» Fiction » All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗

Book online «All For you, R.S. Vargas [my reading book txt] 📗». Author R.S. Vargas

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ill. She had been for some time but a hyper eight year old wouldn't notice. "Come look!"
"What is it, Josh?" A tired mother asked trying to act happy, and hyper as her son was. I (the younger version of myself) ran off a head, out of my view. I am a seer of the the memory. My mother gasped for breath, and coughed up what looked like blood. I winced. "Mommy!?" The boy said eagerly from outside. The mother quickly wiped off the blood, and hurried out the door to her son; who knew nothing about her illness.

I felt my eyes begin to water at the memory of my sweet mother dieing, no... being eaten away by a infection which had eaten away at her lungs. I jumped back realizing stephanie was watching me.
"Um...what were you doing?" She asked stupidly. Why couldn't she just read my mind? I was becoming annoyed with her stupid questions. She was bringing back memories I didn't want to relive.
"You should be able to read my mind. Figure it out." I hissed. I was visibly annoyed, I made that very visible to stephanie. She laughed. It wasn't her normal laugh it was more of a cold, hostile laugh.
"What kind of vampire do you take me for?" She asked still laughing. I glared at her.
"Can't all vampire's read minds?" I asked. She burst out in laughter again.
"There are many types of vampires, Josh. I am not a telepathic vampire, I am a conveying vampire. Meaning I can transport myself. They're are some that use levitation. I have relatives that are such." She said as she turned around.
"What's Renee?" I asked. She turned around. Her face screamed anger. Had I gone too far with the questions. She tried to ease the tension between her shoulder. I could still see the pain in her eyes as her faced softened.
"She's... She's nothing like us. She's the first fledgling of Kayla! She's a mix between all of us. Kayla made her to be invincible. I don't know how much you know but I'll find out." She promised. I shuttered at the thought.
"I want to know everything I can about her. Before I decide to see her." I said shakily. Maybe I wouldn't want to meet Renee after I learned about her.
"Ok. Might as well get it all out in the open. Can't have you asking stupid questions. " She said as she sat down. "I'll start at the beginning but don't ask questions till the end, ok?" I nodded. "Renee... she's always been different. I didn't always know her. In fact I didn't know her until a few years ago. I had heard about her... being Kayla's first fledgling and all. They're are bloodlines as I hope you know.
"The bloodline's are the ties we have to our kin. You know a way to tell who belongs to what line of vampire. If your creator was powerful so would you be, if you struggled. I heard she struggled a lot... made her stronger than Kayla herself. It's just a story though, I doubt it. " I sat down beside her.
"Renee had been changed... because Kayla wanted a power full fledgling from which she could manipulate. After Renee's first weeks of training my trainer Ivy brought me to train with her. That's how we met. After all, Ivy had been called by her blood sister. As her trainee I was obliged to follow. Renee, and I trained for hours on end fighting with each other. She was a fierce competitor as was I but soon I noticed her becoming different. I alerted Ivy at once.
"Renee feared Ivy. That was obvious but still Renee continued to change. Finally Ivy spoke with Kayla. Kayla explained everything to Ivy, but left me in the dark. Ivy had given me the files which Kayla had given her. I haven't seen Renee since she, and I stopped training with each other. I hear she has fledglings of her own now." Stephanie finally said.
I looked at stephanie oddly. She had said all that with grace and little emotion. I was tempted to ask why, but I knew better.
"Any questions?" She asked. I had tons I could ask but I kept my mouth shut, and shook my head. She noddle and stood up. "Excuse me for a minute." She said as she got up, and began to walk away. She didn't wait for me to answer.
I sat there puzzling over Ashley's whereabouts. My poor little sister off alone, with strangers made my skin tingle. Could I really leave her with strangers? Would Stephanie really take me to Renee? I knew very little about Renee, but I knew she could provide something that no one else could. I didn't know what that was though. I soon found myself drifting off too sleep.

This dream was sweet. Stephanie, Ivy, and Renee all wore black cloaks. Under them were black dresses. Renee lead them as they walked toward me. Renee in front of the two girl who kept to her side. They stopped in front of me.
"You'll get one chance." Renee said blankly.
"Only one." Stephanie empathizing Renee's words.
"You hurt one of us, you hurt us all." Ivy said pointing to all three of them.
"What?" I asked. I wasn't understanding the riddle the girls had given me.
"You can only choose one of us. If you loose that one that's the end." Renee said as if she was a zombie.
"I don't understand!" I said sadly.
"If you hurt one you hurt us all." Ivy, and Stephanie said as they faded into nothing like Ashley had once in my dear.
"You can't hurt those you love." Renee said as she began to fade away.

