» Fiction » Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Poisoned Rayne, Jess909 [some good books to read TXT] 📗». Author Jess909

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make this better but you need to fix this. She needs to have friends; you can’t keep her from everyone.” Rayce stood up and turned back to Seth, “Trust me, she doesn’t need you to protect her, and she will take what she wants and leave.” Rayce turned and walked back towards the building.

Ten or so minutes later Rayne rustled and looked around realizing where she was, she leaned her head back to look at Seth upside-down. He smiled, amused and stroked her hair; He was being to enjoy this lovey dovey shit. She rubbed her head into his hand and let out a quiet purr, that he couldn’t hear, she caught herself and snapped back into reality.
She looked at Seth and smiled before looking around at the flowers, Seth continued to stare at her until he couldn’t take it anymore, God did he want her. He put his hand on her jaw and turned her to face him, she seemed like she knew what his goal was and leaned into him as he began to kiss her, she put her hands on his neck and combed through his hair with her fingers. Seth moved his hands to her waist and pulled her close to his chest, Seth began leaning back until Rayne was lying on his stomach. Rayne smiled into his lips and raised up on her hands, she grinned at him and laughed,
“What?” Seth smiled and rose on his elbows, and kissed her jaw line.
“Nothing, just thinking about all the girls you must have done this same routine with.” Rayne rolled over off of him; Seth laughed slightly and rolled over onto her,
“Actually… none of the girls I hook up with like to sit in a field of flowers and talk to me, so this,” He used his hands to mean everything around them, “is kind of a first for me, but,” He kissed her again, “I think I could get used to it.”
Rayne sat up, “Um, what time is it?” Seth got off of her and pulled up his sleeve to look at his Rolex,
“2:30” Seth said unsurprised,
“What, we’ve skipped like three classes, Seth!?” Rayne turned and threw her hand towards the building.
“Rayne, babe, calm down! They down take role at this school! Look at all the students around, you think they’re supposed to be here?! Our parents pay 3,000 dollars for us to come here. They don’t care if we actually learn anything or not!” Seth put his hand just above her knee and squeezed it lightly.
Rayne put her head on his shoulder and he wrapped an arm around her, “does this mean… we’re like together now…?”
“Does that mean you would say yes if I were to ask you out?” Seth looked down at Rayne but Rayne continued to stare at a couple sitting under a tree across the yard.
“I want that,” Rayne cocked her head to the side and stared with pleading eyes.
Seth followed her vision to a couple of nerds sitting against a tree holding hands, him laying on her lap and her smiling while she reading him a book. Seth took Rayne’s hand and kissed her check softly,
“I think I can do that,” Seth smiled, Rayne looked at him and smiled, then looked back to the couple who were now both sitting up and making out.
Rayne grinned wide, and laughed. “They are so cute!”
“We can be better,” Seth stood up and grabbed her hand say she stood also and walked her towards the parking lot.

Rayne got home at about 1am that night. At home it would have been nothing. Of course, at home she would be working, not making out at a closed down water park. She decided it was best not to used to front door so we simply flew into a hallway window close to her bedroom. She needed to remember to leave her bedroom window opened from now on. No sooner had her human feet touched the carpet did she hear her father calling her into his study.
"What the hell were you thinking?"
"I was thinking, 'Hey maybe my dad will be okay with the fact that I'm working on an assignment HE GAVE ME!' I was thinking, 'Man he's going to be SO proud when he hears how far I've gotten in one day!' But then I thought, 'No wait, he's a giant asshole who will probably think I give a fuck about what he thinks. Guess what? I don't. I could care less. Let's get some things straight right now. One: I'm making progress on my job. Two: That's all it is, A JOB. Three: I am not your Goddamned daughter, who have no control over me." Rayne stood in front of her father's desk glaring into his equally furious eyes.
"You live in my house, you will follow my rules, understood? I don't care how much progress your making, if you don't have permission from me, you will not be out passed 11. Got that? Lastly, I don't care how you talk in your house, but you will NOT talk to me like that. Now, go to bed. I'll see you bright and early tomorrow morning."
Rayne, seeing that the conversation was over, turned away quickly and walked to her room.

