» Fiction » The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Marina A. Chadd

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Chapter 3

In my whole existence I never though I would see so many vampires go so still. They were expecting it though so they recovered quickly enough. Carlisle and Edward started talking so fast I couldn't even understand what they were saying. Alice went completely blank.
I was in so much shock that they knew who I was and that I didn't realize that Esme was shacking me trying to get me out of my thoughts.
They know who I am... What am I going to do now? I'm a danger to them. Memories flickered through my head at such speed that Edward was getting dizzy.
“Calm down a bit please! Nothings going to happen.” Edward sharply said to me.
“You don't know me or what the Volturi have tried to do to get me! They will stop at nothing to get me! If Demitri or Felix finds me I'm screwed.” I screeched.
“You wont be found, it's too hard to even track you down. I couldn't even find you until you were right under my nose, and I'm VERY good at tracking people.” Jasper told me.
“I know I'm hard to find. Aro has sent some of his people for me and I haven't seen them for a while now.” I whispered.
Edward finally spoke up, “If you know then why are you freaking out?”
“Because, if they find me Aro will try to get me on their side, and you know how Chelsea is.” I told them. “It takes a lot for her to get into my head but she can get into it. Last time she did she collapsed in pain.”
“See? You are going to be fine. Don't worry.” Esme said. “If they can't find you, they can't find out that we are going to help you.”
“I don't want you guys to get into trouble, I'll just have to practice harder to stay away from them and to hone my powers. I will not have more people die for me, I've made the mistake once, and I don't intend on making it again.” I flat out told Esme.Jasper finally spoke again, “We can protect ourselves just fi-.” He stopped talking because Alice went stone still and her eyes were distant.
The whole room held their breath as she sat there, so quiet I could have been sure she would never talk again. She wasn't even breathing. When we finally saw her twitch we all let out the breath that we didn't realize that we were holding. She eyes cleared after an eternity of waiting in silence.
“They aren't going to come for a while, they can't find you at all.” Alice finally spoke.
I finally let out the breath that I was holding, “That's something at least.” I whispered. “Guess there's only one thing left to do.”
“What would that be?” Edward spoke. It looked like he was in pain from just saying that, I guess he doesn't say that often around here.
“I have go talk to the wolves.” I told him.
“Edward and Jasper will go with you, but they can only go to the treaty line.” Carlisle spoke with authority.
“Fine but if something happens they are not to interfere.” When Carlisle started to speak I cut him off, “It's part of the plan I have.”
“Fine but you are still weak, remember that.” Carlisle said
“Not when I'm in wolf form.” I whispered.

Chapter 4

We were standing on the boundary of their land looking out into the woods, just waiting to see if they were out there already.
“They already know that there is another vampire here, they just haven’t met you yet.” Edward told me.
“Well they are about to. I'll see you guys later, but right now I got to go.” It felt like I was almost saying good bye... that's a first for me.
I took off into the woods at an amazing speed trying to catch any of their scents. The rocks and dirt didn't affect my feet, the branches felt like almost nothing, the cold air was warm to me.
All of a sudden I heard a piercing howl from deep in the woods. It's time I thought. I rushed into a clearing and sat, just waiting for them to come. Just breath. Nothing is going to go wrong. I thought calmly.
When they surrounded me I stood up very slowly, trying to put it into my body language that I'm not to harm you or anyone.
When one lunged at me I spun, kicking them so hard I heard his whole rib cage crack. A shrieking whine hit the air so loud that I had to cover my ears. Then a big black wolf hit me from the side sending me rocketing through the air.
I stood up calmly with my eyes slowly darkening, the gray wolf whined at what she saw. I started shaking again, so bad that the ground was moving. The black wolf lunged at me and I flew up, feeling my insides break apart and tear through me. I let myself go, I turned wolf.
When me and the wolf collided there a defining crack that hit the air. I had flipped back and landed a major blow with my hind legs, sending him flying into a tree bigger than me. He didn't get up.
The next wolf was one that was brown, bigger than who I figured was the alpha that I just took down. He hit me but I didn't budge. I whipped around and bit him so hard I heard this leg crack, but he got back up.
We circled each other, waiting to see who would move, he was limping... and bad. I stared at him, letting myself turn vampire once again (my clothesstay in place unlike theirs). I can tell that my eyes stayed fairly dark even after the change. I haven't eaten in a long time.
I noticed that the black wolf was gone, and the brown wolf had stopped circling me. He had stopped trying to attack me. So, the black wolf is the alpha... A human finally appeared from the forest, and it looked like he was hurting. I looked into his mind to figure out his name, I had no need to look further. His name was Sam and he was the alpha.
“Who are you and why are you here?” Sam spoke sharply.
“I'm Willow Kucriarro, and I'm not here to fight you but to warn you.” I spoke softly. “I had no intention to hurt you.”
“When you come onto our land you do, and how the hell are you able to turn into a wolf?” Sam spoke in disbelief.
“I am a high breed, half vampire, half shape shifter.” I spoke with the age I was leaking into my voice.
“That's impossible...” Sam whispered.
“It's not as you can see for I am one. An accident happen when I got bit by a vampire, and it almost killed me. So, yes, it can happen.” I spoke sharply.
A new human stepped in after he changed, “It's not, if we get bit by them we die.” I looked into his mind.... Jacob.
I ran at full speed and picked him off his feet (even though he was taller than me by a good foot and a half. “Listen to me. I do not make a habit of lying to people.” I spoke with a gleam in my eye.
All the wolves tensed ready for a fight, knowing that if they did I would damn near kill them. I felt the tension in the air and turning it down unknowingly. I wasn't in the mood for a distraction. “You either listen to me or I can sit back and watch you and your pack get slaughtered. It makes no difference to me, I'm doing this outta the kindness of my heart.”
Jacob finally spoke, “What do you mean? You can't take as all at once.” He sounded unsure.
“I'm not talking about me you idiot and I could very well take all of you. I'm talking about the Volturi. They are going to start hunting you down one-by-one.” I spoke, my face not even two inches from his face.“Who are they?” This time Sam spoke up sounding a little worried. “Please drop Jacob, he's an idiot just like you said.
I felt nice now that I had their attention, so I dropped him. “They are the leaders of the vampire world. They have “special” vampires in their mists. They are only the strongest and oldest vampires of our time. I should know because they've been trying to catch me for the last hundred years.” It felt weird speaking of my age to others, I've never liked it.
It was the first time I've heard the whole pack go silent. Not even some of the youngest of the group said anything.
“Why are they after us?” Sam spoke almost silently.
“They think that you are werewolves, but your not. Your shape shifters, but they don't really care. You look like one so they want to kill you.” I added quietly.
“When?” Jacob spoke.

“I don't know....”

Chapter 5

Less than five minutes later I found myself in the alpha's home. It was weird being in a wolf's house, I liked it though, it was something I've never really done. His wife was really sweet too, though it bothered me that she had a scar on her face, no doubt from Sam himself. I missed having a family, I get so lonely sometimes. Seeing this pack of wolves acting as a family made me have a hole in my heart that was too deep to heal.
“So, tell us all

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