» Fiction » Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗

Book online «Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗». Author Marie Harris

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Chapter 1
"Journey" I heard as I was putting my shoe's on, I looked in the mirror before I ran out the door I had forgoten my water stone I grab it and ran for the door "Stop running in the hall Miss. Aqua” my maid said as I ran past her but I didn't listen, I trip over my heel and failed down the steps but before I could fall on my face I used my powers to make a water bed I hit the water hard but I ignored the pain and got right back up," Your crazy my dear""Rose my dear I know "I chuckle lightly at myself. Rose was my only true friend she liked me before my parent's were dead and I was Queen of Airy that why she was my best friend. She was beatiful, her eyes were blue and they were so deep it was like you could see her soul. She has soft pale rock hard skin. She was a vampier & a witch. She had on a purple silk dress with long black gloves and a black umbrella it was the same color of her hair. I picked up the picnic basket. She pulled the door closed and put the umbrella up, she hated the sun even though it didn't hurt her. I looked back at my castle it was all white with gold symbols and guards surrounded it "You look pretty" Rose said looking at my dress she was right I did, I had on my dark purple dress with light purple trimmed on the edges with a very large bow in the back and my light blonde hair was in two pig tails with bows and I had my goggles on my head and my water stone in my hand, my light white skin glowed as the sun hit me, "Today your eye's are blue "she said looking in to my face "Oh that’s because I'm happy "there was a long silence I just stared at the golden path walk this happened a lot when we were going to are hiding place because my maid could track are voices from far away and tell we were at. Because some times I didn't come back home until six-hundred in the evening I looked around no one was outside, I didn't notice but I was running, well I wasn't running Rose was super fast the wind was hurting my eyes but I wouldn't dear close them. It was a beatiful site seeing things going by so fast but I blinked and we were there she had all ready got everything together I just sat next to her and grabbed a finger sandwich and took a bite I put my head on her shoulder "I missed you yesterday" "Oh sorry my grandmother wouldn't let me come out”’ Oh”there was something wrong she knew something I didn’t. I looked at her face she looked scared “Are you Ok” like on que she burst into tears. She huged me tight” I’m so sorry” as she said that I looked into the sky thinking about what she was talking about” What are you sorry for?”Now I was scared what had she done?”I-I” she put her head in my chest and screamed “I love you and I’m sorry but I will try to fix it Ok””Ok but that-“”Just tell me you’ll forgive me””Ok I will””Hello Rose I’m happy you didn’t Punk out ”I turned around to see a boy looked about are age. He had black hair about to the middle of his neck with the most beatiful green eyes he looked like the prince charming I’ve been dreaming about the other boy had blonde hair but it was in a pony tail and had hazel eyes he looked like his was in pain but he looked much older then us. I looked at her confused who were those boy and what were they talking about” Who are they Rose””I-I traded you for blood” “WHAT! How could you””But I won’t let them take you” she whispered but it seemed like they heard her the boy with the ponytail grabbed me by my neck and lifted me up with one hand I could tell he was a vampier” Try anything and I will break her neck” I looked at his face seeing if he was bluffing he wasn’t she didn’t listen she thought if she ran fast as enough she could save me but as she got closer he squeeze my neck hard his hand were cold and hard as rock. I couldn’t breath the last thing I heard before I blacked out I heard someone screaming that someone was Rose.
Chapter 2
I was awoken by footsteps I look around I was on the floor and in the room was just a desk and a black flat box and next to me was a long stick thing next to me with a bunch of numbers on it. My head felt heavy like rocks I got up as slow as I could and walked to the door I twisted the door knob but it was lock so I just laid back on the floor and grab the stick with number I wanted to see what it was I pushed it a couple a times the flat box came on people were on it ”Oh No” there were people trapped in the box I crawled up to the screen and knock on it “Hello can you hear me I will get help Ok” I guess they couldn’t hear so I just jumped and ran for the door and banged on it no answer. There was a window I tried to open it but I was too weak so I just kicked it in someone would be mad about that later. I climbed down