» Fiction » Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗

Book online «Revenge of the Warriors, Rebecca Estel [best book clubs TXT] 📗». Author Rebecca Estel

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and I can see if anyone is willing tag along.” Elaine stood up quickly, but then fell right back down.
“Careful there” Erlick warned.
“You have been out for awhile, take a second to breathe.” Elaine sat up, and then slowly got up. She finally got a chance to look around. She was in a small hut, only one room. At the furthest b right corner was a small bed and a side table. Just north of the bed was two sitting chairs and a fireplace. In the lefthand corner was a small table and four chairs. On the wall by the table was several shelves and cabnites stocked with food. When she finally stood up a small object came running at her. It knocked her onto the bed. It was a puppy. A small slobbery tounge washed over her face.
“Budrick! No” Erlick called to the small puppy. Elaine got a good look at the squirming pup. He was just about as big as a . He had big floppy ears and a long snout. His fur was chocolate color. Elaine could immeadiaty tell he was a huntting dog.
“He’s adorable” she exclaimed.
“Ya I have had him for about a week. He is a lot of trouble.”
“He looks like he gets into a lot” Elaine laughed as the puppy ran around the room.
“So back to saving your friend. When I found you, you did not have any weapons, did you lose them?”
“Well, honestly I don’t have any weapon.”
“Um, do you know how to use any weapons?”
“No, not really.”
“Then I guess we will start by choosing your weapon.” Elaine and Erlick left his house. Elaine looked around the town. It was very small, but cute. Every house was diffrent. They walked down the street and into the town square. There was a baker’s, a seamstresses, a small cafe and a blacksmith’s. in the middle of the town people had produce carts and grain carts. Elick led her to the blacksmith’s. They walked into the shop. A drwarf with rough hands and a soft smile greeted them.
“Good morning Derin” erlick called to the man.
“Good morning” Derin responded.
“How can I help you?”
“Well my friend here is in need of a weapon.”
“Okay, what kind of weapon?”
“Well were are not really sure, so I was thinking we could try out a few.’
“Okay, lets go out back then.” The three went outside behinde the small building into a field. Darin brought three weapons, a short sword, a two handed sword and a bow with a few arrows. Darin handed her the double handed sword.
“Here try this” he said. Elaine held the sword , and immeaditly the tip fell to the ground. The sword was too heavy and uncomfertable. Darin took the sword back and handed her the short sword. It was lighter, so she swung it. Her swing was off and very uncontroled.
“Okay maybe swords are not for you.” He took the sword and handed her the bow
“Three times the charm” Elaine smiled. She loaded the bow and aimed for the target in the field. She let go of the string, and the arrow went flying through the air hitting the second ring of the board. A smile spread across Darins face.
“Your a naturall” he said.
“Hey darin, I was wondering if you were looking to go on a quest possibly” Erlick asked.
“What kind of quest” Darin responded. Elaine procceded to explaine what happend. DArin briefly thought and agreed. By the time they had finished gathering supplies, they had also gathered 30 other dwarves. 32 dwarves against 20 darth lords, they did not have much of a chance. They would attack the next day. Sleep that night was hard, but required. The next morning she woke up and got dressed, relizing that many people would die that day. She exited the small cottage to see Erlick gathering the troops.
“Good morning Elaine, are you ready ” he said in his fimiliar british acsent.
“Ready as I will ever be” she replied. The dwarves wore clothes that disgused them astrees and brush. They would come out and attack on Elaines signal. She was to sneak in and find Amzock. Once she found him she would give the signal and the dwarves would attack and distract the darth lords. Once she got in she looked around. If I was a darth lord where would I hide my prisoner she thought. Then she saw it, a hole in the ground covered by a heavy metal grate. The prison was watched by two gaurds. Elaine gave the signal. A loud whistle echoed through the camp. Dwarves rushed in swords high. Darth lords scattered collecting weapons defending themselves from the tiny, but visiouse men. The two darth lords absent mindedly left the prison. Elaine rushed over to the prison, pulled a pin out of her hair and began to fidgit with the lock.
Amzock heard the large lock click open. The large gate opened and light flooded in. He prepared himself for death.
“Amzock, Amzock are you down there” Elaine’s voice echoed down into the chamber.
“Elaine” Amzocked questioned.
“ No nitwit, It’s your consience. Of course it’s me dumbass. Now get your ass up here.” Amzock meekly climbed the stairs to the top and fell into Elaine’s arms. Elaine looked at him, he was pale and sickly.
