» Fiction » The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Marina A. Chadd

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to add two more to my list...” I looked at them and slowly started walking toward them. “You will die with mercy because you didn't agree with Aro, you didn't want to fight me. You wanted me to live in peace.”
“Then don't kill us. We'll leave you alone-” Marcus started to say.
I slammed them both into the wall. “You have an issue though, I don't like you or what you do.” I was about to kill them when someone walked into the room.
“Don't Willow. Don't lose yourself to them, they aren't worth it.”Edward walked into the room. “Don't kill them, we still need some control over the vampire population.”
I looked at them both, trying to decide if I should kill them or not.
“Willow, drop him please..” I didn't even notice that Alice was here. She saw me doing this, it would end bad.
I did the hardest thing I've ever done. I let my enemy go. I looked around a noticed how horrible I am and I ran, I ran as far as I could, as fast as I could. I didn't belong in this world. I ran into the forest and turned into a wolf. I ran until I was so weak that I could not hold myself up any longer. I fell to the ground while running, ruining my pretty fur.
I laid there until I heard a noise, and even then I did not get up. I wanted to die, I would not hunt. When the sound got closer I lifted my head up and turned into a vampire again. I laid back down and closed my eyes. I did not care, I just didn't want someone to find an over grown wolf laying down like it was dead.
“Willow.” An Angel-like voice spoke. I did not answer. I was in my own world, and I didn't want to leave it. “Willow, please answer me.” I still didn't answer. I felt him shift away. “Carlisle, I don't know what to do. She wont answer me at all, and she looks like a sack of bones.”
Carlisle bent next to me and opened my eye lids and flashed a light in my eyes. That got me up.
“Damn it!” I sat up and glared at him, my eyes black as pitch and my eyes red from lack of food and sleep.
“It was the only way to get you up, and you need to hunt really bad.” Carlisle said. He took my arm and pricked it to see if I still had blood flow, I had one but barely. “What happened in there?”
I laid back down. “I really don't want to talk about it. I just want to sit and rest, I'm very tired.”
They started to talk around and about me but I didn't care, I was falling asleep. I felt my body start to go limp and I didn't care, I was out of energy. I was so out of it when Carlisle picked me up and was running, hopefully to an airport because I'm not swimming this time. I felt when Carlisle traded spots with Edward when they moved me into a car.

