» Fiction » The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Hands of Life, Serena Mains [best self help books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Serena Mains

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I was home alone, my parents little brother and sister had gone out to dinner, but I was stuck at home to "finish my homework". I was actually watching TV flipping through channels. Somewhere during that evening I fell asleep. I rolled over and ended up on the floor startled. I got back up onto my bed and realized it was only a quarter past ten, my family was still at dinner. I looked at the screen and the evening news was on. I guess I really didn't want to change the channel because I was intensely watching a news story.

Apparently, there was a car accident on 5th and Oak Streat. Suddenly, I realized my parents and siblings were at dinner on 6th Street which was like a block from that accident. I turned up the volume and heard that the there were three cars involved. One car was making a left turn at a stop light and the second car wasn't paying attention and went straight. The turning car swirved into traffic and was hit by another car on the left side. They did a close up on the three cars. I was glued to the TV in shock. One of those cars belonged to my parents. I was now clutching the edge of my bed with my hand while my elbow was on my knees whiping the now gushing tears pouring from my eyes. They TV showed the ambulances pulling up. I recognized all 4 of the faces that were shown. The short, skinny girl with long blond hair was the first to be taken away. She had obviously lost a lot of blood becuase she had a huge gashes all over her and a missing arm. Then a tall male with wild red hair was being examined from the front seat of the car, not moving. Then, there were men and yellow suits searching through the debris, they found something because one of the men had called into a walkie-talkie and 4 more men followed by a second gurney came up and searched through the mess. The carried out a small boy and a woman. Then it cut to comercial.

Before I knew it, I was in the kitchen searching for some money, I grabbed the money from off the kitchen counter I was supposed to use for pizza when I was hungry, then I was running down the street to the highway yelling for a taxi. After what seemed like forever someone stopped. I jumped in the backseat clutching the wad of cash.

I just about yelled to the driver, "5th and Oak! And make it quick!" He stared at me through the rear-view mirror confused. I just said "GO!" We were driving down the freeway dodging the traffic as he drove. He kept glancing at me through the mirror. I assumed he was hoping for some explanation to my crying.

He slowed to a stop and said, "Sorry kid, there seems to be a traffic jam or something." I looked at him and sobbed again. Dropping my face to my hands.

I threw the cash at him and yelled through the open window from the outside, "Keep it!" Then I was running, I didn't care about who or what I bumped into. I got up and kept going. I ran 3 blocks to get to the intersection. There were blue and red lights flashing. The police car's read 'Denver Police'. By this time I was panting like I just finished a marathon.

I ran up to one of the police men and gasped, "where's my family!? Where are they!? What happened!?" He looked at me apoligetically. Suddenly, I was gasping and crying into the man's arms.

He walked me over to one of the police car's, he opened the door and sat me down. He began to question me, "What is your name? Who are your parent's? How did you get here?" He watched me and waited. He looked like he was maybe in his early 30's. He had a square-set jaw, large ears, and his eyes were close and he had dark hair. He didn't look very attractive, but he seemed friendly.

I began, "My name is Stephanie Cooper. My parent's are George and Mary Cooper, both of them, along with my little brother and sister, were in the accident. I saw them on TV being examined and taken away. I grabbed the money from my kitchen and took at taxi to Chestnut Street, there was a jam so I gave the driver the money and told him to keep the change, I ran the rest of the way here. "

He left and went to talk to one of the paramedics. He returned and took a deep breath, he told me, "I'm very sorry to tell you, your mother and sister died on the scene. Your father is being flown to Phoenix, and your brother is being take to the nearest hospital. We don't think your father is going to make it through the night. If your brother's surgery goes well he will be just fine."

I stared in shock. I was having so many emotions, I was sad and angry and in denial and others I couldn't name. Mostly denial. Why!? There were so many people around me I was thinking straight. "Um.... Miss, are you okay? I don't think she's okay! Can we get someone over here! HELP!"


