» Fiction » Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗». Author PandorasBoxx100

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'You make me wanna-'
'Come on dude, enough with the sex talk.' Zeke slightly pushed Kyle who laughed in response.
'I can't believe we're related,' Blake said, feeling disgusted.
'Um,' Lana started, 'why are we standing here?'
'Eleanor and Justin are on their way.' Blake answered.
'Zeke,' Lana continued, as if she hadn't a thing Blake had said. she held his chest and put her head on it, feeling his heartbeat and smelling his cologne.
'Why can't we just go alone?'
'Because he's with me.'
Everyone looked back and saw Eleanor walk from the mansion onto the garden. She was wearing the white dress, only this time with high heels instead of flats.
Justin followed behind her.
Lana made a face and Zeke let go of her, walking on close to Eleanor and kissing her. Lana made a face and Blake stared right at her, smiling pleasantly. 'Hey,' Blake stretched up to kiss her boyfriend. Justin held her waist and they made out for about a minute or two.
'Ok,' Lana intruded 'Enough with this shit. Are we gonna go already?' she strutted out of the garden, into the parking lot. Kyle ran after her, being followed by the rest.
'So, you look really hot today.'
'Haven't you already told me that?' she said, still walking towards Zeke's car.
'OK, let's cut with the crap.' Kyle said. Lana stopped walking and looked at him.
'When are we gonna bone each other's brains out?'
'Ugh,' Lana opened Zeke's car and got in, riding shotgun. 'You are an asshole, you know that?'
Zeke came along, and got in his car.
Eleanor and Blake followed, entering at the back of the car. 'Don't worry,' Kyle said, rolling down Lana's side of the window. 'We'll follow.'
Zeke nodded his head and started the engine. He checked the time. It was 8.30pm.
'OK, are you ready?' he looked back at Eleanor and Blake.
'Let’s just go OK?' Eleanor said.
‘Wait,’ Blake pulled out a Ziploc bag full of prescription pills.
‘Everybody, take one,’ she said, rolling down the window and handing out two tablets to Kyle and Justin. Everybody swallowed a pill.
‘Oh, God, how glad I’m I that your dad is a doctor?’ Eleanor smiled.
Justin bent down and kissed his girlfriend, playing with her black long hair.
‘OK, we’ll follow you,’ Justin said. He then got into Kyle’s car and Kyle followed.
‘OK, now we can leave,’ Eleanor instructed.
Zeke started his car and drove out of Haven Lane.
Eleanor rested her head on the backseat, looking outside at the beautiful stars in the night sky.
Tonight, will be the night of my life, she thought.


Zeke’s black shiny Mercedes pulled out to the woods. It was dark, but luckily enough it was a full moon so everyone could see clearly.
The woods were covered with large trees, slopes, and finally out to a cliff that overlooked the whole of Saber Heights. The night was shinning and the summer air was dancing in the atmosphere.
‘Finally,’ Eleanor got out of the car first. She stumbled but managed to get a grip. ‘Shit.’ She murmured. She could feel her head buzzing. The drugs were already taking effect.
‘Oh, shit,’ she laughed sheepishly.
‘What,’ Zeke got out of the car and walked over to Eleanor who was maintaining her balance from clutching on to the car.
‘How I’m I going to have some fun in these shoes?’ she looked down at her white high heels.
‘I don’t know, babe,’ Zeke grabbed her waist and stared into her pale blue eyes.
‘Oh Zeke,’ she whispered. She stared at him, her face centimeters from hers. His eyes were emerald green and his hair was dark and shiny. She bit her lip, about to kiss him.
‘Where the hell is Justin and Kyle?’ Lana slammed the door and interrupted them. Eleanor rolled her eyes and Zeke sighed.
‘Oh, here they are,’ Blake responded, closing the door of the Mercedes. Kyle’s grey Lexus cruised in, parking right beside Zeke’s.
‘Blake, how’d you manage to take the drugs?’ Kyle asked as he locked his car.
‘Doesn’t matter,’ Blake boasted, ‘I’m the shit.’
‘These drugs suck. I mean I could’ve done better just buying Coke.’ Kyle finished.
‘Ooh,’ Lana sang, staring at Blake. Zeke and Eleanor giggled.
‘Oh shut up you douche bag,’ Blake squinted at her brother. Her strong blue eyes killing his brown ones.
‘But luckily,’ Lana dipped her hand inside her clutch Chanel purse and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter.
‘I mean it’s not drugs, but hell, I’d take anything right now.’ She lit the cigarette and blew smoke into the sky. She then held the cigarette between her perfectly manicured fingers.
‘Whatever I’ll take one,’ Blake stretched out her hand and Lana took out the packet of cigarettes and gave her a fresh one.
‘Me too.’ Kyle snatched one from her and Lana shrieked.
And before you knew it, everyone had a cigarette.
‘OK, so I am so ready to party,’ Kyle laughed.
Zeke was the first to run into the woods. Followed by Justin then Lana.
‘OK, let’s start playing.’ Kyle yelled.
The game they loved to play was called Slayer. Whereby one gets into a car, one or two people at the dead of night and drives around the woods, with it’s headlights off. then the rest on ground would have to make their way to a certain point, ‘home’ in the darkness without getting run over by the car. And the ones in the car would only turn on their headlights on for only five seconds. This notified the ones on foot where the cars were. The most dangerous thing about this game was that with the cars’ headlights off, they would hit anyone at any given moment, or run into a tree and have an accident. But as dangerous as that sounds, that was what made the game so exciting. The possibility that someone can get themselves, or others killed. The buzz in the air when you’re driving in the darkness. The moment when the world stands still while you spot a car coming after you and you have to duck. The rush that goes through your body as your friends scream in excitement.
It was the best game in the world. And the fact that even though Zeke and Kyle had cars, they did not have their licenses made it even more exhilarating.
‘OK, so who’s driving?’ Kyle asked.
‘Me!’ Eleanor shot up her hand.
‘Uh uh,’ Zeke followed. ‘You don’t know how to drive. You could get hurt.’
‘Yeah, but I’m wearing heels. I can’t run in heels.’ Eleanor shot back, taking another puff of her cigarette.
‘Then here,’ Justin took off his shoes and gave them to Eleanor.
‘Aw, how protective of you.’ Lana smiled, looking at Blake who gave her warning look. Lana had a revelation that Justin was totally in love with Little Ellie. And he stayed with Blake just to be around her. Ouch.
‘Yeah, these are sneakers. And they are like five sizes bigger than my shoe size.’
‘I changed in Kyle’s car. I knew I couldn’t play in a tux,’ Justin said. Blake then took his hands and kissed him on the mouth. ‘You are so fucking smart,’
Justin smiled.
‘OK so are you going to wear the shoes or not?’
‘I said I’m wanna drive. So that’s exactly what I’m going to do.’ She then threw Justin’s shoes at his feet.
‘Sorry.’ She tilted her head to the side and teased him with her pale blue eyes.
‘Fine, drive, whatever.’ Kyle said, getting woozy. ‘Who else is gonna drive?’
‘Me,’ Justin took Kyle’s car keys and walked to the car, bumping Eleanor’s shoulder on purpose. Eleanor did nothing but smile mischievously, bowing smoke after him.
Eleanor took Zeke’s car keys and walked to the car, getting in and clutching the driver’s wheel.
She bent down for a second, murmuring a prayer.
‘Zeke is going to Do It with me. Zeke is going to Do It with me.’

