» Fiction » Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗». Author hima

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We showered our questions at him.

“I was taken ill with fever… I’m good…” he said. “Do you want to dance…?” his question was directed to me… I glanced at Alan he sniffing the air nervously… he won’t mind…it’s not like I’m going away…I’ll stay in his vicinity…

He grew so tall almost towered me… his eyes were sharp, his muscles as he moved to the rhythm…he changed a lot in two weeks… It wasn’t a bad change like usually the people who get ill does… in fact it was just the opposite…I never saw him so much alive…

“You changed a lot…” I mumbled. “Yes…Guess that happens a lot to me…” he smiled. Even his smile was different…It was cute and innocent before and now it’s full of confidence and pride…

We swayed to the beat for a while and headed back to our table for a drink… my wallet was placed on the table close to Alan’s rested arm…I rushed towards it… How can I be so careless? I felt inside the wallet for the familiar material. Relief washed me as my fingers felt the cold object… Eddy was still holding my hand… his grip tightened all of a sudden…

“Aw! That hurts…” I said shaking my fingers… He looked shaken… His eyes flicked with unnatural speed between me and Amy, sweat dripped across his face… His face contorted with pain…

“Eddy, is everything okay…?”Amy asked eying him. He shook us and ran away… “Go after him…I think he is ill… I’ll get someone for help…” I called already dashing to Alan who was stading with a group of our classmates…

“Alan…” He rushed towards me… he ust have sent a message to Ron, he appeared suddenly out of nowhere beside me. “Eddy…he is really ill. He ran away…” I said. “I think he needs us… I sent Amy with him…” “What…?” Alan rushed with unnatural speed out into the school grounds… Ron chased after him.

I ran as fast as I could… As I neared the school grounds… I heard huge growls… I shivered as I recognized the source of the growls… It’s here again… Amy and Eddy are out there…I hope it won’t get to them… I urged my legs to run even faster…

Alan and Ron are fighting with a wolf while Amy was trying to get in between the fight… “Amy..get back…” I pulled her away...She jerked me away and started running towards the Wolf… “Amy…” I rushed after her.

“Don’t hurt him…”she shouted… “Don’t go any closer…it’ll hurt you…” I shouted still trying to pry her away from the fight. “Rose…go inside…” Alan shrieked at me… All I could think was about Amy… “It’s Eddy…he won’t harm us…tell them to back away…” Amy cried… “What are you talking…?” I shouted. “I don’t have time to explain…ask them to go back…”Amy pleas grew more urgent as the wolf howled in pain as Alan attacked it.

“Eddy is a werewolf…I have seen him shift… He is not going to hurt us…” Eddy is werewolf…My world reeled… he is the one who attacked me…how could he? I thought we were good friends but I never realized that it was all pretense to get to me… Rational part wanted him to die for hurting my feelings which hurt more than those scratches he made on my back…
A series of howls suddenly shattered the calm night… I could feel the chill enveloped in the night air...we were suddenly surrounded by a pack of wolves…It’s a trap…my mind shrieked… My heart beat rose listening to the snarls that filled the air… “Ron…Take Rose inside…” Alan commanded. “No…I can’t leave you alone… You can’t handle them alone…”his voice was stern.

Ron took the wolves at a time and Alan attacked the other two wolves… One of them left the fight and pounced on to me… I fell on the ground ready to feel the familiar pain of the claws tearing through the skin… one of the wolf got in thw way og the huge paws…It whelped in pain as the claws tore through it’s skin. “Eddy…”Amy rushed towards the fallen wolf.

Eddy didn’t betray me after all…he was still my friend whatever he might be… The wolf gave a quick galnce over Amy and lunged at her… “Amy…”I shrieked. Amy glanced just in time…she raised her hands in one swift movement, blinding, blue, lightining shot through her hands and the wolf fell back whelping… What happened just now? I am sure that the light shot right through her fingers… I was so lost in thoughts that I didn’t notice the other wolves being pried away from me by Ron and Alan.

A wolf fell on the ground and it quickly staggered to it’s feet. It lunged at me knowing that the other two were immersed in a fight… I cluctched my wallet tightly to my heart… Dad… I’m sorry I couldn’t keep my promise… I whispered to the sky and closed my eyes tightly shut…

Seconds ticked away but I didn’t feel the impact…I peeped to see Nick standing right before me…He was shooting light at the the wolves that came dangerously close to me…

There was another ear peircing howl and the wolves retreated back into the woods and the night sky fell silent… I staggered to my feet as Alan rushed to me… I could see the blood pools formed around me… there are about 4 heads of wolves seperated from their bodies…the gore scene made me puke… I fell unconscious holding to the wallet tightly with enough strength.

