» Fiction » Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Evangheline C Farcas

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with him, making eyes at him. I knew he was trouble. You should have known”
A hate filled pause stood between them, it seemed to have it’s own form, a third entity in this God-forsaken room. The floor was hard and rough, and dirt filled. Radiana could feel unimaginable things crawling at her bound feet.
“Ha! The all-knowing Radiana! So, sister, why then did you begin making eyes at him?”
But she would not explain herself to her. Radiana had seen him first, he had reminded her of someone long ago. Accalon resembled someone she had lost ages ago, seeing him seemed like an answered prayer. Hoping for his love became an ongoing petition to heaven. Bitterly she wished she had not been so rash.
“Wow, you thought he was Reuhen. You did, didn’t you?” she said, this time almost sympathetic.
She nodded, tears threatening to spill, but she refused to shed any more.
“Enough of this.” Radiana ordered. “We were both incredibly stupid, no more. We cannot be divided, sister.” As she spoke the fear abated, they had nothing to fear in fact, but their own hate and what would follow.
That united them in these moments. Hate. But they had never hated before, except once, just once, and that was catastrophic. But now, perhaps hate was called for. Any man that dared touch them, and scar them, and cause them to bleed would reap the fruit of their hate.
“He will pay then.” said Rachel coolly.
“He will pay.”
A door slammed, they both jumped, the thunder rolled.
“Is that so?” he said with malice.
The sisters looked at each other and gave no reply.
He strode to them and bent over Rachel, taking her chin in his two hands, he began stroking her cheek, she tried to move away but he held her in a painful grip.
“Is that before or after I have my way with you?”
Rachel laughed sadistically, “You will pay, before.”
He struck her with a force that could have taken out her jaw, yet she hadn’t moved. Nor did she cry out.
Lightning illuminated her face, she looked like death. Thunder rolled.


His wife, Nadezhda gently massaged his shoulders as he sat on his sofa, his head in his hands, tears marking a path down his aged face.
The officers had left moments ago. Four days, it had been four days now. Only a few pieces of evidence was collected. The necklace, the blood, the tire tracks--which were useless once they hit paved roads, and the camera--which was good because the photos were time and date stamped and the face of the kidnapper was vivid. Yet even with this no other leads poured in. No one had seen them. Not even one person. It was as if they had disappeared into the abyss.
“We will find them. You must pray Caleb.” she urged softly. She knew his gift. She had faith in him. She had hope in him.
“Why don’t you pray?” he snapped.
She came around him, and kneeled before him, gazing with shock in his eyes. Unspoken pain. But her faith was in him, though she also had faith in the One who heard him, hers were not as strong, her prayers were not always answered. He was her head, he was her heart.
“My unbelief shadows my faith Caleb. Yours tears down the doors of heaven. So pray husband, pray. He will answer, He always does.” she begged.
He remained still, staring past her at nothing.
“We will find them, He will protect them until then.” She tried with desperation to soothe him, her own calm, her own sanity depended so much on what he did.
Silence still. Nadezhda made her way to the window, drawing the creamy gold curtains aside, tying them each with crimson ribbons to each side. The night outside was stormy, reflecting the hopelessness of their hearts. She sighed.
“Yes, He will, this I know. But who will save them from the hate he has now birthed in them? My daughters, yes, they will survive, but will they return to us?” he said in his deep baritone voice that trembled. His eyes were still fixed on nothing at all, yet something. Nadezhda wished she could see what he saw now. Caleb always saw, so clearly, he saw the choices that would be made, but he never saw the consequences.
At last with a sigh escaping him he rose from the crimson leather couch. Just as quickly as he rose, he landed with a thud, on his knees where he should have been from day one.
“Father, protect them..”
But the thunder rolled.


Accalon’s desire burned within him. He had shown inhuman restraint up until now. His patience over the last few months had amazed even him. Now he would reap the delicious harvest that these feisty sisters offered. His only regret was that all too soon it would be over, and he would have to begin anew. But would the others ever live up to these two? There was something different about them that escaped him. Radiana especially, there was something about her too familiar. Rachel, well, she had been naïve, but even with her--oh blast it all! He thought, frustrated that he could pinpoint the reason behind his unease.
He stood before them and laughed a giddy laugh, as if he’s had his fill of sweet wine already. He would pay? The drugs must still be in their system.
He bent and touched Radiana next looking into her eyes, the ones that in daylight seemed to be a royal purple, not dark blue. Unusual to say the least, but perfect. He liked perfect. He liked to take the perfect and show them how putrid it really was. Lightning illuminated her beautiful marble-like face and he almost gasped, but he was beyond mortified. Her face…her eyes, chained him.

