» Fiction » Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Jess909

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Rayne smiled as he looked at her, she reached in his mind and made something to send off pain, Seth cringed, and Rayne stood on her toes to reach his ear.
“It’s very rude to intrude on people’s thoughts Seth,” She lightly placed her lips below his ear, “And I accept your challenge.” She backed away from him planting her feet back on the ground. The warning bell rang and Rayne pushed him off of her, but he didn’t let her go the easy, he intertwined his fingers in hers and walked her to first period. Rayne smiled knowingly as they entered the room, Seth bent to whisper in her ear.
“I’ll save you a seat,” He let go over her hand and walked to a group of what seemed to be popular guys and girls. She stepped up to the man behind the large desk in front of the room, “Um, I’m Rayne West, the new student… The office wanted me to have you sign this…” She placed the slip on his desk and took and step back raising on her toes then back down again. “Ah Yes, Rayne, Good to have you, Free seating so just sit where you like, We will begin class in a moment.” The man looked about 40 with sandy blonde hair that appeared to be turning grey, he had hazel eyes and wore glasses that he took off when he spoke to Rayne, His voice sounded young but wise. “Oh,” He said as Rayne began to turn away, “My name is Mr. Wade, Are you perhaps related to Rayce West?” Again he took of his glasses,
“Yeah, he’s my younger brother.” Rayne half smiled,
“Well, you look a bit like him,” He put his glasses on again, “Sorry for holding you, please, take a seat.” This time he looked at his desk and continued writing. Rayne nodded and walked towards the crowd, once she passed the barrier she saw Seth talking to some guys that looked to be jocks, like Seth did. When Seth saw her he quickly stood up and walked over to her put his hand around her waist and introduced her to the guys, “Johnny, Jeff, this is my new girlfriend, Rayne.” Rayne looked at him, “um, I’m not his girlfriend,” Rayne laughed, “But the guy can dream.” Everyone laughed except Seth who just stared into Rayne’s eyes looking a bit mesmerized, then laughed a bit too fake; this made Rayne put her arm around his waist. Seth beat him set for enjoying her touch, then he pulled a chair out and put Rayne’s stuff on it, he took the seat next to it. Rayne sat down knowing he was bit nervous around her; that was a good sign that he liked her.

The desks were a two person table so that meant they would be partners on most assignments. It also meant could Rayne put her hand on Seth’s knee without the teacher noticing. Which she did, He gave her a look that said ‘what do you think you’re doing?’ to which she returned her best puppy dog face ever. Again Seth became mesmerized with her eyes, Rayne smiled and snuck into his mind. He was in mid thought ‘- but she so freaking gorgeous, no I can’t do this… Don’t fall for her! She’s trying to use you!’ Suddenly he felt a presence and searched for it. Rayne tried to get out of his conscious but he found and held to her presence. ‘What do you think you’re doing?’ He spoke to her creating a bond.
‘Nothing… just wanted to know if you were ok… you looked a bit confused…’ She realized her hand was still on his knee… She decided to remove it and look towards the board as Mr. Wade passed around sheets.
‘Not at all, I know what you’re doing, and I’m not giving in to it. No matter how cute your puppy dog face may be.’ He turned his head and looked her up and down, Rayne laughed.
‘I saw that Hun.’
Just then Mr. Wade pushed a sheet in front of Rayne, “I know you’re new to the class but I’m confident that you’ll do well on this worksheet… Seeing as how well your brother does…”
“With all due respect, Mr. Wade, I’m nothing like my brother.” Rayne began working on her sheet leaving Mr. Wade speechless, he continued passing out sheets
‘You’re a real bitch you know that?’ Seth was back to talking in her head again.
‘I’ve been told once or twice. I think I’m just too honest for people.’
‘He was only trying to give you a compliment…’
‘Hey, goodie two shoes, Do you work and let me do mine. We can finish this talk later.’
After her first three periods (all flirting with Seth) Rayne and Seth finally made it into lunch. In lunch line Seth again intertwined his fingers and hers; she looked up at him smiled and shook her head ‘Damn it why does she have to be so pretty…’
“You know I can hear you?” Rayne said giving him a look.
“What? No you can’t… how?” Seth rolled his eyes then looked back at her.
“When we had the… discussion… you created a bond. Meaning neither of us have to read each other’s minds. If you think loud enough I can hear or if I think about you I can hear your thoughts, so if you were to think of me and say something, no matter where I am, I can hear you and talk back.” Rayne picked up a tray of food and wait for Seth to reply.
“Wow, that’s pretty much awesome. I can annoy you any hour of the day, Sweet.” Seth pulled her closer but she walked faster and began waving.
“Hey! Rayce,” She sat down next to her brother and Seth pulled a chair next to her and scooted closer to her side. Rayce was sitting with a bunch of kids that looked extremely popular.

