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negotiating on what she was going to eat, and her eyes settled on Debonair‟s pizza, her feet decided to walk her to Debonair's to get herself one.


The little energy in her hands reached inside the handbag and opened her purse to get her credit card. She froze when she saw the two tickets to Zanzibar, which was supposed to be her honeymoon. They were supposed to leave the following day after the wedding. She got the pizza and drove straight to Total Filling Station and filled up the RAV4 with gas, and drove down the road not knowing her destination. She kept taking whichever road was less congested until she found herself along Leopards Road heading to State Lodge. She took out her phone and decided to



take pictures of every place she stopped, because she wanted to make a scrapbook of the journey to her new life. Therefore, she took pictures of the shops, the signs, and the people all around.


It was a beautiful, warm sunny day, and she noticed a café called_The Village_ tables beautifully arranged outside. She still had her pizza in the car untouched, she was really hungry, it had been several hours since she had last ate, but the sight of the pizza only brought back memories of her and Ben. She turned and parked at the place and took a seat at an open table. She gathered her last energy and tried to take a bite at the pizza but the tongue did not have the forte to push the food down her gorge. She decided to order a bottle of water and took one gulp consuming half of the bottle's content.


As she sat there, scanning the place, she noticed a couple sited on a table in the shade. She took a closer look and noticed how they were happy and cuddling each other's palms as they chatted. The man seemed so much in love, there was something about his smile that struck Mwenya in more places than one, they looked happy, and from what she could see, and it was real love. She clutched her phone and took a picture of them. She was so careful she did not want to get their attention.


Few minutes later, she ordered a bottle of grape juice and drunk it slowly as she kept on cramming the couple. She kept wondering what they were talking about. Crazy questions kept passing through her head. Could it be that the guy was just like Ben? Screwing the woman‟s young sister, cousin or maybe the niece.


To say Mwenya was beautiful is an understatement. She was angelic. She had an athletic but very tender body. Her beautiful hips made men's heads turn each time you came past her. She had pointed medium sized breasts that made her look so perfect and tempting regardless of what she wore. She was slightly tall about 1.72 meters, with a warm and sometimes enticing smile



accentuated by a left dimple. She was a kind of a woman any man would wish for or have. Even if she was not your girlfriend, just been with her somehow would make you look special and smart.


Her sister Muka was just as cute. To top it, Muka was as elegant as a model. Playful and warm hearted. Muka was flirtatious and could get any man she wanted and maybe that's why Ben could not resist her, though Muka has her own story, which is that Mwenya grabbed Ben from her in the first place.


They were the three children of a very wealthy man, a Mr. Musenga, former politician turned businessman. The first-born was Mark, a guy who himself is so handsome but the most disciplined person I have come to know. He studied architecture in the U.K and now runs his own consultancy firm in Zambia and Botswana though most of his time he is in Botswana. Still a bachelor Mark has had a childhood girlfriend. She went to study medicine in Ukraine and only came back 2 years ago and now they are planning their own wedding.


Mwenya is a graduate of Oxford in the UK and holder of a bachelor‟s degree in Investment Finance. She is literally the engine of her father‟s thriving business. Mwenya is so simple, so humble and down to earth girl. If you met her for the first time, you would think she is one of those pretty faces with nothing in her head. Nevertheless, once you get to know Mwenya you realize she is the epitome of beauty with brains. Muka is the last born and studied International Relations in the USA. Muka runs her mother‟s businesses, which includes hair solons, restaurants and a thriving boutique.


After drinking half bottle of her grape juice, Mwenya reached for her handbag to pay the bill. As she reached in and grabbed her purse, the airline tickets fell out and onto the tiled floor. She hastily reached down, picked them up, and held them in her hand, gawking at them in disgust. After settling her bill, she had an idea.


Walking over to the happy couple that she had been watching since she sat down, she approached them.

“Hi, I know this is bizarre, but I have two airline tickets to Zanzibar. The flight leaves tomorrow, and I want you to have them.”


They both looked at her as if she was irrational.

“You aren‟t going?” the woman asked in muddle.


“No, actually, something came up, so my fiancé and I weren‟t able to go. I don‟t want them to go to waste and I can‟t get a refund so I would love you to ha ve them” she paused as she stretched her hand to give them the tickets.


"I sat there, watching you guys and I have no doubt you love each other greatly. So please accept this little gift from me. It's difficult nowadays to come across two people who are genuinely in love with each other."


