» Fiction » Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗

Book online «Just A Kiss (Part 3), By: Morgan:) [list of e readers txt] 📗». Author By: Morgan:)

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together, we will come out of this stronger than ever. Will you take this ring and make me the most happiest man in the world?”
“I do. I do. I do.” I said as he kissed my neck. As we kissed my Mother and Father sat on the couch awkwardly. Caleb covered his eyes.
“Cooties!” He screamed. James and I laughed. He turned back on the television and him and I sat on the other couch. James held my hand as he watched the news. Barbra Jones, our reporter for the area came on. She always reports about the things that really matter. Like things that go on in the schools and things that happen in the streets.
“Breaking news coming up after the break. Six year old Isabelle Smith has recently died at her Mothers wedding.” She said and then the news cut to commercial. We all sat quietly. Hearing her name is hard for me.
“How did the news get it so fast?” James asked a little mad.
“Its the death of a young girl, everyone knows about it.” My Father answered. As we all waited impatient for the news to come back on, I wanted to shut it off. I didn’t care what they thought. “And were back. Now, the latest news of the death of Isabelle Smith. She was only six years old when she was shot at her Mother, Miley Smith, wedding. Apparently the Isabelle’s father, Jacob Marks, came into the church at gun point and threatened to kill Ms. Smith. The man she was marrying, James Mathews, had pushed Miley out of the way of the bullet but only for it to hit Isabelle standing directly behind them. Sources say that the child had her eyes closed humming a lullaby to calm her nerves. The little girl died in the Mothers arms. As the paramedics came and took the daughters body from the mother the mother had trouble breathing and passed out. How can such a wonderful ceremony turn to such turmoil? We will be right back.” They showed pictures as they had said the names. The picture of Isabelle almost broke my heart. She was wearing a blue dress. It was sparkly and her hair was done professionally. It was what she was wearing when we went to Katie’s wedding. They said and cut to commercial again. I covered my mouth as the tears welled up in my eyes. After three minutes she was back. “And what is the law doing for this poor family?” She asked. “Jacob Marks, pictured above, will be getting charged with first degree murder and will be getting the death sentence or life in prison.” She said. “We are lucky enough to have a clip of the father.” Just as she said that a clip of Jacob came on scream.
“I didn’t mean to. I just wanted to be happy again. Miley, if you hear this I want you to know that I’m sorry. I admit to killing.” He paused for a second to hold back his tears. “To killing my daughter. I deserve death. I’m sorry!” He screamed. I couldn’t listen to it anymore. I shut off the television. We were all silent. Just as the silence grew we heard a knock at the door. I opened it and it was Michelle. She looked at me with her sad eyes. I jumped into her arms.
“Its so horrible.” I cried. She rubbed my hair to calm me down. We walked in side. I still had tears rolling off my cheeks.
“I saw everything.” She said. “It all happened so fast.” I nodded. “I’m so sorry.”
“Sorry wont bring her back.” I said
“I know.” She said.
“I want to go see him.” I said.
“See who?” She asked.
“Jacob. I need to see him.” I told her.
“I don’t think thats a good idea.” She said.
“I need to see him.” I told her. My voice was wimpy and shaky.
“Okay. I will grab my keys.” She said as she reached in her purse. We went out to her car and drove to the prison where he was being kept until trial. When I got there I didn’t move. I stood staring at the outside. It was dark and grey. Wires everywhere. I walked inside to see him. They didn’t have any problem with letting me in. They took me to a room where there were others talking to people. There was a big glass window in the middle of it. Parts were sectioned off. You could sit and pick up a telephone and talk to the person on the other side of the phone. I sat down across from Jacob. His eyes were darkened. He had tears in his eyes. I didn’t pick up the phone yet. I looked him. Taking a good mental picture. I picked up the phone and listened. I listened to him cry. It made me feel so good. To know that he’s hurting.
“Miley, I’m-” He began but I stopped him.
“Don’t speak.” I told him in disgust. “You are here with the gift to breath while my daughter lays on a cold slab in some morgue!” I yelled.
“Our Daughter.” He corrected me.
“Our daughter?” I asked. “No! You don’t get the privilege of being called her father. You are a murderer! Nothing more!” I scolded him.
“I didn’t mean to!” He cried.
“No, you mean’t to kill me.” I said.
“Only because I love you.” He said.
“Do you listen to yourself talk?” I asked him. “Or is it just womp womp womp?”
“I love you, Miley.” He said again.
“No, you don’t kill the people you love. I love Isabelle, my daughter and you killed her. For that you don’t deserve to love. You don’t live with the pain, the instant reminder that you will never be a family again.” I told him. “You will not get the death sentence. That I will make sure of. You are not going to get the easy way out. You will spend eternity in a cell.”
“I love you! I did everything for you!” He screamed as he hit his head against the glass. Blood stuck as the glass started to crack.
“Guard!” I screamed. A bunch of them came in and grabbed his arms and pulled him back.
“Burn in hell, bastard!” I said as I got up and walked out.
“Miley! Miley!” He screamed like he was a psycho. Which he was. I grabbed Michelle’s arm and walked out of the building.
“Did that make you feel better?” She asked me on the way out.
“A little bit.” I said. We got into her car and she just sat there. “What?”
“Do you ever wonder what would you and Jacob be like if you never left him?” She asked me. I have thought of it. What we would be. Most likely married by now. Isabelle would be alive. Breathing. Warm. Alive. She snapped her hands.
“Yeah, I’ve thought of it.” I said. She sighed and turned on the car.
When we got back to my house we went to my room and just sat on my bed. I looked at her. She was all grown up. She’s matured. I can’t believe that she’s really back.
“You’re all grown up.” I laughed.
“Yeah, time does that.” She laughed.
“I’ve miss you so much.” I confessed. She nodded and hugged me.
“I wish I got to know her.” She said quietly. I pulled away from the hug.
“You would have loved her. She’s like you in so many ways.” I laughed as I saw her in my mind. “She loved the color purple. Just like you. Her favorite animal was the horse, just like you. She was such a smart little girl. I missed so much of her childhood. I went to college and I then went to work. I only saw her once a month. So much time was lost and now, I’d give anything to give it back. Why her? She was only six. She was innocent. Innocent!” I cried. “She didn’t do anything. She was scared and only wanted Mommy. She was scared.” Michelle held me close.
“She didn’t deserve this. Jacob will pay.” She promised. I nodded.