the wall and looked up at the sky I wonder what’s going on I said to myself the sky wasn’t gray earlier I looked around a lot had changed in just few hours the grass had turned green even though it was always green it was dull then a bird flew past but it didn’t come say hello, so I tried waving to the people who were walking by but they just stared at me like I was the crazy one but they were I was the queen and they didn’t not say hello but I notice they were not wearing gowns they were wearing some kind of thing that look like the half tops of dress and suit pants but made out of something else. But I just wanted to see in the house so I just ran up the steps and twisted the door handle surprisingly the door was unlock I justed walked right in and looked around there were more people in a box but there were people watching the box. I ran to the people in the box” Why are you not helping them get out” I said while turning to look at there face I looked through the faces sitting on the chairs but I stopped dead in my tracks soon as I looked at the boy that kidnapped me “Why is she here” I stood up as I did that he was up in a flash grabbing my arm “Who is that” a girl from the couch kept asking questions ”Um- just my Girlfriend” said the boy with the ponytail” Come sweetie lets go up stairs””NO!” now he was angry he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder ” I let a cry escape my lips his shoulder hit me in my stomach “Put me down now you nasty blood sucker” everyone was shocked by what I said” You told her?””No when I first saw him I knew” they didn’t understand “HE KIDNAPPED ME!” “Why would he kidnap you?”they didn’t now who I was ”I’m the Queen of Airy” “WHY, WHY!?” said a voice from the couch “I don’t know mom I’m sorry” this was his mother I would be ashamed to call him my son “Lets get you a shower Princess” she turned to the boy with the ponytail “Derek, take her upstairs and get her what she needs” “Ok” he said not even above a whisper he went up the stairs I wasn’t sure I trusted him but his mom look at with reassuring eyes. I follow him up the steps “Come this way he yelled from down the hall” I followed his voice and walked in to the small room .He pasted me a rag and towel the tub was already filled with water with “Can you please unzip my dress” “My pleasure” he said turning my whole body around, he unzips it slowly then he leaves I sled the dress off my arms and it drop to my ankles I got into the tub and cried I wanted to go home
Chapter 3
I walked down the steps of the strange place it was very cold I heard laughter come from the dinning room why were so happy? They just found out there son kidnapped somebody I walked in to see a whole lot a people sitting at the dinning table but they weren’t here before “Hello Journey” I smiled half heartedly at his mother. Is that all you can call her? I walked over to her and whisper in her ear “What can I call you” I said looking into her eyes. I have seen those beatiful green eyes before they looked like the other boy from the beach “Sweetie did you heard me?””Oh I’m so sorry ma’am what did you say?””Just call me Aunti Val” “Ok and can I ask you a question” “Ye-“I didn’t wait for her to answer “Do you have another son?” “Yea I do sweetie and I have two daughters” she pointed to a girl with blonde hair and a girl with short red hair with green highlights “Ok” I say walking away. I didn’t know what to do with myself so I just went and sat on the couch. The boy with the greens eyes is right front of me I gasp he laughs “Hey” he says nodding his head at me “Hi” I’m staring into his eyes I feels like I was doing that for hours before Aunti Val came and ask me was I hungry I had forgotten all about food the last thing a have eaten today was a finger sandwich “Yes” I say but I still don’t look away “Come on then” she says walking to the door but its like I’m in a trance. Then all of a sudden his eyes turn brown “Oh my goodness” I mumble before I get off the couch and run to the door to find Aunti Val he laughs and walk over to Derek. When I walk outside there’s like fifteen people out there and I can tell their vampires. I Walk pass serial vampires and they look disgusted to be in my presents but one vampier stops me “Are you sure you belong here?” I snatch my arm away “This is my kingdom, I sure do belong here” he looks at me confused I just walk away where was Val I feel a hand grab my shoulder I turn around slowly “Oh thanks goodness” I say looking at Val “”Come back in the house sweetie” she says pulling me toward the house as we walk in she sits me down “Sweetie this not your kingdom –“”YES this is my kingdom, wait did they over turn that I was to young” “No sweetie-“ Well what going on I mean…… Like four hours ago I was a queen now TELLS ME WHAT GOING ON!” I burst into tears I was scared to death

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