» Fiction » Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Evangheline C Farcas

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one, the morning that their world crashed. Evil had resurfaced, though they thought it was buried forever. Radiana, Rachel and Sol made their trek down to the river, just a mile from the tent-a new adventure to discover new territory. Their screams had echoed through the mountains, thunder and lightning had erupted. Clouds moved in unnaturally fast. It was as if the air itself was full of the Being’s power, either that, or nature was enraged. But it was more then that, so much more. When Caleb and his brother reached the roaring river his daughters were holding one another looking up at the fearful sky, trembling and shivering from the sudden chill. Their clothes had become tattered rags. Sol was gone. Only a pile of ashes was found not too far from the riverbank. His daughters remembered vague details-like the man overtaking them, and Sol erupting in rage. Then ashes. Then Sol looking at them, but he didn’t look like Sol-they said. Then he was gone, in a blink of an eye.
Days on end they had searched and searched, but it was futile. Sol had disappeared. Throughout those days they could hear echoes of thunder in the surrounding mountains. They would go to where it had last resounded, but as always all they found was charred trees. Nothing else. Yonah was a broken man, when the police and forest rangers came up empty, he remained behind-still searching for his only son. The pile of ashes were never mentioned, it was their dark secret that needed to be kept at all costs secret.
Now-now was different, it had now come for his daughters.


“What now?” asked Rachel nodding in Accalon’s direction.
A groan came from his unconscious form.
Radiana didn’t respond for a long time. Rage still flowed through her, she hardly recognized herself. She didn’t know she could harbor such hate. There was much she hated now. She hated herself when she remembered arguing with her father. She hated herself for going against his wishes and taking Rachel with her. She even hated him for not keeping them out of harm’s way, for just letting them go, for giving up the fight. She also knew he hadn’t prayed for them, so she understood that they were nothing in his eyes. If he had prayed they would have been found before it found them. His prayers are and always will be answered. Radiana, hated Accalon for taking advantage of her heart in such a way that she had not listened to reason. When she locked eyes with her sister’s liquid blue eyes, she saw that hers mirrored the same rage.
“Now he pays.” she replied matter-of-factly.
Her sister nodded, as if this was just a simple clean-up chore that needed to be done. But then she didn’t look so sure.
“There’s something about him.”
“Radiana pondered that for a moment, her sister was right, but she could take hold of what was so familiar.
“We can’t stay here, we have to move higher up.”
Accalon’s eyes flickered open. The morning sun was streaming through the open door, as if mocking the thunder storm of the night before. He looked from one sister to another with contempt. But he said nothing, his time would come again. They would pay.


The mountain air grew thick, the wind hissed. Though the sun was shining now, the heaviness followed them. It’s grip would strengthen and it would feed on them forever.

