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By: R.S. Vargas

Vargas Books

ISBN 978-0-557-25148-3

All For You

Copyright © 2009 by R.S Vargas

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including xerography, photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, is forbidden without the written permission of the author, R. S. Vargas, 1150 capitol, Ogden, UT 84401 U.S.A.

Some characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

On the other hand some were. The following character's description, views, and appearance were inspired by the actual person: Stephanie(Stephanie Bernal), Ivy(Ivy Vargas), Kayla(Kayla Gillies), Daniel(Daniel Gomez), and Renee(Renee Vargas).

All For You published by arrangement with Vargas Books.

Written and Printed in U.S.A

Dear Reader,

Renee, a teenage vampiress, was tossed aside. Forbidden, by her blood mother, to stray from the ancient laws. She feared death even though for her life was already over. For a year, Renee, was at her trainers leash until one day she discovered the peace they had been "keeping" was actually a lie. The peace was sending others to kill humans, rogue vampires, witches, and werewolves.

But with the help of a few others, Renee began the Rebellion. With the species Renee had been trained to kill and destroy the rebellion flourished. It was home to any rejects from the other high powers. Renee was discovered, by her blood mother, as the leader. Renee was captured and taken away.

After a year in captivity, Renee was pumped with drugs. The drugs forced her to forget all memories after she had became a rebel and all thoughts before were locked away in her mind. Even when she could recover them, they were foggy and had to relive.

Kayla had succeeded in changing Renee's thoughts ut Kayla didn't foresee one final aspect, the thoughts of Renee's Rebellion. It was only a matter of time before they would recover her. Without worry, Kayla sent Renee back to her home in Ogden, Utah.

Can Renee regain her memory? Will Ivy, and the Rebellion make her see her past and future? When given the opportunity to become human, by Dr. Vensle, will she leave her vampiric life? Will Renee choose her newly found freedom or give it all way for a human?

All questions will be answered in this book. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it and hearing the praise from my family.


R.S. Vargas

The beginning is like the end. It's a mystery. Not knowing what life may bring. Not seeing the past or what lays ahead. It seems so dark. So, lifeless and cold, but to others it brings life and light. I think it's weird how so many people can take one thing, and make it seem 100% different.
No matter how we see it the end will always come. It just a matter of when. We're just counting down the clock. Whether we like it or not its gonna come. We can't fight death. We can push it away, but truly it only comes faster.
I remember hearing one day that with every breathe we move closer to death. If that's true, are we slowly killing ourselves?
I guess to you, death isn't something you look forward to. It's scary and unknown. It seems dark, and lonesome to wish for death, but some don't want to live anymore. Can you understand? But then some fear death. So, it really only matters how you see it. I personally never wanted death.
It seems sick to wish for death. Then again my town is sick. We all were. More than half of the population of my home town was vampires. I'd explain it, but it's a different story.
I know that life brings death, but what about death? What does it bring? I've seen loved ones cry over someone's death. Death brings pain, sorrow, hate, regret, longing, and knowledge. It seems odd to wish for death if you knew what your friends, and family would go through. I knew, and I still wished to die.
But that's the price to pay when your immortal. Not able to die, and all is a high price to pay when everyone you knew was dieing of old age. Once you choose, you can never go back. At least, that's what I've been told by my leader and over all trainer Kayla Gillies.
The head of the council. She's ruthless, dangerous, and deadly. Not the person you want to run into alone in a forest, but that's exactly what happened the night I became what I am today.
She told me that if I joined her, one day I'd rule beside her. Be on the council. Live like a true vampire but she was wrong. She saw my future as it could be, not how it would be. I'd rebel, bringing everyone who knew me along. But what she did to me changed my life. I couldn't remember I didn't even know why I was fighting. I didn't even know I was fighting.
In a war that couldn't be stopped by mortals. We'd kill each other. Thousands of us will die by the end of fall. It is only spring, and the war hasn't quite begun. Not yet, but it's coming with each day.

