» Fiction » Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗

Book online «Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗». Author Marie Harris

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I only had one family member that would want to take care of me because either they think I’m too dangerous or there dead. “Sweetie listen to me, you are in whole different universe the only people who really have powers on this planet are you, vampires, shape shifters, and wolves” I was stunned, my sister had always told me the legend of the hum-ans but nobody ever know if they were real. I don’t know what happen but next thing I knew peo- I mean vampires were screaming outside “Stay here” Val said “Yea right” I mumbled to myself soon as she walked out I jumped up and follow her every single person that was on the lawn when I first came out was on the porch and nobody was squished I walked to the front of the step. Oh my gods, there were five wolves standing a few feet away then someone put there hand on my back and pushed me. I just laughed I land straight in a push up stand “Wow” I said looking around everyone excluding the wolves just stared at me did I do something wrong? I looked up a wolf was in my face it was so cute “Hi cutie” I said patting it on the head then I heard mumble’s come from the step I turn and look up everyone staring at me like I’m crazy. When I turned around I wasn’t staring at the wolves’ eyes I looked up there was a boy standing in front of me he was so beatiful he had black hair that went right to the middle of his neck and his bang swooped down and just covering his misty-blue eyes he looked like a Greek god “Get up Please” he said more as a demand then a request. First he looks at like he disgusted but then his face lighten “Your not a Vampier” he asked confused “No” I say flatly he looks over his shoulder I look with him the other wolves turn into there natural form “Want to come with us” he said with a smile across his face “Ok” I say I turn away I was blushing like crazy he was so handsome he extended his hand out to me before I could even reach for it. The boy with the green eyes was in front of me and the two boys are growling then the werewolf smiles at me “Oh yea my name is Jake, Jake Morris” he winks at me and in a flash he’s gone the boy with green eye’s looks at me I got this foolish smile on my face “Whip that smile off your face, long as your with us you won’t barely see him” I just turn back around and go back in the house I laid down on the couch and fell asleep.
Chapter 4
I felt someone shaking me and saying get up “Five more minutes please” “No get up” he said laughing “Man “ I mumble to myself I sit and open my eyes I smiled I don’t know why but I did. My head hurted I touched my head it was in two braids “Hey who did this” I said ready to take them out “Don’t, that will hurt my sister feeling” I shook my head ok next I know a girl with dirty blonde hair comes walking in with the same exact hair style she smiled at me “Hey sorry I didn’t get to meet you yesterday my name is Melissa” I didn’t say anything “What the heck are you wearing” I said looking her up and down she blushed I bet because she was embarrass. She was wearing a hot pink dress but it only came to the middle of her thighs and she had on high heels only vampire’s would ever wear them in Airy “Oh you’ll get use to the style” she laughed and handed me a plate with eggs and bacon on it “The three of us are going Downtown to go shopping for you” I was finish eating my breakfast already “Then are you are going to take me home” I said with a smile across my face they looked at each other sadly but I bet more for me then them “No” Mellissa said looking down and playing with her finger nails “Oh. . ..ok what am I going to wear” the Melissa pepped up “I was going to give to my purple half top with the word spoil me because I deserve on it, my black forever twenty-one shorts and Gucci flip flop and some jewelry” “Ok” I say following her upstairs when we got upstairs I got dressed when she done putting make-up on me she says I look fly I just smile knowing it’s a compliment
Now were Down town going in and out of stores and it’s these things called cars there like horses but they have rubber wheels and are made out of metal I had to learn that the hard way because when I first got outside there was one riding by I ran into the street and tried to touch it .It made a beeping sound and the drivers said get out the way out the way the driver yelled out the window Melissa apologize to the driver and lead me to car. Now back to Downtown we went in to a store name Forever 21 I just grabbed anything I wanted that’s what James told me to do because something called a credit card couldn’t max out. I put all the stuff I wanted on the counter I had at least thirty items Melissa had way more then me she was fun and cheerful she was very smart but she says everyone calls her a dumb blonde I just said that was rude she said she didn’t care because she got better grades