» Fiction » Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗». Author hima

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she lives to gossip. Her pony tail swayed as she leaped with joy. She is round, square cut face, high chin and almond eyes, pinched nose and thin lips, she would look better if not for her snotty fashion sense.

“I guess…you had something to say…” Eddy said. “Did you know that a new family moved into the town…? They are super rich… and their two boys are joining school today…” She said quickly. We nodded. “I heard that they are super hot…”Beck whispered. Amy’s ears perked up at the last statement. “What…? Who said that?” Amy said all enthusiastic now. Eddy left mumbling something about girls being silly.

“I heard Samantha saying it…” Beck said. Samantha is the hot chick of the school, she is not bitchy like most of the popular girls you see in movies, and she just had to have every good looking boy in the school…“Beck…you know how the little Miss Diva is…” I pointed. “Um…may be…” She mumbled.

We were cut off when a car raced off into our compound… The tires screeched to an abrupt halt in the empty space of parking lot. All eyes turned towards the black car, I noticed a blonde head getting out from the driver’s seat. I could see people gasping as his whole body came into picture…His chiseled jaw; full lips, long nose and sloppy blonde hair made him look like a Greek model. The passenger seat opened to reveal a light brown hair, his hair felt messy at the forehead and neatly combed at the rest, he was as breath taking as the other was… “I wanted to see who manufactured this…” Beck stammered.

“Beck…”I slapped her to get her attention. “Let’s go…”I said yanking them both by their arms towards the schools. People began to walk as the show was over when the hotties walked in. We got the boring languages at the first hours… I could hear most of the girls spending their boring time talking about the new guys… They were in my class… Mr. Drew asked them to introduce themselves…The blonde introduced himself as Aaron Blake and the brown head as Alan Blake.

Math’s and sciences passed soon without nothing much amiss, most of the classes I spent taking down the running notes or if bored I would draw random pictures in the book. I waved off to my friends as I headed to the lab…They got another class now… I guess I have to be alone now since my lab partner moved into another school this semester.

“Miss. Woods…”I looked up from my table to see Mr. Tom, our chemistry teacher calling. “Alan Blake will be your lab partner this semester…”he said and gestured Alan to go. I nodded and resumed scribbling down the equations… After I was done… I decided that I should get to know my lab partner. “Hi...I’m Rose…”I said extending my hands…

“Alan…”he said after a minute thought. “Here…take the notes before we start the experiment…” I said. He stared at me and I felt trapped in his gaze… his hooded eyes seemed to hold me captured. Those eyes felt very familiar….I thought.

He dropped his gaze on to the book but left me in fuzzy mind. Where did I see those eyes…? Then suddenly it hit me…he is the one who saved me… I opened my mouth to talk but Mr. Tom hushed us. As soon as the bell rang Alan hurried towards the door, I rushed after him.

“Alan…” I called. He didn’t stop…”Hey…” I called louder this time. He was oblivious to my call. I ran after him and stopped him. “Aren’t you the one that saved me…?” I asked. “I don’t know what you are talking about…”he said. “But…”he left me wide mouthed. He didn’t even listen to what I was saying…He may be drop dead gorgeous but he is no gentlemen. I cursed for even thinking that this person had saved my life…but I was sure about his eyes…

Lunch was quick today since I need to finish parts of my assignment before the break; I had it done before the bell rang… I headed to the Mathematics and dropped my assignment sheet on the table with all other assignments. “Can I sit here…?” A musical voice rang close to my ears. I raised my eyes to see Aaron standing next to me… I moved over to give him place.

I didn’t want to start the conversation since my experience with his brother wasn’t so good. “Aaron…you can call me Ron.” He said. “Rose…” I smiled.

“Does Mr. Wilson snort all the time…?” Ron asked surprising me. “Yeah!” I said smiling. “Why do you always answer in one word…?”He asked smiling. “No…” He smiled as if I proved his point. “It’s just you’re asking questions that have one word answers…” I said. “Witty…” he grinned.
“How did you cope up with the accident…?”He asked after a while. I frowned. “Oh! You don’t know…” he shrugged. “It’s true than…” I said. “I remember seeing a pair of hooded eyes, I asked Alan if it was him and he acted like he didn’t know anything…” I said. “Oh! My brother doesn’t brag about the good deeds he had done…” “He doesn’t even talk…” I pointed. “He is kind of introvert…”he said smiling. “Thanks…” I said. “What for…?” “Saving me…” I pointed. He nodded smiling.

