» Fiction » the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «the pregnancy, L.o.v.e [polar express read aloud .txt] 📗». Author L.o.v.e

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Chapter 1

Caitlyn Forbes closed her eyes tightly, and tried to blank out the noise of her fellow students coursing a riot in the small classroom.
This had been the fifth day of her feeling so tired that she could sleep while standing up; at it was really getting on her nerves.
“I would wake up if I was you” Natalie Anderson said, nudging Caitlyn in the arm. “From what I have heard, the head teacher Mr. Brown will be coming in to check on the class, been as Dante Costa nearly smashed a window with that football of his.”
Caitlyn blushed at the thought of Dante, as she remembered what had happened five weeks before.
It had been Dante sixteenth birthday party, and Caitlyn had come along to the party with her friends to only be left in the corner of the room on her own. After an hour of being left alone, she had become completely drunk from drinking anything that she could get her hands on. That was when Dante had started flirting with her, and before she knew it they were in his room getting hot and sweaty.
Looking back, Caitlyn wasn’t proud of her behavior, no sensible girl would want to loose her virginity at the age of only fifteen years of age, and it was mortifying. Luckily enough for her, Dante hadn’t seemed to tell anyone about what had happened. But every time she looked at her, he seemed to be looking back with a big grin on his face.
“I don’t care what Mr. Brown thinks” Caitlyn snapped crankily “for all I care he can go such himself!”
Opening her eyes again, she saw that Natalie look at her with a shocked expression.
“What’s wrong with you?” Natalie asked in a small voice.
Caitlyn sighed “I’m just really tired.” She told her friend “and for some reason I keep on needing the toilet.”
Natalie frowned “you probably just have a weak bladder” Natalie decided “and as for the sleep problem, it’s probably because you don’t go to sleep until midnight. I on the other hand never get tired because I go to bed at nine o’clock sharp.”
Caitlyn hated it when Natalie compared there lives. Caitlyn had to stay up late to be able to make sure that her older brother got home without waking up their parents with one of his drunken ranting; Compared to that Natalie had the easy life.
Just then as expected, Mr. Brown walked into the classroom looking like he thought that he owned the place, but in this case he actually did!
That was the problem with the schools in the west midlands, England; the teachers were all walk but no talk. That was probably the reason why the entire student in Grace Academy Darlaston could walk all over the teachers and not get punished.
“I expect for you to behave for Mrs. Smith.” He shouted over the students “or I will have to give detentions out to anyone who misbehaves!”
“He is such an idiota if he thinks anyone would turn up for detention” Caitlyn heard from behind her.
She turned around to find Dante sitting on the table behind her.
“You can say that again” Natalie said with a bright smile, not noticing that Caitlyn had turned bright red in the face.
Dante was a tall boy for his age, with curly black hair that was always trying to cover his eyes. He had broad shoulders, and the most incredible smile that Caitlyn had ever saw in her entire life. His light brown eyes just called out for mischief to come to him.
“Hello Dante” she said, twisting a piece of her wavy brown hair that had escaped its loose bun at the back of her head.
Dante gave Caitlyn a wicked smile “hello bello.”
Dante had moved from Italy the year before, and his thick accent and Italian words made Caitlyn nearly always wanted to burst out in girlie giggles.
“Caitlyn and I are wagging next lesson to go to that café everyone likes in Walsall” Natalie informed Dante “you can come if you want.”
Please, please don’t want to come, Caitlyn silently begged with her eyes.
Dante smiled happily “I would love to go with you two ragazze.”
“Why don’t you invite some of your friends.” Caitlyn suggested, giving Dante the evil eyes “we could turn it into a party.”
“Oh, why would I do that?’ Dante asked with I grin “I don’t think a want to share you two with any of my banda.”
There wouldn’t be any kind of sharing if it was up to Caitlyn, she had been with Dante and she wasn’t planning on going back.
Just then the loud bell for end of lesson rang through the room, echoing in Caitlyn’s ears.
It looked like it was time to put Caitlyn’s detest into action.

