» Fiction » There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

Book online «There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗». Author JH

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pain- oh it was so sad- missing that one thing crucial that everything else in the forest had.
The rest of the trees had a scent, it was unique and reminded me of the smell of Allianna.
I gathered the rain in my hand and made my way towards the vacuum in my vision.

I couldn’t see. Not with my eyes anyway. I saw with all of me, feeling this pain was as clear as seeing a bus before it ran you over.
It was the tree that I had to make my home from. And the thing that was missing was magic.
I placed the water to the tree and it pulsed, not enough though. I stroked the soil at its roots and it pulsed again, slightly more then last time. I punched a hole in the air it broke the rain cloud letting light flood through. Leaves of the tree began to uncurl.
I screamed in anguish as the light once again dimmed and the pulsing lowered. The sound of my voice was strangled choked with sadness. My own tears ran down my naked body, they left streaks of gold it would have looked insane had I been watched by anything other then nature. I placed a tear upon my finger tip and laughed.
As I laughed the tear floated upwards meeting me at eye level.
One, two, three steps back. Raise my hand. Breath in, out. And sneeze. Hey even my spirit self is a bit partial to dust molecules. The tear splattered into the tree and I gasped. It was absorbed into the trunk and I became aware of the growing thud. The tree was breathing, its heart beat in time with mine. It now had the life of the forest and it would be sustained by the coven for as long as Nyx see’s fit.
‘Thankyou…” The tree whispered to me and I smiled.
The trunk began to creek and twist. Inside it revealed a series of compartments and the features looked like an abstract set of stairs and a room to sleep.
“Little one you may rest in me and I shall keep you safe, forever you are welcome among Nyx’s children.”

It shuddered the few remaining dead leaves and the rest of the forest followed its cue.

Other tree’s bent and revealed their own rooms from which other members of the sunflower tribe stepped out each with a bigger smile on their face then the last.
My physical form began to return and I returned their greeting…until I realised that not only had I just bore my soul to the world but I was still baring my body…
“crap.” I squealed and manifested myself some more clothes.
Tara- Elemental embracer- werewolf-shifter…girlfriend?

You didn’t think this journey was going to be as drama filled as that because there has been one theme throughout this little story that I fear I’ve under exaggerated…I’m a teenage girl and the fact is I have two mates. I have three different personifications/species embodied in me and it has been way to long since I’ve seen a mirror or performed a gig with my friends.
Everything just got so complicated with the whole apocalypse thing but now I’m sitting here with a witch coven eating broth and laughing along with the rest of them.
Freddie and George are surrounded by a group of young witches that seem to be having a personality malfunction as their constantly batting their eyelashes at my two commitment phobic friends.
And I can’t stop my eyes flitting between Damien and Oz who are both staring at me with such an intensity that I’m betting they wish they had their own little tree to take me to.
How did my life manage to get more complicated? I’m sure loads of girls would love the idea of having two guys that genuinely love her but its not me. I’ve always been a free spirit, sex was a great stress relief and now I’m mated and it’s suddenly some great reconfirmation of vows. A bit like getting remarried to your husband which is sweet and well I guess you get slightly different presents out of our process but I’ve always felt it was restricting.
Suddenly the smoke from the grass fire began to choke me, the smoke stung my nostrils and I got glimpses of Alliana. I thought I was having a vision of the future but I could see the moon hanging in the sky, hear the laughter that I knew was going on around me but distantly. I could feel the earth warm beneath my/her feet. Shadows were surrounding her but I couldn’t see who they belonged to.
Suddenly my mouth opened and I began to speak “Ha, you don’t belong here now. Be gone Fairchild.” My voice trailed of as it was replaced by a buzzing and stinging in my ears-my mind forced back into my own body.

