» Fiction » Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗

Book online «Journey's Life, Marie Harris [i can read with my eyes shut txt] 📗». Author Marie Harris

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Jake “Oh no” I look a mess I was wearing Hello-Kitty Pjs and my hair was in a messy bun Jake came out smiling at me I smiled back but his smile looked like I don’t know evil maybe but I pushed that comment aside and I waited for him to say something “So you finally found me” he comes closer and touches my cheek I start blushing “Love your Pjs” he say sarcastically that made my smile disappear he laughs “I’m going to go back home Bye” I say feeling embarrass I start walking away but he grabs my arm hard, squeezing it “Get off of me” I tried snatching my arm away but he had a deathly grip on it “Where do you think your going” I look at him “I should have knew James was right” he gets mad when I say that he shoves me on the ground I get up and run I hear the house door open and close I hear pounding on the ground there chasing me I don’t even know were I’m going “HELP” I try yelling but I know I’m at least a mile away from the house “HELPPPPP” I yell at the top of my lungs next thing I know them boy’s are surrounding me “LEAVE ME ALONE” they all laugh Jake walking up to me and grabbing me by my arms he smiles then he kisses my cheek I smile the smile on his disappear “That’s what I love about humans there so..Dumb” then he pushes me into someone behind me then he pushes me to some one else then they just keep pushing me into a circle first I start to cry that makes them do it harder I can’t take it anymore “STOP NOW” they stop but to laugh now, My eyes turn red Jake was the first person to notice “What the” now I laugh and flames shoot out of my hands “She’s not human” I walk up to Jake “ I said I wasn’t a vampier but I never said I was human” I slap him across the face with a flames he get’s mad and turns into a wolf all of them do I just keep throwing fire balls after all of them are laying on the ground half way dead I make a fire board and fly up into the air I fly straight and wait till I calm down to go back in the house
Chapter 6
When I get into the house James sitting on the couch “WHERE DID YOU GO” he jumps off the couch and reaches for me I duck and run for the stairs “Melissa” I say looking in her room she not in there “Oh great I’m bout to die” when I turn around James is in front of me his eyes turn red and then I feel this pain coming up my back it’s feels like someone’s cutting me I let out a scream then James starts morphing It was Jake “You thought you would get away” he picks me up by my throat and throws me across the hall “What-what do you want from me” I cry out “Nothing your friends with vampire’s and since we can’t kill them we kill or torture there love ones” he picked me up by my leg “I’m not a love one I just was kidnapped by there son” “That’s good enough” he bangs my head into the banister “AHHHHHHH” I’m sick of this I say to myself I reach into my pocket and grab the knife I put there earlier I cut him across the chest tears swell up in his eye and he punches me in my stomach I kick him in his jaw and I follow that with both my feet up in the air and I kick him in the chest and he falls out the window “JOURNEY” I hear from outside I look there’s the whole family standing there looking down at Jake “Get down here” James say’s like he’s the boss but I follow his order and I jump out the window landing on my feet “What happen” I tell them from start to finish “WOW so he’s not a wolf just a shape shifter” said Val “So what are we going to with him” the girl with red hair said Oh I never meant her this might be my only chance “What’s your name” I ask her she looks at me like I was crazy but she answer anyway “Isabella” she says looking down “But call me Bella” she was very shy I could tell she was nothing like Melissa. Melissa was perky and happy all the time and her favorite colors were pink, purple, yellows, any thing bright and she always was the life of the party and everyone liked her but Isabella was shy and quite her favorite colors were red, black, gray and anything darker she hang out with a little crowd but never seem to go out a lot unless her friends comes knocking for her to go to the movies or something like that but I will never judge a book by its cover I knew she held dark secrets and only act like this at home “I think we should keep him for a pet” I blurted out after nobody said anything everybody laughed even Bell “ We can’t do that sweet heart that’s called kidnapping” I just laughed after all these week I thought they’ve gotten use to it by now “Let just put him in the woods” said Derek everyone shook there head to that “I’ll stay with Journey” said Melissa. Val agreed to that we walked into the house we sat on the couch and began talking like old friends “School’s beginning in one week” I just stare at her are they really going to send me to school with humans I ask myself “So am I going” “Yes” “Do we have to wear dresses” she laughs at me “No silly we get to wear what we want” “GOOD” I say serious as a heart attack