Chapter 2

When they got to the Café, Caitlyn felt like she was starving to death.
She ended up ordering a tuna mayonnaise sandwich, her favorite meal.
“You look tired angelo” Dante commented, giving Caitlyn a concerned look.
Caitlyn shrugged “that’s probably because I am tired.”
“From staying up to long” Natalie added, looking angry for not being involved into the conversation.
“I have responsibilities” Caitlyn defended herself “unlike some people I can’t just put everything down and go to sleep.”
Natalie looked offended “do you really think I am that shallow?” she asked in disbelief.
“I didn’t mean it in that way and you know it” Caitlyn snapped.
“Calm down donne.” Dante said, putting a hand in Caitlyn’s shoulder.
Jealously shone through Natalie’s eyes, but Caitlyn didn’t care but she was far too angry.
Before Caitlyn had the chance to make the situation even worse, their food finally arrived.
But when she looked down at her sandwich, nausea hit Caitlyn like a bullet to the head.
Putting her hand over her mouth, Caitlyn ran as fast as she could to the girls’ toilets.
Behind her she could her friends shouting to see what was wrong with her, but all she could focus on was to get to the toilet before she could sick all over the laminated flooring.
As soon as she reached the toilet, puke bumped out of her mouth, living a bitter taste in her mouth.
She could distinctly feel someone move her loose hair away from her mouth to stop it from getting covered in sick.
Just as she thought she was finished, another hit of nausea came again because of the strong smell of sick around her.
Looking up, she saw that it had been Dante that had held her hair.
“You shouldn’t be in here” she croaked “this is strictly girls only area!”
“The workers were more than happy to let me in here when they heard you puking your guts out” Dante said with a small shrug, but his eyes showing his true concern for her.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me” Caitlyn suddenly cried, tears rolling down her cheeks like a small waterfall.
Dante bent down next to Caitlyn, and stroked her hair “your probably just having an off day ragazza, it will probably pass by tomorrow.”
She knew it wasn’t true, but Caitlyn wasn’t in the mood to have an argument with him about it.
“Where is Natalie?” Caitlyn asked abruptly.
“She said she was sick of you getting ill, so she went out to make you a doctor’s appointment.” Dante told her “Apparently she wants you to have a blood test or something to make sure you are all fit and healthy.”
That sounded a lot like something Natalie would do, so Caitlyn didn’t even bother to try to question Dante’s answer.
“I should be getting home.” Caitlyn said, slowly standing up.
“I will drive you” Dante said, helping Caitlyn up onto her feet.
Caitlyn silently nodded, and silently hoped that her fighting spark would kick in soon so she could tell him that she was perfectly fine with walking on her won.
When they got into the car, Caitlyn was happy for the sudden warmth.
As soon as Dante got in though, she was suddenly engulfed with his sent, making her tense with unease.
As much as she hated to admit it, she really did have the biggest crush on him possible; she just wished that it would go away soon.
She closed her eyes, and slowly sent into a dream about what it would be like if Dante felt the same way for her, as she had done for him.

Chapter 3

When Caitlyn woke up, she was sure that she wasn’t in the car, but the fact that she was lying down was enough proof for her.
Sitting up, she saw that she was in her own room, in her own bed.
Her room was large, with lots of room for her to move around. Everything was pink and fluffy been as she hadn’t had chance to have it redecorated since she had been eleven years of age.
She slowly got out of bed, and wobbled into her own private bathroom.
When she saw her reflection in the mirror, she let out an unhappy groan.
Her mascara had smudged all around her big brown eyes, and her pale skin was all flushed.
Stepping into the shower, she allowed the water to wash away all her problems for a few moments.
Once she finished washing, she stepped out of the shower to realize that she didn’t have towel with her.
“Do you want this” a male voice down.
Caitlyn jumped, and turned to find Dante holding out a towel to her.
“Don’t you ever knock?” Caitlyn asked angrily, snatching the towel from him to cover herself up.
Dante shrugged “normally I would knock, but I have already saw you naked once ragazza.” He told her
“I would have said knock next time” Caitlyn said “but there won’t ever be a next time!”
“That’s only your opinion” Dante detested with a large grin on his olive colored face.
“It’s not only my opinion” she retorted “it is the honest truth.”
“For now” he told her, before leaving the bathroom.
Caitlyn stood still for a moment, letting what he said sink into her brain.
“Hey, not just for now” she shouted, and ran out of the room after him.
When she found him, he was in the kitchen, sipping something that looked a lot like Caitlyn’s father’s scotch.
“You will never see me naked again” she told him “not now, not ever!”
Dante put down the glass “if that is what you think, then believe it” he said “there in no point in arguing with me. But inside you know that you are sbagliato.”
“In English please” she said, putting her hands on her hips.
“You are wrong” he told her with a sigh “you just won’t admit it.”
Right then Caitlyn wanted to slap Dante for his ignorance, how dare the think that she would be so quick to take her clothes of for him…again!
Taking a deep breath, Caitlyn smiled at Dante “I should go get changed, my parents could be back at any moment” she said to him.
She quickly walked to her room, not wanting to here one of Dante’s sarcastic replies.
Caitlyn took her time putting on some leggings and a tank top; she wanted preserve as much time as possible before having to talk to Dante again.
Once she was completely dressed, she went back down stairs and froze in place.
She could hear more than one voice coming from the living room.
Opening the door, Caitlyn relaxed to find Dante and Natalie watching the television.
“You two look happy.”

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