» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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her head. Her dark brown hair and gold highlights swirled around her head and shoulders. I took in a breath. Her scent was addictive. It was sweet, and filled with life. Her hair settled around her shoulders. It framed her head perfect. I couldn't help myself, but admire her beauty.
Cole had warned me about this. All vampires were beautiful. It was just the matter of finding a mate you wanted despite faults and lack of strength. The vampire that were most powerful had the most admirers. The girls were always chased not the other way around, because most vampire fledglings were always male. Human females couldn't really fight back, and no one wanted weak fledglings.
"No... it's my fault." Renee said bringing me back from my thoughts.
"No, it's mine." I said recognizing it was. I wanted this girl, but couldn't get the courage to ask for her. Her touch made me cringe away. I could never find my tongue when her gaze crossed mine. She made my blood beat faster. She was like no other.
"We should get back to your room. It's almost feeding time." She said trying to change the subject. I nodded and ran down the hall. She followed me. I slipped into my room and onto the bed. She glided flawlessly into the room. She stopped in the center of the room and sat in a chair that was close to the bed in the room. Cole walked into the room.
I felt a pang of jealousy as he caught her eye and gave her a flirtatious smile. I glared at him. I looked sorrily at Renee, who was caught in Cole eyes. I cleared my throat loudly. Renee fumbled with her hands as she left Cole's gaze.
"Here you go." Cole said tossing me a blood bag. I quickly drank it all. I wiped my mouth off with my sleeve.
"All done. Now, Renee, let's get out of here." I said jumping out of the bed. Before I could react, Cole spoke.
"What's the rush?" Cole asked softly. I hit my forehead with my hand. "I thought you could stay here with me." He was preaching to the choir. She was going to leave with me. She was fond of me and I hoped she would, but I couldn't be sure. I smiled as Renee looked dumbfounded at Cole.
"I can't, I have a war to get back to. Besides I have a job to do." Renee said uneasily. I smiled at the sight of Cole's disappointment. He had been rejected, and even though he tried to hide it. It was obvious he was upset. I wanted to laugh but held it in.
"Come on." I said as I wrapped my arm around her waist. I caught her by surprise. I swept her off her feet and rushed her out of the room. She wasn't hard to carry. Once I was out of the door frame, she regain her composer. She sent a wave of energy at me. It hit me hard and knocked me off my feet. I fell to the floor hard. I looked up in a daze. Renee and Ivy were standing over me.
"I'm so sorry!" Renee said sadly. She offered a hand to help me up. I pushed it way and stood up on my own.
"Renee!" Cole said happily. "Have some respect for the dead." He laughed.
"I am the dead." Ivy and Renee growled in unison at him. I looked at him shocked as he pushed Renee aside. She would have put up a fight if it was me.
"He's fine." Cole said as he turned back to the girls.
"What's up, Cole?" Ivy asked him as he pulled a slip of paper from his pocket. He handed it to Renee. She looked it over. She looked at it horridly.
"What does this mean?" She asked nervously.
"I want to experiment something on you." Cole said gently. Renee nodded and passed the paper back to Cole. "Will you accept?" I didn't want her to be some lab rat. I was about to open my mouth when she spoke.
"I accept," she said softly. "But I have to be in the war. You can change me after if I last that long." I think we all knew what the last part meant. She didn't think she would live past the war. She thought she'd die in battle.
"Mind if I come along as a doctor?" Cole asked hopefully.
"You may come." Ivy answered for Renee. Ivy must be stronger than Renee or in control because Renee had corrected Nickolas to stay out of her way but did not do so with Ivy.
"Don't you even consider it." I growled at Cole. He glanced at me and smiled. Renee looked relieved that I had objected.
"Cole, it would be very dangerous." Renee said carefully. He nodded, and placed a hand on Renee's shoulder.
"I know, but I still want to come along. What if one of your men fall under a weapon? I could be there to help." He suggested. There was no doubt in my mind that he would help a fallen guard or warrior of Renee, but if I fell he'd strode away and find others to help and say he was busy at the time. I looked to Renee; pleading she would object, but she only closed her eyes, sighed and nodded slowly. I looked to Cole. He was grinning at me. I wanted to reach out and strangle the life from his body.
"You may come." Renee said as she turned away from us and began to walk away. She turned back. "I'll meet you at my home by sunset." She turned away and left us to prepare.