“We have to go” Elaine exclaimed. Amzock looked around there were puddles of blood everywhere. There was no way Elaine could carry him. So he got up and began to limp towards the exit. Elaine got up and fallowed him. She grabed her bow and began to shoot off arrows at the darth lords coming near them. As soon as they went through the exit several dwarves were waiting for injured others. They took Amzock, and Elaine went back into the camp. She looked around and saw Erlick quickly being overpowered by a darth lord. Elaine pulled out her bow just as the darth lord sqewered Erlick with a sword. Elaine shot her arrow at the darth lord and picked up an abandoned sword. Anger swelled through her veins as she took off towards the darth lord, the adrinilin powering her. She took one large swing and beheaded the fowl creature.
“Erlick” she cried picking up the small mans shoulders in her hands. His breath was heavy and light was fading from his eyes.
“Elaine” he muttered
“Take care of Budrick please.”
“Of course I will” Elaine sobbed.
“I died a hero, didn’t I? I always wanted to die a hero.” With thoes words Erlick breathed his last breath.
“Yes, Yes you did” Elaine cried, eventhough Erlick could no longer hear her. Elaine grabed Erlick’s body and ran out looking back to see all the darth lords dead, except a few who had fled. She kicked over two torches, sending the camp up in flames. She sat down Erlick’s body tears coming from her eyes. She glanced around, dwarves were stacked to carry back to town. The law of Turin was the family was to burry there loved ones body. Erlick had no family, so Elaine took his burial as her responsibility. The walk back to Turin was a march of honor for thoes who had died. When they arived back, Elaine entered Erlick’s cabin. When she walked in, Budrick jumped on her, knocking her on to her butt, and washing her face with his soft tounge. When he was done, Budrick sat by the door waiting for Erlick to come through. Elaine’s heart sank as she watched him wait. She exited the cottage with a shovel. She found a nice spot on top of a hill. The hill looked out over the town of Turin and was covered with wildflowers. She began to dig, the hole was quite small. When she was done she placed the tiny body in the small hole covering him with dirt and filling in the hole. In her hand she held a small rock with these words:
Erlick Shutterck
A loving caring dwarf
Elaine said a small prayer, stuck the rock in the ground and layed his sword over his grave. Large gray clouds that covered the sky opened up and rain poured out. Elaine trudged back to the cabin, where Budrick was still waiting at the door. Elaine felt down as she crawled into bed and fell asleep. In the morning as she woke up, a thought hit her. What about Amzock, she had totally forgot about Amzock. She jumped out of beed and ran out the door. She headed towards the healers house knowin that is where Amzock would be. When she got there she knocked on the door. A little old lady came to the door.
“I’m looking for a human boy” Elaine said.
“”Ah. Does he go by Amzock” the lady asked.
“Yes” Elaine exclaimed. The little old lady led Elaine to a small bed.
“He was near death when they brought him to me, I did not think he would live.” Elaine glanced down at Amzock, laying in the bed. He was pale, but looking better.
“Don’t look at me like that” Amzock chocked out with a chuckle.
“”Like what” Elaine asked defencive.
“Like I’m a pitiful little creature. “
“I’m sorry, how are you feeling?”
“Defiantly better than yesterday.”
“Thats good” Elaine turned to the healer.
“How soon will he be ready to travel” she asked.
“A few days” the lady responded. The next few days were slow. Elaine spent half the day with Amzock and the other half collecting supplies. On the third day visiting Elaine and Amzock had a small disagreement about there destination.
“So, tomarrow we will leave for home.” Elaine stated.
“Why” Amzock exclaimed.
“Um, I don’t know. Where else would we go?”
“To find the fortune-teller, Nazgmi.”
“To fuigure out what that darth lord was talking about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Somebody wants me dead, and I’m going to find out who.”
“I’m not going with you to do that!”
“Well your either coming with me, or your going home.”
“Fine! I’ll come with you!” Elaine stomped off. The next day Amzock was ready to travel. Elaine gathered all the supplies and headed off to the healers cottage. With her she had Budrick. As soon as she opened the door he bolted in and onto Amzock’s bed.
“He’s cute” Amzock laughed.
“Ya” Elaine smiled.
“Now take him back!”
“To whoever gave him to you.”
“He was Erlick’s.”
“Well then you better find him a home, because he is not coming with us.”
“Because he could put us in danger.”
“Please, please, please!”
“No, and thats final!”
“Please, I promise he won’t get in the way!”
“Ugggh! Fine keep him, but if he gets killed don’t come crying to me!”


Text: Rebecca Estel
Publication Date: 01-15-2013

All Rights Reserved

My BFF Aaron

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