I don't remember past that until we were at the airport.
Chapter 12

When I woke up I was feeling worse than sick, I couldn't move my body it was so weak. I looked to side and saw Jasper sitting close by. I tried to speak but my throught was as dry as sand in a desert. I was in so much pain.
Jasper looked at my struggle, “You shouldn't talk, your too weak to have the struggle right now.” He paused for a moment to think, “How long has it been since you have hunted?”
I cleared my throught as much as I can but it still came out hoarse. “A little over two months, you couldn't believe how much pain I'm in.” That was the last of my energy, I was tapped out.
“We need to get you out and hunting as soon as possible.” Jasper spoke in a whisper.
“I don't have any more energy,” my voice sounded slurred and distant. “I'm just so tired.”
“Hold on, I'll be right back.” Jasper sprinted out of the room at blinding speed. When he got back Carlisle was with him.
“Child, how are you feeling? Jasper says you are really weak and can barley move.” He looked at me with great concern.
“I don't know, I'm dizzy and it hurts a lot to move around.” My voice sounded weak and it slurred even worse this time. In truth I felt much worse than what I was telling them. If I could puke I would.
Carlisle turned to Jasper, “We need to get food into her.... What if I get some from the hospital?
“It's human blood.. Do you think that's good for her right now?” Jasper was cautious, He has dealt with vampires before.
I was starting to swim in and out, their voices were sounding farther away by the second.
“I think that it's the only thing that could save her now. I'll be back, I'm gonna get some out of the hospital.” With that Carlisle swept out of the room and was on his way.
I was so tired but I couldn't sleep. I slowly shifted so I could try to sit on the edge of the bed. I sat up and quickly knew that wasn't the right move. I leaned down so my head went between my knees so I could try and get my breath back again. I lifted my head and tried to get my surroundings, I've never been in this part of the Cullen house before.
Some one stood on the door henge. “Why are you always pushing yourself? You could have died back there and I underestimated you. When your weak you can kill if you want to.” Alice's small bell-like voice stated. “You scared Edward you know. We were all worried about how you would come out of it. I've never seen one of our kind starved to that point.”
“I was waiting for Aro to come into the room. It took longer than I though and by the time he did I was beyond pissed and I'm pretty sure he knew it.” My voice was raspy but it was coming back. “Tell Carlisle to not get me any blood, I'll do it myself.” I slowly got to my feet making sure that I wouldn't fall on my face. I started walking out of the room and down the stairs when Alice stopped me and just stared.
I knew what she saw for I was in a tank top and shorts. I was beyond starved. I had no meat on myself, I was all bones and skin. My eyes were normally bright with though and purple, but were now dead and black. My eyes hollow with deep bruises underneath.
“You will never know what pain I went through Alice, and I hope you never do.” I spoke quietly while I looked into her eyes. I turned away and headed downstairs and when outside. I felt the fresh air and just breathed, I couldn't believe how much I missed it. The freedom and independence that I no longer had.
My stomach growled. “I know, lets go and eat.” I sprinted out and into the woods praying that there would be prey near by. I ran miles into the territory and with nothing to satisfy my hunger. I sat down with a huff onto a rock.
“REALLY?! REALLY?!” Then I stopped yelling, I felt stupid to talk to air. Today just wasn't my day, and I had a feeling that it was just going to get worse.
I heard a rustle and was relived when it was only Jacob. “Well, it's Willow right? I heard you were in Italy.” Jacob was getting to something, I could smell it.
“Yes, I was Jacob. Now I know you want to say some thing so just get it off your chest,” I wasn't in the mood for it, I was starving. “and make it quick cause if you haven't opened you blind eyes I am half starved and if I don't get anything in my system within two hours I will most likely never get up on my own again.”
“Okay and -. Oh my god you do look bad. I never actually look at you guys. Well me and the pack want to know what went on there and if we are going to still be looking for a fight.” He sounded nervous.
“Jacob sit.” Surprisingly he obeyed me. “When I was in Italy I went to the Volturi and lets just say that they shouldn't be bothering you because the really don't have a guard right now.” I spoke fast and got up to walk away.
“Um.. Wait a moment! What the hell do you mean they don't have a guard?” He grabbed my shoulder and nocked me to the ground on accident.
“Shit!” I screeched when I hit the ground. “Dammit Jacob! I can't get up.” I held out my hand so he could grab it.”
“I'm sorry Willow. I should have been careful.” He took a deep breath. “I'll go and catch some food for you and then we talk.” He sprinted off into the woods.
I sat there and decided to wait. Why waste my energy? Jacob wants to get me food. So I laid down in the dirt and closed my eyes and drifted. I started dreaming (some thing that I can't do all that often). I dreamed of my life before I was a high breed. Of how I was known in my time for my innocence and peace of mind.
Since the change I have become ruthless, and dark in the heart. I don't flinch at the sight of death that I cause like I use too. I have accepted who I am and who I will never be again. When I was sorta human (because I was still a shape shifter at the time) I was known for my wisdom before my age. I was known for my beauty and my control. The exact opposite of what I am today.
I dreamed of my last day in my peaceful life. How I was scared because someone had found out about me and my family. I walked on the land that was near my home, just walking. I saw it after a couple minutes of walking, my home being burned into ash.
I ran as far away as I could and I was still too slow. I didn't want to change because it would only confirm their fears. I ran and ran but who ever or what ever it was caught me and I don't remember past then until I had came into my “new” life.
I sat up and I could swear my body creaked. I was about to get up and hunt with myself when Jacob came outta the trees in wolf form and with a dear in

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