I shook my head making sure my mind wasn’t going anywhere for a while. I’d had that happen once before, it’s another talent of mine though it was totally disgusting how I discovered it. I have the ability to hitchhike in other peoples minds, I can’t really control it but I trust that it’s the universes way of making sure I know the answer to some subconscious question. Basically my mind can immerse itself in anothers letting me see and feel what they are, I’ve never forced it- mostly because when I don’t know how vulnerable my body is when my minds somewhere else.
The first time it happened I was 13, I knew about the birds and the bees but I wasn’t exactly going to go and get myself a ‘sandwich’ to satisfy my cravings which were advanced by a few years and emphasized by my status. So instead… well I tried masturbation. Perfectly normal god knows it helped me during my ‘period of transistion’ else I’d have come ever so close to banging Freddie and George, I’m proud to say that that is something I’ve never done. But on this particular occasion I wasn’t quite so sure of how to reach the Big O and it was so frustrating, I just wanted to feel one-get rid of the tension. Anyway next thing I know my minds gone wondering off and…urgh..why am I saying this?
I felt sex, the body I was in was getting so close to coming and I could feel my mystery body tensing around what felt like a huge cock. Reality was this was nothing more then a wet dream, I think that’s what I thought it was. Anyway at some point ‘my’ body reached the point of no return and I remembered the hoarse howl that erupted from my throat as this hand reached down and violently rubbed my clit forcing the last spasms from my body. It slid off the cock with ease and turned so quickly that I didn’t have time to recognise the face, if only I did perhaps I could have gotten out of their sooner.
The body kneeled and grasped onto her ‘baby’ and began to cram as much into her throat as possible. The ‘baby’ was twitching violently but her body was loving it. I felt my hair get pulled so that I was looking up into those eyes…I recognised those eyes then, they were the eyes of my alphas, and my fathers. I did a little mental yelp as I thought I was having a wet dream about my father and then I realised that what I was feeling was far to realistic. I forced my ‘eyes’ down and saw my mothers swinging breasts, nipples firmly erect….The wrongness and disgust pushed my mind back into its little safety net of my body and I quickly ran to the bathroom and vomited.
Of course this was a new power and as with all new powers something about me changed to suit it…This power originated from my urge to have sex, to have an orgasm. So my body changed to try and get this for me. My body aged from that of a 13 year old one to one of a well developed 16 year old one…creeped everyone out including myself for ages. In one weekend my mum had to go shopping with me for big girl bras, panties and tampons. All of which she did with a spring in her step- reassuring my conclusion of the hitch hiking power and that what happened in my ‘dream’ really wasn’t a ‘dream/nightmare’ but was reality.
So yeah be disgusted with me but it really wasn’t a choice that I made. And I just jumped out of one persons mind into a horrible flashback of my own.
What I saw was definitely from Alliana, she wasn’t at the camp now. And the buzzing was a privacy spell, I remembered the feeling when Lizzy Chapman told me what she was and asked for my help removing the boys from her pooch. But where was Alliana and who were the FairChilds. Something was going on here, the shadows were the things that were puzzling me it was like looking at a puzzle and knowing the piece your looking for will complete the picture. You noticed that it wasn’t complete no matter how full it might appear. Something was missing from these witches.
I looked up and across the fire, Oz and Damien were still looking at me and I flicked my eyes to the woods. They looked at each other, both slightly creeped out and I couldn’t help but laugh. I wasn’t exactly hinting for the threesome they feared so much. When I then signalled Freddie and George as well Damien gulp so loudly I swear even witches could hear I just burst out laughing and excused myself from the party heading towards my tree refuge.

Interlude, “I spy with my little eye something beginning with C”

“Conspiracy?” The twins whisper shouted inside my house. Their hair was sticking on end making them look more like sonic the hedgehog then Sex obsessed rock star werewolves.
“I don’t know what exactly is going on but something’s not right, there’s something missing here and I just can’t put my finger on it. When I was in Aliannas mind she mentioned FairChild? I recognise that name but I don’t know where.” Looking at me with concerned eye Oz took my hand and squeezed it saying that “It seems pretty cool here, from what I’ve seen everything neat and tidy- in working order, its peaceful besides I trust Alliana. We’ve only seen kindness and loyalty since we go here and she helped you find your elemental potential.”
I squeezed back but my hands felt too alien-the elemental power lingered close to the surface whispering with the earth but “How did you know about my elemental powers?”
He laughed, man I loved that laugh… “Tara- you may have Damien as well- and I may have to share you but it doesn’t change the fact that not only am I your mate but I’m of

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