» Fiction » the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗». Author L.o.v.e

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wanted to.”
Caitlyn nodded, the sooner she told them the better.
When her breakfast hit the table, Caitlyn near enough breathed in the food without chewing.
“You really should be careful how you are eating” her mother said “I see that you have gained weight.
Caitlyn wished that it was as simple as just watching what she was eating, but alas it would never be that simple.
“Mother” Caitlyn said slowly “do you ever regret having children?”
Her mother laughed “honey, having you and your brother was the best thing that ever happened to me, it was a blessing from the angels in my opinion.”
Caitlyn didn’t think her mother would feel that way when she found out what was happening she might even kick Caitlyn out of the house!
Caitlyn had one lat bite of her breakfast then said “if you could have had children later in life, would you have?”
That earned Caitlyn a frown fro, her mother.
“No I wouldn’t” she said “why are you so interested anyway?”
Caitlyn shrugged as she stood up “no reason in particular, I am just curios that’s all.”
She quickly rushed out of the room before her mother had the chance to look deeper into the conversation.
If her mother had her children young, and had no regrets at all about it, would she be able to moan or judge Caitlyn about having a baby?
Caitlyn certainly hoped not, because her father alone was probably going to be a big problem.

Chapter 14

After school, Caitlyn went to the park to meet up with Dante.
All the way there she was hoping that he had decided to become a big part of the babies life, she didn’t know how she would cope if she had to look after the baby on her own.
Dante was waiting for her on the park bench, and intense expression on his face.
“Hi Dante” Caitlyn said softly, taking a seat next to him.
“I told my father about you being pregnant.” Dante finally said.
Caitlyn was surprised; she would have thought that he would have wanted to keep it a secret.
“What happened?” she asked him.
“He was angry at first, shouting about how stupid I was for not using any birth control, and that I have shamed the family name with my petty mistake.” He told her “then when he calmed down, we had a talk about the future, and what I should do about the situation.”
Caitlyn hoped her parents could be as calm as his father could be.
Dante looked at Caitlyn straight in the eyes “I know that this must be a difficult time for you Caitlyn, you have a little person inside you.” He told her “so I have decided that I will be much apart of our child’s life as much as I can. I will change nappies, burp him or her, and I will even feed it formula.”
Caitlyn took a deep breath “are you sure that you want to do this?” she asked him.
Dante nodded “there is a lot of responsibilities looking after a baby, and it would be much easier if we could at least share some of those responsibilities between us” he said “my father and I tried to figure out the best solution for our problems, so we will both be able to be happy for our and our child’s sake.”
Tears filled Caitlyn’s eyes; she couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Dante really was going to be there fore her no matter what happened, and her unborn child was going to have a father figure in its life just like every child should.
“I think that we will be able to cope with having a baby” Caitlyn said “but I know how boys can be Dante, you can change your mind about this whenever you want to, and I will not be able to do anything to stop you leaving me with a baby to look after on my mine.”
She could remember when her cousin had become a single parent when her boyfriend had decided to leave her because he couldn’t cope with all the pressure of being a father and looking after a newborn baby. It had left her cousin devastated, with no one to help her looking after the baby or paying the bills.
“I’m not like that angelo” Dante told her, taking her by the hand “I will not leave you with to cope in your own, and I certainly will not leave our child fatherless. There is something I have to ask you, and please think about it before you choose to definitely say no to it.”
Caitlyn smiled at him “just ask me what you want to ask me” She said to him “it’s not like I am going to bite or anything like that Dante.”
Dante took a deep breath, and gave her one of his breath taking smiles that could leave most girls speechless.
“Caitlyn Forbes” he said slowly, squeezing her hand gently “will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

