» Fiction » Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗». Author By: Morgan:)

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She was in my arms. Dying right before me and there nothing I could do.” I told him with tears rolling down my face.
“Don’t forget that i was there! I was holding you while you held her. She called me Daddy! You last words. She was my child too.” He said. I ran into him and he hugged me. He wrapped his big strong arms around me and somehow I felt a little better. I looked around at the nurses and doctors and they all had there hands over there mouths. I saw a few crying.
“I’m sorry.” I cried.
“Excuse me?” One of the nurses asked. James looked at her. “You can see the body if you want.”
“Why would they want to see the body?” My Father asked disgusted.
“I want to.” I said. I started walking towards the nurse but James stopped me.
“Miley,” he said.
“No, James. I have to.” I told him. I followed the nurse to the morgue. It was cold and dry. She opened one of the slabs and there laid a sheet over a small body. I took a deep breath.
“Ready?” She asked me. I nodded and she took the sheet off the head. I gasped as I saw her little lips all blue and her face so white. I thought I could do this but I can’t. There was a small part in me that thought that this wasn’t real, that she was still alive but this proves that she’s not. I touched the slab that she was on and it was ice cold. I then touched her and she was even colder.
“What did he do to you?” I cried. “It could have been me. I should have been me.” I corrected myself. “My Baby girl.” I said and brushed her hair.
“Did she suffer?” I asked the nurse.
“Her heart almost stopped instantly. Her body would have felt numb. She didn’t feel a thing.” She said. That was a small relief. I covered her head back up and walked back to James who was waiting in the waiting area. He stood up when he saw me.
“Well?” He asked. I walked into him again and he wrapped his arms around me.
“Lets go.” My Mom said. James picked me up and carried me like a baby as I cried in his chest. He stood outside the car. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. He wanted to cry just like I was but he was being strong for me.
“Uh-um!” James coughed and my Mother realized something. I looked over at her to find her taking Isabelle’s car seat out. I buried my head into his chest even more. He set down in the back seat and laid me across him. He still held me like a baby and it was comforting because it made me know he wasn’t going anywhere. This ride home was the longest one ever. Once we got there my Dad opened James door and I got out of the car and he followed behind me. I opened the front door and walked up stairs. I walked into her room. I stood in the door way. I tried so hard to hold the tears back but it was no use. It was like water works, they just kept coming more and more. I walked around her room. She made her bed early that morning. I looked over to on her pink desk and on it was three crayons and a piece of paper. She had drawn three stick figures. She labeled them Mommy, Daddy, Me. It was James, Her and I. I covered my mouth. I fell to my knees.
“Why?” I shouted to the heavens. “Why her? She was innocent! She did nothing wrong!” I yelled. I was mad at God. He gave me parents that didn’t care and it forced me to raise my brother and fall for the first guy who gave me any love. He led me to that stupid hotel where I met all those psycho’s! He led me to James and then he brought Jacob back! “Why do you play with me! My Life was finally going on track!” I screamed at him. “Why did you take her! Why? Tell me why!” I demanded but I got no answer. “She didn’t do anything.” I quietly mumbled to myself. James came in. He sat on the floor with me.
“I’m going to tell you what was told to me when my Grandpa died. When you lose someone they are all that you want back. You wait patiently but it doesn’t work like that. When you lose someone, the first thing that goes through your head is that if you run fast enough you just might catch up but, it doesn’t work like that. You just have to let her go. Moments swallow up your pride but you know its going to be alright. You just have to close your eyes and don’t blame God because honey, it doesn’t help. This is the hardest part and I know it hurts so bad but you have to hold on. ” He told me.
“I don’t want to hold on. I want her back. It wasn’t her time.” I told him. His words were true but I can’t, I won’t, settle until Jacob pays. He tried to hug me but I pushed him away and walked to our room. I laid in bed and snuggled under the covers. I looked out the window. How could he do this to me?
I tried to fall asleep, hoping that in the morning I’d all be a dream but I knew it wouldn’t be. My Mother walked up to my room and sat at the edge of the bed.
“Pushing the people you love away wont help you. We are going through the same thing that you are.” She reminded me.
“I just want to be alone.” I told her.
“Don’t you think that I’m sad? I hate God for taking that beautiful child but I can’t hold it against him.” She told me.
