» Fiction » Isabella, Macphersson Mutale [people reading books txt] 📗

Book online «Isabella, Macphersson Mutale [people reading books txt] 📗». Author Macphersson Mutale

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to the other side of the arena and park my car there. I came out and dashed to the ladder, which is at an elevation, it gives you a good sight of the entire park and other parts of the Lusaka South Multi Facility Economic Zone and parts of Lusaka City. As I got to the summit, I scanned my surroundings and saw a lady seated at one of the benches alone. My first thought was, she was with someone and maybe he or she



in the car or the lavatory. After a good 20 minutes, I realized the woman was alone. I decided to descend; my thought was to talk to her and find out why she was alone. As I was coming down, she stood up and walked to her car.

Soon she came out with a bottle of water. Keen-sighted from a distance, I could tell she was bothered. I came closer and hailed her.


“Hi there, my name is Mac. Hesitatingly, she looked at me, “Hello, am Mwenya”

“Nice to meet you Mwenya”


“Same” I couldn‟t help but ask the question that bothered me a bit, “Are you waiting for someone Mwenya?”

“No” Her response was some kind of a relief for me.

“Okay, so you come to chill here alone too?” She gave me the girl power look but nonetheless I was keen to know.

“Hmmm, yah once in a while”


“Ok can I sit?” She gave me a stern look again without saying a word. “It‟s cool if you wanna be alone I understand” “No it‟s ok you can sit”

“Thanks. So anything, you have come to find answers for?” Honestly I didn‟t know if I asked the wrong question or it was her been a feminine, She just looked at me and looked away. Even though, I could see she did not want to talk but I felt it that something was disturbing her.


“It‟s ok if you don‟t wanna talk about it, I will understand. I always come here too, just to talk to my inner self.


She eased up and took a deep breath. “So what are you thinking about today?”


I knew that I broke even from the tension within her, “Something happened and I can‟t make sense out of it, so I just wanted to get my mind straight and maybe try to get it out of my mind”


She opened her bottle of water took a sip, looked at me as though she was hinting me to go with the flow of the story? I volunteered



to speak thinking maybe she would open up with what was worrying her.

“A few days ago…” her position and figure this time around could sow she was somewhat interested in my story and wanted to know more. “Wait, you met a girl right?” From her words and tone, I could see her face lightening up a little bit.



“Oh Yes”


“What happened, she turned you down and you can‟t handle it? She cross-examined me derisively. “No not really. To the contrary, she swept me off my feet and then disappeared” With an amazement look on her face, she shrugged and put the bottle cogently on the pew.

“What do you mean she disappeared?”


“Well, it‟s a long story” suddenly I too became comfortable , it occurred within myself that I was also looking for someone to talk to, find answers and muzzy-along with life.


“Unless you are in a hurry, I have all the time in the world” I did not even question her response, I just jumped the gun and went straight into the story.


“Well, I met a girl a few days ago and I carelessly fell in love with her. Unfortunately, certain circumstances could not allow us to be together and now she is gone and I can‟t find a trace of her. Yah that‟s my story in brief” She moved a bit and now was into the story, she raise her eyebrows, that face spoke questions within her, and yes it did.


“Wait a minute, something is not adding up here. You mean you met this girl… how long ago?”


“Well, today would be 8 days from the day I met her” “Oh…oh…oh hold up. You mean you want to commit suicide over a girl you met 8 days ago, and she is already gone?”


“Well it‟s not like that. I don‟t want to commit suicide; I would never do that…. It‟s complicated”



She still was confused and probably astonished at my story, the puzzle hit her too.

“Ok make me understand, how did a girl you met 8 days ago make you go into solitary confinement? Finally, at the back of my mind, I felt a bit easy because I talked about something, which rather appeared a furtive like to me. I said, while looking in front, “You making it sound like am a cry baby. Anyway, the thing is I met her online sometime back but only met her 8 days ago physically.”


“ And you fell madly in love?” hesitantly…inwardly I asked myself a question from her question.


“Well not really but we shared a great moment together” “You mean you had a one night stand with her?” “No…no, we never had sex… we just….”


“Wait a minute, you mean you never made love to this girl and now you so confused she is gone?”


I was trying hard to keep her conversing because one part of me did not want her to stop talking while the other was trying to see if I could open up so she can also open up to me.

“Okay….the thing is, it‟s the story of her life that she shared with


me that is making me miss her so bad. I feel like she deserves to be exultant and I could make her happy but she felt she did not deserve to be happy”


“Okay, but why didn‟t you make her happy when you had the chance?” Before I could respond, her phone rang; she looked at it and put it away.

