» Fiction » Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗». Author By: Morgan:)

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I move on?” He asked and laid his head on my stomach. I kept brushing my hands through his hair. I didn’t answer his question because I didn’t know how. “How can I go on when I look at you and see her?” I looked over at the bartender and he was looking at us with his pity brown eyes.
“Lets go.” I told him and walked out of the bar. He followed behind me. I got into the car and took a deep breath. I looked across the street and I saw a lady and her two children. One was older but one looked about the age of Isabelle. This girl looked exactly like Isabelle. I knew it was her. I ran out of the car and went to the girl.
“Isabelle!” I shouted as I turned her around to face me but it wasn’t her.
“Let go of my daughter!” Her mother said.
“I’m, I’m sorry. She looked like-” I started to say but I didn’t finish the sentence. As I walked away I heard the oldest daughter mumble to her mother. She said,
“That’s the woman who lost her daughter, Mommy.”
“Oh dear.” The Mother said. I walked faster to get back to the car.
“What was that?” James asked me.
“I saw Isabelle.” I said and faced him. “My eyes did not deceive me. I know what I saw and I saw Bella.” I told him.
“You’re eyes cannot be trusted when they have seen so much.” James said. I closed my eyes hoping this was all a dream. I kept them closed praying that when I open them I will be in my bed before this all happened. Please.
“Miley!” James shook me. I opened my eyes to be right back in the drivers seat with him. I put the car into drive and drove home. When we got there my Mom ran out of the house.
“Where were you?” She asked frantically.
“I went and picked up James. Why?” I asked her worried.
“Its your father.” She said while holding her heart. I dropped my keys and ran inside. I ran upstairs and into his room. I saw him laying on his bed.
“Daddy?” I asked him.
“Darling.” He said and touched my cheek. I held his hand. I felt the tears coming.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked him.
“Because, I didn’t want my last memory with you to be sad. I wanted you to enjoy them with out thinking of the end.” He said. I broke down.
“But we could have done so much more.” I told him.
“Princess, don’t cry.” He said and started coughing. “I’m just getting old.”
“You’re not old, Daddy, you’re sick.” I told him.
“It may be so but I love you. Never forget it.” He said. I saw my Mom in the door way. She walked in and sat with me.
“I watched as my Baby died in my arms and I can’t, wont, watch you die.” I told him.
“Its nothing you can control.” He said.
“But you’re my Dad. I have to control it.” I told him.
“How can everything go so wrong?” I asked him. Before he could answer he started coughing again.
“Maybe you should visit him again later.” My Mom said. I kissed his hand and stood up and went to my room. I knelt down on my bed and prayed.
“God, I know you and I have not been on speaking terms but I know you’re still there. I know you’re still listening. I know I’ve gone off and lost my way but I’ve come back. I need you lord and I need you to hear me out. Please don’t take him. You’ve taken my baby girl and I will never understand why, but please don’t take my Dad. That I wont be able to hand.” I begged him.
As I stood up I walked to Isabelle's room. I was tired of crying. I was all cried out. This isn't how I saw myself. This isn't where I saw myself. I should be married right now. I should have Isabelle by my side.
I sat on her bed and touched her pillow.
"I miss you." I said aloud. Then I heard a voice.
"I miss you too." Isabelle said. I jumped almost having a heart attack. Now I know I'm losing it. You might as well call the loony police right now.
"Isabelle?" I asked and turned around. In front of me was a bright light. As it came near me I covered my eyes because the brightness was so strong.
"Yes." She said in the most heavenly voice. Tears were falling from my face.
"How? What? But," I stuttered. This couldn't be happening. How? Things like this cant happen. I opened my eyes wide to see everything. I tried to understand what was happening but I couldn't grasp the concept.
"Don't try to figure it out. I was able to come back to tell you something." She said. She sounded so mature. She stepped out of the light and stood before me. She shimmered with a beautiful glow. I looked at her sparkling face, and touched her cheek. I looked down at my hand, how could I touch her? How is she here? I saw her limp, cold body on that slab. This can't be real. I have to be dreaming. I pinched myself but I didn't awake. "I came to tell you not to worry. God has a plan and you must accept it. Daddy needs you right now. Don't worry, he isn't planning on taking Grandpa yet. Its not his time. This is the last time I will be able to see you. Don't lose faith and I will always be watching." She said and then walked backwards back into the light. My jaw dropped.
