» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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as she said as she stood up, “Go and take Tye and Caleb with you.” She commanded. Why I am here? Why am I having this dream? I thought as the guys left.
“Your dreams tell the future and what is happening.” Renee said. I looked at her puzzled. How did she know what I was thinking? I wondered. “It’s a dream, Josh.” She said oddly. “I know what your thinking.”
I stared blankly at her. well, why am I here then? I thought.
“Because you have to find me.” She said. After she said that three girls walked into the clearing. They were all beautiful. They were around the same height. There was a dirty blonde, and two brunets.
“This is Stephanie.” Renee said. The dirty blonde nodded. “If you ever get lost call her.” Renee said as she turned toward them.
“This is Ivy.” Renee said pointing to the tallest brunet. “You shouldn’t trust her ever.” I nodded. "Trust her and you’ll regret it." She said.
"Can u put thoughts into my head?" I asked. Duh it’s a dream, what part don’t you get of that! I’m trying to help you so listen carefully, She said in my head. I nodded.
“I am Victoria.” The other girl said.
“But you think of her as Ashley.” Renee said. I took a closer look at the girl. She looked exactly like Ashley, the hair, the skin, even her eyes.
“Ashley.” I said as she began to walk toward me. She shook her head.
“No, it’s Victoria.” She said. My jaw dropped. She began to fade.
“ I’m sorry for lying to you brother.” Victoria said as she became nothing. I grabbed at the air. She was gone. I fell onto my knees. Renee began to signal Stephanie over. She Isn’t really gone, Renee said in my head.
“Why didn’t you help her!’ I growled at the three girls who stood before me. What were they doing!? I just watched my little sister fade into nothing, and they’re just standing there like nothing happened!
“We couldn’t do anything.” Stephanie said. I looked at her. A sour look crossed my face.
“Couldn’t help her!? You didn’t even try!” I hissed at her.
“Josh you don’t understand. That was her destiny. We cant change that.” Renee said kindly. I turned to her. She was smiling. I glared at her. Her smile slow disappeared into a frown.
“It will be her time soon.” Renee said as she walked away from the rock. Stephanie followed her. Ivy stayed behind.
“It’s a shame she had to go.” Ivy said as she bent over and picked up some dirt. “I could change that.” She said as the sand gradually left her hand and onto the floor.
“How?” I asked as I stood up.
“It’s very simple. I just have to kill Victoria’s soul.” Ivy said as she turned around. I looked at her astonished. Had Renee lied to me? “Just give me a call when you make up your mind.” Ivy said as she tossed me a card. It was folded in half. I unfolded it and looked at it.

Dear, Josh
If you want your sister back to the way she once was give me a call. Just say my name three times and I will appear. I am a transporting vampire. If you ever need my help just call.
I looked around me. Ivy was gone. “Damn.” I cursed under my breath. Suddenly there a was voice.
My eyes flew open. My heart was racing. “Wake up!” Ashley yelled in my ear.
“I’m up!” I yelled. I looked up. Ashley was sitting on the other side of the branch, eating an apple. I smiled at her. She looked up at me.
“About time you woke up.” she said as she threw the apple core away. I watched it flew over the edge of the branch. “I’ve been trying to wake you up for an hour.” She laughed.
“How long was I out?” I asked.
“Most of the day.” Ashley said as she pointed up. I looked, the sun was in the middle of the sky. I sighed.
"Why’d you wake me?” I asked.
“I wanted to know what you were dreaming about. You were mumbling in your sleep.” She said as she reached into her backpack and pulled out a dead rabbit. She caught my looking at it oddly. “Come on, brother. I know what you eat. I caught it for you when you were sleeping.” She said as she tossed me the dead animal. I usually kept that to myself because I didn’t want her knowing about my disgusting habits.
I drank the blood of animals to keep fit but Ashley she was basically human except for her fangs, she didn’t have to breath, and she was cold blooded. Have fangs, cold blood and a killer appetite. I thought Ashley didn’t know what made me a creature of the night. She was always so silent about these kinds of things but I never really took interest because I took it for a blessing.
“How long have you known?” I asked as I took fumbled with the rabbit in my hands. “Since the night mom and dad died,” she said as her hand slipped back into her bag, “I watched you hunt that night.” I looked at her. She was talking as if nothing had happened. She pulled her hand out of the bag. In her hand was an apple for herself. She took a bite and chewed as I looked at the dead rabbit. It’s throat was slit. It had been dead for sometime because the blood around the cut was dry.