I felt someone tugging something away from my hands… I shooed them away shifting to the other side… parts of the dream flooded back to my memory…Wolves fighting…blood and gore…me falling unconscious with wallet I my hands… Wallet…? I woke up starteld and the wallet is still safe in my hands…

Amy’s big blue eyes stared down at me… “Amy…?” I croaked. “Thank god! I thought you would go mad after seeing the fight…”she laughed. “Fight…?”that’s when everything came back to me…

“At the yard… I saw you doing something weird with your hands…” I said tentatively… “I guess…It’s time you know what really I am…” she said eying me… “Our ancestors had the power to tame the energy that’s all around us… that light thing you say from my hands is a wave of energy that I used to hit the wolf…”

“You are a witch…?” I asked. “No… we don’t work on magic…we are called telekin…”she said smiling… “Your names are so weird…”I laughed. “Where are the others…?” I asked observing that I’m in Blake’s house…

“Mrs. Jane is treating Eddy’s wounds… and the others left to take care of the mess of the battle…”she said. “Can you give me a minute… I feel like…” I made a disgusting face… She smiled.

Amy is really not what I thought she is…Eddy is a werewolf…? I guess Beck is also something supernatural… We all were perfectly normal… when did this all change?We are not normal any longer, we are some sort of supernatural bunch… I guess it’s time I let them into my little secret…

I quickly showered, brushed and got into pajamas that I brought from home… Kat was sitting and talking to Amy by the time I finished. Amy was laughing at something that Kat said.

“She is an excellent girl…”she remarked as she Mrs. Blake entering in. She smiled. “Eddy is awake…He wants to see you…” she said. Amy rushed away… “how are you feeling...?” Mrs. Blake asked. “Better…I wanted to talk to you all…” I mumbled. “I guess boys will be back soon…” she said smiling. “Will Mr. Blake be there too?” I asked. “If you want him…” I feel that Mr. Blake knew about it all the while and I feel like he must be there.

I walked into the living room waiting for them to come… I shot up and ran towards the door as I heard the familiar voice of Alan...

Alan and Ron walked in smiling giving me and Nick some time to talk… “I’m sorry… I had to keep it from you…” he said. “I guess…it’s okay… everybody has a secret here…” I smiled and walked him in.

Amy walked just in time…Eddy’s arms were enveloped around her waist drawing her closer. Nick stared for a while and let it go with a shake of his head. How did it happen…? I’ll ask Amy later about it for now I have my own secret to be revealed.

“I have something to show you all…” I said and carefully untied the strings of the red silk pocuh… I pulled open the rare black diamond…encrusted in a moon shaped locket with a silver chain… Mr. Blake’s eyes twinkled. Alan and Ron gasped… “Honey…Is this what I think…?” Mrs. Blake gingerly touched the locket.

“The heart of Lenora…”Alan and Ron gasped. “A what…?” I asked dumbly. “We will tell you what that is but tell me first where did you get it…” Ron demanded. “My father gave it to me…he said that I am the keeper for it...”I said… I could hear sharp intake of breath from everyone… “What…?” I scowled. “Honey… do you know what it is…?” Mrs. Blake said.

“No…My dad said it was a very powerful thing and I should never let anyone know that I have it in my possession…” I said. “Why did you reveal it now…?”Mr. Blake asked looking curiously.

“I thought…um… this has something to do with all the attacks…” I mumbled. “Clever girl…” Mr. Blake chuckled. “I think we should inform the illuminate about it…” Ron said eying his father.

“No… Do you think they would let her live and worst they would even kill us for helping her and risking the exposal of our clan…”he said. “But father… they are the one who sent us here to protect us…”Ron protested.

“I have something to confess…” Mr. Blake said smiling mischeviously… I think ron got that smile from his dad… We looked expectant at him. “The illuminate doesn’t even know that we are here…” He was cut off when Ron asked. “Why…? How…?”

“I promised my friend Evan to keep his daughter safe…” He said eying me… “You knew my father…?” I asked dumbfound. “Your father would be really proud of you…”he left smiling.

Everyone was beyond shock with one or other thing… “ I knew it that there is something you’re hiding…” Ron grumbled. “I’m sorry. I made a promise…” I said. “Do you know how easy it could be for us…if we knew what we are fighting for…” he stomped away into his room. “Ron…please…” I went after him but he shut the door on me.

“I think we should leave now…” Nick, Amy and Eddy left. I sat on the steps sighing… “Don’t worry, he’ll come around… He is just mad that you kept secrets from him…” Alan said squeezing my hands gently…I rested my head on his shoulders, sighing… I glanced at the weird looking diamond in my hands…

“What is it anyway?” I mumbled. “It’s the heart of Lenora…Lenora was the mother witch…She was a powerful woman, it’s her locket…It is believed that on her death bed she transferred all her power into this locket which in turn changed the red ruby into black color…this locket was passed down to her ancestors… You must be her ancestor…that’s why you became it’s keeper…”

“What do they want from a old witches locket…?” I frowned. “Lenora…is not just a witch she is most powerful than any
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