As I left them I began to wonder what the future would hold for me. Would I die? Could I really take on the leader of The Council? Would I die at her feet? Would I be able to live? Would we win the war? Could I gain control? Would I become human like Cole had promised in the paper? Why couldn't I be lucky enough to stay out of Kayla's path?
I shook my head as the thought of finding Daniel came to my mind.
"Renee." A girl said to my left. I froze. I was in the woods. I hadn't notice how far I had gotten.
"Yes?" I asked nervously. The girl was about my age. She wore a blackish green silk dress that had been cut in the middle. It was wrapped around her body and tied around her waist with a black sash. She wore no shoes, and her short cut hair waving around her. I was surprised I could tell in the kind of light there was under the moon.
"I thought you were dead!" The girl said as she embraced me. I sent a wave of energy at her. Not hard enough to send her flying, but to get her away from me. She stumbled away from me. "Renee!" She said obvious shocked by my reaction. "What's wrong?"
"Don't touch me!" I hissed as she tried to advance towards me.
"Renee, it's me... Kimberly." The girl said holding up her hands to show she had no weapons. Kimberly... it sounded familiar. I took a closer look at the girl who stood before me. She had a scar on her wrist like mine, and her lip was trembling. I knew her instantly. She was the spy for the witch covet. She and her sister, Kendalie, had always been helpful.
"Kimi?" I asked using her Nickname. She hugged me. It hurt me having her magic touch my aura. I flinched as she backed away. I sighed in relief when I was out of her arms.
"Where have you been!? Kristen has been planning an attack on The Cut." She was panicking. Everything came back to me at that moment. My whole life. The time I had spent with Kayla. Finding my spies, being rescued, my training, my fighting, even all my powers I had everything. All my memory was back to me.
"Kimi find the others and tell to come to my house at once." I said quickly. She nodded, and smiled at me.
I began to turn away when I heard her whisper, "It's great to have you back."
"Its great to be back." I said as I strode away. I looked over my shoulder and she was gone. I walked all the way home uninterrupted.
I reached my yard with ease. The forest wasn't hard to forget since I had lived in this house for most of my life. This was the house I had lived in with my mom when we moved away from Selma.
I quickly made my way up the tree outside my window. I was too lazy to find the key and unlock the back door. I jumped into my window, and stumbled through the dark looking for the light switch. I finally found the light switch. I flicked it on. My room looked normal except for a box that was on my bed. I walked to it.
It was a small box, the kind someone might put a ring in. I opened it slowly. There was a button inside. I opened it completely. There was a note tied to it. I undid the knot, and read the note silently to myself, then aloud.
"In a war caused by sin the time will come when pain will win." I said to myself as I crumbled the note and shoved it into my pocket. "Makes no sense." I mumbled as I turned around. There was a wolf there. A blonde wolf that looked like it was going to pounce on me. I gasped in shock. Why hadn't I heard it come in? It returned to it human form. It was Thane.
"Don't go." He said softly. Why would I?
"Why not?" I asked as I took a step away from him.
"Because... I-" He began to say when something tackled him. I focused my eyes on the thing that had tackled him. It was another wolf. Thane had changed into his form and was fighting with the other wolf.
"Ivy told you 'no'." The darker wolf growled from on top of thanes form. Thanes form was a lighter shade of dirty blonde.
"I don't care what she said!" Thane hissed as he pushed the darker wolf away. The other wolf got up, and snapped at Thane. "Sergio, stop it!" Sergio... the slightly darker wolf. One of my spies, and Stephanie's betrothed. A vampire-werewolf relationship. I shuttered.
"Ow!" I yelped as one of the wolfs claws scrapped against my skin. The fighting stopped instantly.
"Oh my god! What did you do?" Thane growled at Sergio.
"Me? It was you." He snapped back. They turned back to into there human forms. Sergio rushed to my side, and examined the scrap. He sighed. "She'll be fine."
"Good, now leave me and her alone." Thane growled.
"No... Ivy said 'no'." Sergio growled as he grabbed Thanes arm. He tossed Thane out of my window. I screamed in complete shock. I got up off the floor and ran to the window as Sergio dived out of the window. I leaned over the window seal looking out. My upper body was in the cold crisp air. I could go after them, but I had to wait for all my spies to appear.
"Are you alright?" I yelled out the window. I knew they were, but maybe something made me worry. "Sergio!? Thane!?"
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