‘Come on; let’s go before they start driving.’ Lana took Zeke’s hands and led him into the woods.
Kyle followed them hen detoured left, followed by Blake.
And they vanished in the large trees.

Eleanor put the key in ignition, and started the engine.
‘Ready or not, here I come.’ She yelled.
Lana let out a laugh as she sprinted into the woods, avoiding to bump into trees. Zeke looked at Lana, surprised. Who knew she could run so fast in high heels. In the woods. High on drugs.
The Zeke calmly walked to a tree. He touched it, holding his balance. ‘Home point is the cliff!’ He heard Kyle yell and Blake shrieking with excitement. He’s head felt detached from his body. His hands were buzzing, like they were being electrocuted and his feet felt so light, yet so hard to control. He finally gathered his conscious and began to move slowly from tree to tree, slowly but gaining strength and energy with each move.
He felt the cracking of a twig and looked behind him. he could see the car. It was Kyle’s car. It was rushing towards him with nor headlights on. Then his mind went from lazy-mode to panic mode. He started fidgeting, thinking quickly.
Then the headlights of the Lexus flashed on for five seconds and the car was feet away from him.
‘Shit!’ he ducked to the left and the car drove past him narrowly.
‘Catch up, Zeke!’ Justin yelled, with the car rushing away from him.
At that moment his brain burst. Chills run through his skin and energy was gaining. He stood up, and then started to run. He then felt hyper. Like he could do anything. Like he was at the top of the world. He sprint from tree to tree, making his way towards home point; the cliff.
Lana felt dazed. Her eyesight was getting weirder and weirder; her eyes adjusting to the dim lighting of the moon. She clutched behind the tree and took a breath.
She leaned against the tree, its roughness damaging her dress. But she didn’t care. She unconsciously dropped her cigarette onto the ground. She felt wasted. Utterly wasted. She was seeing in twos and couldn’t differentiate something real from a hallucination. And she was going insane. She could feel it. She also thought she could see unicorns. Then a light whizzed past her ear. She looked behind. She could see the headlight flash on, and then flash back off.
The car was going at a tremendous speed. She dove to the right side, clutching on to a rock.
She looked at the car again. It stopped and turned it’s headlights on. Eleanor stuck her head out of he window, her short platinum blonde hair hanging loosely.
‘Good job Milton,’ she winked. Or at least Lana thought she did. Lana smiled and closed eyes, then opening them.
Eleanor smiled then turned the headlights off, driving forward.
Lana breathed. This was way better than a party.
Eleanor drove past Lana. Her hands were shaking whilst on the steering wheel. She wished she hadn’t missed Lana. She wished she had hit her. That would be exciting.
Her foot pressed the accelerator and she felt the car gaining speed. She swerved, avoiding hitting a tree. The car rattled against the ground full of twigs, rocks and God knows what else. Eleanor felt like she wasn’t in her body. She felt like she was watching herself. Like a movie. Her whole life was a movie really. And it was up to her to make sure that the movie she was living had twists, love scenes, and a good, mysterious but happy ending. She directed her movie. And she was the main character. It was also up to her to make sure her movie smashed the box office.
She rolled down the windows in
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