» Fiction » Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗». Author PandorasBoxx100

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This story is completely fiction; so as the names of the characters, events and places. if any name resembles a real one it is COMPLETE coincidence, same as events.


Lana Milton put her fingers up to her frizzy curly brown hair and played with it. She sat in a private corner table of the French four star restaurant that her date, Mason had taken her to. Mason played lacrosse in Heathrow Academy. He was in the eleventh grade, had sandy brown hair and was the closest thing to Greek God. He was perfect. But he was also as boring as hell. All he talked about was lacrosse. Lacrosse this, lacrosse that. Lana wanted to take the H&M scarf she was wearing and strangle herself. She rocked a black short dress, showing major cleavage and the hemline was skyrocketing as well. Her shoes were four inch Marc Jacobs, black, of course. So was her nail polish and eyeliner. She was showing major skin, revealing how smooth and heavenly her tawny-coloured skin was. Mason was in the bathroom, doing God knows what. Probably calling up his boyfriend, Lana thought. Was it her or he seemed incredibly gay? Maybe it was her. She sat on the round mahogany table, her elbow acting as a pillow to her head. She was bored with this date. On her plate were lobster and a glass of wine. Lana had to hand over kudos to Mason, he had managed to convince the waiter to give them wine. She could have easily done it herself, since her father was an up-state all powerful attorney. OK, Mason was rich like her as well, so maybe that could add.
Lana then sat up straight in her chair and stopped fiddling with her hair the moment she saw Mason walk back to her table. He sported a smile, showing off his dazzling teeth. 'Sorry I took so long,' he said, taking his seat.
'No, its fine,' she said, plastering a fake smile on her face. 'You should have stayed in longer in my opinion,'
'What?' Mason asked.
'Nothing, I just coughed.' Lana smiled.
'Right.' Mason smiled. Lana mentally rolled her hazel green eyes. 'So, where were we?'
Lana sighed. 'You were talking about lacrosse?'
'Oh yeah'
Oh shoot. Why did she remind him?
'But enough about me,'
Thank God. Lana looked up at him.
'Has anyone ever told you, you have the best eyes in the world?' he got closer to view the beauty of her hazel green eyes.
'Yeah.' she said, 'A lot of people actually.'
Mason's smile was wiped clean off of his face.
'Oh.' he said. For the next five seconds Lana looked at the floor and Mason at her. Silence hang in the air. 'You haven't touched your food,' he said, staring at her plate.
'I just lost my appetite.' Lana shot back. Mason, poor Mason looked so uneasy. He tried so hard to please her. Why didn't she like him?
'Um,' Lana stood up, grabbing her black clutch Chanel purse. 'I have to go to the bathroom,'
'With your purse?' he asked honestly.
Shit, she thought. 'Yeah, I have to powder... a number of items.'
And before Mason could ask yet another question, Lana walked away. On her way to the bathroom, she took a detour to the back door of the restaurant and walked out, leaving poor Mason dateless and responsible for paying the $120 bill.

