» Fiction » the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗». Author L.o.v.e

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Caitlyn commented, taking a seat next to Natalie on the sofa.
“That’s because we are happy” Natalie said “I have gotten you an appointment to see doctor Noel for tomorrow morning, so we will be able to get to school in tome before anyone can get suspicious.”
That was one of the strange things about Natalie, she liked to skip lessons but she had to go to at least one to stop her from feeling paranoid. She thought that as long as she went to one lesson she wouldn’t be able to get into trouble with her parents.
After a few minutes of silence, both Natalie and Dante made an excuse for them to leave.
Caitlyn didn’t like to be alone for long, but as luck had it, her mother came home only half an hour after.
She just hoped that she could be as cheerful as her mother was when she saw the doctor the day after.

Chapter 4

Waiting in the waiting room was like hell for Caitlyn.
She had never been the good at patience, but having to wait to see a doctor for over an hour was pushing it a little bit.
“I’m going to die of boredom.” Natalie complained, seating herself down next to Caitlyn.
“At least you aren’t the one that has to go see the doctor” Caitlyn muttered, plucking at her knee-length navy blue skirt.
“I think Dante wanted to come with us” Natalie told her “but I told him that I didn’t think that was a good idea.”
Caitlyn was happy that her friend told him not to come; she might have finally blurted out to Natalie that she had slept with him, which would have wrecked their friendship completely.
They had made a packed when they were thirteen that none of the girls would have sex until both girl had gotten married, so Natalie would be raging mad been as she had had to turn down her boyfriend so many times. Well, ex-boyfriend been as he had left her because he thought she was being to up-tight.
Caitlyn jumped in shock when her name finally came loudly through the speakers.
“Good luck babes” Natalie said, giving Caitlyn a hug.
“Thank you.” Caitlyn whispered, before heading to the doctor Noel’s office.
She knocked the door, and when she heard someone from in side say “come in” she quickly opened the door and stepped inside.
Doctor Noel was an old looking woman, with graying hair, and wrinkling pale skin.
“I haven’t seen you in over a year Caitlyn Forbes.” The doctor said in a sweet sounding voice “so what is the problem you have dear.”
Caitlyn took a seat at the opposite side of the table to the doctor.
“I have been feeling tired a lot” she began “and yesterday I took one look at my lunch and I was puking up my breakfast.”
Doctor Noel smiled “it probably isn’t anything to worry about” she said “but to be sure I will need a blood test to run some blood test.”
When the doctor got out a needle, Caitlyn put her arm out and looked away.
She had the worst phobia of blood possible; she nearly fainted when her brother had cut his knee the week before.
When she felt a small prick in her arm, she tightly closed her eyes.
“All done” Doctor Noel said kindly.
When she opened her eyes again, Caitlyn avoided looking at the needle tube full of her blood.
“Press this to the cut” the doctor said, handing Caitlyn a cotton ball.
“Thank you” Caitlyn said as she pressed the cotton ball tightly to her bleeding arm.
“Don’t thank me” the doctor commanded “all I did was doing my job. You may go now Caitlyn, I will call you tomorrow to give you the results of the blood test.”
Caitlyn stood up, and quickly rushed out of the room, not wanting to waste another second of the kind doctor’s time.
“So how did it go?” Natalie asked, as soon as Caitlyn stepped out of the doctor’s office.
“She said she will call me tomorrow to tell me the blood test results.” Caitlyn told her, walking towards the entry, she couldn’t wait one more minute to get out of this place.
Natalie winced “that must me horrible with you phobia and stuff.” She said.
“Shall we go straight to school” Caitlyn suggested, not wanting to talk about blood.
Just then nausea exploded inside her.
“I think I am going to be sick.” She whispered, and ran quickly to the toilets.