-Chapter 3-

Her eyes were electrifying, it was like lightning was mirrored in her eyes. But it was not just a reflection, it really was within her. It might have been beautiful, but it was not. It was paralyzing. Accalon blinked and it was gone, in a split second, as if it had never been there. There were no glowing eyes, only darkness and echoes of thunder. Overactive imagination, that’s what it was, he thought, not at all uncommon among geniuses such as he.
Letting go of her chin he shuddered. He got up and walked to the kerosene lamp in the corner and lighted it. Cautiously her returned to Radiana. He lustfully touched each button on her now tattered leather jacket, his eyes never leaving hers. She stiffened, her eyes were brimming with outrage. Radiana shifted as far as she could against the wall, as if she could disappear through it. But there was nowhere to go. Oddly there was no fear in her eyes, only disgust and rage.
“Don’t touch her, Accalon.” Rachel said coolly, her voice was different, like the hiss of a snake. He tried to grasp what had changed in these sisters, why had their fear vanished? It was disappointing to say the least, how dense were they anyway? Still, it was not all a loss, the way Radiana tried to avoid his touch amused him and he let out a low laugh, which abruptly caught in his throat. There it was again, lightning was in her eyes. His twisted imagination was suddenly beginning to annoy him. He blinked as he had before, but what he had seen before did not disappear with the opening of his eyes.
“We warned you.” growled Rachel as the ground began to shake violently. Lightning tore through the dilapidated ceiling, crashing down with deadly force, finding it’s target in Accalon. He screamed at the searing pain, as the burning sensation surged through him like a boiling river. His close burned and turned to dust crumbling at his feet. All that was left was his shameful nakedness. Then it stopped and now he just shivered in a fetal position.
The ground shook again and he whimpered like a child. More light, this time he saw two bolts of lightning as the sisters held out their hands. It was as if the lightning kissed their hands, it’s electrifying kiss causing the ropes to fall away, just as his clothes had. Two more bolts followed kissing their bound feet, they were free.
Then they hovered over him, like angels of death, with murder in their eyes. He scrambled to the door, tripping over his now cold, numb feet. A sharp gust of wind slammed him back to the ground as he opened the door. His heart pounded almost as loudly as the constant thunder outside. He couldn’t move anymore, his fear immobilized him.
Accalon stammered incoherently, trying to form the right words in hope it may birth some mercy in the sisters’ raging hearts. All that came out was, “What are you?”
They smiled, they were not beautiful as they replied in unison. “You don’t really want to know.” Then Radiana continued, “But you will.”
They raised their hands, the sky responded. Lightning passed once more through the ceiling, striking his head. It felt like a million knives as he fell to the ground with a bang. As the room faded to black he realized only one thing clearly, the kidnapper had become the kidnapped.


Caleb was packing. He did it without even thinking, not even realizing what he was stuffing the mountain backpack with. He just knew he had to go, now. He didn’t know where, except he knew he would start where they last were. With a sinking sensation, he also realized, he knew one other thing. His daughters were not in danger, though this brought some measure of relief, he knew his daughters had now become the predators.

-Chapter 4-

Ephesians 5:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NASB)

Caleb shivered as he looked out over the cliff, he could hardly see the bottom. It was the same one his daughters had admired. But it wasn’t fear of heights that caused the uncontrollable shiver, it was what he remembered. He swallowed but the lump in his throat remained. History had a way of repeating itself, in an even more macabre way. It was an eternity ago, ten years to be precise, and the memory still stabbed at his heart as he recollected his brother’s pain. Yonah’s son was only nine, full of life and passion. He was clever in many ways. Camping was a favorite pastime for them, just the two fathers with their children. They would travel hours from the city, with just a tent and the necessary essential. Caleb’s daughters were always thrilled, they loved their adventurous cousin.
That morning had been just as bright as this
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