"Wait!" I shouted. "Come back, Isabelle!"
"I love you." I heard her faint voice say and then she and the light was gone. Everything was silent. What just happened? Was that really Isabelle? How could she have come back? Seeing her almost stopped my heart.
I sat there quiet on her bed. Her pillow in my arms. I looked into the blank spot where she was just floating or what ever it was. I can't even think straight.
James walked into her room and sat on her bed with me. I wanted to tell him but what would he think? Would he think that I was crazy? I don’t know but I have to tell him.
“I, I, I just saw Isabelle.” I said confused.
“What?” He asked as he put his hand on my back.
“I just saw Isabelle. She came to me. There was this bright light and then she was here and then she was gone.” I said.
“Are you okay?” He asked me.
“James, you have to believe me.” I begged him. “I’m not going crazy.” James looked me in the eyes. I watched at his expression went soft.
“I believe you.” He said. I hugged him.
“I want you to know that you are the reason why I chose to live another day.” I told him with tears in my eyes. He hugged me and held me close.
“Honey, you are the air I breath.” He said.
“Together, everything will be fine.” I said. We both stood up and he took my hand. We went to my room to relax. I went to the bathroom and drew me a bath. I looked pale. I haven’t eaten in a while but I’m not hungry. I went back into my room and took off my clothes. I pulled off my sweat shirt and took off my sweats and threw them on the floor. James was sitting on the bed. He stood up and took his clothes off too. He walked me to the bathroom. He sat down in the bubble bath that was now full. I set down in front of him. My back was to him and I laid my head on his shoulder. He grabbed my luffa and then started washing my back. The sent of lavender filled the bathroom. I pushed myself into James. I turned around and gently kissed his lips.
“Every kiss feels like the first.” I told him. I turned around and he kissed my neck.
“Every time feels like the first time.” He whispered in my ear with his deep voice. I got goose bumps from his such manly voice. We stayed in the bath for almost two hours just enjoying each others warmth. When I got out I was more relaxed than anything. I laid on my bed with James and just listened to the pounding of the rain on the roof. We laid naked in each others arms. Covered only by our light green sheets.
After a while of laying awake I grew tired and fell asleep. When I awoke it was morning. I looked out side my mirror and saw that the rain had stopped. I got up and threw on some actual clothes. I pulled the sheets off James. I almost forgot he was in all his glory but It was a BIG reminder when I pulled the sheets off. I laid on top of him and gently kissed his lips. Then his neck. Then his chest. Then his 6 pack. I looked up at his face and he had a smile.
“I know you’re awake.” I chuckled. He sat up and kissed me.
“Why must you tease me?” He asked. I smiled and bit his lip. I got up and threw him some clothes.
“We have to go to work.” I told him. “We’ve taken too much time off.”
“I have an idea.” He said as he stood up. “Why don’t we still get married? Our love hasn’t changed. We can still be together. Forever.” I thought about it for a while. He stood up, still naked. He then got on one knee. “Miley, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?”
“How can I say no to that?” I asked. He stood up and then picked me up. “Not that I don’t love seeing you like this but don’t you think you should get dressed before someone comes in?”
“Oh, yeah.” He said and then set me down. He walked over the bed and got dressed. After he was dressed he grabbed my hand and went down stairs. Caleb was watching television while my Dad was reading his paper while my Mom held his hand. She would never leave his side.
James pulled me down the stairs and ran me into the living room. He shut off Caleb’s television and took my Dad’s paper.
“Hey!” They both shouted.
“I wanted to say something.” James said. He held both my hands. He got down on one knee.
“James.” I told him, letting him know that he doesn’t have to do this.
“No, Miley. I want to do this.” He said. He took out a little black box that had my wedding ring in it. He held it out in his hand. “Miley. My beautiful Miley. I know that we have gone through a lot but I know that if we stay
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