» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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With Stephanie's other hand she pressed on one of Ashley's fangs. I heard Ashley's mouth snap shut. Stephanie looked at me.
"Her fangs are retractable... impressive." Stephanie said. I nodded, and looked at my shoes. Her gaze unnerved me. "Go find us a meal, girl." I heard stephanie command Ashley. I listened to her leave. When we were alone, Stephanie addressed me, "Josh, I have to speak with you... about Ashley." I nodded and looked at her. "Ashley's wasn't turned was she?" I nodded to her question. Stephanie looked worried. She was waiting for me to talk. I sighed.
"She was born as a vampire so was I." I started. "I know about the rules... I know about everything except this war. What's going on?" She shifted her weight onto her other foot, deciding whether to tell me or not.
"The war... It began a month or so ago." She said sadly. "Renee's the key to out come of the war, but you already know that don't you?" I didn't know. I shook my head. "How could you not know!" She growled. I shrugged.
"Renee started this war. She fled from her trainer... Kayla. The war began after Renee had been released from her training sessions. Kayla had request Renee for the council. She had refused. Kayla made Renee for her own purposes. She picked her powers for... all her special pets. Renee was going to be one of them... but she fought back. She escaped. With out Renee, Kayla could lose the war. She'll get Renee to come to her side or kill her." Stephanie said as if matter of fact, I had known this all along.
I sighed loudly, and crossed my arms over my chest as if I was bored. She shot me a dirty look and asked,"How come you don't know?"
"I haven't actually met her." I said quietly. She looked at me angrily.
"Should of known." She muttered to herself as she turned away. I should of kept my mouth shut, but my curiosity got the better of me.
"Should of known what?" I asked from behind her. She spun around, and hit me. I wasn't prepared, and lost my balance and hit the floor. I landed on my back. She was mad... at me.
"You don't know her. You don't know anything... any of us, any laws, the council or any thing about the Vampiric community." She growled at me.
"I do too!" I retorted at her as I lifted my wrist. I had a scar on it. The one you get from your trainer when you graduate. I gestured to it. My father taught me everything he knew before he died.
"I was wrong." She growled. I nod happily. She hissed at me. "You think you're so smart. You're wrong, boy. What do you want from me?"
The words came out as a whisper, I meant them to come out as words but they came out as single breath. "I want to find Renee."
"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded.
"I want to see her." I said quietly.
"What makes you think you have a chance?"
"I don't know but I have to see her!" She laughs at me and strode away. I quickly followed as she walked into the bushes.
"I haven't seen her in awhile. I still wonder if she's alive." Stephanie says as if shes alone.
"She could be dead!?" I ask as if I hadn't heard her correctly.
"Weren't you listening!? Kayla's after her." She said stupidly. I looked at her dumbly.
"So?" I ask.
"So Kayla's the head of the council. She could kill anyone with the flick of her wrist! I suppose Renee could fight back but... she wouldn't stand a chance. Too many would fight her, not just Kayla. If it was a one on one maybe." She said as if she was talking to herself.
"Um... hello?" I said quietly.She ignores me and goes on.
"She could never fight back against so many. Kayla would be a difficult opponent... not to mention everyone else." Stephanie said as she paced in front of me.
"Like?" I asked. She stopped pacing, and turned to me. Her red eyes screamed rage and anger. They dulled into a soft lavender.
"You're still here?" She said with disgust. I nodded; afraid my voice would show too much rage, and she'd leave. She looked at me as if I was a piece of meat ready to be judge, and most likely thrown away. I could stop myself.
"Yes, I'm still here. Not like you'd notice you're too busy talking to yourself." I growled. My hand flew to my mouth. I watched her expression change. I saw a hint anger, then a smile flickered across her face. It disappeared as quickly as it had shown up.
"So, you do have a voice." She laughed. I nodded, then remembered that nodding wasn't saying anything.
"I always did." I hissed at her.
"Feisty." She laughed at me. My hands balled into fists. She was insulting me acting like I was a pet! A stupid cat that had tried to at claw her, but failed. I growled at her.
"Awe, you can growl too?" She hissed. I turned around. She started to laugh. I looked over my shoulder to see why. She was looking at me.
"What!?" I yelled at her. She burst into hysterics.
"You think you stand a chance against me." She said in between her bitter laughter. She sounded like evil dwarfs laughing at snow white. I waved my hand in front of me.
"You can't touch this." I said jokingly as I turned around. I didn't get to see her face. I started to walk away. Then suddenly Stephanie was in front of me. I stumbled backwards, and fell to the ground.
