» Fiction » Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗

Book online «Daughters of Thunder, Evangheline C Farcas [e book reader for pc .TXT] 📗». Author Evangheline C Farcas

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Her dating life picked up its pace, she loved the flattery given to her by the so-called admirers, though she knew it was all empty words. Their words were just a means to fill their own emptiness. She hated all of them, especially since she knew not a single one loved her, no one truly knew her. As any woman she had longed for the real thing, but the real thing was always just as flawed as she was. What she hated most is that no one knew that she was falling apart. No one took the time to look past her plastic smile-and why would they? Radiana had thought that Accalon was different, but what a fool she had been! So she hated him the most. Her heart was not to be toyed with, he would learn this quickly, she determined.
“Lets get him up into the truck.” she finally spoke, breaking the silence.
“Huh? Where are you taking me?” he demanded, as if he was in any position to demand anything.
“Wherever we please.” she replied sharply.
She moved towards him like a phantom, followed by her sister. They both gripped him in an iron grip. His legs were wobbly, but he gave no push back, he just let them lead him.
Once they reached the truck they shoved him in the back. The strength with which they did it amazed them, he felt light as a feather. He just lay on his back staring straight at the star-filled sky, as if nothing in the world was wrong.
Rachel, cleared her throat and impatiently tapped an annoying rhythm on the side of the truck. “Keys, if you please.” she demanded.
“Back pocket.” He said smugly.
The sisters looked at one another and grunted.
“You get it, I’m not touching him.” Rachel insisted.
Sighing, Radiana hefted herself onto the bed of the truck and roughly rolled Accalon on his stomach. He grunted. Jumping down from the truck she smiled triumphantly as she bounced behind the wheel.
“So where are we going?”
“To pay a visit to our past.” answered Radiana.


The terrain was rough, and with his hands firmly tied behind his back he couldn’t avoid the countless bumps his body took, much less his head. Weakness still gripped him, but in due time it would pass as it always did. Another pothole, this one deeper then the rest, he grunted as his head slammed into the side of the truck. He felt the moonlight fadeing, and he cursed this human shell, as he drifted once more from this world.


A time of times long passed is where he awoke. Well, it was not so long ago, only a decade, but still he never liked a trip down memory lane. These human brain accumulated so much useless information, and the past seemed to be permanently etched in it, to be brought up by the sub consciousness. He hated it. But there he stood a predator, watching his prey. The three young ones were smiling and giggling and splashing water in the river. Oh what fun.
When he pounced upon the girls the boy began to run, but then he bravely thought better of it. What a fool! But he was the target, not them. He was there to awaken him. He was there to deliver a gift to him, the same gift that had been bestowed upon him ages ago. He had taunted him, baited him, and he bit the bait. They always did. Humans hated to be weak, and they always, always began to hate the one, or ones who made them feel as such. Even one as young as this child had failures, fears, lies, yes even this supposed innocent had evil rooted in him.
He never enjoyed the moment when power entered the one to whom he was delivering it, but such was the price to keep such a gift, you had to keep feeding it. The point was for him to think he had one, that he had destroyed their would-be abductor. It had worked like a charm, even the parents bought it. Had they remained a moment longer after they had swept the ashes into the river, they would have seen the illusion. But they never see.
He took back the form he liked most, well the one he always had, the one he had been born with-but it was a magnificent form. His curly golden hair was vibrant, his well-toned muscles gave an image of strength and security-or intimidation-whichever served him best. His eyes were the color of forget-me-nots, very appropriate, for none ever truly forgot him. Still, there was a vague memory that never fully surfaced in his dreams, the time before he had become what he was now. Every time he tried to remember-not that he tried very hard-but every time lightning would flash through his mind and he would awaken. So it was this time, a jolt of thunder and lightning awakened him. Not again, he thought.

-Chapter 7-



To be in the dark world of unconsciousness was somehow bliss, yet his eyes fluttered open as the truck came to a jarring stop. It took his breath away as sharp pain shot through his already banged up shoulder. The lights above him felt like a million pin pricks to his eyes, though it was night all around. Doors slammed, he heart the beep, beep, beep of buttons being pushed, then the slithering sound of liquid flowing, feeding his hungry truck. They were filling the truck with gas-how amateur. He almost laughed. Almost. But everything still felt sore, he was not recovering at the usual rate, causing a slight panic to swell in him.

