» Fiction » Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗

Book online «Forever in Love, hima [ebook reader computer .TXT] 📗». Author hima

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“Home is far away…”My mind smirked. I revved up the engine and hit max speed… The fog made it unclear…It’s like driving a car blindfolded. I promise I’ll listen here after anything he says…please let me be home safe… I said.

A heard huge thud and my car screeched under the impact of the huge object…It swerved and cut into the nearby mountain wall, The scream barely escaped my lips when I heard a loud growl erupt…I didn’t dare see what it was because I knew it had followed me here… and then I heard a crack on my windshield, I peeped at the thing in fear…It’s jaws unclenched making a deep rumble sound, saliva dripping through its canines, blood red tongue slopping sideward’s as it started its prey…It raised its huge paw preparing for another impact on the windshield. The wind shield broke and my cry tore through the silent night sky…

The beast reached out for me…I jumped out the car and made a mad dash into the night…My feet and legs hurt from all the running yet I didn’t lose the beast…It’s paw tore through my skin on the back…Fear gripped my heart, the claws tore through the skin deeper…I fell screaming in pain… the silhouette of the beast loomed towards me as I lay on the floor paralyzed by fear…

“Take her home…” I heard the familiar voice of Alan… I raised my head to see Alan standing between me and the beast… He stole a glance towards me and his concerned gaze melt my heart… his eyes told many things to me of which I could make out one thing particularly; he was really sorry for letting this happen to me.

“Rose…” Aaron’s warm breath brushed against my skin… He scooped me up gently in his arms as I screamed in pain when he touched my wounded skin…he shifted me and held me close trying to avoid contact with the wounded skin… “You’ll be okay…” he murmured.

“Alan…We need to help him…That beast would kill him…”I squeaked. “He will be fine…” he mumbled giving me a soft kiss on the forehead… “Help him…” I fell unconscious as the last ounce of my strength faded away.

“Um..Rose…” Alan said tentatively…I turned towards him ignoring the notes that I have been taking…”Can I ask you a favor…?” he asked. “Sure…Do you need my notes…?” “What are you doing tonight…?” he asked tentatively…. Is he asking me for a date? Why would he…? A mischievous grin spread through my face… “Don’t go out anywhere at night today…it’s not safe…”He finished hurriedly as if he knew what I’m thinking and wanted to crash all my misunderstanding towards him. I shrugged and resumed scribbling in my notes.

It was replaced by another vision from the previous day… I was driving towards the Simpson’s diner as the music blared in my system…The phone vibrated in my pocket…I turned off the music… “Rose…where are you…?” Ron shouted. “I’m heading towards the diner…” “Turn back to home…now…” His voice was hoarse with anger. “Since when are you demanding me something to do…” I cut him off and clicked the phone shut. What’s with these brothers today…? Have they gone mad…?

My thoughts were cut off by a loud growl that erupted somewhere near by my side… I saw a huge dog running towards my car… as it closed the distance…I saw how huge it was really…It let out a ear piercing howl as it jumped and landed on my bonnet. It fisted it’s paw on my windshield…It’s canines grinding and fixing it’s eyes on me…My heart began to pound at my chest as I saw the unnaturally huge dog sitting on my bonnet and trying to kill me…I jolted the car into a start and swayed through the roads hoping the beast would slide off the bonnet but it pinned it’s nails into my car getting a good grip without falling… I swerved past the roads and hit something solid knocking the beast off the car by its sudden impact… taking my chance I back tracked and drove back…

My vision blurred as the remnants of the vision faded off. It still gave me goose bumps to remember last night events… “Is she conscious…?” Alan’s voice was firm. My eyes flicked open as I heard his familiar voice comforting my internal turmoil.

“Alan…”I jumped into him for a hug… “I’m alive and you’re alive…” I replied eyes wide with surprise and joy… “Yes…You are…” Ron smirked. Alan wiggled away from me uncomfortably… I fell back embarrassed… My skin stung as I moved and pain shot through my back...I screamed in pain… “Rose…” Tears trickled through my eyes as the pain kicked in… “Mom….”Ron ran outside the room.

An elderly woman walked in time to see me screaming in bed… As the medicine kicked in… my aching back eased off a bit… “Don’t let her sleep on her back…”her motherly soft voice said. Ron held me close preventing me from falling and hurting my back… The elderly came in at regular intervals cleaning my wounds and giving me medicines…

“Ron…I think you should rest a while…I’ll take care of her…” Alan said eying his brother who is holding the fragile girl in his hands… “It’s okay…Al…”he said. “No… You need to rest too…” the women said sternly… Ron gave up and tentatively let Rose go…She curled up into a ball and flinched as the wounds stung a bit…

Alan held her…she cuddled closer to him… her innocent face held a sweet smile now… Ron and his mother left them alone. “Alan…”Rose whispered in her dream. Alan stared at her… her flushed cheeks and her smile allured him more than anything…How can a mere human be so captivating…? He thought. He kissed her gently on the forehead and cursed as soon as he did it…Ron likes her…He chanted.