Chapter 15

Caitlyn stared at Dante, her eyes wide open.
Did she hear correctly, did he really just ask her to marry him?
“Don’t answer it straight away” Dante said “just think about it.”
Caitlyn took a deep breath and said “I can’t marry you Dante; for one thing I am only fifteen years old!”
Dante thought for a moment then told her “you don’t have to marry me now, maybe in a few years time.”
Caitlyn didn’t think he got the full idea yet.
“I don’t love you Dante” she said slowly “and I won’t marry someone that I don’t love.”
Hurt filled Dante’s eyes “you don’t mean that” he told her “I have saw the way that you look at me and you can’t deny it.”
Caitlyn looked down at her hands, heat rising in her neck and cheeks.
“But you don’t love me” she whispered.
Dante took her by the chin to make her look up at him.
“I do love you” he admitted in a whisper “I just didn’t ever know how to tell you until now.”
Caitlyn didn’t know how to take it all in, he loved her, he wanted to marry her, and she was having his baby!
“We could be good together” he told her “a happy family, you, the baby, and I.”
Caitlyn was completely speechless, she really didn’t know what to think or say.
The way he spoke made her think that once she had the baby they could forget about all their problems and be a normal family, which would never work because for one thing they were still at school and there parents probably wouldn’t be happy with them leaving school to become a real family.
“It wouldn’t work” she protested “what about school?”
“It would be the same situation as it would if we weren’t together, the way it would be if it was just you and the baby, except I would be there to help you.”
He did have a point, and it would be nice for someone to be around to help her when the baby came.
If it had been anyone else asking her to marry them, Caitlyn would have said no and wouldn’t have even had to think about it, so this got her mind into a pickle.
She did love him, but she refused to admit how much though. And if he loved her as well, what on earth was there to stop them from being together? It would also be convenient for everyone; he wouldn’t have to damage his family name, and would probably put her parents to ease when they found out that she was going to have a baby with him. It would also probably distract Natalie enough that she wouldn’t chose to hate Caitlyn forever, and most of all, it meant that the unborn baby wouldn’t have to be born into a broken family like it would if Caitlyn said no to Dante.
Caitlyn took a deep breath, and looked up at Dante with tears filling up in her eyes.
She nodded quickly “yes Dante” she cried “I will marry you.”
And she would marry him, and she hoped that it wouldn’t come back and hit her in the face like many things in her life had before.

Chapter 16

Her parents were waiting for her in the living room, looking like they hadn’t got a clue for what they were waiting for.
Caitlyn could feel herself shaking all over with fear.
“Hello princess” her father told her happily “your mother told me that you have something to tell us.”
Caitlyn didn’t think that he would be calling her “princess” when he found out the news that she was about to tell him.
“Before I tell you the news, I just want to tell you that everything is going to be okay” she said slowly.
Her mother rolled her eyes “just spit it out Caitlyn, I don’t have all day!”
“I’m pregnant” she blurted out “and I’m going to marry the father!”
Her parents froze, looking at her as if she had just grown another head.
“Tell me that you are joking” her father said, turning bright red with anger “tell me that you are not pregnant”
“I’m so sorry daddy” she cried “I didn’t mean to get pregnant it just…happened.”
Her father stood up abruptly “you didn’t mean to get pregnant” he roared “you shouldn’t have been able to get pregnant in the first place.”
“What happened to waiting until marriage?” her mother added “or using protection?”
Caitlyn winced “I was drunk” she told them “and I didn’t know what I was doing.”
It was a lie, but she would say anything to calm them down.
“Who is the horrid boy that has done this to you?” her father demanded to know.
“Dante Costa” she told them “you met him when I was in the school play.”
Her father looked like he was about to burst out with steam.
“When did this happen” he asked her.
“Five weeks ago” she admitted.
“Why didn’t you tell us before?” her mother asked, sounding shocked.
“I only found out a few days ago” she told them “and I didn’t know how I could ever tell you.”
“So what are you going to do?” her mother whispered.
“I am going to keep my baby” she said “and I am going to be the best mother that I can possibly be.”
“What about school?” her father asked.
“There are many teenage parents in school” she told them “and they are doing well enough for themselves.”
She tried to find something else to make them calm down, but she was just coming out blank minded.
“I’m going to be a grandma” her mother said.
“And I a grandpa” her father added.
Caitlyn smiled at her parents, realizing that everything was going to be okay as it concerned them.
The only other people who she thought that really needed to know was her brother, and Natalie. They were also the two people would probably be easy to convince to be happy about the baby.
Concentrating on her parents again, she realized that they were talking about making a nursery, and how their friends would be full of jealousy that they were going to be grandparents before them.
Caitlyn gently patted her stomach, and though that she was going to be a mother as well.
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