He had to make his move now, while they were distracted. Rolling on his back he did a sit up. The ropes that bound him had been loosened miles ago. Amateurs, he thought once more.

Rachel had gone inside the ancient looking convenience store, while Radiana seemed lost in thought, pumping gas.

From what he could see the convenience store was the only building situated on the side of a winding road. So he only had to choose which way to go: up the mountain, or down the mountain, or perhaps just disappear into the thick forest. But he knew the night was not a hindrance to the sisters, not anymore. Hmm, decisions, decisions, he thought.

Grunting he jumped from the truck and sprinted down the road toward the forest, each step sent electrifying pain up his entire body. Accalon could hear shuffling sounds behind him. The sky that had been calm and clear quickly turned turbulent, it crackled loudly as if fireworks were exploding. But what was exploding in the sky was not beautiful, it was fearsome. As Accalon looked behind him he could see the attendant of the store starring with his mouth agape as he looked upon Rachel lifting her delicate hands to the sky. The sky responded like an obedient servant, as she pointed to Accalon-it was like a gun waiting to be discharged. He ran ducking into the forest, zigzagging trough the trees. He smashed into something that felt like a rock. Stumbling backward to the ground he looked up into the eyes of the devil.




It cackled, it was a silent laugh not heard by mortal ears. Soon it would be finished, their names would be blotted from the Maker's book, and it would be added to his Master's book. Quite an accomplishment, a wonderful trophy. But it was never just about them. Yes, they were now infected with the disease they called 'power', but it was not sufficient. Indeed it was not sufficient until they were all contaminated with themselves. It was not a hard task, this 'power' would continue to feed on them, it would take root on the rich soil of their evil heart. No one was immune, for all of them were born with this dormant infection, yes all of them would die. The Being continued to cackle.




"You must come Yonah." Desperation seeped into Caleb's voice. He wanted to leap through his cell phone and kneel before his brother, and beg him to come.

The line was silent for so long he thought his brother had hung up.

"I can't do this alone." He begged.

Finally Yonah's voice came through the line and Caleb sighed in relief.

"You always get what you want Caleb. I'll come. But know that what we are up against will not be conquered by prayer alone."

An involuntary shiver passed through him as the truth of the words took full root. The night was beautiful as he looked out from the secluded cabin's porch. As he often wondered he did so now-how could such evil exist in such a beautiful world? Even more so he wondered how innocent children could turn into merciless predators.

The night changed abruptly. The calm was gone, replaced with an animated sky. Violent thunder shook the ground, it felt as the cabin itself would crumble to ashes. They were near. It was near.

"Where are you?" asked Yonah.

"At the Eagle's View Cabin, come quickly, it's getting worse." Caleb said frantically.

After he hung up, he remained on the wooden porch, just looking through the thick trees into the angry sky.

He had chosen Eagle's View because this was so close to where it had all begun. This was where they had lodged while the search was on for Sol. This was where the whispers started. This was where the Book was found. It was ancient, some pages even had red drops on them. The first name in the book was Cain. Even Judah's name was among them. After the death of the Nazareene the names were more scarce, but even with that there were still thousands of names per page. Evil men, evil women. But what was terrifying about each of them was their innocent beginning. They had not always been so, or perhaps the infection had remained dormant since their first breath, patiently waiting to awaken.

Now it was activated in his daughters, was there even a little hope for them? Once the taste of power touched them, had any ever been cured? He didn't know.

Lightning streaked across the sky as if it was in hot pursuit, but of what? What were his daughters chasing?





The eyes were mustard yellow, glowing in the night like jewels reflecting a bloody moon. Accalon began to shake, immobilized by fear. He knew he had to move. It had come to collect, yet he had nothing-no one to deliver. Something had changed, just a day ago he had taken the sisters captive, but now everything was different. They had changed, they were not victims, they were the cons. Everything stood against him.

Vaguely he remembered that once a way had been shown to him, but at the time it seemed to be a coward's way. Now he longed to remember.

"You're mine, Accalon." It hissed.

Footsteps resounded from behind him, the sound of the crunching leaves sounded like bones being
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