I woke up, I kept my eyes closed not knowing what to expect. It was fairly cold in the rooom. There was a quiet beeping noise and mumbling from a distance. I decided to open my eyes. The room was white with tiled floors it was vacant except for a night stand with a lamp and some magazines, a window looking outside, a window looking through the hall with a curtain, a chair, and beeping machine. Someone walked into the room followed by two other people. It was a woman with dark brown hair in a bun, she had brown eyes and she looked tired. She wore a lab coat with a name tag. SHe looked to pretty to be working here, just the way she carried herself made her look more like a model. She didn't look familiar, but by the way she dressed she was probably a doctor or nurse. She was writing on a clipboard, too preoccupied to notice I was watching her. The other two people were a couple of older man and woman. They looked like they just stepped out of a country movie. Then it came to me! It was Papa and Grandma!

I just about jumped out of the bed, but something restrained me. I looked down at myself and I was attached to wires and tubes coming from me to the machine on my left. "Papa! Grandma!" I extended my arms and they ran to me from across the short distance. They hugged me carefully to avoid pulling at the tubes. I hugged them each with one arm.

"Hey princess, how are you feelin'?" She smiled at me and moved the short dark brown hair from my face.

"Honestly, I don't know. I don't remember. I only remember sitting in a police car and being questioned, then I was told mom and Trish died. Then I was so confused and I didn't feel well. And I woke up here. Wait a second! What happened to dad and Peter!" It wasn't a request, this was a demand!

The nurse, my grandma, and my papa exchanged glances. The nurse looked at me, looked to my grandparents, then to me again. I had a bad feeling of what I was about to hear. "Your father died minutes after he arrived here, and your little brother had numerous surgeries. He is now in the room a floor down from you. Do you feel well enough to get up and get around?"

At least I knew he was alive! "Yes." My voice came out lower than I expected. I cleared my throat. I think I was about to have another waterwork, I held it in, if that happened the probably wouldn't let me see him. "Um... Yes" That sounded better. I was now being unhooked from the machine. I got up and I was in my clothes from last night only my shoes had been removed and placed on the left of the bed. I slipped them on, I stood up too fast and wobbled. I caught myself on the bed and said, "I'm fine." All of them watched me with concern as I shuffled out of the room. I looked to my left and right and found the stairs. I walked down the hall to the stairs and began to take the steps one by one.

It was obvious which one my brother was in. There were tall male doctors surrounding the room, they turned to look at me and said, "are you Stephanie?" I nodded quickly and ran the rest of the way to the room. I peered into the window and saw Peter sleeping, I saw his chest moving up and down.

"Can I go in and see him?" I'm not sure which doctor I was asking, but as long as I could see him.

"Of course, go on in. I'll notify the receptionist that he has a visitor." He watched me, I'm not sure what his expression was.

I stepped into the room, hoping not to wake him. Fail. He smiled, his eyes half open. I sat at the edge of his bed and patted his leg. He sat up and I stood up to check if he pulled anything. "I'm ok Steph, really, I feel great! The doctors have been really nice to me!" There was a long awkward silence and I refused to break it. "Will you go to that table over there and get me that bag?"

I reached over to the table and grabbed the bag. "What's in here?" I opened the bag and saw his PSP, a few books, and what looked like a math worksheet. I set the bag on the bed where he could reach it trying not to interfere with his oxygen mask or the cludder of wires attached to him by tape.

He reached into the bag and pulled out his book. He opened to the bookmarked page and pulled out a picture and smiled. He looked at it intensely then he handed it to me without a word. I took the picture from his shaking hands. I examined the picture. I felt his eyes watch my expression as I looked at the picture of our family that was taken a few months ago. I went and crawled up on the bed and put my arm around him.


A few minutes later Papa and Grandma came in. Papa took off his cowboy hat, you could see the little bald spot on the top of his head with his hair combed down. I sat straight up. Grandma came and sat on the bed wtih us, she put her arm around my shoulder and rubbed Peter's leg. Papa smiled a big smile, the one he would always do when he was happy or something funny

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