» Fiction » The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Mains

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happened. His mustache was wide across his face and I had a feeling he was about to tell us something.

"Hey kiddos! Your grandma and I have something to tell you." He waited. I think he wanted us to say something. I didn't have any idea of what to expect. "Well, since your mother never had a brother or sister and our family is no longer on speaking terms wtih your dad's brother, your coming to Texas to live with us at our ranch. Lots of our family is down in Texas that you haven't met yet we think it would be a great experience for you to come live with us."

I was surprised. I guess I never even thought about where me and Peter would go. At least it was with Grandma and Papa instead of some foster home. By that time another nurse had come in. "Good afternoon everyone! Well we've gotten Peter's blood results back. He's going to be just fine! He might have whiplash, he has 5 broken ribs, a sprained ankle, a broken arm, and a minor concusion. His ribs are taped up and he needs to be careful with his arm and ankle. And make sure he takes Ibuprofen when he's in pain. He needs to be examined one more time, one of the doctors will be in shortly... After the doctor gives the okay he can go home." She smiled and walked out. She chatted with one of the doctors then he came in.

"Hello! I'm sorry, I need you three to leave while I examine him, I'll try to make this quick." The doctor told us. We walked out of the room and glanced through the window which was now being closed by the doctor, along with the curtains.

I paced impatiently in the cafeteria while Grandma and Papa ate and talked to some of the patients. After what seemed like hours Peter came into the cafeteria on cruches and a green cast, he was followed by the doctor that examined him. He was smiling at us. The doctor announced, "he's okay to go. Have a good day." He walked away closely reading the clipboard he was holding.

On the way to our house, I had been thinking what condition I left the house in. I stared out the window as we drove up my street. It seemed so weird to be home... Like I had been gone months instead of since yesterday night. I stepped out of the car and went to the other side to help Peter out. I took the crutches from off his lap, and leaned them against the car. I carefully wrapped my arm around him and pulled him gently out of the car. I helped him stand up staright and grab his crutches. He limped to the front of the house with me in front holding my keys. Grandma and Papa trailed behind. I reached for the door expecting it to be locked, it opened right up. I guess I forgot to lock the door last night, well that makes sense sense I was in such a hurry. I walked into the house and scanned the room. Sigh. Home. It felt good to be home, but empty without mom, dad, and Trish.

"Well you kids need to go get packing we're flying back to Texas tomorrow. The flight is at 1:30 tomorrow afternoon but we need to be there early." Grandma said. I searched for the clock and saw it was 11:30 AM. She was right we had about a day to pack.

I climbed the stairs to my room. I went right into my bathroom and shut the door. I looked at myself in the mirror. I looked exactly how I thought I would. My short dark brown all tangled. My green eyes were red, and puffy with circles under them. My thin body drooped as I hunched over to look in the mirror. My cheeks were tears stained with mascara running. I was a mess. I washed my face and yanked my brush through my hair until it was all smooth. I decided to take a shower instead so I could feel clean and look clean. The shower felt good. The steam was conforting as I tried not to cry. I realized I hadn't cried that much since Trish and my parents... I couldn't even think the words... I wouldn't let myself. This actually did bring on the tears. I got out of the shower and dried off. I put on clean clothes and felt refreshed. I blow dryed my hair then straightened it. Then put my make-up on. I kept messing up becuase of my shaking hands. When I was finished, I was so relieved.

I picked out the clothes I would wear tomorrow and my jammies for the night. I layed out all the stuff I would need for tomorrow and packed the rest. Papa had called a moving truck and he would arrive early tomorrow. I had a feeling it was going to be a long, sleepless night. I grabbed boxes that Grandma got for our packing and went to my closet. I took all of my clothes off their hangers and threw them on my bed. I took the hangers and tossed them into a box. I closed it and put it into my corner. I folded my clothes and packed them into the box. I did this with all my clothes. I was clearing off my dresser when I saw something vibrating on the corner of the dresser. My phone. I picked up my phone and there were four unread messages. Two were chain messages I just ignored and the other two were from my best friend. I opened them. I didn't even read what they said I just typed "I'm moving!" I did the same with almost everyone in my contacts. I went back to packing. After the contents of my dresser and desk had been completely stored into boxes I checked my messages. I have 18 new messgaes. About half of them were "what!?" and the other half were sad faces. I didn't know how to reply so I just ignored all of them. By 6 PM I had everything packed and in boxes.