She laughed in my face. I started to get up when she pushed me back down. I quickly jumped to my feet. She ran at me with two knives. One in her right hand, one in her left. She lunged at me. I quickly darted to the left. She almost lost her balance then disappeared.
"How...did-" I began to stutter as she then reappeared in front of me. I felt my blood run cold as I darted out of the way of her second lung. She turned around to see me going for a attack. She swung the knife in a arch. I didn't have enough time to get out of the way. My skin felt like burning flesh but when I looked down my skin wasn't there it was just a hole in my body. I looked at Stephanie she was in awe. I grabbed her wrist, and turned it. The knife dropped out of her hand, and fell to the forest floor. Before her mind could register what just happened I bent down, and picked up the knife, and spun her around. I held the knife to her throat.
"Don't move." I said calmly. She can't answer. She responds by disappearing. I yelled in frustration. What the hell is going on here!? My flesh disappearing, Stephanie disappearing in to thin air.
She reappeared in front of me. "So now we've determined that you can defend yourself." She said as she clapped her hands. I felt like strangling her. Holding her throat until she couldn't breath... watching her gasp for air, but I knew that could never be. She didn't need to breath but still it be nice.
I lunged forward with precision. My hands curled around her neck. They tightened, and twisted. My knuckles went white. She started to laugh at me. I tightened my grip hoping she would squeal, but no...she just laughed. I hissed as I released her.
"You thought that would hurt me!?" She laughed. I nodded. I hung my head in defeat. Even though I didn't look at her I could tell she was looking at me. Her eyes burned into my soul. I looked up to see her staring at me.
"What?" I asked.
"I figured out your power." She said sourly.
"My what?" I asked stupidly.
"Your power, special abilities..." When she saw my dumb expression she added," You know... your gift."
"My gift?" I asked sourly. I had no gift. I was sure of it.
"Yes, that thing you did when I tried to stick that knife in you!" She said excitedly. I was still anger about that. I imagined a pillow slowly going over her face, and me smothering her. She fights back but then her efforts become weaker until there's no struggle at all.
She glances at my expression. I tried to hold a confused look on my face. She buys it, and sighed.
"Like how I can transport myself." She said. I look angrily at her. Now I imagine sitting beside her on a water fountain. She talking, about some kind of thing. I suddenly push her under the water. She struggles as her head goes under. Her arms fling up trying to grab me. I dodge them. Her struggle stops. Bubbles come out of the water... then come the final pop of the last bubble. I release her head.
"Are you listening!?"she said angrily bringing me out my fantasy. I nodded furiously. She went on. "Like I was saying. I can transport myself. Renee can heal, and she can use telepathy but she doesn't know-" Something click. Maybe it was her name or something else.
"Stop... how can she not know?" I asked.
"She was implanted by Kayla... she will be gaining lots of powers. Kayla implanted her with healing, telepathy, transporting, mind reading, and other things. The perfect team of powers. That's what Kayla said." Stephanie said.
"How do you know?" I asked.
"I looked at the files. Kayla has a file on all her special projects."
"Special projects?"
"Yeah... Renee an utter success. Ivy another success. Caleb another success. Annaliese, Anna, all total successes. All under Kayla's under control except for Renee. Something's different about her."
"So she's different."
"She's not suppose to be... she's just suppose to be... Kayla's pet."
"Are you jealous?" I laughed.
"You wish." She hissed at me.
"Right... I want you to be jealous." I laughed.
"Shut up!" She growled as I approached her.
"You want a hug?" I asked sarcastically. She slapped my hands down.
"No, never!" She hissed. I laughed as I stepped away from her. She had pulled out two knives out of her pockets. "Touch me, and your dead." She growled. I nodded in acknowledge.
I looked around me... where was Ashley? I sighed off getting us meals. I didn't feel thirsty. Yet she's off killing a helpless animal because Stephanie had commanded her. I had no clue where she was.
Then I heard a scream. It was a high pitch, erie sound of a girl in pain. Only one thought crossed my mind, Ashley. I started to panic. The scream sounded far away. How would I get to her? Stephanie. Would she take me? Could she take me? I looked at her desperately. She shook her head.
"Please?" I begged. She shook her head firmly. I took off running. I wasn't just going to stand there arguing with her. I need to help Ashley. I ran in the direction I heard the scream. I hope she wasn't hurt too bad. I Finally reached where I thought I had heard the scream.
Ashley lay slump against a tree, with a figure in a cloak standing above her. I balled up
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