» Fiction » Ripples in A Pond, Rose Kephart [pocket ebook reader TXT] 📗

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“Whoa! Sonya check it out!” Felicity Anne Tyler screamed as she ran to get her little sister. The first flowers had just bloomed from their wisteria plant, and Felicity loves wisteria. Sonya loves all types of flowers, so Felicity knows she will want to see the new blossoms. “Oh Lily, their so pretty I like them a lot, do you think Mommy will mind if I pick some?” Sonya burst out. Lily is a nickname given to Felicity when she was really little, her aunts had tried to give her a horrible nickname but Mom saved the day with the nickname Lily, her favorite flower. “Mmmm, I don’t think Mom will mind too much, let’s see what she thinks.” Both the girls run into the house to find their mother and present their new discovery. Of course Mom loves the flowers but reminds Sonya not to pick too many of them.
The girls disappear again, outside into the summer heat. Sonya just had her 8th birthday; she thinks she’s so grown now but she’s still a little girl. Lily will be 11 in the fall. The girls can’t wait to start school. They’ve both been home schooled all their lives, school will be an awesome adventure. This summer will end soon and the new life that awaits them is shining.

Chapter 1
“The Beginning, of the End”

“Oh My Goodness, Sonya why do you always have to take my stuff?!” Lily screamed across the room. “You take my stuff all the time!” Sonya yelled back. The girls had been having the same argument for weeks. One of them is always on the other’s nerves. Why couldn’t they just get along? Lily wished she didn’t argue with her sister but they are so different! Ever since they started school the year before, Sonya had taken a huge turn in her personality. She was now too ‘sophisticated’ for anyone else around her. But Lily isn’t without her faults. She’s so enamored with ‘guys’ that she barely gave Sonya any attention at all, she was too busy gawking over her first crush and hanging with her new best friend Roxy.
On the first day of school Roxy and Lily clicked like two lost pieces of a puzzle. They were practically inseparable. Everywhere Roxy went, Lily went, everywhere Lily went, Roxy was there. They have so many things in common, including their mutual like of Jason he is the same age as Lily, but she’s too intimidating for him to even think about noticing her. Roxy on the other hand, is sweet and cute she has been Jason’s friend for a long time, and there really good friends. Lily and Roxy are now in the 6th grade along with the infamous Jason. The three of them are really good friends and hang out all the time. Roxy and Jason are more on the popular side because everyone knows them, but Lily is still finding her niche in this semi new environment.
At home, life has changed gastronomically. When the girls were home-schooled they’d been so close to each other, but ever sense they started, they’ve grow apart by leaps and bounds. Not to mention Dad started his construction business the same year they started school. Mom is now working as Dad’s secretary so a lot of responsibility has fallen to Lily. Stress is running rapid in the Tyler family.


“Roxy, I’ve been thinking maybe I should try out for the girls’ soccer team, what do you think?” Lily had been wondering about it for awhile, she’d asked a few of her guy friends but they gave negative responses. “I wish I could just do something fun and it not matter who’s watching, I’m tired of caring what others think”. Lily thought to herself. But she still had to ask her best friend opinion on the matter.

“Well the soccer team seems to have fun, if it’s something you’re really interested in go for it.” Roxy knew this question was coming so she’d already thought of her answer. Roxy doesn’t really enjoy playing sports as much as she like cheering on the team playing, but she was going to leave her biased thoughts out of it. “Lily really needs to start making her own decisions and stop trying to fit in so hard, gosh! ... actually you know what I’m going to tell her that right now.” Lily had been speaking throughout Roxy’s thoughts, “… and maybe I should drop my art class.” “Lily, why do you have to try and do everything? Can’t you just be content to hang out and have fun with your friends? What’s got you all into soccer now? You don’t even like soccer, and all those chicas are really mean! I mean come on; you love the art department, why would you drop it anyway?” Roxy had finally gotten out her thoughts. It felt good to make Lily actually think about her latest actions.

Lily just stood there looking shocked that Roxy had confronted her like that; she knew she had been getting on her nerves a little but she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t happy; all she wanted to do was try something new. “…I don’t know it just seemed interesting….” Lily faded out. Her friend let out a loud sigh. “Girl come on, your great just chill out and do what you love. You enjoy art class and your music is coming great, maybe you should focus on that instead of trying to “try” every new thing.”
She is right, but dang I mean she can be happy with everything it’s like she’s never stressed out, but she’s right…I’ll just chill out and hang out. Maybe I can just be positive and things will get better.” “Okay Roxanne, again you’re right, I’ll calm down, hey maybe we can hang out this Sabbath, maybe go to the springs?” The girls had been walking to their last classes while talking and now it was time to split before they were late. “Mmm, I’ll ask my mom, would you want to bring Jason along?” Ew not Jason again, I don’t want to be bothered by thoughts of IT.” “I’d prefer it was just us… if you don’t mind?” Lily said, trying not to sound annoyed by the thought of him. “Okay well I’ll ask mom, I’m sure she’ll say yes.”