“Don‟t you need to pick that up?”


“No” I got concerned for a moment; I was thinking someone she had been probably waiting for had arrived.


“Why not, is it not the reason you here? “Hmmmm, let‟s finish your story first” “Ok”



I narrated my encounter with Isabella to Mwenya. I had to empty myself to her. She was the first person I was having a normal conversation with since Isabella vanished. I felt at peace telling her my story and she listened with great interest. After I finished telling her my story, I could see a tear run down her cheek.


“Am sorry to have bothered you with my story, I just hope now you understand why I needed to come here to think”


She just nodded. Her phone rang again. This time she picked it, switched it off and starched it in her purse.


“Are you sure you don‟t wanna pick that phone?” I asked, with the hope that I was not asking for trouble, but I felt she just needed to answer the call, something inside me was eager to know who it was.


“No I don‟t”


“Is it the reason you here?” I had to repeat the question; hopping maybe, she would catch a fire from it.

“I hate to admit it but yes”


We became soundless for a few minutes. I did not want to push her to tell me her story. I wanted her to volunteer. So many thoughts where running in my head, was she dumped by a guy? Did she discover he was cheating? Did she realize she did not deserve him? Anxiety was getting the better of me. She slowly leaned forward; she looked at me as though trying to read what was on my mind.


“Today was my wedding day”


I was even more anxious as she paused and wiped her eyes, tears fell down, straight down her brasses. “I was supposed to be marrying someone this evening. Well I don‟t know because I already married him in church”


The realization that she already married him struck her hard and she could not hold back. She broke down and cried. I held her



hands. I did not know what to do or say. I just let her let it all out. After some good 10 minutes, she recomposed herself. She held my hand and said, “Am sorry I had to cry in your presence and yet I don‟t even know you”


“It‟s ok I understand. I shared my story with you didn‟t I? She nodded.


“Yah, this evening we were supposed to have a wedding reception. But after we came from church, I just discovered the guy I wanted to….. Gosh ! The guy am from marring in church has been sleeping with my kid sister”


“Wow, what! Really?


“Yes and the sad reality is that, everyone else in my family knew but me” As traumatized, as I was, the intro of her story was deeper than I anticipated. “Wait a minute, you mean even your parents knew?


“Yes, at least from what I know now my mum and my aunties knew about it. I don‟t know about dad”


“Ish, this is really screwed up”


“Yes it is. Just can‟t imagine I married him. I feel like the most stupid person on the planet right now” I had to console her, the reality of her story was heartbroken, for some reason, my story was on heart at that compelling scene.


“No don‟t be hard on yourself. You had no idea, otherwise you wouldn‟t have”


“It‟s painful to realize your family whom you have trusted with your life was lying to you. It breaks my heart. I really don‟t want to face any of them. I just wanna go away and find time to heal”


“I understand. But then why didn‟t your mum tell you or why did she keep it a secret?”



“I guess she wanted me to desperately get married or how else would you explain it?”


Mwenya narrated how the whole event happened and how she ended up seating alone on a Saturday afternoon that she was supposed to be getting married to Ben. She was so confused; she did not know what to do next.

Just a few hours ago, she was the happiest bride in town and now she is a girl who so desperately wanted to annul the marriage vows made in church. She did not want anything to do with Ben. She wanted this sham of a marriage to end as quickly as possible so she could have her life back. She had part of her things packed into two suitcases, loaded in the back of her car, which was parked in the park and not knowing where to go next.


It was 4:45 PM and I knew we had to get out of the park before it was closed at 5:00PM. We sat there looking at each other and saying nothing until I broke the silence after some time.


“Mwenya, I know you don‟t know me and I can‟t claim to know you so well but I have a proposal for you. I want you to come with me to my place. You can stay there until you figure out what you want to do next. Don‟t worry I have a spare bedroom that is not used. I stay with my nephew and we both hardly home so you can stay with us till you sure what you wanna do”


“No Mac” She spoke, but deep inside my heart, I genuinely gave her the offer. “I don‟t wanna be your burden. This is my mess, I created it myself and I just have to sort it out personally”


“I know you will but all i am saying is at least have a place to sleep and think through what you wanna do. Whenever you ready to leave I promise I won‟t hold you back”


She held my hand tight. Looked into my eyes and said “thank you” I nodded and we drove out of the park following each other all the way to plot 120 Minestone Chainama. It was past 22 when



we got home. On our way from the National Park, we decided to pass through Arcades to

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