» Fiction » The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Danger Within Me, Marina A. Chadd [best ereader for academics .TXT] 📗». Author Marina A. Chadd

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what you know about this... Volturi.” Sam spoke causally. I knew that he was trying to act calm, to keep me under control. It was sweet but I didn't need it.
“The Volturi are ancient vampires that are not to be messed with, I wanted to get that out because I know how you are and how easily they can kill you.” I said. When Same started to speak I cut him off. “They have powers that can turn you blind in less than a second, they have shields that stop you and confuse you at the same time. They are not to be recon with.”
“Do you not think that we can not take care of ourselves? We are strong, we know what we are made of.” Jacob spoke sharply.
“Jacob, sit down and shut the hell up!” Sam yelled. “We can take them if you can.”
“I can't, why do you think I'm running? Chelsea is very persuasive, if I get near her they have a chance of getting me.” I spoke softly. “Alec and Jane are very strong, they can cut off all your senses or put you in such a wreathing ball of agony you wish that someone would kill you.” I was talking to myself but the whole room had gone quite. “Aro can get into you mind with just a touch, Felix and Demitri are so strong and so great at tracking that it's a miracle I've haven't been caught yet.”
Silence, not even nature was speaking. I sat dazed, not even realizing that I had gave away some of the vampire worlds secrets. I went into a kind of shock, not speaking, just sitting.... staring at nothing.
Sam finally spoke, “Teach us what you know, we have a right.”My head snapped up, my eyes had gone black. “There is too much to learn and not enough time. Even if we-.”
Sam cut me off, “I really don't care how much time we have or not, power teach us or something. I will not have my pack slaughtered by a bunch of freaky vampires!” He was steaming.
“I don't know if I can, I've told you the main vampires that you need to watch for. All you have to do now is train and train until your as strong as you can get.”
“Then that's what you will teach us.” Sam spoke in confirmation.

I took a breath, “I guess it is...” My nightmare was slowly unfolding.
Chapter 6

My time these days are split between the Cullens and the wolves. I was always either training and honing my powers or I was training the wolves. I don't know how many broken bones I got within an hour of training on either end but it's a lot.
Today I was training with the wolves first thing. I was heading to the boarder when I heard something... I tilted my head trying to listen. Feet?... I just ignored it, probably just some animal, I thought calmly. No reason to get worked up over nothing.
I heard it again.... but closer...... I whipped around, looking deeply into the woods, still seeing nothing. Then I heard a noise behind me. I whipped around but I was too late. Something hit me, and hard, in the back of the head. Dots swam in my vision but I couldn't get past it. Through the daze I realized that it was Felix.... shit....
He had me in a head lock, trying to choke me out. That's when I kicked my leg up as far as it would go and cracked his nose into his face. His grip lessened and I shifted my grip so I could catapult over his shoulders.... bad move. I was in the air when Felix punched upward and hit my rib cage.
I went flying straight up into the air.... and lets say I didn't land on my feet. I landed into the river close by. When I hit the water I saw Felix on the edge already, I was screwed. I hit the bottom of the river and sprang up, rocketing out of the river.
I saw the glimmer of the Cullen house on the outside of my blackened vision. Maybe I had a chance after all. I looked at Felix directly in the eyes. I used all my power I had and caused him excruciating pain. He crumbled but the bad thing was I was out of energy. I jumped over the river and kicked him in his shoulder, sending him flying into a tree. I knelt down breathing hard. Why the hell aren't they here yet? I felt something or someone touch my shoulder and automatically swung out but my fist was caught. Carlisle had known it was coming. I was shaking.I slowly felt my ribs, when I touched them pain shot through me. I felt light headed and pain was shooting through my skull. I finally came too and started to look around. Emmet was gone and so was Jasper.
“We should go to them, they can't fight Felix alone.” I murmured, my voice sounded off, like it was just too far away.
“You aren't going to, you are going to stay here so I can look at your ribs and head.” Carlisle looked away, “Alice, Esme, and Rose go and help them if they need it.”
I heard the movement of air and they were gone. Carlisle started looking at my head again, I finally felt my body collapse from the position I was in. I was so tired, so weak. I knew Edward was talking but I couldn't hear him. Carlisle was trying to get my attention but I was going under. I felt it and I knew it. I felt Carlisle pick me up, but when he did he hit my ribs and I screeched in pain. The pain was so complete that even I could barely comprehend it.
That was when I blacked out....

* * *

When I woke up I didn't feel so well, I also felt something on my head. I reached up and felt gauze. I ripped it off, I was not so injured that I needed my head wrapped. Then I felt my ribs, they were wrapped and shattered... still.
I got up and had a wave of nausea hit me. I sat back down. Then I started thinking about what happened and I shot right back up and went downstairs.... and ran into a chained up Felix with Jasper watching him.
“What the hell is going on?” I asked curiously.
“Felix wouldn't talk so I decided to make him,” He spoke slowly. “and if you have a problem with it I would you rather not speak your mind.”
“Oh, I have no problem with it. It's better than him trying to kill me left and right.” I spoke my appreciation.
“And the Vultori will find you, all of you, and kill you.” Felix spoke softly.
I reached over and slapped him so hard than his cheek cracked. “They wont touch them if it's the last thing I do!” I hissed.Jasper spoke up, “You guys wont be able to touch us no matter how hard you try.” I felt the chill from his voice.
Felix just sneered at the comment, “Really? Well, Willow here can't even fight me off.”
I bent over and looked at him straight in the eye, “I will kill you if you keep insulting me.” I spoke so quietly.
“I'd like to see you try.” He spoke just as quietly.
I walked around to the back of him putting my hands on either side of his head. He started to shake. Good, he knew a threat when he sees one. “Do you really want to try me. You know my powers, you've seen my do it to Aro, Jane, and Alec...” He trembled. “Do you really want to die a painful death?”
I hardly noticed that Edward, Carlisle, and Emmet walked in.
I probed into Felix's mind and he screamed, I let go. If he could sweat he would. I walked slowly around to his face and bent back down. I looked him in the eyes. “Do you really want to fight me?”
“You wont kill me, you aren't that mean.” His voice quivered.
“Wanna bet on that?” I whispered. I went behind his head and gripped it on each side. “Do you really want to risk your life on someone who is so, so much stronger than you?”
“You wont.” He started trembling again.
I gripped his head even harder and it started to crack. He jumped a little and started to shift in his seat as the pressure slowly grew. “I'm too lazy to crush your skull.” I slammed into his head and he dropped dead. “He wont even need to be burned but it's probably smart.”

I left the room that was in shocked silence.

Chapter 7

I sat outside on the railing of their porch. Just sitting and looking into the forest that seemed to never end. I let the breeze wash over my face and go through my hair. I stared and dreamed, hoping to figure out how long we have until the Volturi would come. From my calculations, not very long.
I was waiting for my life to change I noticed. Years of living wears even a vampire down. I don't know what I want to change. I though cautiously.
I heard someone quietly walk in, I caught his scent. “I don't know if what I did was wrong but I can't change it. Felix deserved it a thousand times over, he has caused me great pain over the years.” I whispered.
“I completely agree with you Willow, and I have only gotten glimpses of some of the pain he has caused you.” Edward spoke quietly.
The wind blew across the world very lightly. For once in my life time I felt excepted. “He has taking everything and nothing at the same time. He has taken my freedom but you cannot see freedom. I don't know how many times I wish they would catch me so I could be done running...”
“I don't want you to ever think that. We will do everything in our power to keep you safe.” Edward almost sounded disgusted that I would even think that.

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