» Fiction » Ripples in A Pond, Rose Kephart [pocket ebook reader TXT] 📗

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his new football. He had taught her how to throw a foot ball in the 5th grade and now she was almost as good as him. He kept reminding her that she never would be though. After lunch they had three more classes that basically ran over what the year would be like.
At the end of school they said goodbye and Jason convinced Lilly, to lay off Robby, it would make the year less horrible.


Later the same day, Roxy called Lilly to tell her all about her first day. It turns out Roxy had a better first day that Lilly, all of her old friends from the fourth grade were in her classes and she was signed up for chorus and art classes. Lilly told her about her day and they both agreed that it sucked. But to make the most of it they left that subject alone.
They would be hanging out that Sabbath because Roxy had convinced her mom to let her go to Lilly’s church, which would smooth over a long week. Until then, Lilly would be dealing with her disdain for Robby, and her irrefutable crush on Jason. Life was good.

After school Jason and Robby went to Jason’s house. His mom wouldn’t be home so they could chill in peace. Robby’s parents were busy so he’d be free for awhile. The guys just say there for awhile not saying anything just looking around and lounging on the sofa when Robby pipes up. “Hey Jay, that game we had going was pretty hot wasn’t it?”
“Oh yea, it was good. You saw that awesome interception I had?” Jason asked enthusiastically.
“Yea man it was pretty cool, you jumped like three feet in the air!” Robby didn’t really want to talk about Jason’s achievements in football, but that’s all they had to talk about currently.
“You know maybe I should join a team. Share my talent with other people, I mean that’s what Jesus would do.” The superiority is Jason’s voice was sickening. How one person can be so conceited? Robby thought. Maybe I should change the subject before this becomes a head ache.
“Yeah I think I should join a team, they could really use this skill, ha, and I could probably even help the coach!” Jason continued on, he was totally in his own self glorified world. “You know Jay, there’s flag football teams centered around Jesus and being Christ- Like maybe you should join since you want to share your “skills”. Robby said emphasizing that Jason wasn’t being a true Christian. Jason didn’t get the drift though, he continued on in his reveling.
“You know, Damington High has a good football team, maybe I should join. I mean I’d be an amazing running back, and I could even try for quarterback.” Jason excitedly said. “Damington High…you’ve been in private school your whole life. What makes you think you’re ready for the switch?” Robby burst out. His frustration was mounting. I’m ready to go home this idiot is on my last nerve. “Gee Robby settle down, it’s a high school I’m in the seventh grade, and I have plenty of time to think it over. Okay, it’s not your business anyway. I can’t stand Mrs. James and that’s a main reason I can’t wait to leave.” Jason’s defense was accurate; Mrs. James was a rather annoying teacher that didn’t mean he needed to leave though. “Whatever Jay, you’re right it’s not my business and I’m glad it isn’t.” Robby was finished talking to Jason he just wanted to go home. “Hey Robby, you know how you were talking about the flag football teams? Maybe we should sign up for that?” this was Jason’s idea of an apology for his selfishness.
“Well we could, the sign up sheet is at the Methodist church down Duval Street.” Robby wasn’t really interested in signing up but he could tell Jason was trying to be nice so he’d play along for awhile.
“Cool, how bout Monday?”
“Sure, if you’re really interested…..” the doubt was evident in Robby’s statement.
“Oh yea man, it’ll be great, flag will get us ready for the real thing.” Jason was starting to steer towards their previous topic and Robby wasn’t having that.
“Hey, uh I’m bored; you want to play God of War?” “Hahaha are you ready for me to kick your butt into the next millinium with my nasty, sick, ninja cunningness.” Jason added, in all arrogance. Robby was at this point annoyed to no end, but couldn’t help but laugh for Jason’s insane stupidity. In an effort to change the subject he had just made a huge mistake, Jason was king, at that game and always reminded Robby of it. “Dang, I don’t want to hear anymore of his bragging today!!!” Robby thought as he went to get the controls.

Later when Mrs. Russell came home and Robby left, Jason went to his room. He sat on his bed for a minute, no real thoughts running through his minds. But then curiosity struck him. “Why was Robby so…anal today? It’s like he didn’t want to be hanging around me.” He thought. “Did I do something?” as if someone was speaking to him he heard a voice. “You have an “I” problem.” Jason was stunned, “Where in the world did that come from!” he still hadn’t said anything but the voice in his head had been so real as if it heard him….could it be God? The voice didn’t say anything else, it was gone. Jason sat there again, wondering what the voice...God had meant. “An “I” problem? That doesn’t make sense, I don’t have an “I” problem, I’m perfectly fine. There hasn’t been someone as nice and devoted as…Oh… I’m so sorry Lord, I have been so full of myself…God help me to change. I don’t want to be a selfish person... Amen.”


