» Fiction » Isabella, Macphersson Mutale [people reading books txt] 📗

Book online «Isabella, Macphersson Mutale [people reading books txt] 📗». Author Macphersson Mutale

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curved herself in the passenger seat as I closed her door and went to open mine. We raved off and headed towards Chicago‟s by Mandahill. We ordered our diner as we sat facing each other on a small polished table in the blazing night disco lights.


She looked even more pretty this time. Her simplicity just drove me crazy. She is the kind of a person who can put on anything and it will still look nice on her.


I was wondering why such a beautiful woman was not married and what she was doing with me. She is so classy and elegant and yet so simple and so down to earth.






Isabella was one of those women the old African proverb describes. A man who marries a beautiful woman has the same trouble with the farmer who plants his corn along the road.


She is one of those women almost every man admires. The few hours I have spent with her have also proven that she has such a great gift of intelligence and a huge sense of humor you hardly find in women her type. A lot of thoughts where running in my mind. Been a man I was already picturing myself with her on the alter, I was already picturing her in bed, I was already thinking about what kind of offspring we would have.


She did everything with so much grace and calmness. She really impressed me greatly and I was seriously thinking about having the rest of my life with her.


Marrying her will not just end up in having a great beautiful wife but also a prize you can comfortably show to your friends and family and say „this is my wife‟. For me this was my Isabella, my one night angel.


As we sat there having our dinner I was busy inspecting her mannerisms. She was flawless. Just the way she looked at me made my heart melt with passion. When she talks to you, she makes you think like you the only person on the planet.


“Hey love so what do you really do? I mean, I know you work right, But what do you do?”


“Wow I knew that was coming. Anyway, I work as journalist” With a look of shock on her face, “you mean you are a journalist? Which media do you work for?” Before I could answer……..


“I hope I won't find myself in the newspaper ka?”




“Haha don't worry my dear, I work for a radio station and no, you won't find yourself in a newspaper”


“Okay, so what does your job entail?”


“I work for a teaching radio station, so our focus is on teaching”


“Ah ok now I get it, you work for UNZA right. Now it makes sense. I was so sure this name is quite familiar”


“Haha whatever that means but yah I work for UNZA radio”


“Haha hmmm am officially worried now. You must be very popular with those beautiful campus girls ka?”


“I wish” Slapping me slightly on the head, she said with courage but jokey “tell them to back off from today okay”


“No need to back off because they are not there”


“I know you men. A man with money and a big car like yours is the desire of every immature girl”


“Why immature?”


“Most girls think it's about material things and so anyone who can get them what they want they will give in”


“I will be the devil‟s advocate here, not all girls are like that”


“I know but majority of them are like that. Anyway that's your past and I don't dig into people's past”


“Interesting, you mean you don't care to know about my past?”


“Why should I care? I was not there right?”




“You have a point there. I guess I don't need to probe into yours right?”


“No, you are free to know whatever you want to know as long as it does not change how you see me”


21:30 we were done with our dinner and now having cocktails. I asked her if it was a place, she would love to spend the rest of the night in and she said, “No, we have to move at some point to go to a noisier place”


She asked me to escort her to the convenience rooms downstairs and I followed and remained admiring the vintage car in the foyer while she went to the ladies. She came out and suggested that seating in the car would be great before we made a move. So, we went in the car and sat there conversing.


She looked at me and said, in a soft voice, “I know you are shy and a coward, so I will make it easy for you”


She pulled my right hand and placed it on her thighs. I could feel her warmth. My heart was racing, beating violently against the cavity of my chest. She was intensely looking into my eyes as though she was trying to read my mind. I could not hold my gape, I gave in, and I closed my eyes and smooched her, It was such a warm kiss I found myself digging in for more.


“Hey calm down before you wake yourself. The night is still young”


“Looking intensely in her eyes, I backed down but my hand was still on her thighs”






“Haha you behaving like a school boy meeting a girl for the first time” Pricking my index finger in her side tummy as she trembled.


“Haha, am just been honest here, but you know what” she leaned forward and osculated me passionately and finished, “I love you like this”


22:15 she suggested we head to Polo Grill. I hit the ignition and we came out of Mandahill, joined Great East Road and headed to Nangenya road. We found the place packed and parking space was a hustle to find. She suggested we go park near International School of Lusaka. We found some space along the road, and squeezed ourselves in and parked. We came out and headed to the club.