Seth came by the next morning to pick up Rayne, seeing as it was Saturday. He father said yes, and she and Seth drove back to his house.
On the way there Seth noticed Rayne staring at him. "What?" He smiled.
"When we first met, you read my mind, twice. I didn't think anything of it because I'm used to being around people who can, such as my mother and father. But now that I think about it... How?"
"Our father's are business partners. They both work for the Rytaries. Meaning, Both of our parents are going to have to have super natural powers. I didn't know you had them, Rayce doesn't, How do YOU?"
"I guess he just got the short end of the stick?"
"Or, you have different mothers. Rayne, I know Rayce's mom died 6 years ago. At first I thought you had to be a cousin or something, but then I saw how alike you were with, not only Rayce, but his dad too. I realized you had to be his half sister."
Rayne looked at him for awhile. "You're smarter than I gave you credit..."
"Why did you lie?"
Rayne sighed. "My father, he didn't want others to know about his 'affair' with Rayce's mom. She's human, Normal. He's normal. His mom was our father's Secretary, at his cover up job."
For the first time Rayne looked up, she realized they were in Seth's driveway. "How long have we been sitting here?"
"I don't know half an hour?"
"Maybe we should go inside then" Rayne laughed and opened her door.

When they got inside, rayne stopped to admire the house, It wasn't that she wasn't used to big houses. It just looked more whole, like it was decorated by a couple, not just one half like in her house and her father's. It had a few toys scattered here and there but it made it look homey. Rayne liked it, Seth took her hand in his and directed her to the kitchen. There was his family sitting at the bar, they looked so together, so happy. Rayne wasn't sure why so much disappointment washed over her body. Seth cleared his throat and his mother, father, little sister, and bother who looked to be about 15 looked up at them.
Seth introduced them to be; Jane Cade his mother, Adam Cade his father, Layla Cade his sister, and Luken Cade his brother who was actually 14. They were all gorgeous and Rayne felt a bit intimidated around them. That is, she did until Seth introduced her as 'His gorgeous new girlfriend' and pulled her in close with his hands around her waist. Rayne wanted to cry, but she had always been taught to never show weakness. EVER. 'They will use it against you at any cost.' Seth went onto explain that he wanted to take Rayne out camping all weekend. His parents said yes, but only with the condition of taking his siblings along. Seth sighed,"Fine go pack were leaving in two hours."

They drove for maybe 6 hours. Rayne wasn't sure, she had fallen asleep twice. When she woke up the second time in was sunset and the car was empty. She was laying on Seth's lap with a blanket around her, they were laying by the fire and the kids were roasting marshmallows. Rayne was starving and marshmallows seems pretty appetizing. Seth handed her an already roasted marshmallow that she ate a little too fast, she looked like a chipmunk trying to chew it and shallow at once. Seth laughed, "Normally people chew before swallowing..."
"I'm so hungry... don't we have other food?" Rayne looked around.
"We brought Ramen in the trailer.." Layla told her. She couldn't get up because she was so comfortable but eventually sat up and Seth picked her up the rest of the way. They walked over to the trailer and he held the door for her. The "trailer" was actually more of a gorgeous luxury RV that looked pretty expensive. As Seth let the door shut behind him he pushed Rayne up against a wall away for the kids sight and kissed her hard. She put her arms around his neck and waited for him to pull away. He did; ten minutes later.
"I can't take 8 hours of not being able to kiss you. It's not fair." He said she still holding her against the wall. Rayne smiled and kissed his neck, but he pulled her away.
"Don't do that to me, baby. There's kids around..." Seth watched as she sunk back down to her flat footed state and gave him a tempting look. He groaned because he knew he wanted her but couldn't do anything with two kids just outside waiting. God, did he want her. She pushed him away and walked to the cabinet above the microwave. Seth turned slowly and watched her stand on her toes to reach the top shelf then land back down softly, Rayne looked at him and smiled.
"What? You told me to stop." Rayne shot him a look she knew he couldn't stand. Seth looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow, biting his lip. How would they get away with fooling around? He knew the kids would nark on him. But she looked so good, and he couldn't stand it. Rayne held the packet out threatening to 'drop' it.
"Don't even." Seth smiled and threw a threatening look. She dropped it and bent over slowly to pick it up. Too slowly. "No." Seth jumped at her and grabbed her waist picking her up. Rayne screamed playfully as he threw her on the couch.
"I'll be right back." He winked at her and left through the door. He came back a while later with the kids, "Go take a shower and get ready for bed." He took Rayne's hand and pulled her out of the trailer towards the car. He opened the back door and lay her down inside. She smiled and bit her lip, then started backing up as he crawled on top of her. Rayne put her hands on his face and started kissing him, she ran her fingers through his perfect blonde hair that shined in the moon light. Seth ran his hand up her back to her shoulders pulling her deeply into himself until he could feel her chest firmly against his own. She ran her hand down to his waist and twisted her finger around the belt loop of his stone washed white
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