» Fiction » Ripples in A Pond, Rose Kephart [pocket ebook reader TXT] 📗

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the rules.
“Man Hispanic mothers can be so strict, don’t they remember being young? I just want to go have a good time. I wish my dad was home he’d take us to the park.” The pout was evident in Lily’s voice.
“Yeah, well he isn’t home so stop crying over it.” Frustrated, Roxy was trying to figure out a way to tell Lily that she was transferring schools, but didn’t know how to and here is her friend pouting over not going to the park. She has a lot of growing up to do Roxy thought. “I’m sorry Roxy; I did know I was aggravating you…”
“Oh you’re not; I’m just being a pain. Hey let me call my mom and maybe she’ll let us meet up, I mean you’re only down the street it’s a short walk.”
“OK… do you want to three-way her? I won’t say anything, just don’t want to hang up.”
“No problem let me call and I’ll flash back over.”
While Roxy was dialing her mom, Lily started to think, she really liked Jason but maybe if she decided to treat him just like a friend there would be more of a chance with him…Maybe this year, I can get close enough to him in a friend type of way that he won’t even realize he likes me!

“Hey mom.” …Oh that means Mrs. Nadia is on the phone. …”Lily, and I want to hang out to day, do you think we could meet up, she’s only down the road and I’ll be extra safe mama?” Roxy was practically begging her mother but it was okay.
“Roxanna Elaine, what have I told you… you know what I’ve said I don’t want you walking by yourself?” Mrs. Nadia wasn’t going to give in easily.
“But mama, please, we’re so bored and I’m the only one home! I promise we’ll meet up and go straight to the park…” Roxy was really hoping her desperate voice would help plead their case. “Roxy… baby….if you go, listen you better not do anything careless and if you get hurt so help me, I will beat your hide!” Mrs. Nadia relented… “Oh mama, thank you so much, I love you thank you mommy!!!” the girls were ecstatic even if Lily, couldn’t so much as laugh or they’d get caught. They got off the phone and ran to get their shoes.

Roxy had only walked a little distance when she saw Lily. The girl was bony, absolutely no figure, Roxy would know, she had two older sisters, who had a “figure” and she herself was already blossoming into a young flower. Lily was still stuck in the I’m a little tom-boy phase. When would she grow out of that? Honestly it was not fitting; she was still pretty, even if she had that horrible grin spread across her features. She took off running. Oh no! Roxy thought, please don’t let her tackle me!!! But Lily wasn’t stopping anytime soon, then “BAM” right into Roxy, Lily flew.
“Grief girl, you think you’d have the grace to hug me properly!” Lilly exclaimed breathlessly. She was a little tired from her sprint but she wasn’t out of energy at all.
“Well, Lilly, you just practically ran me over, did you really expect me to be thinking out your hug!” Roxy wasn’t so happy about the greeting she just had, but she still kept some humor in her voice. “Sorry, I was just excited.” Lily wasn’t really sorry, she was happy that her “tackle” had its perfect effect. The two little ladies dusted off and continued their walk to the park. When they reached their destination the both went straight to the swings. They weren’t really into slides anymore, those were for babies, and they were mature 12 year olds'.

Lily watched Roxy swing curiously, Roxy seemed like she had something on her mind but she wasn’t sharing. I wonder what’s wrong; she never keeps anything from me. Lily thought, Maybe I should ask…no maybe not it’s her business. Lily continued to swing without saying a word but Roxy’s silence was on Lily’s mind.

“I have to tell you something…and it’s not a good something.” Roxy finally blurted, she’d been trying to start this conversation but no words had left her sealed lips until now. She almost regretted the action already. Lily had stopped swinging and was fully facing her. Great the one time Lily has to give someone her undivided attention is now! Roxy thought irritably. OK so I just need to get on with it before she starts to ask questions I’m not ready for.
“Okay Lily, here it is… man this really sucks, but uh, um...”
“Spit it out Roxanna!” Lilly blurted, she seemed a little panicky.
“I’m not going to our school next year! My parents are transferring me because it cost too much. I won’t get to see you…” Roxy watched Lily’s face; she seemed to draw into herself just a bit. Then she slowly started to move on the swing, making it rock slowly.
“So…I guess we won’t get to hang out too often then…” Lily stated, almost like it was a fact, she was sort of quiet, taking in every detail of what this new information meant.
“I know it sucks, I wish that I didn’t have to leave but it’s not really my choice.” Roxy was trying to make things smoother.
“Oh I know it’s not your fall girl, we’ll just have to find other times to hang out, like weekends, and maybe Christmas break and things.” Lily said, trying to be cheerful. She didn’t want to ruin their day because Roxy was transferring. She still had other friends; none of them were Roxy though. The seventh grade already seemed bleak, and neither of them had even started it yet.
“Yeah, this stupid situation will not be the end of us, no way! We can find ways around anything!” Roxy said half-halfheartedly. But neither of them was too “halfhearted” anymore.