Prolog (Renee)
Remember when you were a little, your parents tucked you in at night, and told you nothing can harm you. Well, they were wrong. My kind live in the dark. We lurk in the shadows waiting for you to pass by and our moment to kill. We destroy lives, take those who can not defend themselves, we drink your blood, and lastly we are vampires.
I never really wanted to become a vampire, it just happened. I was an everyday student with a normal life till I met Nick. He offered me the life I'd always wanted. Or the life I wished for. But it was masked by lies and hidden.
I was young when my parents started fighting and not getting along. I was barely a Jr. High student when my mother and I had moved. Leaving my father in the little city of Selma in California. We had moved to Ogden, Utah. It was hard adjusting, but it was a good place. There my mother raised me, and I still live there to this day.
I met Nick on my first day of school. I had been a clumsy human girl then and knocked into him. He helped me gather my things. He had offered to help me to my next class. We became friends, and soon I made other friends.
I often left Ogden to visit my father. I missed Selma and enjoyed going back to see old friends and catch up over the summers. I missed my life over there, and the summers I spent with dad made me feel at home again.
There I had met my first vampire, but I didn’t know what he was at the time. I thought he was a normal boy. His name was Tye. Later, I learned that Tye was an evil creature that had stalked his prey and killed them slowly. After the day I met him, I had never seen him again.
Soon after meeting Tye, I returned home. That was the month Nick died. When we were around fifteen we had met a girl not much older than us. Her name was Kayla. Kayla had told us she was a vampire and would turn us when we reached the age of sixteen.
Nick and I had joked about her. Calling her crazy and laughing. We found it funny. Little did I know she was going to save us. Nick had died at the age of fifteen and a half in a house fire. I knew it was too late for him or so I thought.
Everyone else that I was friends with turned into vampires but by different leaders. After awhile, we started meeting each other. Sometimes even training together. I actually trained a few people myself and others were trained by members of the council. I never could please my leader, Kayla, to her I was a failure.
Through the two years I’ve been a vampire, I’ve learned many skills. Mostly my powers. Every vampire has a power, but I was blessed with a few. A lot of people I know were blessed with more than one. Or they took drugs to give it to them. I was special because I was chosen by Kayla to be her, and got a drug before she changed me.
Most vampires do things risky, and it earns them credits to be higher ranking in there bloodline, but if there caught people or the council they’d be burned. One of Tye’s tricks was stealing a girl from her home, and she became his meal. I’ve never done something so awful! Like others, I fear being burned so I stay clear of the councils path.
Life goes on, and I am still a vampire, a dreadful creature of the night. I never could get over the fact that I was a blood sucker. I favor the darkness, like most. I usually stay in my home; never going to far unless to hunt and even then only at night. To humans, I am only sixteen. I was transformed on my sixteenth birthday but I’m actually eighteen.
My past life haunts the present. Some people still remember that I was human. It's hard living in the same city which I was from when I was human. Somehow, I manage to stay undetected by the towns folk.
The story of my death was a sad tale. My mother had been gone, and I had wondered off into the woods never to be seen again. Of course, I could never leave her be. I’d check now, and then on here after my transformation. I still do but less frequently. No mother should be put into the things my mother has gone through.
My father was hit just as hard. We had been closer than mother and I had ever been. I always visited him. I never could keep away from my father. He had always been there for me, and now look at what I’ve become. Banished to the shadows never to be allowed to see my loved ones, never to love again, never to have a family. If I ever step out of line, the council would surely kill me.
The council is a group of vampires that protect our secrets. They protect the vampire community from other communities and prevent wars. If a war was to break out, no one would survive because even our most powerful vampires couldn't stop it. Only special vampires are on the council. Kayla is the leader of the whole council. I haven’t seen her since my training.
Enough about my past. My names Renee. When I was human my friends would call me Reney. I never really liked the

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