Eleanor West looked at herself in the full sized mirror. She was 5'6 and weighed 112 pounds. Eleanor was the most beautiful girl in the whole of Sabre Heights. She had platinum blonde hair which was in a bob cut, a pierced eyebrow with a diamond in it, and pale blue eyes. She glanced outside her window. The sun was setting and she had the best view in town. She lived in a three story white marbled mansion with 9 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms. With a built-in tennis court, pool with Jacuzzi, and a beautiful huge gazebo. it was the same with all the other mansions in Sabre Heights, but Eleanor's house was the only white one. The other mansions were different colours.
Eleanor's bedroom was painted hot pink with black abstract designs all over.
'Do I look hot, or what?' she asked.
'You look amazing. Suits you,' Blake Sparks walked in with a glass full of Gin. She placed it on the white table beside Eleanor's four poster bed. Blake herself was a hot one. She had tremendously long black shiny hair that reached her lower back, milky white teeth, a perfect body with a slim figure, large breasts and a small derrière, had beautiful strong electric blue eyes and rocked a good old tongue piercing. Blake too came from a wealthy family. She lived next door to Eleanor, on Haven Lane, which hosted Sabre Heights' mansions.
Blake then sat on Eleanor's four poster bed, covered in white and black duvets, and a pink fluffy beanie bag.
'I am so excited for tonight...' Blake said, lying on her bed and looking up at the vaulted ceiling.
'I know, right?' Eleanor agreed.
They were talking about Eleanor's dad's soiree he was hosting at their mansion. Eleanor's dad owned a company. He was a billionaire. And tonight's soiree was celebrating the company’s 14th anniversary. Tonight it would be in Sabre Heights. Then in the next few days they would have a yacht party, a party in New York, New Haven and so on. It was the event of the whole summer.
But they were not excited about her dad’s party, they were going off. That was what they were freaking out over. After a few hours into he party, after the meet and greet, Zeke Sawyers, Eleanor's boyfriend, Justin Hamilton, Blake's boyfriend and the infamous Lana Milton, along with Blake and Ellie were going to go to the woods and have some real fun.
'Why is Lana even coming?' Blake wanted know. 'Isn't she like a total bitch?'
Eleanor stood in front her mirror, wearing a white short dress that hugged her body, a white head band and white doll shoes. 'I don't know,' she answered, completely mesmerized by her image. 'Zeke invited her, God knows why.'
'When are you ever going to realize that Lana has a thing for Zeke?' Blake asked, standing up and walking along to the balcony. Blake wore a grey metallic short dress that was four inches above the knee, with Christian Dior five inch heels, a grey headband, which looked amazing along her dark long hair that fell down her back.
'It doesn't matter if she has a thing for Zeke.' Eleanor answered. 'Because she's never going to beat this,' she pointed her index finger at herself.
'Feeling cocky much?' Blake laughed.
'Yeah.' Eleanor snorted. 'But it's true; I mean sure Lana's got the looks but not enough to pass me. And Zeke is head over heels falling for me.'
'He should be.' Blake replied. 'You guys have been going out for a year.'
'Yeah. And when summer is over he is going to be captain of the football team and I am going to be the class valedictorian. We'll make even more of the perfect couple we already are.'
Blake rolled her blue eyes. She and Eleanor had been best friends ever since the eighth grade. And now, they were heading for sophomore year in Heathrow Academy. But Blake couldn't help but feel overshadowed by Eleanor. She was good at everything. Sports, academics, she was practically the leading in class, and was beautiful. And not just the run off the mill beautiful, the beauty that you couldn't resist from looking at. The beauty that was dark, mysterious yet glittery and full of light. That was why every guy wanted her. But Zeke, the most delicious guy in town had managed to snatch her up. And all the girls, even the fat public school ones hated Eleanor because she had everything. Money, power, looks, brains, and top it all off she had the cutest boyfriend. Blake couldn't help her self but be jealous of her. Blake was not insecure, she had everything too. But why was Eleanor's better?
'I cannot wait for tonight. I mean I and Zeke have been waiting for all summer to finally Do It, but I can feel it. Tonight is the night that the virgin goes six feet under.' Eleanor boasted.
'Oh please Ellie. What are you talking about? So are you saying you are going to do it with Zeke at the back of his Mercedes? How classy.'
'Blake, shut up. You're talking like you've ever done it.' Blake walked into the room again, staring at Ellie.
'I mean, let's not forget who you used to be.' Ellie said. Blake frowned. She would never forget who she used to be. A loner. Blake looked at Ellie, who stared back with teasing eyes.
'Huh!' Eleanor gasped, clasping one hand onto her mouth. 'Have I won? Again? No surprise there.'
Blake turned around and walked back to the balcony. She hoped Ellie was right. That bitch would go six feet under.

'Hey Zeke.' Lana walked up to Zeke who was dressed in a black tux which brought out his emerald green eyes. She put his hands around him and kissed him on his cheek.
'I missed you.' she whispered in his ear.
'Uh,' was all Zeke could say. Lana's frizzy brown hair was flattened on the left side, and let loose on her right. She wore black eye shadow, and sported the same dress she wore on her date. Her light tawny coloured skin was shining in the star glowing night. Her black dress was strapless and she smelt like vanilla.
'Let's get going.' Zeke lead her out of her own mansion. They walked on to the parking lot, where his black Mercedes lay.
Zeke opened the door for Lana and she got in. He got in as well.
They drove silently in his car. Lana stared at Zeke.
'You know Zeke, I am so glad your taking me to the party and all,' she smiled widely.
'It's OK. I mean, we're friends. Friends take each other to parties.' he said, looking at her for one second then turned back to the road.
'Oh God Zeke, open the windows, it's so hot in here.'
Lana started fanning herself, and then pulled her hemline to her dress higher.
'Lana.' Zeke said.
'What?' she asked innocently. 'I mean, don't you feel hot? I am so hot....’
'OK, then I'll crack open a window.' Zeke turned to Lana, frustrated. Lana did nothing but smile promiscuously.
'Oh, come on'' she scoffed. Zeke glared at her.
'Are we really going to pretend that we don't like each other?'
'I have a girlfriend Lana. Remember?'
'So? She never has to know.' Lana slid her hand on Zeke.
'Lana, I can't, Eleanor is my girlfriend' he said gently, removing her hand from his chest.
'Whatever.' Lana snatched away from Zeke and folded her arms, looking outside the tinted windows.
'Lana, don't get mad,'
'What?' she snorted, 'Zeke, once you realize you don't like Ellie I'll be here?' Lana smiled and put the tips of her fingers loosely in her mouth. Zeke sighed heavily and drove towards his girlfriend's house.

'Oh, look at who it is.' Kyle Sparks, Blake's elder brother snorted as Lana and Zeke walked to the back garden of Eleanor's house.
'Ugh,' Blake said as soon as she saw Lana.
'You look sexy today,' Kyle said to Lana as they stood in a loose circle, waiting for Eleanor to sneak to them.
'God, I know,' Lana said, looking directly at Blake, who rolled her

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