» Fiction » There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗
  • Author: JH

Book online «There are mates, then there are mates ;), JH [simple e reader .TXT] 📗». Author JH

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you down there in an hour or so. Here’s a map.” She handed me a flower and snapping her fingers it began to float and twirl, ink inscribed on its petals it followed me into the house ready to show me the way when I needed it. Lavender…She smelt of it too. Some people think its too strong, and most of the time I prefer natural scents my wolf nose magnifying it to the point that I’d get a headache but on her it was simply intoxicating. But she had to want to meet my twin didn’t she.
I know the drill, I’m a wolf I’ve got one mate-unlike Tara mine’s going to be of the same species as me but god knows when I’m going to meet her so I might as well have some fun in the mean time.
A husky laugh erupted from the corner and Georges voice appeared in my head. “Smooth brother…real smooth.”
“Shut up.” I muttered grabbing a towel and stepping out of the tree to go for a swim in the lake before going to meet wolf groupies…personally I blame twilight, but it worked out alright for me.

The water was freezing. A part of me wanted to retreat after the first toe but I wasn’t going without this wash, it’d been a good few days since I’d bathed and I was due one. I jumped and splashed into the lake as my body grew accustomed to the temperature I became more clear headed. We had a journey to go on, keys to find but with Tara out of action we had to rely on these witches. What did witches need with a war effort anyway? Witches were mostly peaceful, apart from that Lizzy Chapman… I was quite comfortably swimming back and fourth along the length of the lake when I hear this scream. “LOOK OUT!” I spluttered and slipped momentarily beneath the water, next thing I know a spear has been plunged into the water, narrowly missing me. I rise about to tell the voice that I’m not a bloody fish when I’m confronted with several pairs of rather hairy feet. I feel something wrap around my waist and yank me backwards towards the shore, landing straight on my bum I look at Lavender who’s now straining words from those precious lips of hers. Lavender scent engulfs me once more as I watch a purple haze spread towards the rapidly disappearing feet.
She looked at me and asked “Are you alright?” “Yeah I think so, who were they though?” “The enemy…Come on then.” She jerked her head back to the tree and began to walk there expecting me to follow, which I eventually did.
She led me to a large hall, it seemed to mechanical and dirty to have belonged to these witches but all around me was chanting, flames and light were erupting from the witches that previously had seemed so delicate. And there was George in the midst of it helping them aim at targets at the other end of the hall without hitting each other, I couldn’t believe he was doing this. “Bro what do you think you’re doing?”
“Helping out, move your butt over there they need help with spelling weapons and your power can help a bunch. They need us if we’re going to win this war.” He shoved me over to a corner but not before I got a good whiff of him, it wasn’t his scent that covered his skin it was Lavenders…
Reluctantly I made my way over to a pile of sticks and rubble and began shifting through it, letting my mind make the calculations and magic in me bring the ‘junk’ into weapons.
The girls clapped as I handed over different weapons, I was helping in a war I didn’t understand but the longer I stayed there the more I felt that this was the right thing to do. I began creating more and more absurd weapons, things that although looked harmless enough were actually bombs, things made to kill.
The last thing I really remembered was Lavender putting her hand on my shoulder, pushing her hair onto my shoulder and absorbing me further into her scent as she said “That’s it, just like that, you’re making me so proud…”


They’re getting stronger but we can’t understand the source. Nyx wanted to embrace her part of the prophecy why then did Allianna dismiss us, break us away from our family and claim it was us that poisoned the well? The stone beneath me was hard and cold, I hadn’t felt the warmth of the grass since that dreadful night…My father consumed by hate- he too has been poisoned by such wickedness that destroyed Allianna and I know that in only a few days we will descend upon our old coven and my father and brothers will destroy they’re sisters and mothers and aunts all because of this poison.
I had tried to find the origin of the evil that seemed to enchant Nyx’s children, all but me that is. I wished to remain pure so only ate that which was harvested before the problems started, but there is very little and my bones become more exposed each day.
Magic swells inside me…I’ve dreamt of her again. The one who will rid me of this curse, who will free me. She is so beautiful, one of the finest creations that Nyx has ever embodied. But she is weak- the life that has surrounded her previously has been hollowed out, my own heart cries at the sight but the pool of water in front of me depicts perfectly the image of her from my dreams. This is the last time I can keep an eye on her, I know she is close but I have yet to find her…

