» Fiction » The 30 Slam Somethings, A.R.C. [electric book reader txt] 📗

Book online «The 30 Slam Somethings, A.R.C. [electric book reader txt] 📗». Author A.R.C.

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He sat back in his brown leather chair trying his best to intimadate the four young ladies but it was no use. Not even the squeaking from his chair as he swiveled it from left to right did anything to them."Ladies," he started, "you do know why you are in my office, correct?" He leaned forward to striaghten just a bit of his name plate, PRINCIPAL Heymond-which was already straighten in the first place-just to add to his intimidation show but even that made it weaker.

Mar, which was short for Maria, slouched in her seat with her hand to her cheek. "Sit up young lady! No slouching in my office." She put as much effort to sitting up as a kid who was told not to take a cookie from a cookie jar. "Now, perhaps you girls know anything about this..." Heymond held in his hand a composition notebook with stickers on the cover. The girls remained seated and silent as if their mouths were sewin shut and their stares were only blank. "I haven't seen one of these since 1998. Back when I was in middle school. Slam books is what the girls call it..."

He started to open the notebook and it increased the eye sizes of each girl. The gasp sound out of Jan Marie's mouth broke the stilled silence of the office. Lucky for you ladies, there's only two entry pages in this notebook and it appears the rest have been torn out." Mar straighten herself up just enough to mouth to Jan Marie "Way to go"
"I didn't eat breakfast or lunch..." Jan Marie whimpered with her head hanging down. He started to read out loud:

March 21, 2011

To "Cattie"

Ok, you would NOT believe what I saw! Remember at lunch they served those tasty, golden brown tater totts? The ones that taste so good with the Heniz ketchup and mustard and sometimes the bbq sauce from the big dispenser at the salad bar...anyway, I found a way to get into the cafeteria and when I went into my new secret entrance I caught a glipse of Ms. Cabernackle doing some touchy feely wrestling with Dodger! As soon as I saw that I forgot about the totts and scrammed. What I don't get is...didn't you mentioned that Dodger said he had a something special to give you around fifth period? Because that was around the same time I seen him and Cabernackle. Mm, watch out.

"Hmm..." Heymond could only say at the time before he started to read out loud the second entry:

March 13, 2011

You guys, I wish you was at my church today. The way my daddy have Principal Heymond reading them scriptures out loud is too funny. He have him climbing up and down the walls with his stammering when my daddy changes the scriptures on him at the last minute. I asked him one time why does he do that to Heymond and he told me it's to only keep him on his toes. But then I heard him talk to my mom saying Heymond needs to know when to just sit in the back seat and let the pastor do the driving when it comes to the meetings. He's no challenge to my daddy.

Heymond closed the notebook and quickly glared over at Sarah before he changed his face expression to concern. You know, one thing about these kind of books is it's all fun sharing among friends until it gets into the wrong hands and becomes a problem to the group and whoever else is involved. This is all just gossip and I can assure you Sarah, that I will have a talk to you father. You of all people on this should know better. And Jan Marie, you could've gotten Ms. Cabernackle in serious trouble. Turns out you weren't the only one that found a way in the kitchen. She was trying to take back what Dodger was stealing. And there is another way to get into the carfeteria-it's called cafeteria duty. A week's worth. Let's see how you Like them totts."

"Hey!-" Mar started to say but she didn't get far to finishing her back talk on Jan Marie's defense before Heymond interrupted back. You shush it Maria! You already have three days of detention riding on you. Want to add three more days?" Mar slumped even more in her seat with an agrevating frown. "As for you two, Bianca and Sarah, I know you two are also a part of this so I called you down here as a warning. Now there's two entries and it looks like someone dilberately tore the rest out. You better hope any of the others don't show up on my desk. Now leave."

The girls gladly got up and got out of the office. The school bell just rung for home room to end as the girls walked out of the office and found themselves in the heavy traffic of their peers. "What the hell was that, people?! Didn't you have the book last Jan Marie?!" Mar lashed out.

"I remember I did...I didn't eat break-"

"Shut it."

"Whoa, lets chill the anger down a bit Mar." Bianca replied.

"Dodger, Bianca? That's who your secret sweetie is?" Sarah asked.

"No comment, don't judge."

"You guys! It's April 1st. We started that thing on the first of March. So if there was only two pages, somewhere in this school twenty-eight privately dated entries are missing. Lets remember to care."