“Okay later, thanks for setting me straight.” Lily exclaimed, and she was happy now. “No problem, what are friends for anyway?” “Yea, yea, whatever talk to you later!” “Bye!” and they took off for, Social Studies and English.

Chapter 2
“Mr. Jock”

“Did you guys see that? It was an amazing touch down! He snatched that ball right out of the McGee’s reach!” Jason was practically red with excitement over the Jaguar’s interception. “Yes! We heard you the first time you said it, you over excited baboon!” Lily said exasperated at Jason for repeating himself once again, she loved football, enjoyed playing the game and watching it, but Jason was on her last nerve. Why couldn’t he just chill out. Man why’s everything have to be over expressed with him!
“Gee Lil, why you “tripin” I’m just having some fun, dang cheer up, you’ve been a downer this whole time.” Jason said, kind of annoyed at Lily too.
The gang had been hanging out at Jason’s house to work on a science project due on Monday, but if you can’t already tell they had gotten side tracked by one of the many Sunday games showing on ESPN.
“Guys would you both chillax, we’re supposed to be working on the lemon battery anyway, we all got side tracked and now we need to get focused on the real work at hand.” Roxy said with her usual air of authority.
“Oh yea, leave it to the “oh so powerful” Roxanna to spoil the fun, what are you girls conspiring against me?” Jason said playfully, he was already over Lily’s remark.
“No, we’re not “conspiring” against you, but honestly can you not settle down? And girl your right we need to get back to work, my teams’ losing anyway.” Lily said with a fake nonchalance as she got up and walked to the table holding their project. Roxy was soon to follow still trying to get the butt head to move, but he was still into his game, especially since his team was winning.
“I don’t understand what draws guys into sports so much; can’t he look away for a minute? We really need to get this done.” Roxy said perplexed at Jason’s lack of responsibility.
“Well I’ll tell you exactly what it is, he’s in a room filled with estrogen and all he wants is something that fills his testosterone.” Lily said, proud for remembering the terms their science teacher had used a month ago to explain the difference in males and females.
“Well I don’t care this is important. Jason, get up right now! We’re not going to do this project for you!”
“Fine Mother, this game is getting lame anyway.” The group worked on their project for another hour snacking on hot pockets and coke now and then. Jason’s mom, walked in later, she’d been reading in the back yard letting the kids do their thing.
“How’s the project coming? Did Jason actually help?”
“Hey Mrs. Russell!” both the girls chimed at the same time.
“Yes he’s helping but only when it comes to feeding us.” Lily said teasing Jason on his constant comments on their “hunger” situation.
“Yea, we’ve had hot pockets and coke so far, and he’s offered potato chips three times already!” Roxy said, in total agreement.
“Well gee guys; I helped draw the title on the board! And I connected the copper plates to the chords, so I did help! But cut me some slack, I’m hungry.” He was grumbling now, and it was hilarious, he’s such a big baby. Later that evening the girls said good bye and took the project to Roxy’s house. Her mom was once an earth science teacher; she would help them put some final touches on the project. When everything was completed Lily went home and the day was done. Monday was on the brink.


The Lemon Battery came in second in the county science fair. They received a nice sized ribbon and would have the project displayed at the school for the next year. Everyone was excited and went out for ice cream afterward. Since the Science fair, there had been the last two weeks of school and now everyone was out for the summer!

Chapter 3
“Bad News, Too Soon”

(On the phone)

“I’m so happy school is finally out, but I’m already bored. We need to hang out! Maybe we can go to the park?” Lily said ready for anything that meant getting out of the house. .
“Oh, I don’t…” Roxy had started to say when she heard a little voice in the back ground. “Lily get off the phone I want to use it!” Sonya yelled from the other room. “Baby sisters are so annoying. Hold on Roxy, Sonya I had the phone first and I’m talking to Roxy, I’ll be off when I’m off leave me alone. Now what were you saying girl?” Lily finished.
“Oh, I was saying, I don’t know Rachel isn’t home anymore and mom doesn’t want me going anywhere without her or Sabina.” Roxy stated. She wanted out just as much as Lily but she wouldn’t break

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