Chapter 5

After over ten minutes of being sick, they finally got the hell out of the hospital.
But instead of going to school, they had decided to go to the park to get some fresh air.
As she sat on a swing, Caitlyn realized that this was one of the only times in her life that she had series problems in her life that actually involved her.
Her brothers drinking problems wasn’t her problem, but whatever illness that she had was her problem…and no one else’s!
“We should do this more often” Natalie suddenly said out of the blue “just sit here, and relax. It’s like the only chance I ever get to just listen to my own thoughts.”
“I think so to” Caitlyn agreed.
The only time she ever had peace and quiet was when she was going to sleep and night, and some times she never got that because her drunken brother made far much to noise for her to be able to sleep!
“I have a confession” Natalie admitted “I invited John Jones and Jason here.”
John was one of the people that Natalie had had a crush on, and Jason was Natalie’s older brother.
“Why are you doing this to me?” Caitlyn groaned.
Caitlyn had always thought that John was an idiot because of the way that he strutted around making out that he ruled the world and everything on it.
“You don’t have to talk to John” Natalie said with a sigh “you can talk to Jason; you know that he fancies you.”
Caitlyn shook her head “no way Natalie. No way am I going to flirt with your brother so you and hit on John.”
“Just this once” Natalie begged “I really like him Caitlyn!”
“How can you like him?” Caitlyn asked in discussed “he is a selfish little ba-”
“Don’t even bother calling him that” Natalie interrupted “he just speaks his mind, and you aren’t used to people like that.”
Caitlyn rolled her eyes “he’s a jerk Natalie, a big fat jerk” she told her “and I hope that you will just figure it out.”
Natalie have her the puppy eyes “please Caitlyn; you don’t know how much I like him. Every time I see him my stomach just knots up, and my heart starts to flutter like a butterfly taking flight or something.” She pleaded “and I promise you that I will help you if you ever fall for a bloke. Oh, and I will owe you big time!”
Caitlyn talk a deep breath. “Do I even have any say in it?” she asked her.
Natalie grinned “not at all” she said, before putting to where the two boys were walking towards them.

Chapter 6

“Hello ladies” John said, in his ridicules flirty voice.
Caitlyn’s stomach turned with disgust “nice to see you John” Caitlyn said sarcastically.
Before he could respond, she turned to Jason and smiled.
“Hello Jason” she said, giving him a hug.
To might not fancy Jason, but to her he would always be like a big brother.
“How are you?” he asked her, with a concerned expression.
It seemed like Natalie had told him about her seeing the doctor then.
Caitlyn shrugged “I’m okay, a little queasy but okay.”
“she’s lying” Natalie told him “she was sick before we could even live the doctor’s building, at one point I thought that she was going to puke up all her insides.”
Caitlyn winced “it stunk like hell” she admitted reluctantly.
Natalie laughed “that was an understatement” she said.
“I’m glad I didn’t come then” John said, trying to be involved in the conversation.
Caitlyn doubted that he was even invited along, and if he was she would have refused to go. He really did annoy her to that extent.
“When are you going to find out what is wrong with you?” Jason asked, clearly changing the subject when he saw the angry expression on Caitlyn’s face.
“Look at you being all caring” John joked, patting Jason in his fiery red hair.
Caitlyn ignored John’s comment, and said to Jason “the doctor said that she will call me tomorrow, so all I can do is sit around and hope that it is going to be some good news.”
“That’s good” Jason said, slowly nodding. “From what I have heard, bad news usually takes much longer.”
Caitlyn hoped that he was right; she wouldn’t know what to do if it was a really bad piece of new, and how on earth would she be able to tell her parents anything bad while they had to worry about her brother?
“I’m sure it’s probably just something small” Natalie said “if it was bad she would have probably noticed something straight away.”
Caitlyn should have told her friend that doctors weren’t magical beings that could tell peoples illnesses by just glimpsing at them, but she decided against it. She didn’t want her friend worrying about something that she hoped was nothing.
Just then Natalie looked at her watch, and then stood up abruptly.
“Time has really passed quickly” she said “we need to get you home Caitlyn. Your parents will be home in less than half an hour.”
When her parents had noticed that she looked under the weather, they had instructed her to not go to school, and spend the day in bed.
But been as she had had a doctor’s appointment, she had to disobey her parents’ instructions, but it didn’t mean that they had to know about it. In her opinion, the less they knew about what was happening, the better!
Caitlyn got up from the swing, and gave Jason a tight hug.
“I will see you boys later” she said, and followed Natalie out of the park.
When she got home she was relieved to see that her parents hadn’t gotten hope yet.

Chapter 7

The next day Caitlyn went to school as normal, and tried to pretended that the day before had never even happened, Which didn’t turn out well when Dante sat next to her in one of her lessons, and asked “what the inferno happened yesterday?”
Caitlyn sighed and turned in her chair to face him.
“The doctor is going to call me today.” She told him “and I would appreciate it if you kept your voice down, I don’t want the whole school knowing about my personal health problems, thank you very much!”
“Tell me when you know what’s happening then” he said.
Caitlyn frowned “why would you want to know about my health?” she asked him.
Dante shrugged “I thought that we are friends, and don’t friends tell each other things like that.”
“We can’t be friends Dante” she hissed “we slept together for God’s sake!”
That made him grin “I think that is more of a reason to be friends, it means that we know each other more than any one else in the world does.”
“That’s so not true” Caitlyn snorted “for all I know you could have slept with tons of women before me.”
“Do you really think of me as such a player bellezza?” he asked, sounding very offended.
Caitlyn felt suddenly guilty, she shouldn’t have said them harsh words. She didn’t honestly think that he was the type of person that slept with anything that moved or had breasts.
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