Chapter 7 (Final chapter in 1 book)

“JOURNEY YOU HAVE TO GET UP” what now I’ve been up half the night talking with Melissa my new roommate she was yelling at me to get up “WE HAVE SCHOOL” soon as I heard that I jumped up “Come on get dress” I got dress and brushed my teeth and washed my face I looked into the mirror and head down stairs it seemed liked everyone was all the both boys and Mr. Jones gave disapproving looks but didn’t say anything but Mrs. Jones and the girls smiled and said I looked cute. I had on a white cheerleader mini skirt with different color all over it was a gift from the ladies and I had on a red white beater that was cut exposing half of my stomach and it had miss packman on it I wore a diamond tennis bracelet, and ear ring both baby blue and my water stone necklace my wedges made me a little taller then Bella when we stood together to take a family yea I said family picture then we all lifted out “Lets all ride in the family car” said Val everyone groaned “Val no let me ride with you and dad” “Ok” she heading to the car I waved to them “See you all at school” we drove off to school “Sweet Heart this is a little gift from me and Mrs. Jones he hands me a phone I learnt about these this summer “It’s a I phone 4” Val says “Thank you” I say smiling like crazy “We have already stored everyone in the families number” “Oh yea here your book bag” he hand’s me a all blue Gucci book bag that’s has a G locket on it “Thank you so much” they just look back at me in smile “Were here” we stepped out the car I dropped my book bag the building was bigger then my castle at home and there were tons of humans every where but one thing that caught my eye Jake was here he looked over at me I acted like I didn’t notice him “Sweetie are you all right” “Yes” they walked over to me and hugged me “Oh yea sweetie you have to acted British and if people ask you how your related to the us just say you were adopted and you came from London” as soon as she said that something clicked inside of me “OK” I sounded different from my real voice “Ok great love you sweetie and stay here and wait for your sisters and brothers” “Ok” they start to leave “Bye Mom and Dad” they smile and I do the same back they wave one more time and leave I wait about ten minutes for the gang but don’t show up so I walk into the school there tons of people walking around I guess school didn’t start yet I read the sings to see what I’m suppose to do there a sing that get your classes, and maps for school I walk were it says to go I wait in line for about five minutes before it’s my turn when I get to the front of the line “What’s your name” “Journey” “Journey What” “Journey Jones” she stops looking through the giant book “Your apart of the Jones family” “Yes do you have a problem with that” “No you just don’t look like one of them and sure don’t sound like them” “Can I please just have my stuff” now I’m becoming annoyed hopefully my eyes don’t change colors in front of her “she hand me my paper “Your eyes were just blue now there yellow “ “I don’t know what your talking about” I snatch the papers and walk away I’m looking down people were staring I bumped into someone and all my book full “Sorry” I mumble he picks most of my books and I pick up his “Here you go” he says and hand me my books I hand him his I look up his so hot his eyes were big and brown he looked like the boy off of glee with the Mohawk his very buff and her wore a tight T-shirt I smile and walk away “Wait up” he says and comes running up to me “What’s your Name” “Journey” “Mines Zack” he walks me to my locker an we find out we have most are classes together

When I get home everyone’s asking me how my days was and I tell them about it all “And I meant a boy” “Who” James says speaking ever since I got home “His name is Zack” all of my sisters and brothers gasp “ You Zack the most popular boy in school” “I guess” “How you meet him” I tell them what happen the girls keep says aw but the boys just sit there not say a world “You can’t see him any more” James says “Why not” I says getting upset “leave her alone” says Bella “It’s JOURNEY LIFE”
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