» Fiction » The 30 Slam Somethings, A.R.C. [electric book reader txt] 📗

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want to imagine what's next after high school!...Twelve course meal. I tell the waiter thank you but I don't think I'm ready for this kind of appetite just yet. But I appreciate the preview so I will know what's out there.

Mrs. Bowman, the english teacher, stood at her podeum with a smile on her face as she read to her class what was on the paper. She then looked over at Bianca who was sitting in the front row stunned. "Class, this is an example of what I like to read for your assignment that I gave to you all about what do you see in your future". She walked away from her podeum and stood in front of Bianca's desk and handed her the paper. "Now class, we will start where we left off in your text book..." Bianca couldn't even hear her teacher anymore as she sat there staring at her wrinkled entry from the notebook. In green marker Mrs. Bowman commented There will always will be choices. Some you won't least expect it but ALWAYS be prepared nevertheless.

She was in an mental emotional phase when she wrote it and paper from that notebook was the only paper around to write down what she was feeling. She was relieved that it was this entry and not some other one that will force her to transfer her to a whole other school.

Sarah was sitting on the third riser, third seat to the right in her third period orchastra class cleaning her clairenet. It was far most her favorite class and she wish she would've had it for a later period so she can appreciate it better when all her other class gave her fustration. Sadly, this class would have to be temporarily put on hold of being her favorite class on the count of what had happened. It all started when she was minding her on business and Kevin Monty walks in the class. Sarah spotted him and knew exactly where he was going with those quick steps he does just to walk behind the risers and to his seat. When he briskly walks past her, Sarah doesn't make eye contact. Never does. But on this day, something had told her to look up and watch.

Kevin walked briskly as usual but his eyes were dead set on Sarah. She gave him an inquisitive look before he disappeared behind her. She felt a thud from under her feet that was loud enough to knock down some of the framed work that the teacher had hung on the wall and it made herself and her feet jump two feet. She whirled her head back at Kevin, who was satisfied that he got the attention and reaction he wanted out of her before he went to his seat. By the time her eyes had followed Kevin to his seat Mr. Randell had entered the room demanding attention. "Settle down! Settle Down! We have a concert and Regionals coming around the corner and this sheet music won't have the notes jump off and play itself."

Sarah noticed that her row was passing down a folded piece of paper. And as the paper got to her she recongized a little of the pink coloring showing through the paper. "No..." she said under her breath. She quickly unfolded it and seen it was one of her entries:

March 2, 2011

Hello friends!

1st of all i would like 2 say welcome. And lets not put any kind of negative attitude in here-please? u know who u r. i would love it if we also respect each other's privacy when it is given to whoever. here's some news i discovered in 3rd per. orchatra: kevin monty is hiding something underneath the risers. the flat stands that the chairs are placed on? those are risers. so 2 mins. after the bell rings to begin class he stands by a certain place behind the risers like he's checking something, he sits through class with his leg shaking and then when class ends, he goes all the way around the riser just to get to the door. ????

She looked up with terror on her face and when she looked over at Kevin, he was sitting in his seat with that same intense look he had on his face the moment he stepped in the classroom. Then he slowly turned his head towards Mr. Randell and Sarah swore she seen a small, tight grin. Mr. Randell continued, "As for your project assignment that was due two days ago, I reluctently agreed for some of you to hand it to me late so Kevin, Sarah?" "Mr. Randell, my partner is not here to do the warm up/presentation but I do have my lyrics I made up-" Mr. Randell rolled his eyes and let out a loud impatient groan. "What is this noise you're producing? I can see your partner's not here but that is covered because there was an arrangement that Kevin would fill in and he has already turned in your lyrics with group effort. Why are you not part of the program? now come on up and get it over with." It has already been arranged and the lyrics has already been turned in? Sarah's partner, Robert has never been that organized so what was Mr. Randell talking about?