She looked at him, and they both looked at me. “Let me pay you for the tickets,” the man said as he reached into his pocket to pull out his wallet.


“No. Please just take them. I don‟t want your money. Just promise me that you‟ll have a good time,” She said as she put the tickets on the table and started to walk away. “Wait” the woman yelled. “Thank you.” She smiled.


“Consider it a gift, and just pay it forward someday.” She smiled as she walked back to her car. She got into the car, started the engine and headed east on state Lodge road. She had not yet figured out where she was going but she just wanted to be away.


She was at the American International School when her phone rang. It was her Dad. Lifting up the phone from the chair, she looked at the name. She could not pick the call. Threw the phone back on the passenger‟s seat, she knew if there was one person on



this planet who could persuade her to change her mind, it was her Dad.


She was not about to change her mind anytime soon. The phone rang 5 times and all the five times, it went unanswered. By this time, she was at the junction to go to Lusaka National Park. A thought came into her mind. Maybe been in the park alone could calm her down. She decided to take the right turn and headed to the park. The phone rang again, this time it was Ben. Seeing his name on the caller ID irked her, she almost lost control. She decided to park by the roadside and immediately blocked Ben's number.


Ben, a bit tall masculine fair-skinned, handsome, funny and eloquent person, a project manager at one of the USAID funded health projects. Ben obtained a bachelor‟s degree in Demography and Statistics from the university of Zambia and holds has a master‟s in Public Health specializing in Monitoring and Evaluation from Arizona State University. Mwenya met Ben at one of the cocktail parties when her brother Mark invited her to come with him, as he was signing off one of his consultancy projects for the design of a mother‟s shelter at one of the first level health facilities in Lusaka. Ben was representing his organization, as the project lead and that's how after the formalities Mark introduced Ben to his sister.


Ben and Mark where former High School classmates, and several times Ben and Mark have met, and Muka had also met Ben several times before then but never with Mwenya. After that encounter at the cocktail Ben and Mwenya exchanged numbers and that's how their relationship was born.


After dating for over 18 months Ben proposed and Mwenya said yes. They started planning for their wedding and the date was set for the last weekend of October. During the period they were



dating, Ben and Muka had flings and at some point Muka even fell pregnant for Ben.


Muka told her auntie and her auntie told Muka's mum but they decided to have Muka terminate the pregnancy. Mwenya was unaware of all this, though several times she had altercations with her young sister on the way she related with her fiancé.


Ben and Mwenya's wedding was to be held at Pamodzi Hotel, everything was settled and the day for the wedding finally came. The morning preparations went efficiently and the church service was over, the excitement and tender, a dream come true for Mwenya.


Now something scarce budded, after the photo session, hell broke loose. Mwenya's auntie was drunk, she, unfortunately managed to pick an argument with Muka. The altercation was so deep it soon degenerated into a chicken fight. Unfortunately, all this happened in full view of all close relatives, and the time Mwenya came from the photo shoot, her auntie sneaked into her holding room and told her everything that had happened between Muka and Ben.


That's how Mwenya stormed out from her aunt‟s place in Rhodespark where the preparations and lunch was held. She was so mad that her mother knew about Ben and Muka and never wanted to let her know about it. She raged out, ran to the road and got on a cab, and headed to Makeni.


Here she was in the park alone on her wedding day. Her life was like a dream. She could not believe her beloved little sister once fell pregnant and she aborted for her husband to -be. She could not believe Ben would cheat on her with her own sister. She was mad. She was done with all of them.









“In solemn silence”


Now, back to me, crazy life but what the hell, I too had my own demons at that exact moment which I had to fight against and put pieces together. Therefore, I decided to take a drive to the Lusaka National Park. I like to go to this place every time my heart is troubled. It‟s one of the most serene places in Lusaka. I always found my peace and get cheered by nature. I often go to have a chat with Thabo and Christine. Oh, you might be thinking, who are these, Thabo and Christine? Hehehe, I know. Well, these are the two rhinos at the Lusaka National Park, which were donated to the Zambian government by the South African government.


Looking and observing these two animals lulls my soul and makes me realize just how lucky I am to have all my family and friends. Thabo and Christine had to be airlifted from afar, and away from their natural habitat. However, they still look so happy and at peace. It‟s that peace that makes me feel I can equally survive on my own.


On a Saturday afternoon, you are likely to find a few people at the park either having a braai or simply sited and normally in pairs. As I drove to the picnic arena, I noticed one car parked. It was a Toyota RAV4. I did not want to disturb the likely happy couple so I decide to drive

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