» Fiction » The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Mains

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fell asleep.


I was rudely awaken by Peter smacking my arm with his good hand and yelling, "wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP! C'mon Stephie! You gotta get up! We're almost there!"

I opened my eyes and saw Peter just about jumping in his seat. I opened the window cover and we staired outside the plane. They ground looked fairly close. We were probably landing by now. We watched outside in silence at the green patches. By now we landed. I took my bag out of the carry-on latch and guided Peter off the plane with papa and grandma following close.

We stopped at to find they're luggage before we went to get some food. I settled for Starbucks. I ordered a Double Chocolate Frappucino, grandma got Pumpkin Spice Frappucino, papa got black coffee, and Peter just got hot chocolate.

We walked out to the parking garage with our drinks in hand. We were on the 5th level on the 7th row. Did they get a new car? I was looking for a Volkswagen, but they just kept walking to a black Sudan. Grandma pulled the keys out of her purse, unlocked the doors, and handed them to papa, he walked over to the driver's side. I followed him, but I went to the back passenger seat, Peter sat on my left with grandma at shot gun. Papa pulled out of the parking garage and turned right on the highway. I looked at the clock on the dash and it was about 4. We were driving up a long rode with a few large estates. It semmed like they were all ranches. After maybe a mile of driving we pulled up to one of the larger houses on the road.

There was a double-door iron gate. Papa pulled up to the gate and pressed a key pad and the gates opened. He pulled through. He drove about a quarter of a mile down a dirt road framed with fruit trees of all kind. He pulled to a stop at the front of the house... well er mansion. He got out and opened my door foor me. I went around to Peter's side, but grandma beat me to it. Papa was unloading the two bags from the trunk. I staired in awe at the huge house in front of me. This was new! Very new! They didn't say anything about being rich! Did they win the lottery or something!? Papa put his arm around my shoulder adn laughed at my face. Apparently, my mouth was opening and I was stairing.

I started walking up the stairs passing a fountain and hedges shaped like animals. At the top of the steps there were double doors with steel knockers shaped like flowers and there stems. I lightly traced the intricate details in the wood with the tips of my fingers, afraid that if I pressed to hard it would break. Something took me out of the trance. I turned around and the moving truck showed up.

I ran back down the stairs to the back of the truck which was being opened. I jumped into the back and grabbed four of my boxes and ran up the steps. I waited at the door as everyone came up stairs. Papa was holding the keys to the house. He clutched the keys in his hand, put the key in the hole, then he twisted it. he pushed open the doors and I was dazed. I dropped the boxes and stood there. Dazed.


I was paused in the doorway, speechless. WOAH! I took a few steps in timidly, leaving the boxes. On my right there was a tile hallway with tons of doors. That's new! In front of me there was a room that looked like it was taken out of an mideavil painting. This suited them well. They loved early England. There were suits of armor on every side of the room, red carpets, and a round table with chair surrounding. That was new, too. Something changed. And on the left, there was a large spiral staircase. My eyes followed the steps and they led above me. There was a second level! Papa walked up behind me and chuckled.

"WOW! Your house is amazing!" I gasped.

"And this is just the left wing. Go down the hallway on the right and look at the second room on the left." I followed Papa's directions. I stopped at a pale white door, I hesitated and reached for the knob.

I stepped into one of the most beautiful rooms imaginable. There was a large plasma screen hanging from the wall with a polished, mahogony table nuder it. Across from it against the wall was a king sized bed with a bed set that looked like something a queen would use. There were to mayogony light stands on both sides holding lamps. Next to the TV there were two openings on both sides. On of the doors was closed. I walked over and pulled both of the double doors. There was a huge walk-in closet with different sections. There were plenty of clothes space and it looked like there was room for shoes, too. I turned around and Papa and Grandpa were gone. I stepped out of the closet and went to the other side. It was a huge master bathroom. There was a large mirror that took up most of the open space on the wall, there was one sink in the marble counter top and towel racks on both sides. Behind the sink there was a large bath tub with lufa's, bath fizz's, and shampoo's and conditioner's. And it looked like there was a steam shower, too. I walked out of the bathroom and ran to the bed and flopped onto it.

"Well, that's new, too! Ahhhhh!" I scremed into the pillow. Papa and Grandma walked in, I'm guessing they heard me, but I don't care. I watched them smiling. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you so much! I love the room! Ahhhh!"

"Well we didn't win the lottery if that's what your wondering," Grandma said. "Since we live on a ranch our crops and animals grew well and we got this amazing house. We wanted it to suit everyone interest that stayed here, so while designing it we thought of everyone and we figured that if you or you brother ever stayed we would design two of the rooms around you and him. How did we do with your room? Peter loves his!" All I could manage was a few quick nods. They laughed. "We'll go get your boxes and you can unpack. We will come to get you when dinner's ready."

Within 40 minutes all of my boxes were sitting in a corner of my room. I began to unpack, but I didn't know where to start. I decided to go with hanging my clothes- I was absolutely in love with that closet. I couldn't help being distracted. I'm a girl and it's a huge closet, what do you expect.


At dinner time I barely had anything unpacked I was to busy taking in my room; I jumped on my bed, played dress-up in my closet that looked more like a runway, and admired the view from the couch by my window. So when Papa came to get me for dinner I was surprised at how little I had gotten done.

The walk to the dining room was long, we had to go up the spiral staircase, through the game room, and passed the library. Then finally we came to a room with sliding doors. Papa opened the door for me and I walked through. Peter and Grandma were already seated at the smaller of the two tables it had. I assumed the long rectangle table was for when there were dinner parties. I sat down next to Peter and Grandma.

Grandma took each of our plates and went through the swinging door. She came out minutes later with 4 plates of food balancing on her arms and hands. Hopefully it wasn't something so fancy I would be scared to eat it. She set each of the plates in front of us. I looked down at it expecting something as elegant as the house, it was a spaghetti and buttered bread. At least something in this house was familiar.

All you could hear was the wind whipping through the trees outside, the clanking of our forks, and the slirping of noodles. What's missing? Dinner discussion! I wasn't one who would break the silence, but I was tempted. I chugged my milk and made sure there was no leftover meat from the sauce on my plate. I sat in silence for another minute.

"May I be excused?" Without an answer I got up with my plate, fork, and cup" I went through the same door Grandma had used. I set the dishes in the sink gently then ran back through the door. I back through the door, then went the back the same way to my room.

I was shocked when I got to my room, but also relieved. I hadn't even thought about crying. My parents and sister were dead! I should be sobbing, soiling my sheets with tear my tears! But no! I'm here in a house a giant mansion with my grandparents and brother acting like nothing happened! I didn't even make it to my bed, I fell onto the ground, curled up into a ball and cried.

Between breaths I would scream and whimper. I wonder why no one had come for me. They probably thought I needed this time- They were SO right! After what seemed like ours of crying it began to rain. The pattering against the window drowned out my cries of sorrow.

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