For a moment I thought she had returned, the nurse from earlier, I had thought she was going to free me but when I opened my eyes no one was there. My wolf and shifter still slept lazily on but I knew it had been at least 3 days since I had been brought to this place. The weave of magic was creeping closer and closer to my body, wanting to get back into me I was sure that my powers missed me…
I shut my eyes for another split second before pain ignited in my abdomen, Alliana was standing over me a blade had just been run across my stomach and she was spitting at me in anger, trust me if I had enough saliva I would have spat right back at her.
“You stink of power, power that belongs to me…Our forces have grown, the help of your little doggy friends has been most helpful but we need your magic to sustain ourselves. How are you retaining it here with you!” She was screeching at me…her hair was greasy and disgusting and a part of me really just wanted to wash it. I pondered this silently- along with the correlation that all bad guys seem to rant in front of their ‘victims’ before their ‘victims’ kick their butt.
And before my eyes fog swept into the tunnel, it started slowly almost so I didn’t notice but then the fog turned to mist which turned into a light spray. Firstly it wet and washed her hair, and then it washed me, the water cleansing and healing my wounds. Of course I had no control over it, but the first of my elements had managed to find me, soon air will join it and then fire and maybe then I will be free from these bonds.
Now I was the one to be laughing. Alliana scowled at me and drew from her dress a small bottle, swooping it around the room I felt a little power leave me. “This is for emergencies…Although before I use this I’ll use Oz and Damien as my barricade. I’ve already made it clear to them that they must help me…sacrifice themselves if need be.”
I’d like to say that I never liked Alliana but in reality when we met I respected her, in a weird and messed up way I still do. She was only protecting her pack.
I lay their for hours, no longer in pain just utter frustration. Water ensured that I remained cool and awake, all visible wounds were now healed but I still had no control over the haunting breeze in the tunnel. I tried howling but it came out strangled, a poor human imitation of a howl- not one of an Omega werewolf, I prayed to both the wolf and shifter god only to hear a the reverberating echo off of the walls. In a last hackle of desperation I sang the song that brought me here, power rested in those words
“Strength of fire and flame
Earth come forth and rise again
Moon shall shine upon your wits until the puzzle pieces fit.
Water shall calm your soul
Wolf shall hunt out for the truth…Air shall make a heart a home
Spirit is for which you are known”
Oh how I missed bathing in the moonlight, I missed running beneath it in my pack and the strength that she brought.
“Nyx how could you leave me?” There was no reply, I was an adopted child of the Goddess- the stroppy ‘bitch’ that I was wanted to blame this on the fact that she was probably busy tending to her blood children.

I gave into the need to sleep, you’d have thought that I had enough rest but the power surrounding me was not in my body, I was hosting two- other- exhausted forms and that took its toll on someone who was practically a human.
The dreams returned, the darkness and warped shadows came with it. The idea that there can be shadows in darkness suggests the presence of light, only my eyes could not comprehend it. This darkness was not malicious in its handling of my tormented spirit, it stroked my consciousness as if I was something beloved . They guided me to the alter once more and their faces became illuminated, not physical faces- the skin that would usually produces recognisable features was stretched across the skull as a web of disguise. It was the metaphysical faces that I could…feel. They were old and familiar, like a family- not each others but mine. Loyal to me, loyal to pack. These shadows were the originals- lost from time only to exist in my dreams. Their hands reached out to embrace me but hesitated as they saw I had no more blood to offer them. My body to weak and bound to be manipulated to take more from my lovers. Oz and Damien would be hunting for me, Damien is of course the truth hunter from my song, he found me once before he may find me again. But my heart knew that wasn’t the case, they were as much victims of Alliana as me- perhaps more so as they would not see past her wicked charade until it is too late. The faceless beings that surrounded me embraced me once more before letting me awake with a slither of both hope and mystery… “The Third Is Coming.” The voice echoed within the confines of my own head, it barley a whisper coming from a mouth that could not be seen, it stirred the wolf and shifter- not enough to wake them but it sharpened my senses significantly. Who is the third?

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