» Fiction » Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗

Book online «Vicious, PandorasBoxx100 [best novels for students .TXT] 📗». Author PandorasBoxx100

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Zeke’s car and let the wind make her skin cold and let her almost white hair dance with the wind.
Then she felt a light go through her body. And she felt powerful. Like she had always felt. She put on the headlights of the car on for five seconds then turned them off. She heard Blake laugh.
What a moron, she thought. She didn’t even know why she was still friends with Blake.
Blake, before seventh grade had begun was a complete loser. She was hairy, had glasses, always wore her then-black mess called hair in a ponytail and barely showed off any skin. And Eleanor was popular and beautiful, even in primary school. She had a hot friend, Hailey before she learned that she wouldn’t return back to Saber Heights after sixth grade. Her family was moving to New York. And Eleanor knew the girls in her class were fighting for the new position of her best friend. The one that would get to go to her house and sip martinis, the one she would tag along to parties and make boys like. So Eleanor took the alternative of choosing the worst looking girl in their grade, but someone who had great potential and make her the new BFF. She chose Blake. And on that summer she made Blake see a dermatologist, went with her to the hairdresser, and took her to the optician to get new contacts. They went to Miami together and came back for seventh grade all fresh and tanned. Then Eleanor’s job was done. She had transformed Blake from the ugly duckling into a beautiful swan. And it completely paid off. Because Blake’s life had changed for the better. More guys started to ask her out and she had gained connections. But Eleanor was precise enough to make sure that Blake wouldn’t pass her. And Eleanor sat on the throne, queen of Saber Heights for years now. And now even older girls wanted to be her.
And tonight would mark a generation of more to come. She was finally going to loose her virginity to Zeke! She was super excited. Zeke was a complete hottie. He had muscles, dark hair and green eyes. He made her feel hot every time he touched her. And Eleanor knew that he was ready this time. He wouldn’t back out like last time. She would make sure he wouldn’t back out. And now they were high on drugs. Which made him less likely to resist, with the sex drive and everything, right?

Blake ran beside Kyle. She didn’t want to run on her own. Her stomach was curling from all the Gin she had had in Ellie’s house.
And her head was in the skies. She felt lightheaded. Kyle ran in front of her. She then saw the headlight blink on then turn off.
‘Here we go again!’ she shouted as they split and went on opposite sides and hid behind trees. She couldn’t see where Justin had ran off too.
Zeke’s car came rushing between them. Wow. For someone so perfect, Eleanor had tremendously missed them. The car did not stop, but rushed forward and turned it’s headlights on again.
Justin Hamilton looked at the beautiful view before him.
He was on the verge of the cliff, sitting down on the rocky ground with his legs crossed, letting his hair go with the wind.
The night was quite, and the air was swaying. He looked down at Saber Heights, the view he could see from the cliff was incredible. The people who looked like moving pebbles, the glittery lights and the shining stars. He wished he could stay in the moment forever.
He parked Kyle’s car silently and kept it’s headlights off. He didn’t want to play anymore. He didn’t want the possibility that if he messed up by an inch he could crash Kyle’s car and get somebody killed.
He didn’t even know why he came here in the first place. Oh yeah.
He came for Eleanor.
‘Shhh,’ he whispered to himself. If he even thought about being with Eleanor, then Blake would break up with him. And he certainly did not want that. He had been dating Blake for more than a year now. And he thought that somehow he would learn to love her. But he couldn’t. His heart wouldn’t let him fall in love with Blake.
And when he went to sleep, all he thought about was Eleanor. He dreamt about Eleanor. And when he woke up, he found himself murmuring her name.
Shit! Why did he love her? Eleanor, as beautiful as she was, she was a cold hearted snake. She was mean and cold, and shallow. And worst of all she barely noticed Justin. And when she did, she would identify him as “Blake’s boyfriend.”
And he thought about her all the time. The way her pale skin made her look so good. They way her platinum blonde hair that was almost white reached her ears and blew in the wind. And the way she looked at him. Teasing him with her eyes. What a bitch.
And he remembered, the time when he thought about telling her. It was spring and the school year had just started. He was driven at her house and made his way up the stairs, to her bedroom. He had even bought flowers. Red roses. He didn’t know why but it made him look more romantic. He walked to her door and brushed off any second thoughts. He clutched the door and tried to push it open. But he couldn’t. a force was pulling him away from confessing. Was it because he knew that she didn’t love him? or because she would break his heart. So he left the red roses on her door and walked back home. He felt like a complete coward. Shying away like that. But maybe that force was right. Maybe he should stay away from her and focus on loving Blake.
No matter how much he didn’t want to.