then them any way “Can we get something to eat” I asked as we were leaving Forever twenty-one “Sure” James said he was extra quiet “ Next we should go to a boy and girl store I said trying to cheer him up he smiled but I knew it was fake we went to what they called a food court we sat at a table in the middle of food court James went to get us some Chinese food Melissa went to tell him what drinks we wanted but my energy was already draining I practically lived off of water because of my power I looked around and I saw a water fountain I put an invisible shield around are bags and walked to it nobody was in line so I just walk over there and over bent and got some water next thing I know a someone was tapping on my shoulder I turned around it was Jake “Hey!” he said now even surprised I was here. I was shocked I couldn’t believe he was here I’ve been thinking about him all day since yesterday “Umm…..Hi” I say trying to figure what to say “I didn’t you would be here” I just smile he looks me up and down and whistles for some reason I can’t stop smiling I was loving he approved my outfit “Um….so are you here with anyone” “Yea” I say looking over to see if James or Melissa were coming “Who” he says I know he already knows but he makes me melt every time I see him and I start to act like a dumb blonde “I’m here with James and Melissa” I say in a sweet baby voice I here people laughing after I say that I look over Jake shoulder it’s his friend he was went yesterday my skin feels hot I’m very embarrass I look down and play with my nails he takes his index finger and lift my head by my chin he has this little smirk on his face. “Want to come with us” “Sure” I say he grabs my hand and we start walking away in a flash Melissa in front of me “What are you doing” “I-I” I don’t now what to say “Well I see you can’t come went us so adieu mien amient” he kisses my hand and walks away I melt under does words adieu mien amient what does that mean “Come on we have to eat” she says pulling me to the table “What were you thinking Journey” “He’s so sweet” “He’s a werewolf” I ignore her comment “What does adieu mien amient mean” she quiet I can tell she doesn’t want to answer “It means good bye my love” she’s smiling “He is sweet but I don’t know Journey” we sit down at the table and James beet red “What is wrong with you!” tears swell up in my eyes “Why are you yelling at me” I say barely above a whisper he doesn’t even say sorry he just starts eating. After were done eating we go to couple more stores then we leave. Adieu mien amient, adieu mien amient, I can’t get that out of my head. He’s so sweet he called me his love I just keep smiling no matter what James says I can’t stop Melissa says I’ve been bitten by the love bug James just scowls at her. Maybe I have I just shake my head and smile at her
Chapter 5
It’s been a week since I’ve seen Jake I miss him a lot James told his parents about Jake they say its ok but James acting like he rules me and he forbidden me to ever see him again. Today I finally started watching the people in the TV there called shows and there about different things and its thousands of them and Melissa says you need a cable box or a satellite and they have a cable box name Comcast I’m watching this show named Degrassi it really good I was just getting into then someone knock on the door “Melissa someone’s at the door” there Val told me to do that because I didn’t know better to let a stranger in the house Marcus there dad gave me a nickname it’s chico it means little one in Spanish everyone in the house calls me that because they say I’m like a little baby just being born in the world not knowing right from wrong. I like it here not having to wear those itchy dresses and some poor folk coming begging to stay in the castles or asking for food. Melissa comes running down the stair and goes to the door “Who is it” I don’t hear nobody answer but she opens the door and peeks out “OH!” she says smiling she steps asides and lets a girl in. She looks around the room and she stops and looks at me “Who is that” she whisper to Melissa “Oh just a cousin staying with us” Melissa says smiling “Let’s go upstairs” the girls went upstairs whispering and giggling “Wow” I say to myself that girl is a duplicate of Melissa, same hair color, same eye probably contacts James told me what they were when his best friend came over she wears them you can pick any color and wear them “Well lets get back to the show” I say to myself then I hear this strange sound coming from outside I go to the door and open it. It’s a little wolf looking thing making a barking sound “Aw” I try to tell it to come here but it doesn’t listen then it starts walking away I slip on some flip-flops and start chasing it. It goes right into the woods but I don’t stop I keep following it until were in front of a small house it barks again then it starts changing it turns into a human “Jake” he yells then walks in the house I just stand there he just called
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