Rayne looked around the table trying to paint a metal picture when she noticed a blonde girl glaring a hole in Rayne’s face, Rayne smiled, amused, “Can I help you with something?”
“Yeah, you can start by getting your hand off my boyfriends knee,” The girl sound as snotty as she looked. Rayne hadn’t noticed she had put her hand on Seth’s knee but with the clear glass tables it was plain as day. Wait… her boyfriend?
“Him?” She motioned to Seth with her eyes, who was now aware of the conversation,
“Yes, Him, That’s my boyfriend, now would you mind moving to the losers table where you belong?” She moved her head side to side to emphasize her point… or to try and rub the “burn” in Rayne’s face.
“Haha, that’s a funny joke, Seth told me he didn’t have a girlfriend.” Rayne looked at Seth when she said his name then back to the girl.
The girl opened her mouth in disgust “But Seth, you said it I had sex with you, you would be my boyfriend!” She was standing now with her arms crossed and stomped her foot.
“Sorry Britt, plans change, if it makes you feel any better… you were really good in the sack.” Seth laughed and Rayne glared at him with raised eyebrows. “What? I’m just being honest. Don’t worry you’re my main girl now. I promise.” He put his hands up in defense. Rayne rolled her eyes and shook her end then stood up to dump her lunch, Seth followed her like a lost puppy. “Rayne,” Seth grabbed her hand “Come on, can we talk about this? Please?” Rayne pulled her hand away and walked outside; it was her free period so she decided to take a walk around campus. “Rayne!” Seth followed behind her; Rayne turned around and crossed her arms in front of her waiting for his explanation. “Okay, it was like a week ago… You have to realize I only met you today!” Seth threw his hands up and tried to take a step closer but Rayne took a step back still eyeing him suspiciously “You still never said anything about her!” Rayne yelled back clenching her fists at her sides. “I-I don’t know… when I met you… I could think of another girl… I forgot about her I guess.” Seth stared at his shoes, “Go tell it to someone that hasn’t heard a million pick up lines.” Rayne turned on her heels and continued until she was a field of yellow flowers. She noticed Seth hadn’t followed her, this gave her a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach, but she didn’t really want him around to ruin the scenery with his words. Rayne laid down in the flowers and in took the scent of flowers. Suddenly the sun disappeared, she thought it to be a cloud or just rain so she didn’t move, but then she felt a hand stroke her hair and she was immediately in a crouching position. “Whoa, calm down it’s just me!” Seth held his hands in front of him and took a step back.
“You scared the shit out of me!” Rayne sat down in the grass and began to pick the pedals off a flower.
“Sorry, I didn’t know you where that jumpy.” He picked a flower and handed it to her, she then began picking the pedals off of that one and handed in back. Seth stood up then sat down close to her and they continued this routine for a little while before he spoke up, “So…how do you just magically become Rayce’s sister yet Rayce has been at this school since I’ve known him, I would have remembered you as close to Rayce as I am.”
“Well,” Rayne picked up a flower and stared at it trying to think of a story, “Our parents are divorced… I live in California with my mother, I came down here to visit for a few weeks but something happened and I’m going to be here for a few months… so they want me to continue my education here.”
“Wow,” Seth laid back into the flowers, “So… you’re just…visiting, huh?” Rayne noticed he sounded kind of upset about the thought of her leaving.
“Yeah, well…maybe, we don’t know yet…I may be here a really long time, however long it takes.” Rayne became lost in thought until she realized she was staring at another flower, she threw it and lay back on Seth’s chest. He was a bit stunned but put his arm around her, he enjoyed her closeness… a bit too much… He finally broke the silence, “However long what takes?”
Rayne was half asleep but managed to let out, “hmm?”
“You said you’re going to be here however long it takes, what do you mean…?”
Rayne adjusted herself on his chest so she could sleep, “Until my mother calls me home…” She drifted off into slumber and Seth felt her breathing slow down. He thought this over a bit and then pulled her closer and let her sleep.

Seth sat up but tried not to wake Rayne, as Rayce walked up he did not have a very happy expression on his face.
“I can’t believe you did that in there.” Rayce said sitting in front of them.
“Well they both had a right to know, if I had went to talk to Brittany in private who knows where Rayne could have gone. But I had to tell her so she would stop giving Rayne shit.” Seth tried to talk quietly to not wake Rayne but she rustled a bit and he repositioned her.
“Now she’s going to have the reputation of man stealer, Seth. All the girls in school are going to hate her!” Rayce leaned in close then backed off when Rayne rustled again, he lowered his voice, “I don’t know how you’re going to
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