» Fiction » There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

Book online «There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗». Author JH

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revelation- the oncomming battle


My neck was stiff as I rose from the cave floor that had recently become my chambers. I could sense my father pulling on the remaining magic of the male coven- forging it into steel. A stupid waste of a spell, a sword that would not rust, I shook my head in disappointment only to be reminded of the events that led me to my ‘nap’. Father had seen me scrying again, of course in his eyes women were now scum any man who wasted his time in worrying for them was worth only as much as the magic that flowed through his veins. By some way of luck he couldn’t harvest my blood for its magic, perhaps the old spirits protected me in reminding his blood that I was born kin, it doesn’t matter really. He used a club to the back of my head to send me into slumber, as the pain was blistering across my skull I was able to look into her mind and find her. Tara was her name. The name of our saviour. The name of my KIRI.
Not many find their life companion so young, and even fewer have a KIRI who is not from the same tribe as them. The process of KIRI and AUNKI is one which lies in both the soul and the goddess Nyx. Together they split your creation into two parts, once separated one half of another joins your own soul. Unlike the wolves and the shifters we are born with our KIRI and AUNKI inside of us, our journey is simply to find the forgotten parts of our own soul so that we can be not only whole as a partnership but whole in ourselves. Once we meet our other halves our powers join and we are blessed with a control we did not know were capable of.
My KIRI however is not here, but trapped in an old tunnel- a excavation site of Allianas and in the back of my mind I knew tonight was the night when the covens would meet to battle. KIRI had to be safe before that time came, she had to be with me so that we’d have a damned chance of stopping this madness.
I turned and began to head out from the cave but the shadow of my father stopped me. “Kai what do you think you’re doing!” He snapped, bitterness spreading through his words like venom in a snakes fangs. I tried to withhold the anger bottled inside me but like mentos and coke it was just about ready to fizz out and explode.
Magic swarmed into me, filling me like no food could- causing me to stand taller then my father- causing me to be stronger then him. I was the rightful heir to this coven when my grandfather died but I was young and naïve so I passed the light for safe keeping to my father. Only now was the light realising that I held its beacon.
There was going to be a show-down before the battle tonight. I was going to have to challenge my father; “Nyx…” I whispered “Allow us the possibility.”
I raised my eyes to my fathers, thinking of my love for Kiri, for my love of my sisters and mother, for my love of the coven and I spoke the words that only I was born with the power to speak.
“I Kai Fairchild, born of Sunflower Coven, born from the original witch. Challenge Samuel Fairchild, wrongful holder of the Salvidor light.”
Admittedly I was expecting a clap of thunder or two but only silence emanated from the plane on which we stood. My father met my gaze with eyes black as the poison that fed off of my coven and spoke with a stiffness I’d only ever heard from the dead. “Challenge accepted.”

And so we stood, the ground felt much colder when I eventually floated my feet down upon it however as soon as the thought was in my mind energy flowed through my toes and into the earth to warm it, causing soft grass to grow from under me. My father, with his still black eyes gazed upon the patch of grass and ever so slowly a malicious smile crept upon his face. He raised an arm- veins standing blue against its waxy skin and as he flexed his muscle the grass withered. I felt it call out to me as it died; asking for the power to preserve, asking for a power I know knew that I held. Nature had never spoken so softly to me before, when I was younger my strange abilities were dismissed- nature only talked to those of great power and I was far beyond that in my youth.
I took another step towards my father, grass growing once more beneath my feet, this time however I made sure that the roots were deeply embedded in the soil- urging them to move forward to spread and grow more of its brethren- to take the barren from the land and replace it with good.
I called up to the sky towards the moon where Nyx hung with glory gazed upon me, I would not ask for her favours now- this was a battle of mortal magic, time for me to use my gifts.
I tore my eyes away from the moon just in time to see my fathers fist be hurled towards my stomach- I pushed gently off of the ground and allowed the air to carry me a few feet to the left away from the blow. I tutted at him, this was the man who used to hate violence- this was always a contradiction to the muscles that engorged his body and I had often wondered where his past had took him. I knew I had to make a responding motion but I truly didn’t want to harm him I just wanted to claim my right.
My palms tingled as my magic swirled in them, placing them together I looked as if I was praying and my father cackled. It was then when I accepted the full extent of his possession- I held no regrets as I poured more energy into the ball of power forming at my fingers- I needed to rid him of this demon. Yes I could see it now, the poison was so close to the surface, using my fathers body as a puppet, it was not like any other poison it could not be sucked out it had to be expelled.
The tingling grew to an almost painful level and in my peripheral vision I was aware of blossom trees erupting from the earth and birds starting to sing. Finally I lifted my palms so that they were facing my the beast in my fathers body, the pulsing bubble of light floated in front of my face- I pulled my hands backwards imagining that they were creating a slingshot for the bubble and quickly plunged them forwards. For a second I felt like a fool- the ball didn’t seem to move but then there it was tumbling into my ‘father’. I saw fear flash through the demons eyes as the bubble made contact but following that initial fear there was a startled emotion as the bubble simply absorbed itself into his body with no further damage.
It was my eyes I’m sure that reflected fear then, my ‘fathers’ only showed a infuriating amount of pride. Obviously the demon hadn’t expected to survive my assault. It stepped towards me this time- only then did it notice that something was wrong, the closer it got to me the brighter my fathers body became. The shadowy demon was now pushed entirely to the surface and appeared to be fighting to claw its way back in. My fathers lips were moving now, wordlessly mouthing in quicky succession until his outstretched hands touched my skin. I let them, trusting it was my fathers action and not the demons, on contact his voice returned and he clearly spoke “Light betrothed- given freely to the heir.” The light increased to a blinding intensity as the shadow was thrust from my fathers body and light poured into me. Power burned my veins replacing them with a stronger material of magic, my muscles seemed to develop paste my delayed puberty and I now had enough physical strength to catch my father as he stumbled into my embrace. His eyes were shut but I knew beneath his lids his forest green eyes had returned, I placed him gently on the lush grass beneath us and turned to witness the demon- who along with its brothers- wrecked havock upon MY sunflower clan!
Swinging my arm in arch I released a rope of power that lassoed around the shadow demon and constricted until he was hurtling back towards me. I stared into his bottomless pits of eyes and tried to make sense of his thoughts but it seems like any important details of his boss had been wiped clean from his mind. The lasso transformed into a cage and trapped the demon so it could cause no further harm.
A new band of light formed around my clasped hand and a sword now sat heavy against my hand. Another gift from Nyx- it cam with the knowledge of my ancestors so that when I pressed the blade to my lips and spoke the words “Touch of the sword-evil expelled” I knew that it would cause to harm to the flesh but was meant to heal the soul.
I smiled, this was way too cool. A plan forming quickly in my head. Hunt the demons- Free my men- March them into battle- Save KIRI and together defeat Alliana and the demons I was sure she was commanding.

Oh boy this was going to be good. I raised my sword to the sky allowing the magic to sizzle up the shaft like electricity I howled to the sky. “HUNT ON”…


Publication Date: 05-21-2012

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