“How’d you hunt this?” I asked. I already knew but it was always fun to ask. Ashley had a way with animals even if she wouldn’t admit it. They were always attracted to her. She could even get them to do her bidding and sometimes even talk to them. I didn’t really have a power but if my dream had been right. I could tell the future and things that were happening by my dreams.
“It was wonderful Josh!” She exclaimed as she pointed at the rabbit with her free hand. “That rabbit actually talked to me! It was amazing. I’ve never heard anything like it. I pretty said that I killed it, but I didn’t mean to! Honest I didn’t , it just happened.” Ashley said as she got up. “I got it over there.” She said as she pointed to south of the tree we were in. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she put her hands in her lap. She must have seen the worried expression on my face. “Ashley, you killed that poor little animal. I didn’t even needed it. I’m not hungry.” I explained as she looked away from me.I tossed the rabbit away from me. I didn’t want her becoming like me. A cold careless creature of the night. I hated it. I never could figure out why my mom had bred with a creature as cold and dead as my father. Had she wished us such vile creatures on the earth? Mom had almost died at my birth, ,but then she had Ashley. She never really recovered. Then she was murdered.
"Enough about me. So what was your dream about?" Ashley asked. It brought me out of my thoughts. Should I tell her everything? No, what if she over reacted. I shook my head trying to to clear my thoughts. "Well?" Ashley said impatiently.
"It was about theses group of people." I said shakily.
"What kind of people?" Ashley asked suspiciously. Want more did she want from me? I didn't want to be doing this. I should be out there looking for a new home, instead of sitting here and explaining a stupid dream.
"You can tell me." She pleaded.
"Fine! It was about three girls,and three boys." I began making sure to leave the part out about Ashley.
" You know what I meant Josh. What kind of people were they?" Ashley asked impatiently. "Vampires." I sighed. I recognized my defeat and I knew I'd end up telling her everything, but I'd still try.
"Go on." Ashley said as she waved with her.
"What's there to tell? They talked, I listened, I learned. Story done." I said trying to get by. Maybe she'd just give up, but no.
"Details, Josh. I want detail."She said as she slipped her backpack onto her back.
"Where do you think your going?" I asked. She looked at me as if shocked I had asked. I Shook my head.
"Never mind." I said in defeat. Ashley usually told me everything but sometimes she liked to keep something's to herself. I wasn't going to push it. She reached out and asked for my backpack. I reluctantly gave it up. I watched her tie my backpack to hers.
"You better start talking Josh." She said as she slug my back pack over the edge of the tree branch.I looked horridly at my bag. Would she really drop it!? I had things in there that were very precious to me. Things like mom and dad's wedding pictures.
"Okay! Okay!" I pleaded, "Just don't drop the bag, please!" A smug look grew on her face as she swung my backpack around and pushed it to me. I grabbed it and pulled it close. Even though my father was a mean and cruel man, I still loved him and that was the only thing I had left of mom.
"It was about a girl. She wouldn't tell me her name..." I started as I slung my backpack over my shoulder. I shoved my hands in my pockets. There was piece of paper in my pocket. I slowly pulled it out of my pocket.
"What's that?" She asked as I unfolded it.
"I don't know." I mumbled as looked at it. It was Ivy's note! How'd it get in my pocket? No! Was she out there waiting for us? Ashley took it from me. I watched her face. There was a smile.
"Who's Ivy?" Ashley joked. I put my head in my hands.
"I don't know." I said as slumped against the tree. She looked at me puzzled.
"How'd it get there?" She asked.
"I don't know." I said blankly.She looked worried.
"You don't know?" Ashley asked. I nodded. "I was gone so I wouldn't know." My head started to spin what if shes watching us right now? Could i get Ashley to safety? What was i even doing in the middle of no where with a eleven year old who's killing poor little rabbits? I should be back at home. Not here in the woods. Not when Ivy could be out there and watching us. We were as good as dead out here in the open.
"Tell me all about your dream." Ashley commanded. I did. I told her about Renee, about Nick and the two blondes, about Ivy, and her note. Once I was done she looked at me as if I was crazy.
"Really?" she asked. I nodded fiercely. "Should we be out here?" Ashley asked nervously. "I didn't know," I answered.
"We shouldn't stay here for long." I said as I stood up. She didn't even bother. She just swung her legs over the
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