It was so packed. I never imagined people came out in such large numbers to enjoy themselves over the weekends. We could not find a place on the club down so she suggested we go upstairs and we were lucky to find an empty two sitter on the corner. We sat down as we listened to the noisy music. She was busy laughing as she looked at me!


“I know you are not comfortable here love I can see, But you know what you need to know the other side of life otherwise you will be naïve and disillusioned” Putting up a brave face; “what makes you think I am not exposed to this kind of life?”


“I know a clubber when I see one. I can with certainty guess that you don't drink either”


“Looking shocked...”


“You don't have to answer that; I will get a sprite for you. I need to get Spin for myself”




“I reached into my pocked and got a K100 note. She looked at it and laughed”


“Don‟t you have smaller notes? Those guys have issues with change unless you want me to spend 20 minutes at the counter without you”


Reaching back in my pocket I pulled out all the money I had K100 notes mixed with K50 and K20 notes. She carefully selected three K20 notes and headed to the counter. A few minutes later, she appeared with three bottles of Spin and a Sprite in her hands. She put them on the small table and came seat right on my laps while popping away the bottle top from my Sprite bottle.


“To my son, this is for you” as she burst into laughter…


“Seriously baby?” she was playing on my toes with her words.


“Hand me the Spin” she requested, “Ok here, have this one” as she tried to shovel it into my mouth. I moved my head away in protest.


“No am on a brake for now no liquor for me”


“Haha I know you do not drink you don't have to fake it” 00:20 I could see from her eyes that the liquor was taking over. “I want to dance for you before we leave but I am asking for your permission”


Awe struck, “well please do” She stood up and wiggled to the music by the DJ. Ma oh Ma she was so flexible. I could see the heads near the counter turning towards her. Instinctively I was beginning to feel jealous so I asked her to come and sit.








“Her mind, Her Metaphor”


She obliged without any hesitation. She sat on my laps and told me she was tired and wanted us to leave. So I said let's go. As we were about to leave, she asked me to give her a minute and a K50. She went to the counter and came back with three Spins and we left.


We walked down to the car and we hit the road joined Nangwenya then turned into Thabo Mbeki and joined Great East Road from Arcades as we headed to plot 120 Minestone.


Isabella was holding my left hand as I drove with my right only. Her palms were cold from carrying the ciders from the club to the car. She seemed to be enjoying my warm hands. I looked at her and giggled.


“What's that look for?”


“Am just admiring God's creature”


“I know exactly what you are thinking.


“No you don't" protesting thinking she was going to tell me how I was imagining having sex with her.


“Don‟t protest baby hear me out. I know you thinking, why is this beautiful girl not married and away from home at this hour right?


“No baby…” stammering through the sentence … I wouldn't be convinced either.


“Baby it‟s okay, you have to learn to open up and speak your mind. I say whatever comes to my mind. If I want you to make love to me, I will prepare you for it and if I want you to fuck me,



I will make sure you do. That is if you even know the difference”


A little embarrassed. “Wow, I like open minded people. I will let you know when I think about any of the two”


“Which two Mac? You can't even mention sex. You so naïve you pissing me off” her face was stone cold.




“Haha, am just kidding, I know you are shy and I respect that”


“You know I go out once in a while but those are very rare times. Life is too short Mac” She looked at me with intensity and before I could say anything, she was busy pointing in front.


“Hey, did you see that?”




“Slow down; slow down on the right side of the road”


“Oh gosh, what the hell” It was two dogs making out in the middle of the road. They only moved slightly on the side after seeing the car lights. She was laughing uncontrollably. “See those dogs have nerves more than you”


“That‟s not fair you can't compare me to dogs?”


“Don‟t get me wrong am not comparing you to dogs am just telling you, don't plan for life just live it”


03:10 we were at the gate of plot 120 Minestone. I got out of the car and opened the gate drove inside parked and came back to lock the gate. By the time I was getting back, she was already out of the car and came to hug me. I locked the car and we used the kitchen door to go in.



“Wow, I have never seen a bachelor‟s kitchen that's so organized. Can I put my drinks in the fridge? They are to kill my hangover tomorrow”


“It‟s cool there is a small cooler in the bedroom you can have them there” I unlocked the bedroom door and bid her come in. She stood their speechless. I asked her to sit while I grabbed the ciders from her hands and put them in the little refrigerator by the corner. I asked her, “Do you wanna take a shower before sleeping?”




“Only if I will take it alone, I can't bath with you”




“That‟s fine with me” She Pecked me on the chick, and smiley said “you such a

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