» Fiction » Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Jess909

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out a chair for her,
“Thank you,” Rayne smiled, it felt good to be noticed; it was always part of her job never to be seen.
Rayce stared at her as if he had no idea who she was or why she was sitting at a table with him and his father. She decided to start a conversation with him,
“So, uh, Rayce, How old are you?” She began picking up her napkin and placing it on her lap like she had done a million times at home.
“I’m uh, turning 16 this month.” He said realizing he’d been caught he stared down at his soup.
“So, He’s the son of that whore you were with when you were married to my mom, huh?” She spoke to her father but glared a hole in Rayce’s head. “And you had the nerve to give him a similar name to mine?” This time she pounded on the table and looked at her father. “By the way, your guards where kind of late if they were try to act like they know me. I turned 17 four months ago.” With that she crossed her arms and didn’t say another word.
“Rayne…” her father began.
“Drop it, and leave there.” She leaned back in her chair and waited for the main course.

When the food was brought out her father cleared his throat. “About your assignment…” Mr. West looked at Rayne to check for any sign of argument. “You will start school on Monday, I have made sure you will have every class with Seth, the boy we spoke of, and you will be in his grade, your name with be Rayne West, and you will drive one of my cars, also taking Rayce with you, Yes he will be your brother, not half brother.”
Rayne nodded taking it all in with every breath. She looked at Rayce, “He knows about all of this?” she motioned her head to Rayce.
Rayce nodded, “I’ll stay out of your way…”
Rayne looked up at him through her eye lashes, “I may need your help at some point, but don’t get your hopes up.”
“Good,” Mr. West nodded in approval and they continued with normal family conversation.

After dinner Rayne went on a hunt. She didn’t need to tell anyone, she was an assassin they would have known she had her reasons. She decided to walk to the school she would be attending; she walked about a block before coming to a rather large house with a Tall boy about 18 (she could tell) playing with his dog in the front yard. This wouldn’t have fazed Rayne too much but when she looked at him, he had these soul piercing green eyes. They glowed in the moonlight like a cat’s but he’s were a perfect shade of neon green. They stopped her dead in her tracks. She wanted to get a closer look at him, she shrunk herself into a dog one exactly like his so the dog wouldn’t ruin the moment. Then she strolled in the gate, she played the scared female dog part and heard the most soothing voice in the world.
“Hey Snow, look at that dog. Come here girl, its ok we won’t hurt you,” Cooed the green eyed boy.
They Rayne happily walked up to him and licked his hand, ‘Man does he taste good’ Rayne couldn’t stop herself from licking him until he was down on one knee. Then she jumped onto him pushing him to the ground, God was he gorgeous. His blonde hair lay perfectly on his face, but Rayne licked it away. She could have licked him for hours, if it hadn’t been for the stupid voice that came from the house. “Master Cade? It’s time to come in now, you have school tomorrow!”
The green eyed boy held Rayne in his arms for a moment before yelling back, “Coming Rita!” He looked at her she had a smile that was gorgeous even if she was a dog. Then he noticed her purple eyes, he tilted his head in curiosity. ‘Oh no, he can’t memorize my eyes, if he goes to my school and sees me he’ll know something up!’ Rayne panicked and jumped out of the boy’s lap and darted for the bushes She then changed to a dove incase he came looking for her, when he did she flew out so fast he nearly fell backwards. Rayne sighed and flew to the window of her temporary home. She changed quickly and slid into bed it was almost 2 am when she finally fell asleep dreaming of the green eyed boy.