It was really weird the hooded eyes that seemed to haunt all her dreams were the only thing that kept her sane and comfortable in this hectic time of hers…

“You are awake…”A pair of blue eyes stared at her… She took in the women who nursed her all these time… Ron helped me sit up in the bed. “How are you feeling…?” She asked checking my temperature. I checked my back…it didn’t even sting “Surprisingly better…” I didn’t even know her name… “My mother…Jane…” Ron said smiling.

“Thanks for everything…um...Mrs. Blake…” I said smiling…”Call me, Jane, dear.” She replied.

“Mommy…”A little girl about Liz’s age padded in… “You aren’t sleeping…” Her eyes went wide with surprise as she saw me. Ron helped her up as she tried to get into my bed. “My little sister, Katie…” Ron said smiling. “Kat…”she corrected him. “Yeah! Kat…” Ron mumbled. Even this little had a problem with her name…I laughed as I remembered how Ron used to correct us.

Her smile grew as she saw me laugh. “Alan…Is he hurt too…” I asked remembering for the first how I was saved. “No…he is really good. I frowned how he could take down such a beast without even a scratch. “He shot the wolf…” Ron said. I nodded.

“How many days was I out…?” I asked. “Just the weekend…” Ron said. “I should probably go home, now…”I said. “No…You are staying here, dear…”Mrs. Blake said sternly.

“Can we play, mommy…” Kat asked enveloping her hand in mine. A silent exchange passed between Mrs. Blake and Ron. “Kat…Big Al has a surprise for you…” Ron said. “Lion…?” she asked jumping into his open hands. Ron chuckled as he carried her away.

“She is a cute little girl…so like my little sister…” Mrs. Blake smiled. “They are just scars now…”Mr. Blake said, unwrapping the bandages on my back. She gave a smooth linen white shirt. The shirt had the faint smell of cologne…

I curled up myself on the bed as the sun rays sank low… “Stay home…”Alan’s voice taunted me in my dreams…I woke up unable to sleep. He didn’t mention something like it on that day too…It was like he knew something was going to happen. How…? I pulled the quilt closer to me and walked cautiously out of the room…I didn’t know where I was planning to go but my feet dragged me on their own accord… Blake’s house was lavishly decorated… The wooden floor creaked slightly under my weight, there are many famous painting hung against the walls, I walked past them and I flinched as If I felt their gaze on me.

A mellow light spread from the corner room…I made my way slowly towards it…What would I say if someone saw me sneaking at nights…I better go up but my heart longed to see what was hidden behind those doors. I stood tentatively at the door weighing my options…

“Don’t stand there…you’ll get cold feet…” Ron chuckled. Ron and Alan were sitting on the huge couch watching sports… “I couldn’t sleep…”I stammered.

“Come…” Ron gestured slapping on the couch beside him. I walked towards him tentatively… I sat there awkwardly thinking how I should ask…“What is it…?” Alan asked. “What…?” I frowned. “You feel like asking something…”Alan said. How did he know that? “On that day…you told something about the night being not safe…How…?” I stammered.

“I didn’t say anything like that…” He quickly replied. “No…you did.” I pouted. “What’s happening…?” Ron asked budging in between us. “Al…Did you…?” Ron’s eyes were stern and it looked as if he is scrutinizing him.

“I did…I thought it would be better if we warn her…” he said. Ron looked at his brother with a grim expression… At times like this I get to know Ron is the elder of the two…

“Al…you shouldn’t have done that…you’re putting our plan in jeopardy…”Ron said.”Hey…What plan..?” I asked. The two brothers stared at each other for a while and finally Ron nodded. “Hey…You two just talk…It’s insane to stare at others without talking…” I shouted.

“We are sort of here to protect you…” Ron said. “Protect me…? Why would I need protection?” I asked. Alan shrugged his shoulders… “We don’t know…We were just told to protect you…” “The better question would be from what we are protecting you…”Ron said. He looked suddenly grim, his boyish face turned into a serious looking young man.

“What are you protecting from?”I dreaded his answer because part of me knew that the answer is not good. “Things like that you encountered three nights ago…”Ron said. I remembered huge thing tearing my skin with its claws… I flinched at that memory. Ron squeezed my hands… “It won’t happen again…”Ron said. Alan nodded. “What was that thing…?” I shivered as I spoke… “It’s werewolf…”

“A…?” I asked wide mouthed. “You are kidding…”I said but part of me knew that he was telling me the truth. “If that’s a werewolf… you are what a vampire…?” I humored the disgust on their face clearly said they are not. “We are not vampires…”Ron said the word vampires with disgust. I raised my eyebrows questioningly.

“We are the eternals…” he said squaring his shoulders….I burst into laugh… “I’m sorry…It’s just the name sounded so cheesy…”I said. “What…maybe you like the dark knights better…” he scoffed. “Tad better…” I laughed.

“You are laughing instead of worrying about all this…” Alan asked. “I have heard the tales from my granma…she believed that they existed so may be part of me believed in her too. I found it shocking for a while to actually meet one in flesh but I guess that didn’t freak me out…”
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