God today has been a rough day. Help me to fit in Lord. Um I know I don’t pray very often, but I’m really sincere. I’ll try and get consistent. Just please lend me a hand. Amen. That night Lily went to bed not knowing all the crazy things headed her way, but she was content that God would take care of.

Chapter 5
“Adventure in Our Mist”

The school year was going great; Lil and Sonya hadn’t had an argument in over two weeks and were steadily getting closer to each other. Sonya had a new best friend named Yvette; Yvette was a shy little girl but really sweet.
Lily and Roxy hadn’t got to hang out as much or talk on the phone so they were planning several outings with each other. Lily would be turning 13 in two months and Roxy soon after her. Both the girls couldn’t wait to become official teenagers! Mrs. Nadia was taking Roxy and Lily to the park while she went shopping. They would have a great time hanging out sense they hadn’t been able to in a whole month.
“I’m so glad your mom asked my mom if I could come with y’all today.” Lily said
“Oh it was all my idea, I figured we could hang out while mom went shopping, she always goes shopping on Sundays.”
“Well thanks; I’d probably be home bored if she hadn’t called. Sonya is having Yvette over, and even though she’s nice they’re still annoying.”
“Yep no problem, we needed to hang out.
The girls continued chatting while Mrs. Nadia was driving them over to the park. The ride wasn’t very long, 30 minutes later they were being instructed on safety while they were there. “No talking to strangers, remember you are both young ladies, and please, please be safe I don’t want any scraped knees when I get back.” Mrs. Nadia said, she was smiling but both girls knew she was serious. “Yes ma’am” they echoed at the same time “Jinx” they said again, and then rushed to knock on wood. Roxy beat Lily to it so Lily wasn’t aloud to speak till Roxy said her name.
“Bye mom, love you!” Roxy yelled from a tree. “Bye girls have fun!” Lily waved and Roxy screamed her thanks again.
“Hahahaha, you can’t talk!” Roxy said, in a taunting voice. Lily didn’t care she ran off.
“Lily wait, I’m just kidding!” Roxy yelled behind her. She skidded to a stop and turned around with a huge smile on her face.
“Hehehehe, now who’s laughing you said my name! You messed up your won jinx!” Lily laughed as she said it, Roxy had actually fallen for the bait, this was a once in a life time thing.
“Junk, OK so fin you can talk but I’ll get you again.” Roxy licked out her tongue and they both ran for the swings.
The girls had been talking and swinging in the park for a half hour when Jason and Robbie rode up on their bikes. As if the guys had on special glasses or something they immediately spotted the girls swinging and started for them. “Hey Jason, we can sneak up on the from behind the swing set by those trees and scare them.” Mischievous tendency laced Robbie’s comment.
“Okay let’s go!” Jason said. They both stalked towards the girls, they weren’t very stealthy either because Lily and Roxy jumped up and said “Hey Guys!” right before the boys made it to the edge of the swings. This action actually scared Jason and Robbie more than they could have dream of scaring the girls. Giggles of laughter exploded from each girl as the boys jumped back and fell with shock.
“That’s what you get for trying to sneak up on us.” Lily said indignation ever present.
“Yea, next time you’ll be gentlemen and walk up nicely.” Superiority always laced Roxy’s words but now she sounded like a small queen. The guys got up and brushed off; Robbie was the first one to say anything.
“Whatever, you wouldn’t have heard us coming if it wasn’t f or big foot over here.”
“Hey now, you’re the one with absolutely no skills what so ever!” Jason said defensively.
“Actually” Lily cut in, “You both were very loud and we could hear your laughter from the other side of the parking lot.” This was a huge exaggeration but it didn’t matter the point was taken.
They all decided to swing for awhile and then went to the marry-go-around. Since Jason was the tallest and quite stronger than the rest he swung them around and then hopped on. The sat on the spinning disk holding on very tightly so they wouldn’t fly off. It was a lot of fun. Roxy enjoyed talking to the two guys; she didn’t see them as often as Lily did so even if they were mildly obnoxious it was fun. The girls were only at the park for an hour and a half when Mrs. Nadia picked them up. They said good bye to the guys and left. Lily and Roxy went to Roxy’s house and played until Mrs. Tyler came and got Lily. They wouldn’t see each other again for a year.


The school year flew by and before they knew it school was almost over.
“Only two months left before summer, I wonder where our end of the year field trip will be.” Jason said to Lily. They’d been hanging out a lot; there were four of them, Jason, Robbie, Daniel and Lily. Yes three guys and one girl. Daniel was older than the other three but since he was like a borderline nerd no one really hung out with him. This little clique let him in willingly. They’d all been great friends for about five months of school and were generally always together. Jason had begun to like hanging out with Lily, she
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