The monotone scream of the alarm clock was nothing to Rayne. ‘5:40 am’ shown on the screen, Rayne looked at it for a moment then continued tying her black converse. ‘If I’m going to a high school, I’m going to have to look like a high school Student.’ She stood up and walked to the full length mirror in the bathroom. She had first chosen a ‘the bunny the bear’ t-shirt and blue skinny jeans to match. She didn’t want to draw the ‘gothic’ crowd so she decided to go with a Purple and blue low cut shirt and a blue shirt to match. She braided her hair to a messy side ponytail, and done simple black eye makeup. She walked to the bedroom door and glanced back at the clock, ‘5:45 am’ there was a knock on the door in front of her, “Darling, are you ready?” her father leaned against the door listening.
“Father,” Rayne opened the door as her father stumbled back, “I’m a professional assassin, I’m always ready.” Rayne walked past her father towards the stairs, “What about Rayce?”
“He just woke up… he’ll be down in about 20 minutes.” They walked side by side down the stairs and Rayne could smell toast, her stomach grumbled in approval. She sat on a stool at the counter and waited for her plate, she turned when her father cleared his throat.
“Don’t you look just lovely,” Her father sat at the table “but, let’s not give those boys a show, okay?” He eyed her skirt.
“Father, this is mid thigh length, meaning school appropriate,” She stood up and looked down at her father. “This is what I’m wearing, If you’re trying to be my father, you’re 17 years too late.” Rayne sat back down on her stool and began eating when a plate was placed in front of her.
“Rayne…” Her father tried to begin but couldn’t find the words so he sighed and placed a set of keys next to Rayne’s plate, “There’s a house key, garage key, your car key, and a gate key. Don’t lose them. Now I must be off to work, don’t be late for school now.” He put a hand on her shoulder and tried to kiss her forehead but she quickly shrugged off the stool with keys in hand and walk towards the back door
“Rayce! Let’s go, now!” Rayne yelled towards the stairs. Rayce came stomping down the stairs skipping the last three and skidded to Rayne’s side as she walked out the door and it slammed closed behind her. Rayne used her key to open the garage door; she was slightly impressed with the selection of cars. She pressed the button on my car keys and a car lit up on the far side of the garage, she was excited to see what her car would be. Rayne ran to the car and stopped in front of it. “Shit,” She looked at Rayce who shared her smile. She ran around to the driver’s side and stepped into her gorgeous blue Lamborghini Embolado. “I didn’t even know they made them in the color!” Rayne started the ignition to listen to the purr of the engine.
“Dad had a custom paint job done, he asked your mom for your favorite color…” Rayce buckled his seat belt as Rayne pulled out of the garage.
“So…” Rayne tried to make conversation “what’s your rep. at school?”
“What do you mean?” Rayce stared out the window; they were going pretty fast…
“Who do you hang out with, popular crowd, Jocks, Math geeks?”
“I guess you would say popular crowd… I hang out with the rich kids…”
“Alright, I’ll use that to my advantage, save me a seat at lunch okay?” They pulled into the school parking lot as people gathered to gawk at the expensive car.
“Do you want me to come with you to the office to get your schedule and stuff…?”
“Um… Yeah...I think I might get lost…” Rayne looked at the campus and could already tell how huge the inside was.
Rayce laughed seeing her nervousness “Ok, but after I got to go, Can’t have people thinking ‘I love my sister!’” He emphasized this by batting his eyelashes and holding his hands to his face, then making a grossed out face and getting out of the car.
Rayne never really thought about it but as a few girls circled Rayce, she realized he was pretty handsome, with his big brown eyes and brown hair just below his eyebrows; he even had a smile to add to his beauty. As Rayne walked to the other side of the car she spotted the green eyed boy. She walked over to Rayce and whispered in his ear “Who’s the kid with the green eyes?” She said not removing her eyes
“Who, Seth?” As if hearing his name Seth walked over and fist pounded Rayce.
“Hey bro, who is this pretty lady?” Seth looked Rayne up and down, but then stopped at her eyes. His eyes had always been the attraction of every girl he met, but hers were so much brighter and florescent
“This is my sister, Rayne, Rayne this is Seth.” Rayce motioned to each as he mentioned them, Seth held out a hand and Rayne shook it although she thought it was a bit formal his touch sent a tingle up her arm, ‘No Rayne! Use him and lose him!’ Seth looked into her eyes and lifted an eyebrow he laughed and released her hand,
“Hi,” Rayne said quietly, she had to look up at him because she was 5’5” and he was about 6’2” His smiled gleamed in the sun and his blonde hair was cut about the same way as Rayce’s
“Hey,” Seth turned to Rayce “Mind if I walked her to class?” Rayce nodded.
“Well,” Rayne spoke up “I need to know what class I’m going to first… Mind walking me to the office?”
“Sure,” Seth turned leading the way and Rayne noticed Rayce had disappeared into the crowds.
As they entered the office together Seth leaned against a wall near the front desk and Rayne walked towards the secretary, “Hi I’m-““Ms. West, Yes here are your things, have your teachers sign this slip and your set to go.” She smiled widely “Have a nice day!” Her smile disappeared and she looked back at her computer screen. “Um, Thanks…”
As Rayne and Seth walked out the door to the hallway Seth grabbed the schedule from Rayne’s hand. “Wow, you have every class with me… that’s creepy,” He lowered the schedule to see her face “Promise not to stalk me?” Rayne laughed ‘I won’t need to.’ This time Seth raised an eyebrow at her and began backing her against a locker, she would have stopped him but he did in a way that seemed kind of romantic…
“I don’t know what you’re planning yet but I do know your trying to get something from me. Well, if you think I’m going to fall for you, you have another thing coming;” Seth whispered in her ear sending shivers down her back just from his closeness “I’m going to make you fall so hard for me that you will drown in love. We’ll see who falls first.”
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