She got up from her seat and walked down the risers. She noticed Kevin still had that grin on his face as he too walked down and placed himself near the piano. Sarah walked over to the piano and sat down, ready to play. Why was kevin volunteering to sing the lyrics when he doesn't know what Robert and I have been working on? She played rendition of the medly of "Twinkle, twinkle little star". She had the idea when she heard an example of the song played in a classical era and fell in love with it. Thank goodness Robert had the same taste. And then...Kevin recited the lyrics:

March 3, 2011

It's not a surprise that Prisilla does that. She does it to the majority of the male and female faculty so i would say she goes both ways? & let her skip her life away. we all know where her career is down the road...looking at her i'm glad to be a virgin. who want every tom dick and susie running in and out of her??? anyway! after my mom made this delicious breakfast i walked to the bus stop and guess who was there?...that dudewho looks like bieber and taylor lauder put together! aaaand he winked at me.a step up: he glanced 1st-a couple of times and now he's winking. so if thud is looking so what? it's in guys nature to google.
Everyone gasped. Even Mr. Randell looked disturbed. Sarah been stopped playing when she heard 'It's not a surprise Prisilla does that' but that didn't stop Kevin for doing it accapella. And then the class burst out laughing! Sarah got up and snatched the paper out of Kevin's hands. "Where did you get this?!" She demanded. "Shows you for trying to spread my

business out". She was about to yell even louder in Kevin's face until Mr. Randell interupted. "What kind of lyrics is that?" "I don't know sure," Kevin said so sweetly and innocent. "I'm just the stand by remember? You have to question Sarah and Robert. Actually, it was really her idea to write the song and Rober to play if I recall the ordinary arrangements".

Mr. Randell scrunched up his nose in disapproval. "Sarah, go outside and away from this classroom until I call you..." "But this wasn't-" "Now!" Mr. Randell pointed his finger to the door and Sarah had no choice but to walk to the door. Her dragging feet was the only sound through the classroom which had fell silent. But before she left, she had one more thing to attempt to say: "KEVIN HAS BEEN STICKING SOMETHING UNDER THE RISER EVERY MORNING HE COMES IN HERE!" The class all turned their heads towards Kevin and Mr. Randell, waiting to see what will happen. "Really, Sarah? How big of you to stoop down that low and tell on me with another lie just to get a quick revenge" Kevin had said. Well that was that Sarah thought. And she went outside.

Jan Marie was standing on a chair in her english class as part of a presentation in her group. The plan was to act out their work instead if just sitting there giving an oral presentation. Subject: King Kong. Who's playing King Kong: Jan Marie. She knew that her group was all but making fun of her and her weight and thought it would be a good joke to have her play as King Kong and get a good grade. Killing two birds with one stone in their version-yeah Jan Marie understood the idea. But she just went along with it because she wanted a good grade as well. the subject english has never been her specialty.

So there she was standing on the chair looking nothing like King Kong as of acting terrorising and fearless and the class is having a ball laughing at her awkwardness. "Oh, wait" said the 'leader' of her project group, John. "I forgot the air planes that is suppose to be attacking her. He had five papers that were folded neatly and precise for good soaring altitude. So when he threw each paper in the air, they took off like they didn't need any kind of assistance from a hand. They glided over heads and swoosh by Jan Marie's face. The class clapped in delight and laughed even more at this type of entertainment. The teacher who had notice Jan Marie's uncomfort, tried to settle the class down and end the presentation but the students didn't pay her any mind.

One of the paper planes flew by Jan Marie again and it was then that she noticed some color in the ink through that paper. As another one flew by she snatched that and unfolded it. This kind of act had the class thinking that "King Kong" not only swatted the plane like the movie, but thought that Jan Marie was pretending to shred the plane and the pilot who was flying it. This made the class even laugh more. Jan Marie read the paper and could not believe what she discovered:

March 5, 2011

To: "Pichacco Nut"

You might tear this paper out the book as you read this and if you do I wouldn't be surprised because that's your nature but I do hope you will read a little bit of what I have to say and be considerate...I don't like the way you treat me sometimes...I feel like you despise me and can't stand to be around me. I know I make mistakes but everyone does. And you are lucky to have a friend like me-"

How did John get something that I wrote to Mar

??? Her face began to turn red as she swatted at another paper plane and she unfolded that one:

March 6, 2011

Hello friends! How many times do I have to ask you guys to come to my church??? Nothing is going to happen to you guys and I promise you it's FUNNY! I could've sworn Heymond is married but today he acted like he has been single for a week or so, hard as he tried to get all in Sister Clarence's face-"

Each paper she snatched, she added much force

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