-Chapter 5-

The sisters convened outside, shutting the door to the dilapidated cabin with a bang. Accalon seemed to offer no protest to the darkness in which he now was locked.
As the sun began to kiss their faces they let out a sharp gasp, their skin began to tingle, as if they were catching fire. Only there were no flames, no smoke, but their skin felt as though it would peel of any moment. Instinctively they dodged under the nearby trees, instantly the searing pain stopped. They just looked at each other in bewilderment as if to confirm if the other sister had felt the same thing.
“What is all this?” Radiana finally voiced the question burdening both their minds.
Seconds ticked by as Radiana pondered what this could mean. Before there had been no time to consider the how’s or why’s, there had only been time for survival. Now she wondered what it all meant. Had God answered their father’s prayers and sent legions of angels to rescue them? He had always filled their minds with the awesome power of God. Yet this felt different, more powerful even. It was as if the power came from within them. It was both fearful and exhilarating.
“I like it.” Radiana said.
“It seems though, that this power has weaknesses.” Rachel said as she pointed with her finger to the sky. She tried to look towards the sun but she quickly shifted her eyes to the more comfortable dirt covered ground-covering her eyes and rubbing at them.
“So it seems, and so we wait until dark, then we move.”
“We’ll need to lift him into the truck.”
“Yes, but we’ll need to ditch it soon. By now everyone’s searching for it.” Radiana’s tone was logical, if nothing else, she was always logical.
“But if they catch us, we’ll just say we overtook our kidnapper, it’s the truth. What’s the big deal?” asked Rachel, she sounded like such a careless child.
The trees’ branches shifted slightly in the breeze letting bright rays of sun to stream through. The light felt like lightning striking the sisters and they groaned in pain as they pressed closer to the trunk of the tree. They waited for the breeze to stop swaying the branches.
“We must be careful, sister-Accalon cannot know of this weakness.” warned Radiana.
Rachel just nodded impatiently waving her hand in the air as if dismissing this little detail. “Yes, yes, of course. But why are you worried of someone spotting us?”
“Because we don’t want to be found.”
Radiana didn’t fully understand why she felt so strongly about this-except that she knew if they were found, their father wouldn’t like this new power. He would pray it away, as if it was some sort of disease. That must not happen, thought Radiana.
“Well why not?” her sister asked, stomping both her feet.
“He’ll make the power stop, is that what you want, sister?”
She thought only for a moment before answering, her voice had become chilly like the air around them. As she answered the clouds gathered and covered the sun.
They made a dash for the cabin and slammed the door behind them. Accalon jumped at the sound and cured as he hit his head against the wall.
“Can’t you at least knock?” he asked sarcastically.
The sisters’ only reply was cold eyes boring into him. He began to shiver and convulse uncontrollably. When they released their hold on him the convulsions stopped as suddenly as they had come. But he was not afraid, only amused.
“What are you?” his voice came out weaker than he liked.
They looked at each other, then they looked back at him and he squirmed at their answer.
“We are Daughters of Thunder.”
He almost laughed except for the cold eyes that threatened to lock once more with his. He was weakened, caught by surprise, he had to regain his strength. Then he would laugh, yes he would laugh at their stupidity.
“So, Daughters of Thunder, will you kill me now?” he asked.
“No,” said Radiana, “now we rest, and you will shut up.” he didn’t argue.
“We should gag him.” Rachel said in a sing song voice.
Her sister just replied with a shrug. Rachel got up, tore a piece of the fabric on her shirt and tied it tightly around Accalon’s mouth.
“We go tonight then?” she asked as she turned back to her sister. Radiana nodded.
After that only intolerable silence followed. Accalon began to drift, his grasp on consciousness began to fade, replaced by a world so different from this one.


Sol looked down from the branches. He’d always loved climbing trees. He loved the sand paper roughness of the bark. The smell of the pine trees were his favorite, it reminded him of Christmas. In his mind when he climbed a pine it was eternally Christmas. He often remembered the loving warmth he could never return to, and so he surrounded himself with his own eternal Christmas. He also lived through eternal solitude. It was not his choice. They had left him in solitude because of what he had done. He had turned a man into ashes, the man was evil, but so was he. That’s why they stopped looking.
There had been no choice, he didn’t know he could get so angry, nor did he know he could hate so deeply. The look on his cousins’ faces had been fear mixed with disgust. So his hate turned towards them, how dare they condemn him? He had to get away, or they too would turn into ashes.
But they could have kept searching. After a day they had stopped, at least after a day he no longer saw anyone, he couldn’t hear anyone. Darkness had surrounded him, though he had grown accustomed to it-and to the power that came with it. He began to love the power, it took the edge off the pain.
Sol shook his head. Enough of the past! The past had come to him, it had become the present. His once beloved cousins has stepped right into his backyard, and power hovered over them. He was no longer alone. Dark clouds began to amass, the sun began its descent. The air was full of power.

-Chapter 6-

The light seeping through the cracks grew dimmer and dimmer. Soon it would be safe. It was interesting how before the darkness brought forth tremendous amounts of fear to her mind. It was like the darkness harbored monsters, and all the evil of the world, but now Radiana felt comforted by it.
She didn’t want to be found. These powers gave her a chance at a new life, she was no longer terrified of the night, she was part of it. She belonged now. Oh, her life before wasn’t all that bad, except for all her failures. Like the fact that she had dropped out of college, crushing her parent’s dreams. Her life hadn’t only disappointed her parents, it had disappointed her, she was always searching for more-and never found it. Yes, life had already been dark before this power had found her. Sure, she had still attended the youth group at church, she even graced them with her angelic voice. But there was a side to her they didn’t see, or chose not to see. Her confidence were for their eyes only, but on the inside she felt like a withered flower. So she tried to revive herself with temporary fixes, meds that quickly became addictive-but they were effective, they numbed her mind.
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