» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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he continued on with his search. I had to tell him I was hurting. I tried to move my lips but couldn't.
"Bad-" Josh said keeping his voice leveled.
"How bad?" Someone asked again. My vision began to fade. A figure stepped in front of me. The figure had asked me. It was dressed in a cape. I recognized the voice; it belonged to Ivy. I couldn't tell her.
"Let's get her back to Cole." Nickolas looked up at the sound of her voice. He looked at us.
"How bad is she?" He asked uneasily. Ivy shook her head.
"I'll take Josh. You can take Renee." Ivy said as put her hand on Josh's shoulder. A few seconds later she disappeared with Josh. Nickolas quickly walked to me. He scooped me up in his arms and in second we were in Cole's office.
Its was dark. Or maybe it was my vision? I could barely make out Cole's figure. He was sitting in his seat behind his desk. He looked up to see us. I realized I couldn't feel anything anymore. My body was completely numb. It didn't hurt to move, but I had no control over my limbs anymore either.
"I'm fine." I said taking deep breaths in between the words. Nickolas put me on my feet so I could stand up. I couldn't control my legs and they buckled sending me falling. My body hit the floor hard. Nickolas starred at me concerned as Cold got up and rushed out from behind his desk.
"No... your' not!" Cole said as he knelt beside me. "Look at this wound!" He said as he squeezed it. I gasped at the pain. I had gained
"Stop that!" I said as I jerked away. I stumbled backwards into a wall. "Okay... I am. Please, just help me." I pleaded as pain shot through me. It felt like my arm was on fire. If I didn't get helped soon I'd pass out.
"Renee... I believe this is vampire venom." He said uneasily. He gulped, "And it's a lot more than your body can handle." I looked shocked at him.
"She's going to die?" Josh asked shocked beside Ivy. Where had they come from? Cole shook his head. I sighed in relief. I wouldn't die, today.
"She might." He paused. "There's an antidote I've been working on...for turning a vampire back into a human." He sighed and walked behind his desk and retrieved something small. I didn't now what he had. My vision was wavering from light to dark.
"Anything to save her." Nickolas said perfectly. Cole looked at him as if he was crazy. "Anything." Nickolas snapped at Cole. I sighed. Why did he care so much all of a sudden? I looked at Nickolas. We need her. We have to have her human or vampire will do. I gasped. Those weren't my thoughts. The venom was taking its toll on me! "What's wrong?" Nickolas asked. I shook my head and closed my eyes trying to clear my head. When it didn't work I opened my eyes.
"Nothing." I sighed "Just get Ashley here, please." I wanted her to be here. I wanted to be her trainer. I had to be. "Please." I begged. Ivy nodded and left. In a few seconds she returned with Ashley.
"Renee..." Josh began, but he just ended up trailing off into nothing.
"This might kill you." Cole said as he pulled out a pill.
"She's doing it." Nickolas answered for me.

Chapter 8 . Destiny
(A Few Day's Later Renee)
“Are you sure you want to take the drugs?” Cole asked me. I nodded. Cole was a well educated doctor for The Cut. He would take well care of me. After all I had known him when I was human. Why should it make a difference of what he thinks now of me?
I smiled at Cole. He was a human. A very handsome human. His wavy dark blondish brown hair was shining under the hospital lights that flickered. His skin was a light gold compared to my snow white skin. My mind began to wonder.
It took all my effort to elude the voices of the others in the room. I looked at Cole. Why can’t she see she doesn’t need these? For god’s sake they might kill her! Cole’s thought were nothing but worry. I skipped over them.
I looked at Nickolas. Nickolas was my second in command. A fledgling of Vlad. Vlad had a high interest of dark haired young men. Nickolas was exactly that. His black raven hair glittered in the sunlight that shown through the window. His arms were folded over his chest. His skin was as white as mine. She’ll return. She has to, but if she doesn’t- I jerked my head away from his depressing thoughts. I didn’t want to think about the future or what would happen if I did die.
I looked closely at Josh. He was a light color skinned boy. Somewhat of my age. I knew very well that he was a hybrid. Was...he's full vampire now, I reminded myself. His skin was very warm, but he had fangs and the gifts. It was strange to think a human female would mate with a vampire lord such as Josh’s dad had been. He had gone through so much. He had lost his family, and now was going to begin a new one with Ashley. I knew he would. After, I returned human he’d leave and forget whatever had brought him to find me. He was a vampire none the less. We had a right to be free and rarely settled down. His eyes were warm, but his body was tense and edgy. I didn’t like it. I scrambled into his mind. Everything will be fine. I smiled in his direction. It was nice to hear his calm rational thoughts.
