“Where are you going” he asked. Elaine began to walk

“To the village.” Amzock stood up straight

“Arn’t you supposed to be my guide” he questioned.

“Are you coming or are you just going to stand there like your feet are glued to the ground.” She yelled back at him as she kept walking. Amzock jogged up to her, and eagerly followed her

“So what are we doing today” he asked. Elaine glanced back at him with holding a smirk

“Well, I have chores, what you do is your choice, I bet Isaac has something for you to do.” Amzock’s pace slowed

“You mean the blacksmith” he asked in utter dispare.

“Yep! I’ll even walk you there” she said as she slightly changed corse and headed for Isaac’s place.

“Were here.” Elaine paused in front of a small brick building. A tall man with curly air emerged from the threshold. Elaine reached out to shake Isaac's hand

“Good Morning, Isaac, I have someone to help you today.” Elaine glanced at Amzock.

“This is Amzock.” Isaac glanced down at Amzock

“Pleased to meet you” said Isaac in a husky voice. Elaine turned and began to walk away

“Well, I have chores to tend, so I must be going. Have fun boys” she said sarrcasticly. The two stood their silently, looking at each other until Isaac spoke up

“ I guess I’ll start with a tour.” He walked into the building, and Amzock fallowed. It was a small building, only three rooms. The first room was a store, the walls were lined with weapons and tools. On the floor sat several pieces of iron furniture. In the very back of the room was a wooden counter, placed on top was a medium iron box with a key lock on top. Isaac informed Amzock this was where he kept the money, but only Isaac had a key. Behind the counter was a door. Isaac led him through the door into a room filled with many large tubs of water. In one of the tubs was an iron chair. On the right side of the room was another door. This door was made of steel with a large bolt lock on it. Amzock pointed toward the door
“What is in there” he asked

“The forges” Isaac semi-grunted. Isaac walked toward the door and threw a pair of leather gloves and a leather apron at Amzock.

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