It wasn’t till months later when we got a court date. I stood in my room looking at myself in the mirror. I fixed my suit. James came up behind me in his. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek. I turned around and kissed his lips. I smiled through the kiss because he was tickling me.
“James, come on. Stop it!” I playfully yelled. He picked me up and sat me on the bed. He gently kissed me. After about ten minutes I said something.
“You’re messing up my hair.” I chuckled.
“It will be fine.” He said while kissing me again.
“We have to go.” I said. He groaned and stood up. I stood up too and fixed his suit. “See, now we both are all wrinkly.”
“No one cares if we are wrinkly.” He argued. I smiled and then went down stairs. Everyone was already ready. James, Caleb and I got into my car and my Mother and Father drove in there little pries. I drove behind them to the court. I was so nervous. I don’t know what I would do if he did get the death penalty. A tear escaped from my eye. I missed Isabelle so much. Her laugh. Her scent. Her beautiful eyes. I miss the way she would say ‘Mommy’. She was such a smart girl. Everyone loved her. James reached across from the passenger seat and he held me hand. I smiled at him as my tear rolled down my cheek.

We walked into the court room and James and I sat next to my attorney. Jacob was sitting next to his. Everyone in the audience was talking and standing up. My attorney and I were discussing what I wanted him to get.
“Life in prison.” I told him.
“Why not death?” He asked.
“He would be getting off to easy.” I answered. He nodded and wrote some things down on a piece of paper. The judge hit his mallet and everyone got quiet.
“Lets get down to business. What is your plea?” He asked Jake.
“Guilty, your honor.” He answered. The judge looked down at his paper.
“What do you think he should be charged with?” He asked my attorney.
“Life in prison, your honor.” He answered.
“Your honor!” Jacobs attorney yelled.
“He has killed this woman’s baby! Not only her’s but his too! He killed his own child! She thinks for him to get the death penalty would be too much of a slid on his part. If I may ask, you honor, do you have children?” My attorney asked.
“Yes. I have a 6 month old, a 5 year old and a 18 year old.” The Judge answered.
“Imagine if one of them had died because one of her parents killed her. She was scared at the time. She didn’t know what was happening. Then before she knew it she was in her mothers arms, gasping for air. Trying to hold on but she wasn’t strong enough.” My attorney said. The judge looked into my eyes that were filled with tears. James reached from his side of the table and took my hand.”What would you think this person deserves?”
“Life in prison.” The judge whispered.
“Thank you.” My attorney said and sat back down. The judge wiped his eyes and then cleared his throat. “We would like to call the Mother, Miley Smith, to the stand.” My attorney said. Everyone in the audience talked. There was camera’s everywhere. The judge hit
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