My eyes shot open. I could hear Stephanie pacing back and forth in front of me.
"Your humanness is starting to annoy me, Josh." She said coldly noticing I had awoken. "We should change that." She smiled at me. I could see her fangs glitter in what little light the tree's couldn't filter out.
"I don't want to be your fledgling, Stephanie. I hope to one day be Renee's!" I snapped. She shrugged, and looked at me angrily.
"Belonging to that line of vampires is dangerous. Kayla being a tracker, could sense your aura from anywhere." Stephanie said childlike. I nodded.
"I know." I said hoping to sound tough.
"I bet you do." She growled as she grabbed my hand, and pulled me to my feet. She was much stronger than I thought her frail body could be.
"Where to now?" I asked ignoring her last comment.
"To Renee, where else?" She asked skeptically. We started to walk. I had so many questions for her, but I couldn't just blurt them out. I took a deep breath, gathering the nerve to speak up.
"What's she like?" I asked her. Stephanie stopped, and turned around. A look of sourness showed on her features. I hadn't noticed it before or maybe it had never been there till now.
"She's... different," She said. "Nothing like the rest of us. She has this energy around her aura. When you see her you'll feel it." Stephanie said bitterly. By the bitterness I knew she didn't want to talk. I realized the time for talking was over. I slouched as I walked behind her. I might not get another chance like this again.
I wonder if Stephanie, and Renee were still friends. I listened to the forest. Ahead was a small creek. I heard the wind russel the leaves.
"She'll be coming here soon." Stephanie said as she sat down.
"Why would she come here?" I asked.
"She'll be heading to The Cut head quarters.
"Oh, why the creek?" I asked.
"Enough questions!" Stephanie snapped. She seemed angry. I sat down beside her. My head began to spin. Her mood swings were very annoying. I put my head in my hands. I looked up. Stephanie was sleeping. I knew it. I got up, and paced a few moments. After a hour stephanie began to stir. She jolted to her feet.
"Do you feel that?" She asked. I shook my head. I could feel aura's like the other vampires. I just new if someone was close. I didn't feel anything. Suddenly, something hit me in the back of my head. I fell to the floor. The ground was hard, and cold. My eyes rolled in the back of my head. I looked up at my attacker.
She had dark brown hair, and dark eyes. Almost black. I thought It might have been Renee but soon I realized she was wearing a cloak. It was Ivy. I inhaled deeply. My head hurt. My hand flew to where my head had hit the ground it was bloody. Ivy bent over me
"Hello." Ivy growled. She smiled so I could her fangs. She was close enough for me to feel her breath on my neck. "I know you. Your that boy... Josh." Ivy said. I thought she was going to kill me. I could see her fangs reacting to the smell of my blood in the air. I gulped; I could hear the blood pounding in my head.
"Today, you will live, Josh. Don't get in my way again." She hisses in my face. I could smell her breath. She had been hunting. Her breath smelled of fresh blood, and wine. She stood up right, and grabbed my hand. She yanked me to my feet.
"Get walking!" She commanded. When I didn't start she gave me a hard push. I fell to the floor. Dirt flew into my mouth. I coughed trying to get it out of my mouth. I started to choked as I tried. She kicked me in my ribs. The air forced out of my lungs. I gasped to get the oxygen back into my system.
"Consider it my warning." Ivy growled. She walked away. As I lay there in the dirt I started to wonder why she hadn't killed me. I clutched at my ribs as I tried to get to my feet. I couldn't I felt too much pain, too much fear, and too much worry. What if Ivy came back to finish me off? What if I was left here to die?
I finally regained enough strength to get up. I leaned against a tree. I felt sleep over whelm me. Sleep was the best way to heal. I slumped down to the floor and drifted off to sleep.

The dream began weird. I was in a dark room.
"Run!"A voice hisses.
"Run? Why?" I asked.
"Just run!" The voice said angrily. I did as it said. I began to run. I hit a wall head on. I crashed, and landed on the floor. I heard a group of girls laughing. I rolled my eyes as I got off the floor.
"Priceless." Renee said. I was happy even if she had laughed at me. I was glad to have her back in my dreams.
"It's good to see you again." I said as she faded into view. She smile at me.
"Long time no see." She said as she walked up to me till she was a few inches away. I took a deep breath she smelled like black roses, and sweet blood. I'd never smell something so sweet.
"Josh?" She said startled.
"What?" I asked curiously.
"Time to get up." She said gently. I shook my head.
"Why?" I
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