Lana was dazed. Her body submerged and her mind in the sky. Her mind was split into five levels. The first part of her wanted to spontaneously cry. The second part of her wanted her to spontaneously laugh. The third part of her felt like throwing up. The fourth part of her felt lazy and tremendously tired and the fifth part of her felt full of energy and powerful. Oh God. Oh God.
And she felt her energy level increase, and she went into full-on hyper mode.
She sprinted in high heels, making her way to the home point; the cliff. It was dark and cold, but she didn’t care.
A light blinked behind her and she looked backwards. A car was coming. Yay.
The car was Zeke’s, so it was Eleanor who was driving. Oh shit, why was she always coming for Lana?
Lana ran forward, the black Mercedes chasing her and increasing with speed.
Lana detoured and turned left, hiding behind a tree. Good, she thought, panting heavily. The car would continue on and she would have time to catch her breath. She watched as the car went past her, then the red lights beamed and the car stopped. Lana’s eyebrow raised. She thought Ellie would stick her head out again and yell something at her, but instead the car went on reverse and steered into Lana’s direction. It’s headlights turned on and Lana squinted her eyes. Then the engine turned on and the car started moving towards her.
‘Oh shit.’
Lana began to run, thinking that she could outrun the car. But it kept on gaining on her.
‘OK, stop! I’m tired!’ Lana yelled. But Eleanor increased in speed, hitting 120.
Lana ran with all her might, her legs getting heavy and her breath getting heavier. She started to see in twos. She couldn’t straight, but she knew Eleanor was doing this on purpose. Was she trying to kill her? ‘Stop!’ Lana screamed. ‘Stop it!’
The car turned it’s headlights on and kept going. And by this moment, Lana was closely in front of the car. And she began to loose speed. If Eleanor did not quit then she would end up running Lana over.
‘Stop! Eleanor, please!’ she screamed again, her heart racing. She felt hot and tears began to rush into her eyes.
‘Whoa!’ Zeke yelled.
Lana looked to her side. And there Zeke was, staring widely. Blake was behind him, with confused look on her face.
‘Zeke!’ Lana choked with tears. ‘Zeke! Tell her to stop!’
‘Eleanor stop!’ Zeke shouted.
‘ELEANOR!!’ yelled Blake. What the hell was she doing trying to kill Lana like that?
‘Eleanor you’re gonna kill her!! STOP!’
The car increased with speed yet again, and Lana felt the number plate touch her legs. Lana was about to die. She could feel it. She didn’t have time to think, so she gathered her strength and dived to the side, landing on the floor and escaping the car’s touch.
At that moment Zeke and Blake rushed in the darkness to see if Lana was OK. But something was wrong. The car didn’t stop. It accelerated, and swerved left, and bumped into a tree with a big CRASH.
The air stood still. And the Earth seemed to stop spinning. Lana froze, on the ground, her leg bleeding. Blake tightly held Zeke’s hand as her face was stunned with shock.
‘What the hell was that?’ Kyle came rushing with Justin tagging loosely behind.
Nobody answered the question and all of them went silent when they saw smoke erupting from the car.
‘Holy shit!’ Justin ran towards the car and in an instant everybody snapped out of their trance and the world began to move again.
Blake sprinted to the car with Zeke following behind.
Kyle rushed to Lana, who stared at the car as if she was hypnotized. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she tried to cover herself from the cold with her arms.
‘Oh my God,’ Kyle helped Lana, looking at her leg. She had seemed to cut herself from diving. Lana stood up, her focus not changing form the car. The front of the Mercedes was caved in, and totally wrecked. The front window was cracked.
‘Oh my God! Ellie!’ Blake pushed her hair back from her face and Justin held her tight as tears streamed down from her rosy cheeks.
Zeke and Kyle opened the door that was jammed and saw that the airbag burst in Eleanor’s face, and she was bleeding.
Zeke and Kyle carefully carried her out to the ground and Blake erupted with new tears once she saw Eleanor’s face. It was filled with blood and her diamond eyebrow piercing was shinning in the moonlight.
‘SHIT SHIT SHIT.’ Kyle held his head punching he air in anger.
Zeke sat on the ground and held unconscious Eleanor to him. He then started to do CPR. ‘Call the fucking police!’ he yelled.
Kyle, with his hands trembling got out his cell phone and dialed 911. There was no reception.
‘There’s no signal.’ He whispered. The Justin let go of Blake and dialed the police. No freaking signal either. ‘Shit!’
Blake sat on the floor and tried to compose herself. She was so scared. What if Ellie… oh no… she didn’t want to think about it. She pulled out her Blackberry and dialed for some help.
‘No fucking signal!’ she threw her phone on the ground.
‘Zeke.’ Lana called out. But her voice was different. It was…plain.
Zeke did nothing but kept on resuscitating her. No response.
‘I think she’d dead.’ Lana blurted out, her voice filled with fear.
‘Don’t say that!’ Blake turned to Lana who’s tears started to freshen up again.
‘She can’t be dead! She can’t be!’ Justin shouted, hitting his head. Everybody at this point was a train wreck.
‘Zeke.’ Lana repeated.
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