"God knows who can have what paper...the trouble we will be in..." Jan Marie started to whimper again.

"Stop that crying Jan Marie. Geez." Mar rolled her eyes. "What we wrote wasn't all that bad and I told ya'll don't write anything too personal in it anyway. This is by someone who is pissed off at us. Can you think of who?" The remaining three girls shook their heads in agreement. "Well, I dont' have no idea so just keep your eyes open and your ears-" Mar's suggestion was interrupted by a sudden shove that almost knocked down herself and Bianca. "JUST BECAUSE THERE'S TRAFFIC, DONESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO BE AN ACTUAL JERK!" Mar yelled out.

Just then, the one person she didn't expect to see came shoving and pushing people just to get in her face: Juliana Stroff, her school nemesis. "What the hell is your problem now? Why don't you go Stroff Off out of my face and get yourself some personality." "This is my problem jerk

" Juliana retorted as she smashed a sheet of paper in Mar's face with one hand and pushed a folded paper to Mar's chest hard in the other. "Just stay away from my boyfriend!" Juliana pushed and shoved her way back into the student traffic before Mar could strike her. "Juliana? A boyfriend?? She's whacked." Mar said.

Bianca took the paper from Mar's face and read it. Her face grew long. "You guys, this is one of our entries":

March 25, 2011

alright guys, remember how i told you thud stopped with the creepy looks? i thought that meant he got the picture when i threw a just sharpen pencil at him and passed his left eye by 2 inches. but was all a calculated plan to make me think he quit whatever he was doing. the cherry flavored candies i would find on the places i would sit in class, in my locker and book bag? the answers to my math and science homework-it was all him! how the creep found out little chances to this while i wasn't around a bit, i don't know. and not to mention that time when you guys saw me walking down the hall with a sunken face, carrying a box with a red bow and ya'll tried to talk to me but i act like i didn't hear you and kept walking? oh yeah, sorry about that by the way. but anyway, i was on my to the library. when i got there i found a shelf with a red ribbon and bow of the new mystery books i've been looking for and inside the little box was a library card-cuz you know my card was revoked by that old hag in there just because i refused to pay that $2 fine for that stupid rule she had made for borrowing her pencils! ugh. i don't know how he gotten all that done...but i was shocked and annoyed...i couldn't help but to take a book and went to the counter to check it out. you should've seen the look on the battle axe's face when i gave her the book and card- priceless. it was like she couldn't even say anything to me but she REALLY wanted to! after that hadn't seen thud since. thank god but...i still could've at least told him thank you. no. on second thought, that would've been a little too much. who know is going on in his head.

Then Mar opened the folded letter from her chest and read out loud: Juliana, it was fun hangin wit u but i got sum1 elise in mine. she lites my darkin world. so im goin to wards that lite and is goin the bath in her hevenly gloe. so piece. -thud.

"Aww, for a guy who can't spell he sure is poetic." Jan Marie replied sincerly.

"Not helping Jan Marie. But what would help is to find out how did Juliana get this entry I wrote. Someone is after us..."

Just then the first warning bell that class is about to start, rang. "Well, that's our cue. I will keep these new founded entries so lets be on the look out for them." Mar said.

"Oh no, no. Your bossy and pushiness is not going to work this time. We all keep our eyes and ears open and when we find one, you keep it and give it to either me or Mar." Said Bianca.

"You guys have really mistaken me for a follower. Sarah replied. "I can keep my own things and I'm very organized. The three of them looked at Jan Marie for her part of the conversation. Mar gave her a look that read "choose the right choice-me". "I'll just keep it safe and give it to either of you if I come across one" she said. All four of them scattered along with the last few bunch of kids who were rushing to get to class. And they didn't have time to tell each other but all four was thinking "let the hunt of our embarrassing moments begun!"

March 29, 2011

To "Ladie Bugg"

You're in the middle of an appetizing meal. A twelve course meal strecthed out in front of you on an elegant dinner table. From the appetizers to desserts makes your mouth water with the taste of antispation and your thought can't wrap around on which plate to eat first. So many choices that life can serve on a silver platter but careful not to engourge myself. Don't want to get too fat and happy and think that life is too easy. But the chocolates...Oooo they are calling my names out like slow tempting drips to pick them up and savor it. Too much of a good thing can also come back and bite you at the end. Is this what high school is going to be? I don't

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