Grandma and Papa came up and knocked on the door. I let them in and they smiled at me holding pizza. We sat at the edge of my matress in silence. Papa said, "No need to pack your furniture, we have a few guest bedrooms at the ranch we're going to have you pick out your whole room." I smiled. They must have gotten rich since the last time I saw them. They each kissed me on the cheek and left my room. I put my chin on my knees and pulled them up to the matress. I grabbed the TV remote and watched TV. I ended up falling asleep.


I woke up at 6 AM to the sound of a large truck out front. I was still fully dressed. I got up and went and checked on Peter he was on his bed asleep. Almost everything was packed except one of the drawers in his room. I decided I would pack it for him, no need to give him more work and stall the movers. Grandma and Papa had packed up the rest of the house and were taking it with them. I layed out a pair of his clothes, his tooth brush and tooth paste, and his favorite shoe since one of them was in a wrap. Peter woke up and clutched his side. I had a feeling he needed his pain meds. I went down stairs and got him a glass of orange juice and one capsule of Ibuprofen. He took the pill without struggle. I guess he really needed it becuase I would have thought he would have had a fit trying to swallow that. I helped him to the bathroom. I put his arm in a plastic bag covering the cast and unwrapped his foot. Thank goodness there was a seat type thing in the shower or he would have had a lot of trouble showering. I went back into my room and went right into my bathroom. I took another shower to calm myself before the move. When I was out all of my boxes were gone along with Peter's. I grabbed a bag from the hall closet and threw my deoderant, a change of clothes, make-up box, and a few of Peter's things, into the bag, I would use this as my carry-on.

When Peter was dressed and out of the shower it was 7:30. I made pancakes for breakfast and got a side of fruit with a glass of orange juice for me. Then I made Peter his favorite smoothie with leftover fruit, orange juice, and milk. He seemed pleased with this. At about 10 the moving truck left. Grandma and Papa were sad. I guess it finally hit them that there son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter passed. At least they are in a better place.... I went to my room and grabbed my phone and it's charger I didn't want to leave that. I threw the charger in the bag and put my phone in my pocket. I went and said my good-byes to my neighbors and friends that lived by us. I promised to keep in touch.

By 11 we were sitting in a taxi driving to the airport. 20 minutes later we were at the entrance to the airport. We walked through the automatic doors and I watched all the families reuniting or saying their good-byes. This was my good-bye to Denver. My home town. A fourteen year old girl suddenly moving to Dallas, Texas with her little brother, to live with her grandparents. My grandparents had there luggage from when they flew down here to be with us at the hospital. they obviously were notified by the police or the hospital as the emergency contact. They put their bags on the luggage carousel and then went through the X-rays. We put our shoes, belts, carry-on bags, and cellphones in the bucket and we walked through. Thank goodness we didn't beep, that would've been embarrassing. We sat in the chairs and waited as our flight slowly made it's way to the top of the list. the worst thing possible happened. Our flight jump right from 6th to 1st. Our plane was 30 minutes early! Over the intercom a voice told us that 1st class was boarding. That would be us. I grabbed Peter's hand and clutched Papa's shoulder so I wouldn't lose him in the crowd. We walked through the tunnel, and stepped onto the plane. I found my seat. I had the 3 row back, by the window, on the left side Peter sat right next to me by the aisle. Grandma and papa were in the seats right in front of us.

A half hour later, the captain announced, "We need everyone to buckle up and remain seated until further notice. Have a nice flight." I shut the window. I didn't want to watch my teenage life end. Peter was asleep within 5 minutes. I watched him and smiled. Such a little boy he's going to have a life since he never had it start. The plane took off. I stopped the flight attendent as she checked the latches.

"Can I get two pillows and blankets?" She didn't answer. She left and returned with them. I took the pillows and blankets thoughtfully and smiled. I then asked, "and can I get a a sprite? Thank you." She brought me a can of sprite and a glass with ice. After I finished my soda. I
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