These two brothers weird, Aaron is quite different from Alan; Ron is easy going and fun while Alan is reserved like his brother stated or jerk in my language. I walked back home quickly… I freshened up quickly and packed my bag with homework books that I need to finish… The diner is far away from here, if I had to go there I certainly need to use dad’s car. I turned the whole house upside down for the keys but the keys were left in the garage itself. I never used his car…It brought too many memories but now I guess I had no choice…

“Rose…We were worried about you when we heard about the accident…” Mrs. Simpson said as soon as I entered the diner. “Sorry…I should have called you…”I said. “You are safe that’s all it matters…”Mr. Simpson said coming out of the kitchen. They are elderly couples and owners of this diner. I worked for them partly to help the old couple and partly to get money… besides me a grumpy middle aged woman, Anna worked as a cook and a junior of mine, Tabby worked. Tabby is a friendly girl who minded more about grades than anything else…

We took the orders of the day as people came in… I helped Tabby with her work in the midst, if there was none in the diner. Tabby is a chubby teenager whose intelligent eyes are covered behind the black hair that fell over her eyes all the time. Mr. Simpson’s, Tabby, me and Anna eat in the diner before we left on Simpson’s request. We were like a good old family eating their dinner, Anna though had bad temper still she has a soft side to her that craves for an understanding family like us.

“You shouldn’t live all alone in that big house…”Mrs. Simpson remarked. Others nodded agreeing with her; Tabby’s eyes were glued to her book even when she was eating… “No...It’s fine. Most of the time I stay at school and then here…”I pointed. “Tabby…It’s not healthy to read while eating…” Mrs. Simpson closed her book all mother like. Tabby pouted but soon concentrated on food. “Anna…The food is as usual delicious…” Mr. Simpson remarked with a mouthful. “You are the best cook…”I said. She smiled at us and served us some more. “No…not anymore…” I said keeping my hands over the plate and nodding ‘no’. “You should eat…no dieting…”she said huskily. “Please…Anna…I’m full. “I said catching my throat to show that I was full up to neck. “You are dramatic…” Tabby said smiling. “I guess I got those genes from my mom…” I said. Everyone burst into laughter.

Alan watched Rose from the shadows of the tree, she is a simple girl with simple life style…what did they want from her…? He thought. He heard her ringing laughter and noticed that they were all laughing… She looked more beautiful when she is laughing with her dimple being so prominent.

I woke up yet startled by those hooded eyes that always stalked her…I better stop thinking about him…

“Why don’t you just move into my house…?” Amy asked for the hundredth time. I sighed and nodded ‘no’. “I get it…its just mom is worried about you being all alone in that house…” Amy said. Amy’s mom treated me as her own daughter…she was dad’s friend and she took it as her responsibility to look after me since dad passed away.

Classes were a blur today…I don’t know how the time works…Sometimes it’s like a one hour drags on and on… but sometimes it’s like…What….When did an hour pass by? Today it’s like the later…At lunch I promised to sit with the guys the whole hour since I left earlier yesterday without a word to them.

“Amy…You should stop sleeping in the classes…”Beck complained. I raised my eye brows questioningly… “Amy here slept the whole history period…Mrs. Tingle walked over to her and shouted at her…” Amy slapped her mouthing her to stop. Eddy joined us, “What did she say…?” We asked. Amy bent her head on the table and curled her arms tightly over hiding her face… “Go on…Beck…You’re here to defame me…”Amy said. “She said…” She paused to wait for the expected reaction to take place in our faces…”She said…” Eddy was all ears… “Mom…please…let me sleep one more hour…” Beck burst out laughing. “What…?” We burst out laughing.

“Beck… Are you done yet…?” Amy growled. We burst into laughter again. “I’ll get you one day for this…”Amy snarled at Beck. “Are you still watching late night movies…?” I asked Amy. “Yesterday… Nick brought a new D.V.D.” she sulked. “You should have waited until weekend…See the result of watching a late night movie…”Beck pointed. We agreed…”You would do the same thing…if you knew what movie it was…” “Enlighten us…” Beck said. “Breaking dawn…” Amy said. “Really…? You should allow me to borrow it…” Beck said eager like a child.

“Why don’t you just come over this weekend...?” Amy asked eying us all. “What all of us…?” Eddy asked. “Sure…”We replied.

I waved off my friends and I started to walk back to my class, I walked as I checked for my assignment sheets in books, I hit hard against something solid and all my books scattered over the ground…I would have landed on the ground too if not for that someone to catch me…I opened my eyes to see the same pair of hooded eyes staring intently at me… If I have a boat I could easily swim in those deep eyes…I thought. He cleared his throat awkwardly and helped me to stand turning his eyes away from me…

“Don’t you watch where you are going…?” I shouted at him and brushed past off him collecting my books… I know it was my fault but I wanted to fill the awkwardness… I’m such a bad girl.

“Hey…” Aaron waved at me as he walked to empty space beside me. “Hi…”I said…talking to him reminded me about afternoon’s incident and with that my mind flogged with the images of those haunting eyes… Aaron waved his hands in front of me…”To earth…” He grinned. I shrugged smiling.

“I was just thinking about the math’s
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