The rest of the girls time spent at the park were discussing when they would hang out, and how every week they’d call each other. They were adamant about not losing their friend ship. Nothing would come between them; they made a pact that day, in the simple park, on the swings.


Lily walked home, rather sad, they weren’t allowed to stay at the park after dark so when the sun started to fade they said their goodbyes and headed home. Lily didn’t really understand everything about Roxy not attending the school anymore. They had been in private school for two years together and now Roxy was leaving. How would she handle this, Roxy had been the only girl in her grade that she got along with, the only won that didn’t care if she was a tom-boy and preferred sports over shopping. Great, she thought now I have to try and start over…I wish Roxy wasn’t leaving… she couldn’t change the truth though, so she would have to face it. Next year would be a little hard but she could hand anything. She would stick to her plan to be “only” friends with Jason, and to be “one of the guys”. That would make up for her lost time with her best friend.

Roxy had done what she needed to, but that didn’t lift any of the weight on her shoulders. She had been to public school before, but wasn’t looking forward to returning. She would miss her friend. All the quirks and everything, the crazy way she did everything, and the loudness of her Hispanic self. Oh she would miss her. She’d make sure Jason kept her straight and didn’t tease her too much, because that simply wouldn’t do. We agreed to write letters, and talk on the phone. I really hope it’s enough. We will have to plan sleepovers and outings that we can go on together. It will all work out…. God, please help my friend ship with Lily, and help her to get to know you better. We might both be Christians but I’m not sure she’s as close to you as she needs to be. Thank you Lord. Roxy had just did something major on Lily’s behalf even if she didn’t realize it, but one day she would know.


The rest of summer flew by and the two best friends really didn’t get to hang out that often. They had planned a few sleepovers and they actually happened, but the dawning school year was every present in their minds.
They would be in spate school leading two separate lives, only hoping for the harmony they had, had their fifth and sixth grade years.

Chapter 4
“The School Year begins”

“Hey Lilly, nice to see you, you haven’t changed much over the summer.” That voice… oh no…. Robert Smith. Great he was so annoying last year! Why does he have to be the first one to spot me! “Oh, Hey Robby, I didn’t see you, you’ve grown a little…” Lily stated trying to sound happy to see him. Robert was a year younger than her and had been a thorn in Lily’s side since she started school in the fifth grade.
“Haha, a little I’ve grown a whole inch and a half! That is not a little bit.” Robert said trying to sound like a man.
“Yeah you’re something else, shoot; you don’t look like you’ve grown.” Lily said, now definitely showing her aggravation with him. That’s when he walked up, now he had defiantly grown, grief he was like a whole foot taller than Lily, oh my, his eyes, his hair, grief his height! He’s gorgeous! Lily thought staring up at Jason who had just appeared like some angle straight from hell, she hadn’t seen him but expected to, and now, here he was all56 foot10 glory of him. Oh I will not think this anymore! FRIENDS! FRIENDS! She was able to snap out of her insane thoughts long enough to actually greet him.
“Hi, Jason… wow, you’re really tall.” Lily said as she mentally kicked herself for the lame greeting, but he replied smoothly.
“Hey Lily, you haven’t, but it’s still nice to see you… even from all the way up here.” He said making a joke which actually kind of stung, even in all its lameness, but she laughed anyway.
“Well down here isn’t so bad if I have you know, at least I don’t look like a speckled giraffe.” Lily said smartly, it wasn’t the cleverest thing to come up with but he shut up none the less.
I really hope the rest of the year doesn’t turn out like this first day. Lily sighed to herself, time to make amends before the real weapons are drawn.
“Okay, so it’s just us this year, friends?” Lily let out her hand to initiate a handshake. Jason just looked at her like she was someone else for a second and then agreed. “Yeah, there’s no point in not.” Jason stated nonchalantly.
“Oh and sorry Robby, I shouldn’t have reacted like that.” Lily replied trying to smooth things over with an almost arch enemy.
“Yea we’re cool, as long as your admitting it was your fault.” Robby said, knowing it was annoying her. The blood cooled just a little in her veins and she replied “It wasn’t my fault you were born, but I’ll take the blame for the latest dispute.” That was enough to really get his ego, but he’d never admit that it did. He just smirked and walked away.

The rest of the day went by quickly, Lilly hung out with Jason at lunch and they played a little catch with
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