“I’m sure.” I said knowing someone in the room would object. I scanned the minds around me. The only thing that surprised me was Ivy’s thoughts. She’ll survive then she’ll die. Josh will bring her- I had to force myself to jerk my mind from hers. Ivy could see the future and sometimes her thoughts scared me. She was my spy for The Council. Her dark brown hair and white skin was similar to mine.
I looked to Ashley. Josh’s little sister was flawless. She was only half a vampire, but she was visibly perfect. Her black hair was a few shades lighter than Josh’s and didn’t attract so much attention. Her skin much whiter, and she didn’t have fangs like her brother. Don’t take the drug. God tell her not to do it. I sighed as Cole lifted his hand and offered two pills.
“How do they work?” I asked as I shifting the pills in my hand. They were small, and a light of purple. I looked at his face when he hesitated to tell me.
“They have human cells pumped full of anti-vampire virus. It’ll be like giving you extra white blood cells to fight off the vampire cells. If they defeat the vampire cells in your body you will return to your human self.”
“If they don’t?” I asked weighing the small pills.
“Your organs will eat themselves. Your vampire cells will kill you.” He said looking at his feet. “Please, reconsider.” He suggested knowing I wouldn’t. I shook my head and placed the pills in my mouth. I swallowed them down avoiding my fangs. They tasted disgusting, but I forced myself not to spit them out.
“How long do we have to wait for them to work?” Josh asked uneasily. I looked at Cole as I looked through his mind to find answer.
“A few minutes to a few days.” Cole answered honestly. I looked through Josh’s mind. “She’s welcome to stay here with me. If she wants to she may even go home.” Cole offered. I smiled. I wanted nothing more than to return home. Josh and Ashley were staying there with me.
“We’ll be going home.” Josh said knowing. We’d have to have a doctor nearby. “You’re welcome to come.” Josh was very polite and knew how to use his words to twist things.
“I’ll be there later, today, to check on her.” Cole said as he turned away from all of us. “Right now I have other patients to take care of.” He gracefully left the room.
“Can you run?” Josh asked me when the door was shut. Even before I had a chance to answer Josh changed his mind about running home. “Nickolas, you may have the honors.” I sighed as Nickolas grabbed my hand and laid his hand on Josh’s shoulder. Soon we were in my kitchen. Nickolas’s gift came in handy when we needed to get somewhere far away. A second later Ivy was with Ashley.
“I will go and let her rest.” Nickolas said as he disappeared. He knew how to act around Josh. Josh thought a commander of war deserved respect and needed to be talked to as such.
“As will I.” Ivy said as she disappeared. I sighed and sat in a chair at the table. I looked around my kitchen. Not very many things in this room of the house. Only the main appliances that you'd find in every kitchen.
“Ashley, you should go practice in the backyard.” Josh said. I had told him about my plans to train her. I lifted my head to smile at her. She could not train without me. “Without Renee.” He added when he saw my hopeful look. I frowned. She left me alone with Josh, and went outside after grabbing her pouch of knives. Why was he always shooting down my ideas? I glared at him.
It’s for your best. He knew I was listening to his thoughts. I tried not to. I just want what’s best for you. I couldn’t help, but frown.
“I have a surprise for you upstairs.” He said aloud. I realized he had never sat down. He helped me get to my feet and walk up the stairs. Josh ran ahead of me. Like most vampires Josh could run fast. Josh was very fast.
I walked up the last few stairs and walked into my room. My room was different. The black walls were now red. Everything black had been replaced with something red or white.
“What did you do?” I asked looking around my bed. It was the only thing that remained untouched. He laughed and walked over to me.
“I made a few changes to your bedroom.” He said like it was no big deal.
"You wont want such dark colors around when you return back to your human stage." Josh said oddly.
"Say you." I growled running my fingers along the wall. The paint was still a little wet. That should have been my first hint.
"You'll thank me later." He said and left the room. I sighed and sat on the bed. I laid down and starred at the ceiling. I wouldn't be able to see any of my friends anymore.
I'd be human. A meal to them. If I didn't turn human, I could die. I laid there on the bed thinking about my future. I probably spent little over an hour on the bed before I thought about something.
I recalled a conversation Ivy and I had earlier. I sat up wondering if the paper was still there. I got off the bed and crouched down beside it. I was hoping Josh or anyone else hadn't gotten to it. I pulled a floor board up that was under my bed. It had
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