“I can.” I said.
“Miley, God has a reason for everything.” She said.
“So, he had a reason for giving me a child and then taking her away?” I asked. Now I had tears rolling down my cheeks. I’ve been doing a lot of crying lately. I could be washing my hands and then the water works come. I could be looking at myself in the mirror and that one tear would drop in the sink. I would look down at the black tear drop and touch it.
“There’s a reason for everything.” She said. “Even that.”
“It doesn’t make sense to me.” I said as I set up.
“Its not suppose to make sense.” She told me. She touched my cheek. “You two looked so much alike.”
“It should have been me.” I told her. She put both hands on my cheeks and held me steady.
“Don’t EVER say that!” She said. She started to cry.
“Its true! If I died wouldn’t you wish it was you instead?” I asked her.
“Yes but,” I cut her off.
“No but’s about it.” I told her and laid back down. She sighed and walked out of the room. I hated hurting my Mother but she doesn’t understand. No one does. I know Isabelle mean’t something to her to but Isabelle was everything I had. After about an hour of me laying there alone my Mom came back up.
“You have a visiter.” My Mother said and then opened the door fully. I looked over and it was Michelle. I jumped up and ran to her. I cried on her shoulder.
“I know, let it all out.” She said and cried with me. My Mom stood in the door way with her hand over her mouth.
“Why?” I asked.
“Life’s not fair, honey.” She told me but I already knew this. I laid on my bed and she laid with me. We both laid there in silence. I cried every once in a while. She comforted me each time. After a while the silence was dead. It was burning a whole in my already cracked heart.
“Don’t.” Michelle said as she played with my hair.
“Don’t what?” I asked her.
“Don’t shut him out.” She answered. I didn’t say anything. “He loves her just as much as he loves you and he’s hurting just like you are. She was like a daughter to him and while you’re laying here alone, he’s laying in there alone. Why be alone when you can be together?” She asked. She kissed my forehead and I got up and walked to the guest bedroom. He was staying there because I told him I wanted to be alone but Michelle was right, why be alone when we can be together. I walked in the door and he was laying on his bed surrounded my used tissues. He stood up and walked to be. He wrapped his strong arms around me and we cried together.
“I’m sorry.” I told him and he walked me over to the bed. He sat down and I sat next to him and leaned on him.
“Never shut me out again.” He told him. I kissed his lips. After about five minutes I fell asleep. That whole day I tried sleeping but I couldn’t and as soon as I lay down with James I’m out like a light.
When I woke up James wasn’t there. I walked down stairs but he wasn’t there either.
“Does anyone know where James is?” I asked everyone but everyone’s reply was no. I walked to Caleb’s room and he was sitting in his chair looking out the window. I walked in and sat on his bed.
“You okay, Bud?” I asked because it looked like he was crying too.
“No. There was so much blood. And, and, and you were crying. Everyone was crying. The gun was loud and, and, and” He stuttered. I stood up and hugged him.
“Its okay. Everything will be okay.” I promised him.
“Will it? Will it really? Because I hear you cry. I hear you yell at God. You’ve never lied to my, Miley. Don’t start now. Will it really be okay?” He asked me.
“Everything will be okay.” I told him and thats the first time that I actually believed it. It took my heart broken little brother, who just watched his niece die, to convince me that what I was saying actually was the truth. He hugged me tighter. I wiped his tear under his eye. “You okay now?” I asked.
“Okay? No, better? Yes.” He said.
“Okay well, do you know where James went?” I asked him since he was looking out the window.
“He got into his car and went that way.” He said and pointed East. Some how I knew where he went.
“Mom, I’m borrowing your car!” I shouted and grabbed the keys. I got into it and drove about a mile down the road. I was right. I saw his car in the parking lot of our local bar. I got out of the car and went inside. I looked around until I found James. He had his head down on the counter. I walked over to the bartender.
“How many has he had?” I asked him.
“Only three but he’s been going on about his daughter. He keeps telling me about how beautiful she was and how she always giggled the cutest giggle.” He said. I covered my mouth and wiped my eye to make sure I wasn’t going to cry. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. I dragged the other hand through his hair. He looked up at me with those puppy dog eyes of his.
“How can
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